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“Trust Long Jehovah and Duim Gudfala Samting”

“Trust Long Jehovah and Duim Gudfala Samting”

“Trust long Jehovah and duim gudfala samting, . . . and gohed faithful.”—PS. 37:3.

SONG: 133, 63

1. Wanem nao olketa spesol samting wea Jehovah givim long iumi taem hem wakem iumi?

JEHOVAH wakem iumi olketa man long barava spesol wei. Hem wakem iumi long wei wea iumi savve ting raonem samting, wea diswan helpem iumi for stretem olketa problem and for plan for future. (Prov. 2:11) Hem givim iumi paoa wea mekem iumi fit for duim wanem iumi plan for duim and kasem goal bilong iumi. (Phil. 2:13) Hem givim iumi tu wanfala konsens, wea diswan hem helpem iumi for luksavve long samting wea stret and samting wea no stret. Konsens bilong iumi hem helpem iumi for stap klia long wei for duim sin, and for stretem rong wea iumi duim.—Rome 2:15.

2. Wanem nao Jehovah expectim iumi for duim?

2 Jehovah expectim iumi for iusim wanem hem givim long iumi for duim olketa gudfala samting. Why nao olsem? Hem lovem iumi and hem savve sapos iumi duim olketa gudfala samting, bae iumi hapi. Olsem example, olketa Hebrew Scripture sei: “Olketa plan bilong man wea waka hard and wea tingting gud firstaem bae win,” and ‘iumi mas waka hard long evri samting wea iumi duim.’ (Prov. 21:5; Eccl. 9:10) Long olketa Greek Scripture hem sei: “Iumi mas duim gudfala samting long evriwan taem iumi garem chance for duim olsem,” and ‘God givim iumi evriwan savve for duim olketa difren kaen spesol waka. So iumi mas iusim datwan for helpem narawan.’ (Gal. 6:10; 1 Pet. 4:10) Tru nao, Jehovah laekem iumi for duim olketa gudfala samting wea bae helpem iumi and olketa narawan.

3. Wanem nao iumi olketa man no fit for duim?

3 Jehovah savve iumi olketa man no fit for duim samfala samting. Olsem example, iumi no fit for finisim wei for no perfect, sin, and dae. (1 Ki. 8:46) And tu, iumi no fit for kontrolem nara pipol, bikos evriwan free for disaed seleva. And nomata iumi garem bigfala savve, savve bilong iumi bae no kasem savve bilong Jehovah.—Isa. 55:9.

Taem iu kasem hard taem, “trust long Jehovah and duim gudfala samting”

4. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim long disfala study?

4 Iumi shud evritaem followim wanem Jehovah talem, and trustim hem for sapotim iumi and for hem nao duim wanem iumi no fit for duim. Nomata olsem, Jehovah laekem iumi for duim wanem iumi fit for duim for stretem eni problem wea kasem iumi, and for helpem olketa narawan. (Readim Psalm 37:3.) So iumi mas “trust long Jehovah,” and tu, iumi mas “duim gudfala samting.” Iumi mas “gohed faithful” long wanem iumi duim. Hao nao iumi savve duim diswan? Bae iumi storyim example bilong Noah, David, and olketa narawan wea faithful long Jehovah and wea trustim hem. Bae iumi lane abaotem olketa samting wea olketa no fit for duim and olketa samting wea olketa fit for duim.


5. Hao nao pipol long taem bilong Noah?

5 Noah stap long world wea “fulap witim pipol wea raf” and wea duim olketa barava nogud samting. (Gen. 6:4, 9-13) Nomata Noah savve bae gogo Jehovah finisim datfala nogud world, masbi Noah barava feel nogud long olketa samting wea pipol duim long datfala taem. Nomata olsem, Noah luksavve hem no fit for duim eni samting for stretem datwan, bat long semtaem hem luksavve hem fit for duim olketa nara samting.

Pipol againstim preaching waka (Paragraf 6-9 storyim diswan)

6, 7. (a) Wanem nao Noah hem no fit for stretem? (b) Wanem nao iumi no fit for duim wea semsem olsem Noah?

6 Wanem Noah hem no fit for duim: Noah hem faithful for talemaot warning bilong Jehovah long pipol, bat hem no savve forcem pipol for followim datwan. And hem no fit for mekem datfala flood kam kwiktaem tu. Noah mas trustim wei wea Jehovah bae duim wanem hem promisim for finisim datfala nogud world, and hem sure God bae duim datwan long taem wea hem markem.—Gen. 6:17.

7 Iumi tu stap long disfala world wea barava nogud, and iumi savve Jehovah promis for finisim. (1 John 2:17) Bat long distaem, iumi no savve forcem pipol for acceptim datfala “gud nius abaotem Kingdom” wea iumi storyim long olketa. And iumi no fit for mekem datfala “bigfala trabol” kam kwiktaem tu. (Matt. 24:14, 21) Olsem Noah, iumi mas garem strongfala faith, and trustim wei wea klosap nao God bae finisim disfala nogud world. (Ps. 37:10, 11) Iumi sure Jehovah bae no letem disfala nogud world for gohed bat hem bae finisim long taem wea hem markem and hem bae no leit.—Hab. 2:3.

