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Waswe, Olketa Ansa Hem Important?

Waswe, Olketa Ansa Hem Important?

Waswe, Olketa Ansa Hem Important?

“Iufala bae savve long samting wea tru, and datwan bae mekem iufala free.”—JOHN 8:32.

INSAED long Bible iumi savve lukim tru samting abaotem Jesus wea savve mekem iumi free from olketa laea teaching abaotem Jesus. Bat waswe, samting wea iumi bilivim abaotem Jesus hem important? Ia, hem important. Hem important long Jehovah and Jesus. And hem shud important long iumi tu.

Why nao hem important long Jehovah? Hem bikos “God hem love.” (1 John 4:8) Jehovah hem laekem iumi hapi for olowe. Jesus sei: “God barava lovem tumas pipol long world dastawe hem givim kam spesol Son bilong hem, mekem evriwan wea showimaot faith long hem . . . kasem laef olowe.” (John 3:16) God sendem Son bilong hem for sevem iumi and givim iumi chance for laef olowe long Paradaes long earth, wea hem nao plan bilong Hem for disfala earth. (Genesis 1:28) God laekem tumas for givim datfala present for laef olowe long olketa wea lanem tru samting abaotem Son bilong hem and wea duim samting followim datwan.—Rome 6:23.

Why nao hem important long Jesus? Jesus tu hem lovem olketa pipol. From Jesus lovem iumi, hem willing for dae for iumi. (John 15:13) Jesus savve hem mas dae mekem iumi kasem laef. (John 14:6) Jesus laekem tumas for lukim staka pipol kasem gud samting from dae bilong hem. Dastawe, hem talem olketa follower bilong hem for teachim pipol long evri ples long world abaotem samting wea God laekem and plan bilong God.—Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20.

Why nao hem shud important long iumi? Tingim olketa samting wea important long iu, olsem health bilong iu and famili bilong iu. Waswe, iu barava laekem tumas for iu and olketa wea iu lovem for stap healthy and stap gud? From samting wea Jesus hem duim, Jehovah givim iu and olketa wea iu lovem chance for stap healthy and for laef olowe, wea minim man bae no feel pain and no safa nao. (Psalm 37:11, 29; Revelation 21:3, 4) Waswe, iu laek for garem kaen laef olsem? Sapos olsem, iu need for duim samting.

Lukim moa John 8:32 wea stap antap wea sei: “Iufala bae savve long samting wea tru, and datwan bae mekem iufala free.” Tru samting wea Bible talem abaotem Jesus and waka wea hem duim for mekem plan bilong God kamap tru, savve mekem iumi free from sin and dae. Bat for iumi kamap free, iumi need for “savve long samting wea tru.” Hem gud for iu lanem moa samting abaotem diswan, and wanem iu and olketa wea iu lovem savve duim for kasem gud samting from diswan. Olketa Jehovah’s Witness bae hapi for helpem iu.