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Hem Stret for Christian Celebratem Christmas?

Hem Stret for Christian Celebratem Christmas?

Staka million pipol evriwea long world tingse Christmas hem birthday bilong Jesus Christ. Bat waswe, iu savve sapos olketa Christian long first century, olketa fren, and famili bilong Jesus celebratem Christmas? And waswe, iu savve long wanem Bible talem abaotem olketa birthday? Taem iumi kasem ansa for olketa kwestin hia, bae iumi savve sapos hem fitim for olketa Christian celebratem Christmas or nomoa.

First samting, Bible nating storyim Jesus or eni narawan wea worshipim God olketa celebratem birthday bilong olketa. Bible story abaotem birthday party bilong tufala man nomoa. Tufala man hia no worshipim Jehovah God and olketa barava nogud samting nao happen long tufala party hia. (Genesis 40:20; Mark 6:21) Datfala Encyclopædia Britannica hem sei olketa Christian long first century no “celebratem birthday bikos hem kastom bilong pipol wea no worshipim God.”

Wanem nao date wea Jesus born?

Bible no talem date wea Jesus hem born. Datfala buk McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia sei: “Hard for man faendem date wea Christ hem born long N[ew] T[estament] or long eni nara buk.” Sapos Jesus laekem olketa follower bilong hem for celebratem birthday bilong hem, bae hem talem stret long olketa date wea hem born.

Mek-tu samting, Bible nating storyim Jesus or eni disaepol bilong hem celebratem Christmas. Datfala New Catholic Encyclopedia sei firstfala record abaotem pipol wea celebratem Christmas hem insaed manuscript wea “Philocalus raetem, wea nem bilong hem Chronograph. Disfala man raetem diswan long Rome long year 336 [C.E.].” So, pipol start for celebratem Christmas staka year bihaen olketa finis for raetem Bible and samfala handred year bihaen Jesus kam long earth. Dastawe, datfala buk McClintock and Strong sei: “God no askem iumi for celebratem Christmas and N[ew] T[estament] no story abaotem datwan.” *

Wanem celebration nao Jesus talem olketa disaepol for keepim?

Jesus, wea hem datfala Nambawan Teacher, hem talem stret wanem hem laekem olketa follower bilong hem for duim, and Bible storyim olketa samting hia. Bat Jesus no talem olketa for celebratem Christmas. Olsem wanfala skulteacher laekem olketa student for followim nomoa instruction wea hem talem, Jesus tu laekem olketa follower bilong hem for “followim nomoa samting wea olketa raetem finis” insaed Bible.—1 Corinth 4:6.

Bat wanfala important samting wea Jesus talem olketa Christian long first century for duim, hem nao for celebratem Memorial bilong dae bilong hem. Jesus talem olketa disaepol date wea olketa shud celebratem diswan and showim olketa hao for duim. Bible storyim olketa instruction hia, and tu, date wea Jesus dae.—Luke 22:19; 1 Corinth 11:25.

Olsem iumi storyim long disfala article, Christmas hem taem wea pipol sei hem birthday bilong Jesus, bat olketa Christian long first century no keepim datwan. And tu, Bible nating storyim Jesus or eni nara Christian wea hem celebratem Christmas. From diswan, staka million Christian raonem full world luksavve olketa shud no celebratem Christmas.

^ par. 6 For savve moa abaotem evri samting wea join witim wei for celebratem Christmas, lukim article wea garem title “Our Readers Ask . . . What Are the Facts About Christmas?” long The Watchtower bilong December 1, 2014, wea stap tu long