8. Wanem nao main samting wea Noah tingim? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

8 Wanem Noah hem fit for duim: Main samting wea Noah tingim nao hem wanem hem fit for duim. Noah no letem wei wea hem no fit for stretem samfala samting for mekem hem givap. Noah hem faithful for talemaot message bilong Jehovah long pipol. (2 Pet. 2:5) Masbi disfala waka for preach nao strongim faith bilong hem. Nara samting tu, hem wakem datfala ark wea Jehovah talem hem for duim.—Readim Hebrew 11:7.

9. Wanem nao iumi savve duim for followim example bilong Noah?

9 Olsem Noah, iumi “evritaem busy long waka bilong Lord.” (1 Cor. 15:58) Olsem example, maet iumi savve help for buildim and lukaftarem olketa Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall. And tu, maet iumi savve volunteer long olketa assembly and convention, or waka long branch office, or long wanfala remote transleison office. Barava important samting nao hem for iumi busy for duim preaching waka, wea datwan savve strongim hope bilong iumi for future. Wanfala faithful sista hem sei: “Taem mi story abaotem olketa blessing wea iumi bae kasem from Kingdom bilong God, mi luksavve pipol no garem hope, and olketa tingse olketa problem bilong olketa bae no savve finis.” Tru nao, wei for duim datfala preaching waka hem strongim hope wea iumi garem and hem helpem iumi for no givap!.—1 Cor. 9:24.


10. Storyim samting wea happen long David.

10 King David hem wanfala faithful man, and Jehovah lovem hem tumas. (Acts 13:22) Nomata olsem, David hem durong witim Bath-sheba, wea datwan hem bigfala sin. And samting wea worse go moa, David mekem plan for hasband bilong Bath-sheba, Uriah, for olketa killim hem dae taem hem go long faet. Then David givim long Uriah datfala leta wea garem olketa instruction for olketa killim hem dae! (2 Sam. 11:1-21) Gogo olketa narawan savve long olketa sin bilong David. (Mark 4:22) Taem datwan happen, wanem nao David duim?

Olketa sin wea iumi duim bifor (Paragraf 11-14 storyim diswan)

11, 12. (a) Bihaen David hem sin, wanem nao hem no fit for duim? (b) Wanem nao Jehovah bae duim for iumi sapos iumi repent?

11 Wanem David hem no fit for duim: David hem no savve changem samting wea happen finis. And nogud samting wea kamaot from datfala sin bae affectim hem long full laef bilong hem. (2 Sam. 12:10-12, 14) So David needim faith. Hem mas sure taem hem barava repent, Jehovah bae forgivim hem and helpem hem for no givap taem hem kasem olketa nogud samting wea kamaot from sin bilong hem.

12 From iumi no perfect, iumi evriwan savve duim sin. Bat samfala sin wea iumi duim hem big winim olketa narawan, and samfala taem iumi no savve changem samting wea happen finis. Olsem David, maet iumi kasem olketa nogud samting wea kamaot from wanem iumi duim. (Gal. 6:7) Bat iumi barava sure taem iumi repent, God bae helpem iumi for winim hard taem wea iumi kasem, nomata olketa hard taem hia hem kamaot from wanem iumiseleva duim.—Readim Isaiah 1:18, 19; Acts 3:19.

13. Wanem nao David duim for fren bak witim Jehovah?

13 Wanem David hem fit for duim: David hem laek for duim samting for fren bak witim Jehovah. Wanem nao David duim? David letem Jehovah for helpem hem. Olsem example, taem profet bilong Jehovah, Nathan, kam for stretem hem, hem acceptim datwan. (2 Sam. 12:13) And tu, David prea long Jehovah and talemaot olketa sin bilong hem, wea datwan showimaot hem barava laek for fren bak witim Jehovah. (Ps. 51:1-17) Nomata David guilty long olketa mistek bilong hem, hem no letem datwan for spoelem hem, bat hem lane from olketa mistek bilong hem. Hem no duim moa olketa bigfala sin hia. David gohed faithful long Jehovah for staka year bihaen go kasem taem hem dae. And Jehovah ting long hem olsem man wea faithful long hem.—Heb. 11:32-34.

14. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from example bilong David?

14 Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from example bilong David? Sapos iumi duim wanfala big sin, iumi mas repent, talemaot sin bilong iumi long Jehovah, and prea long Jehovah for forgivim iumi. (1 John 1:9) And tu, iumi mas story long olketa elder, from olketa savve helpem iumi for fren bak witim Jehovah. (Readim James 5:14-16.) Taem iumi acceptim help wea iumi kasem from Jehovah, datwan showimaot iumi trustim wei wea hem promis for forgivim iumi. And tu, iumi mas lane from olketa mistek bilong iumi and gohed strong for worshipim Jehovah.—Heb. 12:12, 13.


