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“Comfortim Olketa wea Sorre”

“Comfortim Olketa wea Sorre”

“Comfortim Olketa wea Sorre”

“Jehovah markem mi . . . for comfortim olketa wea sorre.”—ISA. 61:1, 2.

1. Wanem nao Jesus duim for helpem olketa wea sorre, and why nao olsem?

 JESUS CHRIST sei: “Kaikai bilong mi hem for duim waka wea man wea sendem mi kam hem laekem mi for duim and for finisim datfala waka.” (John 4:34) Jehovah givim waka long Jesus and taem Jesus duim datwan, hem showimaot hem lovem pipol olsem Dadi bilong hem. (1 John 4:7-10) Aposol Paul storyim wei wea Jehovah showimaot love. Hem sei Jehovah hem “God wea givim iumi comfort wea iumi needim.” (2 Cor. 1:3) Jesus comfortim pipol tu taem hem duim ministry, olsem Isaiah profesi abaotem. (Readim Isaiah 61:1, 2.) Jesus sei samting wea hem duim nao mekem datfala profesi for kamap tru. (Luke 4:16-21) Taem Jesus duim ministry, hem comfortim and encouragem pipol wea sorre.

2, 3. Why nao olketa Christian need for comfortim pipol?

2 Evri Christian need for followim wei bilong Jesus for comfortim pipol wea sorre. (1 Cor. 11:1) Paul sei: “Gohed for encouragem and strongim narawan.” (1 Thess. 5:11) From iumi stap long taem wea “evri samting hem hard tumas,” pipol needim samwan for comfortim olketa. (2 Tim. 3:1) Staka gud pipol needim comfort bikos narawan talem or duim nogud samting wea mekem olketa safa and sorre.

3 Bible sei long olketa last day plande pipol bae “tingim olketa seleva nomoa, lovem selen, tok praod, mekhae long olketa seleva, tok spoelem God and man, and no obeyim mami and dadi. Olketa bae no savve tinghae, bae no faithful, no garem love insaed long famili, and no willing for agree. Olketa bae laea for spoelem narawan, no savve kontrolem seleva, raf, and no lovem gud samting. Olketa bae spoelem fren bilong olketa, bighed, and praod tumas. Olketa bae no lovem God, bat bae interest nomoa for enjoyim seleva.” Bible talem tu wei bilong olketa nogud pipol “bae worse moa.”—2 Tim. 3:2-4, 13.

4. Hao nao living long world distaem?

4 Iumi no seke long diswan bikos Bible talem finis “full world hem stap long paoa bilong Satan.” (1 John 5:19) Disfala toktok “full world” hem minim evri gavman, religion, bisnis, and olketa laea idea wea Satan iusim for mekem pipol bilivim hem. Dastawe Bible sei Satan hem “rulim disfala world” and “god bilong disfala world.” (John 14:30; 2 Cor. 4:4) Living long world distaem hem nogud tumas bikos Satan kros fogud and hem savve hem garem lelebet taem nomoa. (Rev. 12:12) Iumi hapi tumas bikos klosap nao God bae finisim world bilong Satan and no letem Satan gohed for spoelem iumi. Long datfala taem, pipol bae luksavve Jehovah nomoa fit for rul!—Gen., chapter 3; Job, chapter 2.

Pipol Bilong God Preachim Gud Nius Long Full World

5. Wanem profesi nao kamap tru distaem?

5 Jesus sei: “Olketa disaepol bilong mi bae talemaot disfala gud nius abaotem Kingdom long evri ples long world mekem pipol long evri kantri mas herem. Bihaen datwan nao, world bae finis.” (Matt. 24:14) Pipol bilong Jehovah duim datwan evriwea long world. Samting olsem 107,000 kongregeson nao stap long world and winim 7,500,000 Witness preachim gud nius abaotem Kingdom and teachim pipol olsem Jesus duim. (Matt. 4:17) Datfala message wea olketa talemaot comfortim staka pipol wea sorre. Long tufala year wea go pas, 570,601 nao baptaes and kamap Olketa Jehovah’s Witness!

6. Wanem nao tingting bilong iu abaotem gud samting wea kamaot from preaching waka?

6 Distaem Olketa Jehovah’s Witness transleitim and givimaot olketa buk long winim 500 languis. No eni nara organization duim bigfala waka olsem! Nomata pipol bilong Jehovah stap long world wea Satan rulim, olketa busy for duim datfala waka and staka pipol kam insaed long truth. Datwan happen bikos Jehovah givim holy spirit for helpem pipol bilong hem. From iumi preachim gud nius abaotem Kingdom long full world, staka pipol herem and acceptim datwan. Datfala message comfortim olketa and iumi tu.

