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Why Nao Jesus Safa and Dae?

Why Nao Jesus Safa and Dae?

“Sin hem kasem evriwan long world bikos long wanfala man [Adam] nomoa. From olketa sin, olketa dae.”—Rome 5:12

Wanem nao bae iu talem sapos samwan askem iu, “Waswe, iu laek for gohed laef for olowe?” Maet staka pipol bae sei olketa laekem, bat maet olketa tingse datwan bae hard for happen. Olketa tingse man wea laef bae gogo hem dae nao.

Bat hao sapos samwan askem iu, “Waswe iu laek for dae tuday?” Klosap evriwan bae sei olketa no laek for dae. Diswan showimaot nomata pipol kasem nogud samting hem normal samting for pipol laek for gohed laef. Bible storyim wei wea God wakem iumi for garem feeling for laek for gohed laef olowe.—Ecclesiastes 3:11.

Nomata olsem, olketa man no gohed laef olowe. Why nao olsem? Waswe, God duim eni samting wea bae mekem iumi for kasem laef olowe? Wanem Bible talem abaotem diswan savve encouragem iumi and hem helpem iumi for minim why Jesus safa and dae.


Long Genesis chapter 1 go kasem chapter 3 hem storyim plan bilong God for Adam and Eve hem for tufala laef olowe, and hem storyim wanem tufala mas duim mekem tufala kasem datwan. Hem storyim tu wei wea tufala no obeyim God and lusim datfala chance for laef olowe. Thrifala chapter hia no storyim staka samting abaotem datfala taem, and datwan mekem samfala tingse datfala story hem no tru. Bat olsem wanem olketa raetem long olketa Gospel hem tru, olketa samting wea buk bilong Genesis storyim hem tru tu. *

Wanem nao kamaot from wei wea Adam no obeyim God? Bible hem sei: “Sin hem kasem evriwan long world bikos long wanfala man [Adam] nomoa. From olketa sin, olketa dae, dastawe evriwan dae bikos evriwan sin.” (Rome 5:12) Adam hem sin taem hem no obeyim God. Hem lusim datfala chance for laef olowe and gogo hem dae. From iumi kam from laen bilong Adam iumi savve sik, olo and dae. Bat waswe, God duim eni samting wea bae mekem iumi for kasem laef olowe?


God hem mekem plan for baem bak wanem Adam hem lusim, wea hem nao laef olowe. So wanem nao God hem duim?

Long Rome 6:23 hem sei “pei wea sin givim hem dae.” From Adam hem sin hem dae. So from iumi sin, iumi tu bae dae. Bat iumi kasem sin from iumi kam from laen bilong Adam, no from iumi disaed for sin. Dastawe God sendem kam Son bilong hem Jesus for peim sin bilong iumi. Why nao iumi sei dae bilong Jesus savve peim sin bilong iumi?

Dae bilong Jesus mekem iumi garem chance for laef olowe

From Adam, wea hem wanfala perfect man, hem no obeyim God, iumi sin and dae, so wanfala man wea perfect tu mas dae for peim sin bilong iumi. Bible hem sei olsem: “From wanfala man no obeyim God, diswan mekem staka pipol sin. Olsem tu, from wanfala man hem obeyim God, diswan bae mekem staka pipol raeteous.” (Rome 5:19) Jesus nao datfala ‘man wea obeyim God.’ Hem lusim heven and hem kamap wanfala man long earth wea perfect *, and gogo hem dae for iumi. From datwan, iumi fit for fren witim God and for kasem laef olowe long future.


Bat why nao Jesus mas dae for peim sin bilong iumi? God hem fit for panisim Adam nomoa, and letem iumi wea kam from laen bilong Adam for laef olowe. Why nao God no duim datwan? Sapos hem duim olsem, datwan bae minim hem no followim datfala law wea sei pei wea sin givim hem dae. God bae hard for changem datfala law for fitim hemseleva bikos hem no savve duim samting wea no stret.—Psalm 37:28.

Sapos God no followim wanem hemseleva talem, pipol maet kwestinim olketa nara samting wea hem talem. Olsem example, maet samfala wari nogud God chusim samfala wea hem laekem nomoa for kasem laef olowe. Or maet samfala tingse hem hard for trustim God for duim eni samting wea hem sei hem bae duim. Bat from God hem followim wanem hemseleva talem, iumi savve trustim hem for evritaem duim stret samting.

From God letem Jesus for dae for iumi, datwan givim iumi chance for laef olowe long Paradaes long earth. Long John 3:16 Jesus sei olsem: “God barava lovem tumas pipol long world dastawe hem givim kam spesol Son bilong hem, mekem evriwan wea showimaot faith long hem no dae bat kasem laef olowe.” Wei wea God letem Jesus for dae for iumi, hem showimaot God evritaem duim stret samting, and tu, hem showimaot hem barava lovem iumi.

Bat olsem olketa Gospel storyim, why nao Jesus hem mas barava safa bifor hem dae? Wei wea Jesus hem faithful go kasem taem hem dae, pruvim Satan hem laea taem hem sei no eni man bae faithful long God taem hem kasem test. (Job 2:4, 5) Maet taem datfala perfect man Adam hem sin hem luk olsem wanem Satan talem hem tru. Bat Jesus wea hem wanfala perfect man olsem Adam hem gohed faithful nomata hem mas safa and dae. (1 Corinth 15:45) Datwan pruvim tu sapos Adam laek for obeyim God, hem fit for duim olsem. Wei wea Jesus hem gohed faithful taem hem kasem test hem gudfala example for iumi followim. (1 Peter 2:21) From Jesus hem obeyim God, God rewardim hem witim laef olowe long heven.


Wanem Bible talem abaotem Jesus and dae bilong hem, hem tru. Datwan mekem iumi garem chance for laef olowe. Waswe, iu laek for kasem laef olowe? Jesus hem storyim wanem iumi mas duim for kasem datwan. Hem sei: “For olketa kasem laef olowe, olketa mas lane abaotem iu, wea iu nomoa trufala God, and lane abaotem Jesus Christ, wea iu sendem kam.”—John 17:3.

Mifala Olketa Jehovah’s Witness encouragem iu for lanem moa samting abaotem Jehovah, datfala tru God, and Son bilong hem, Jesus Christ. Olketa Witness wea stap long ples bilong iu bae hapi for helpem iu. And tu, iu savve go long website bilong mifala,, for kasem moa information.

^ par. 8 Lukim “The Historical Character of Genesis,” long Volume 1, page 922 long datfala buk Insight on the Scriptures, wea Olketa Jehovah’s Witness pablisim.

^ par. 13 Holy spirit bilong God protectim Jesus for no kasem sin bilong Mary, nomata hem born from Mary wea hem no perfect.—Luke 1:31, 35.