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Discipline Hem Showimaot Love Bilong God

Discipline Hem Showimaot Love Bilong God

“Jehovah hem stretem man wea hem lovem.”—HEB. 12:6.

SONG: 125, 117

1. Wanem nao Bible talem abaotem discipline?

TAEM iu herem disfala word “discipline,” wanem nao iu tingim? Maet iu tingim wei for panis, bat discipline hem no minim datwan nomoa. Staka taem Bible storyim discipline olsem gud samting wea join witim savve, wisdom, love, and laef. (Provebs 1:2-7; 4:11-13) Datwan bikos God showimaot hem lovem iumi taem hem disciplinem iumi and hem laekem iumi for kasem laef olowe. (Heb. 12:6) Discipline bilong God savve minim wei for panisim man, bat God no duim diswan long wei wea hem raf or spoelem man. Main mining bilong datfala word “discipline” hem join witim wei for teachim man, olsem wei wea parents teachim pikinini wea olketa lovem.

2, 3. Long wanem wei nao teaching and panis hem join witim discipline? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

2 Tingim example: Wanfala smol boy wea nem bilong hem Junior, hem plei witim ball insaed haos. Mami sei: “Junior, iu savve iu shud no plei witim ball insaed haos! Nogud iu brekem eniting.” Bat hem no herem toktok bilong mami and hem gohed plei. Gogo ball bangam clay vase wea flaoa insaed and hem brek. Hao nao bae mami disciplinem hem? Maet hem duim diswan long wei for teachim and panisim hem. Taem hem teach, maet hem explainim why nao samting wea Junior duim hem rong. Hem laekem hem for luksavve why hem gud for hem obey and for explainim why rul wea hem and dadi mekem hem important and fitim. Then for strongim point, hem maet panisim hem long wei wea fitim. Olsem example, hem maet tekaotem datfala ball from hem for lelebet taem. Datwan maet mekem Junior luksavve nogud samting bae kamap sapos hem no obey.

3 From iumi part long Christian kongregeson, iumi insaed famili bilong God. (1 Tim. 3:15) Dastawe iumi respectim raet bilong Jehovah for markem olketa standard and hem disciplinem iumi taem iumi no obey. And tu, sapos iumi kasem nogud samting from wanem iumi duim, datfala discipline bae remindim iumi hao hem important for obeyim Dadi bilong iumi long heven. (Gal. 6:7) God lovem iumi tumas and no laekem iumi for kasem sorre from nogud samting iumi duim.—1 Pet. 5:6, 7.

4. (a) Wanem kaen training nao Jehovah blessim? (b) Wanem nao bae iumi storyim long disfala study?

4 Wei for iusim Bible taem iumi givim discipline savve helpem pikinini or Bible student for kasem goal for followim Christ. Bible nao main tul for trainim narawan and hem helpem iumi for ‘stretem tingting bilong man followim raeteous mark bilong God.’ Datwan bae helpem pikinini or Bible student for minim and “followim evri samting” wea Jesus laekem hem for duim. (2 Tim. 3:16; Matt. 28:19, 20) Jehovah blessim diskaen training bikos diswan mekem student savve hao for helpem narawan for followim Christ. (Readim Titus 2:11-14.) Distaem bae iumi storyim thrifala important kwestin: (1) Hao nao discipline bilong God showimaot hem lovem iumi? (2) Wanem nao iumi lanem from example bilong olketa wea God disciplinem bifor? (3) Taem iumi givim discipline, hao nao iumi savve followim example bilong Jehovah and Son bilong hem?


5. Hao nao discipline from Jehovah showimaot hem lovem iumi?

5 From Jehovah lovem iumi, hem stretem, teachim, and trainim iumi mekem iumi gohed kasem gud samting from love bilong hem and wakabaot followim road wea lead go long laef. (1 John 4:16) Hem no savve tok daonem iumi and mekem iumi tingse iumi no fit. (Provebs 12:18) Bat, Jehovah tinghae long iumi, hem tingim gud saed and laek for kasem heart, and hem laekem iumiseleva for disaedem samting. Waswe, iu lukim datwan taem iu kasem discipline from Bible, olketa pablikeson bilong iumi, from parents, or olketa elder? Tru nao, sapos olketa elder kaen and showimaot love taem olketa trae for stretem iumi, nomata iumi maet no luksavve iumi “start for go rong,” datwan showimaot wei wea Jehovah lovem iumi.—Gal. 6:1.

