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Kwestin From Reader

Kwestin From Reader

Kwestin From Reader

Wanem nao mi shud duim sapos mi garem kwestin long samting wea mi readim long Bible or mi garem problem and needim advaes?

Hem important for garem wei for minim samting and fasin for luksavve. Proverbs 2:1-5 encouragem iumi for “gohed lukaotem” datwan olsem iumi lukaotem “riches wea haed.” Diswan minim iumi mas traem best for faendem ansa for olketa Bible kwestin and advaes for olketa problem wea iumi garem. Hao nao iumi savve duim datwan?

Disfala buk Kasem Gud Samting From Theocratic Ministry Skul Education page 33 go kasem 38 storyim “Hao for Duim Research.” Hem storyim olketa buk wea “wakaman wea faithful and wise” givim for helpem iumi duim research. (Matt. 24:45) Long page 36 hem explainim hao for iusim Watch Tower Publications Index. Hem garem subject index and scripture index. Hem garem olketa main word and scripture wea bae helpem iumi faendem ansa wea stap long olketa buk bilong iumi. And tu, evri year long December study magasin, iumi garem Subject Index. Iumi mas patient taem iumi lukaotem ansa or advaes wea iumi needim. Iumi mas iusim taem and duim best bilong iumi for lukaotem “riches wea haed.”

Bat olketa buk bilong iumi no explainim samfala subject and scripture. Nomata sapos olketa buk hia storyim wanfala scripture, maet hem no ansarem evri kwestin wea iumi garem. And samfala story wea iumi readim long Bible maet mekem iumi garem samfala kwestin bikos Bible no explainim evri samting. Dastawe iumi no savve kasem ansa for evri kwestin wea iumi garem. Taem datwan happen, iumi shud no guessim ansa long samting wea hem hard for iumi savve long ansa. Iumi shud no storyim samting wea bae “mekem pipol garem staka kwestin nomoa, and olketa no kasem eni samting from God for strongim faith bilong olketa.” (1 Tim. 1:4; 2 Tim. 2:23; Titus 3:9) Olketa brata wea waka long branch office and world headquarter no fit for ansarem evri kwestin wea iumi tingim wea olketa no raetem insaed long olketa buk bilong iumi. Nomata olsem, iumi kasem information long Bible wea savve helpem iumi long laef. And nomata iumi no minim evri samting, datwan givim iumi chance for showimaot faith long Jehovah and trustim wanem Bible talem.—Lukim buk Kam Klos Long Jehovah page 185 go kasem 187.

Sapos iu lukaotem advaes for problem wea iu garem bat iu no faendem ansa for datwan, wanem nao iu savve duim? Iu savve story witim wanfala mature Christian or elder. Olketa savve gud long Bible and worshipim Jehovah for staka year finis. Sapos iu garem problem or need for disaedem samting, olketa savve helpem iu bikos olketa savve gud long iu and samting wea kasem iu. And no forget for prea long Jehovah abaotem samting wea iu wari abaotem and askem hem for givim holy spirit for helpem iu garem gudfala tingting. Bible sei “Jehovah givim wisdom . . . and fasin for luksavve.”—Prov. 2:6; Luke 11:13.