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“Blessed Be Your Good Sense!”

“Blessed Be Your Good Sense!”

THE above words were spoken by David of ancient Israel in praise of a woman whom he encountered. Her name was Abigail. What prompted David to praise her, and how can we benefit from her example?

David met this married woman at a time when he was fleeing from King Saul. Abigail was married to Nabal, a wealthy man who pastured his large flocks in the mountainous region of southern Judah. David and his men had been “like a protective wall” for Nabal’s shepherds and flocks. David later sent messengers to Nabal, asking for ‘whatever he could spare’ in the way of food supplies. (1 Sam. 25:8, 15, 16) That was hardly an unreasonable request, considering how David and his men had protected Nabal’s interests.

But Nabal, whose name means “Senseless” or “Stupid,” lived up to his name. He replied in a harsh and insulting way, denying David’s request. So David prepared to punish Nabal for his offensive and unreasonable response. Nabal and his household would pay for his stupidity.​—1 Sam. 25:2-13, 21, 22.

Discerning the grave consequences of the hasty action being planned, Abigail courageously intervened. She respectfully appealed to David on the basis of his relationship with Jehovah. And she provided ample food supplies to David, who would be the next king, and to his men. David, in turn, acknowledged that Jehovah had used her to restrain him from doing what would have made him guilty before God. David said to Abigail: “Blessed be your good sense! May you be blessed for restraining me this day from incurring bloodguilt.”​—1 Sam. 25:18, 19, 23-35.

We can easily see that we would never want to be like Nabal, unappreciative of good things done for us. In addition, when we see a bad situation developing, we do well to do what we can to defuse it. Yes, we can echo the sentiment of the psalmist who told God: “Teach me good sense and knowledge.”​—Ps. 119:66.

Others may note the wisdom, or good sense, in our actions. Whether they verbalize it or not, they may feel like David, who said: “Blessed be your good sense!”