Olketa Brata and Sista Savve Comfortim Iumi

7. (a) Why nao Jehovah no finisim evri samting wea mekem iumi sorre distaem? (b) Wanem nao bae helpem iumi for no givap taem iumi safa?

7 From iumi stap long world wea nogud tumas, iumi evriwan bae safa. Iumi shud no tingse God bae finisim evri samting wea mekem iumi sorre distaem. Hem bae duim datwan long future taem hem finisim nogud pipol. Bat go kasem datfala taem, pipol bae spoelem iumi bikos olketa laekem iumi for no faithful long Jehovah and no sapotim rul bilong hem. (2 Tim. 3:12) Nomata olsem, Jehovah savve comfortim and helpem iumi. Iumi savve followim example bilong olketa anointed Christian long Thessalonica bifor. Nomata pipol spoelem olketa and olketa safa long olketa hard taem, olketa garem faith and no givap.—Readim 2 Thessalonians 1:3-5.

8. Wanem nao Bible talem wea showimaot Jehovah comfortim pipol bilong hem?

8 Jehovah evritaem comfortim olketa wea worshipim hem. Olsem example, taem Queen Jezebel laek killim dae profet Elijah, Elijah fraet and ranawe. Hem sei hem laek dae nomoa. Jehovah no tok strong long Elijah bat hem comfortim and strongim hem for gohed duim waka bilong hem. (1 Ki. 19:1-21) Jehovah comfortim tu olketa disaepol long first century. Olsem example, Bible sei “long datfala taem olketa disaepol long Judea, Galilee, and Samaria stap gud and no eniwan againstim olketa. Faith bilong olketa kamap strong. Namba bilong olketa disaepol kamap staka bikos olketa obeyim Jehovah and holy spirit hem mekem olketa strong.” (Acts 9:31) Iumi hapi tumas Jehovah givim holy spirit for strongim iumi tu!

9. Why nao wei for lane abaotem Jesus strongim iumi?

9 Taem iumi lane abaotem Jesus Christ and followim wei bilong hem, datwan strongim iumi. Jesus sei: “Kam long mi, iufala wea waka hard and wea karem hevi samting, mekem mi savve strongim iufala. Iufala waka witim mi and lane from mi, bikos mi no savve raf and mi hambol. Wei for duim olsem bae strongim iufala. Bae hem no hard for iufala waka witim mi, and iufala savve karem samting wea mi askem iufala for karem.” (Matt. 11:28-30) Tru tumas, Jesus kaen and lovem pipol. So taem iumi followim wei bilong hem, datwan savve helpem iumi taem iumi kasem hevi.

10, 11. Hu long kongregeson nao savve givim comfort?

10 Olketa brata and sista long kongregeson savve comfortim iumi tu. Tingim wanem olketa elder savve duim for helpem man wea kasem hard taem. James sei: “Waswe, eniwan long iufala hem sik [no garem strongfala faith]? Hem mas askem olketa elder long kongregeson for helpem hem. Olketa mas prea for hem.” Wanem gud samting nao bae hem kasem? James sei: “Datfala prea wea olketa talem from olketa garem faith bae mekem datfala man wea sik hem gud bak, and Jehovah bae mekem hem strong. And tu, God bae forgivim eni sin wea hem duim finis.” (Jas. 5:14, 15) Bat hem no olketa elder nomoa wea savve comfortim iumi.

11 Taem olketa woman kasem problem, plande taem olketa laek storyim datwan witim olketa nara woman. Olketa olo and mature sista savve givim gudfala advaes for olketa young sista bikos olketa tu maet kasem sem samting. Taem olketa mature sista tingim and lisin long olketa young sista, datwan savve barava helpem olketa. (Readim Titus 2:3-5.) Bat hem important tu for olketa elder and olketa narawan “comfortim olketa wea sorre.” (1 Thess. 5:14, 15) And hem gud for tingim God savve comfortim iumi “long eni hard taem wea iumi kasem.” From God duim olsem, “iumi tu savve comfortim olketa narawan wea kasem hard taem.”—2 Cor. 1:4.

12. Why nao hem important for go long olketa meeting?

12 Nara samting wea savve comfortim iumi hem for go long olketa kongregeson meeting. Samting wea iumi herem from Bible savve encouragem iumi. Bible sei Judas and Silas “talem plande samting long olketa brata for helpem and strongim olketa.” (Acts 15:32) Iumi savve encouragem olketa brata and sista bifor meeting hem start and bihaen meeting tu. So hem gud for stap witim olketa brata and sista taem iumi garem problem winim wei for stap seleva. Wei for stap seleva savve mekem problem worse go moa. (Prov. 18:1) Aposol Paul sei: “Iumi mas barava tingim narawan mekem iumi savve encouragem olketa for showimaot love and duim olketa gudfala samting. No misstim wei for hipap tugeta olsem samfala savve duim, bat encouragem narawan and gohed for duim datwan moa taem iufala lukim datfala day hem kakam klosap.”—Heb. 10:24, 25.