Kasem big sik (Paragraf 15 storyim diswan)

15. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from example bilong Hannah?

15 Maet iu savve tingim samfala faithful man and woman bifor wea trustim Jehovah and duim wanem olketa fit for duim taem olketa kasem hard taem. Olsem example, firstaem Hannah hem no savve garem pikinini. Hem no savve changem datwan. Bat hem trustim wei wea Jehovah bae comfortim hem. So hem gohed go long temple for worshipim Jehovah and prea long hem, and talem Jehovah olketa feeling bilong hem. (1 Sam. 1:9-11) Datwan hem nambawan example wea iumi savve followim! Taem iumi kasem eni big sik or samfala hard taem wea iumi no fit for stretem, iumi putim evri wari bilong iumi long hand bilong Jehovah and trustim wei wea hem bae lukaftarem iumi. (1 Pet. 5:6, 7) And iumi duim wanem iumi savve duim for kasem gud samting from olketa meeting and olketa nara spiritual arrangement wea kam from organization bilong Jehovah.—Heb. 10:24, 25.

Pikinini lusim truth (Paragraf 16 storyim diswan)

16. Wanem nao olketa dadi and mami savve lanem from example bilong profet Samuel?

16 Waswe long olketa faithful dadi and mami wea pikinini bilong olketa lusim truth? Profet Samuel no savve forcem olketa boy bilong hem for gohed faithful long God. (1 Sam. 8:1-3) So hem putim evri wari bilong hem long hand bilong Jehovah. Nomata olsem, Samuel duim wanem hem fit for duim for gohed faithful long God and for mekem Dadi bilong hem long heven hem hapi. (Prov. 27:11) Distaem, staka dadi and mami kasem sem samting. Olketa olsem dadi bilong datfala olobaot son long tokpiksa bilong Jesus. Olketa trustim wei wea Jehovah redi evritaem for forgivim olketa wea duim sin and wea repent. (Luke 15:20) Long olketa taem olsem, dadi and mami savve gohed faithful long Jehovah and hope wanday gudfala example wea tufala showimaot bae helpem datfala pikinini for kam bak long Jehovah.

No garem inaf selen (Paragraf 17 storyim diswan)

17. Hao nao example bilong datfala widow woman encouragem iumi?

17 Nara example hem datfala widow woman wea poor tumas long taem bilong Jesus. (Readim Luke 21:1-4.) Hem no fit for stretem nogud samting wea gohed long temple, and hem no savve changem wei wea hem poor. (Matt. 21:12, 13) Bat from hem trustim Jehovah datwan muvim hem for sapotim tru worship. Hem willing for givim “tufala coin,” wea datwan hem evri selen wea hem garem. Samting wea datfala faithful widow woman duim showimaot hem barava trustim Jehovah. Hem savve sapos worship bilong hem for Jehovah nao hem first samting long laef bilong hem, Jehovah bae evritaem provaedem wanem hem needim. Long sem wei tu, iumi sure sapos Kingdom hem first samting long laef bilong iumi, Jehovah bae evritaem provaedem wanem iumi needim.—Matt. 6:33.

18. Storyim example bilong wanfala brata wea trust long Jehovah taem hem kasem hard taem.

18 Staka brata and sista distaem showimaot olketa trustim Jehovah taem olketa duim wanem olketa fit for duim and no tingim wanem olketa no fit for duim. Tingim wanfala brata wea nem bilong hem Malcolm, wea faithful long Jehovah go kasem taem hem dae long 2015. Insaed long plande year wea hem and waef bilong hem worshipim Jehovah, tufala kasem staka gud samting and olketa nogud samting tu. Malcolm sei: “Samfala taem samting savve happen wea iumi no expectim and laef savve hard tu. Bat Jehovah blessim olketa wea depend long hem.” Wanem advaes nao Malcolm givim? Hem sei: “Prea long Jehovah for helpem iu for busy long waka bilong hem and duim gud datwan. Tingim wanem iu fit for duim, no wanem iu no fit for duim.” *

19. (a) Why nao yeartext for 2017 hem barava fitim? (b) Hao nao bae iu followim yeartext for 2017?

19 From disfala nogud world “bae worse moa,” iumi savve olketa nogud samting wea kasem iumi bae worse go moa. (2 Tim. 3:1, 13) So hem barava important for no letem olketa hard taem wea kasem iumi for spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah. Bat iumi mas trustim Jehovah and duim wanem iumi fit for duim. Dastawe yeartext bilong iumi for 2017 hem barava fitim, wea sei: “Trust long Jehovah and duim gudfala samting”!—Ps. 37:3.

Yeartext for 2017: “Trust Long Jehovah and Duim Gudfala Samting”Psalm 37:3

^ par. 18 Lukim Wastaoa bilong October 15, 2013, page 17-20.