6. Taem man kasem strongfala discipline, hao nao datwan showimaot love bilong God?

6 Bat, samfala taem, discipline no minim man kasem kaonsel nomoa. Sapos man duim serious sin, maet hem mas lusim olketa privilege insaed kongregeson. Nomata datwan happen, datfala discipline showimaot God lovem hem. Olsem example, taem man lusim olketa privilege bilong hem, datwan savve helpem hem for luksavve hem shud spendem moa taem for studyim Bible seleva, ting raonem, and for prea. Wei for duim olketa samting hia savve strongim wei wea hem fren witim Jehovah. (Sams 19:7) Then gogo, maet hem kasem bak olketa privilege hia. Wei for disfellowship tu showimaot love bilong Jehovah, bikos datwan protectim kongregeson from olketa nogud wei. (1 Cor. 5:6, 7, 11) From discipline bilong God hem barava fitim, man wea disfellowship bae luksavve samting hem duim hem barava serious and maet datwan mekem hem laek for repent.—Acts 3:19.


7. Hu nao Shebna, and wanem nogud wei nao hem start for garem?

7 For minim gud why discipline hem barava important bae iumi story raonem tufala man wea Jehovah disciplinem: Wanfala hem Shebna, wea stap long taem bilong King Hezekiah, and narawan hem Graham, wea hem wanfala brata distaem. Luk olsem Shebna hem waka long haos bilong King Hezekiah, so hem garem hae position. (Aesaea 22:15) Bat sorre samting nao, hem kamap praod and laek for mekhae long hemseleva. Hem wakem wanfala expensive grev for hemseleva and hem garem olketa stael chariot.—Aesaea 22:16-18.

Iumi bae kasem blessing taem iumi hambol and changem tingting bilong iumi (Paragraf 8-10 storyim diswan)

8. Wanem nao Jehovah duim for disciplinem Shebna, and wanem nao maet kamaot from datwan?

8 From Shebna laek mekhae long hemseleva, God ‘tekemaot hae position blong hem’ and givim datfala waka for Eliakim. (Aesaea 22:19-21) Diswan happen taem King Sennacherib bilong Assyria plan for attakim Jerusalem. No longtaem bihaen, datfala king sendem olketa bigman bilong hem witim wanfala big army for mekem olketa Jew fraet and mekem Hezekiah sarenda. (Mektu Kings 18:17-25) Hezekiah sendem Eliakim for story witim olketa bigman hia and nara tufala go witim hem tu. Wanfala hem Shebna, wea hem secretary long datfala taem. So luk olsem Shebna no feel nogud or keepim kros, bat hem lane for hambol and acceptim waka wea no garem hae position olsem hem garem firstaem. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from disfala story? Bae iumi story raonem thrifala samting.

9-11. (a) Olketa wanem important leson nao iumi savve lanem from story bilong Shebna? (b) Hao nao wei wea Jehovah deal witim Shebna encouragem iumi?

9 First samting, Shebna lusim hae position bilong hem. Samting wea kasem hem mekem iumi tingim disfala toktok wea sei man wea ‘praod fastaem bae bagarap bihaen. Man wea bikhed fastaem bae foldaon bihaen.’ (Provebs 16:18) Sapos iu garem privilege long kongregeson, maet olketa big responsibility, waswe bae iu gohed for hambol? Waswe, bae iu mekhae long Jehovah and showimaot hem nao helpem iu for garem savve and for duim datfala waka? (1 Cor. 4:7) Aposol Paul sei: “Mi talem iufala evriwan for no tinghae tumas long iufala seleva, bat garem gudfala tingting.”—Rome 12:3.

10 Mek-tu samting, taem Jehovah givim datfala strong kaonsel long Shebna, datwan showimaot hem no tingse Shebna hard for change. (Provebs 3:11, 12) Olketa wea bin lusim privilege bilong olketa long kongregeson savve lane from example bilong Shebna. Winim wei for olketa feel nogud and kros, olketa willing for gohed duim best bilong olketa for Jehovah and olketa luksavve discipline wea olketa kasem hem showimaot love bilong hem. Tingim, Dadi bilong iumi Jehovah no tingse iumi no fit for change, bat hem laekem iumi for kamap hambol. (Readim 1 Peter 5:6, 7.) Discipline wea showimaot love bilong God savve helpem iumi for olsem clay long hand bilong Jehovah wea hem isi for sheipim.