Bible Savve Comfortim Iumi

13, 14. Long wanem wei nao Bible savve comfortim iumi?

13 Iumi evriwan savve kasem comfort from Bible nomata iumi baptaes finis or start for lane abaotem God and plan bilong hem. Paul sei: “Evri samting wea olketa raetem bifor hem for teachim iumi. Hem givim iumi hope bikos olketa Holy Raeting hia helpem iumi for no givap and givim iumi comfort.” (Rom. 15:4) Bible savve comfortim iumi and mekem iumi “fit and redi for duim evri gudfala waka.” (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) Taem iumi readim and studyim Bible and olketa buk bilong iumi, iumi bae lanem tru samting abaotem plan bilong God and garem nambawan hope for future. Datwan bae comfortim iumi and mekem iumi kasem olketa gud samting.

14 Jesus showimaot gudfala example for iumi. Hem iusim Bible for teachim and comfortim narawan. Bihaen Jesus laef bak, hem meetim tufala disaepol bilong hem. Hem ‘minim olketa Holy Raeting’ long tufala and datwan barava comfortim tufala. (Luke 24:32) Aposol Paul followim gudfala example bilong Jesus for iusim ‘olketa Holy Raeting for story witim pipol.’ Olketa long Beroea wea lisin long hem “willing for herem message bilong God and evriday olketa lukluk gud long olketa Holy Raeting.” (Acts 17:2, 10, 11) World distaem hem nogud tumas dastawe hem important for readim Bible evriday! Wei for readim Bible and olketa buk bilong iumi savve helpem and comfortim iumi and givim iumi hope.

Nara Samting wea Iumi Savve Duim for Comfortim Narawan

15, 16. Wanem nao iumi savve duim for helpem and comfortim olketa brata and sista?

15 Iumi savve helpem and comfortim olketa brata and sista long plande difren wei. Olsem example, iumi savve kukim kaikai for olketa wea olo or sik. Iumi savve helpem olketa brata and sista for duim samfala waka long haos. Datwan showimaot iumi tingim olketa. (Phil. 2:4) Iumi savve talem olketa brata and sista iumi tinghae long wei wea olketa showimaot love, faith, and no fraet.

16 Wanfala samting wea iumi savve duim for comfortim olketa olo brata and sista hem for visitim olketa. Iumi savve lisin taem olketa storyim olketa experience and gud samting wea olketa kasem from olketa worshipim Jehovah. Datwan savve encouragem and comfortim iumi tu! Taem iumi visitim samwan, iumi savve readim Bible or olketa buk bilong iumi witim hem. Or iumi savve preparem Wastaoa or buk for studyim long Kongregeson Bible Study. Maet iumi savve lukim wanfala DVD bilong Society witim hem, or readim or storyim samfala naes experience long olketa buk bilong iumi.

17, 18. Why nao iumi savve Jehovah bae helpem and comfortim olketa wea faithful?

17 Sapos iumi luksavve wanfala brata or sista needim comfort, iumi savve prea for hem. (Rom. 15:30; Col. 4:12) Taem iumi kasem hard taem or iumi laek for comfortim narawan, iumi savve trustim God olsem David duim. Hem sei: “Putim evri hevi bilong iu long hand bilong Jehovah, and hem nao bae strongim iu. Hem bae no letem gudfala man for seksek.” (Ps. 55:22) Jehovah evritaem comfortim and helpem olketa wea faithful long hem.

18 Jehovah sei olsem long pipol bilong hem bifor: “Mi nao comfortim iufala.” (Isa. 51:12) Jehovah bae duim sem samting for iumi tu and hem bae blessim iumi taem iumi duim samting for comfortim narawan. So nomata iumi garem hope for go long heven or stap long earth, iumi evriwan savve kasem comfort from wanem Paul talem long olketa anointed Christian long first century. Hem sei: “God wea hem Dadi bilong iumi hem lovem iumi, and from hem kaen tumas hem comfortim iumi for olowe and givim iumi hope. Mifala prea for hem and Lord bilong iumi Jesus Christ comfortim iufala and strongim iufala mekem iufala evritaem duim and talem samting wea gud.”—2 Thess. 2:16, 17.

Waswe, Iu Tingim Yet?

• Wanem gud samting nao kamaot from preaching waka?

• Wanem nao iumi savve duim for comfortim narawan?

• Wanem nao Bible talem wea showimaot Jehovah comfortim pipol bilong hem?

[Olketa Kwestin]

[Piksa long page 28]

Iu savve comfortim olketa wea sorre taem iu preach

[Piksa long page 30]

Olketa wea young and olo savve encouragem narawan