11 Mek-thri samting, olketa wea savve givim discipline, olsem olketa parents and olketa elder savve lane from wei wea Jehovah deal witim Shebna. Long wanem wei? Nomata discipline bilong Jehovah showimaot hem heitim sin, hem showimaot tu wei wea hem lovem datfala man wea sin. Sapos iu parents or elder, waswe iu followim example bilong Jehovah taem iu givim discipline long pikinini or olketa narawan? Iumi heitim nogud samting wea olketa duim, bat long semtaem, gohed for tingim gud saed bilong olketa tu.—Jude 22, 23.

12-14. (a) Wanem nao samfala duim taem olketa kasem discipline from Jehovah? (b) Hao nao Bible changem tingting bilong wanfala brata, and wanem nao kamaot from datwan?

12 Sorre samting nao, bihaen samfala brata and sista kasem discipline, olketa feel nogud and go difren from God and pipol bilong hem. (Heb. 3:12, 13) Bat waswe, datwan minim no eniwan savve helpem olketa nao? Tingim Graham, wea disfellowship and hem reinstate bat then bihaen hem inactive. Tu-thri year bihaen, hem askem wanfala elder wea hem fren bilong hem, for studyim Bible moa witim hem.

13 Datfala elder sei: “Problem bilong Graham nao hem praod. Hem tok againstim olketa elder wea disfellowshipim hem. So long tu-thri study, mitufala storyim olketa scripture abaotem wei for praod and nogud samting wea kamaot from datwan. Graham start for luksavve long wei bilong hemseleva taem hem lukluk insaed word bilong God wea olsem mirror, and hem luksavve staka wei bilong hem no stret. Mi barava sapraes hao datwan affectim hem! Hem luksavve hao wei for praod hem olsem ‘bigfala timba’ wea blindim eye bilong hem and hem talemaot hao hem nao garem problem for tok againstim olketa elder. Bihaen datwan, hem start for changem wei bilong hem. Hem start for attendim olketa meeting evritaem, ting strong long wei for studyim Bible, and traem best for prea evriday. And tu, hem start for duim olketa responsibility bilong hem olsem hed long famili, wea datwan mekem waef and olketa pikinini for barava hapi.”—Luke 6:41, 42; Jas. 1:23-25.

14 Datfala elder gohed for sei: “Wanday, Graham talem samting wea barava kasem heart bilong mi. Hem sei, ‘Mi savve long truth for staka year and mi bin pioneer tu. Bat distaem nao mi fit for sei mi barava lovem Jehovah.’ No longtaem bihaen, Graham kasem assignment for duim roving mic long Kingdom Hall and hem barava tinghae long datfala waka. Wanem Graham duim helpem mi for luksavve sapos man hem hambol long eye bilong God and acceptim discipline, bae hem savve kasem staka blessing.”


15. Sapos iumi laekem discipline bilong iumi for kasem heart, wanem nao iumi mas duim?

15 For kamap gudfala teacher, iumi mas kamap gudfala student firstaem. (1 Tim. 4:15, 16) So sapos iu samwan wea Jehovah givim iu responsibility for givim discipline long narawan, iuseleva mas willing for obeyim direction bilong Jehovah. Taem iu hambol and obey, datwan mekem olketa narawan respectim iu and mekem iu free for trainim or stretem narawan. Bae iumi storyim example bilong Jesus.

16. Wanem nao iumi lanem from wei wea Jesus givim discipline wea fitim and teach long wei wea kasem heart?

16 Jesus evritaem obeyim Dadi bilong hem, nomata hem no isi. (Matt. 26:39) And hem sei evri teaching and savve wea hem garem kam from Dadi bilong hem. (John 5:19, 30) From Jesus hambol and obey, hem wanfala kaen and gudfala teacher. Diswan mekem pipol wea garem honest heart for laekem hem. (Readim Matthew 11:29.) Kaenfala toktok bilong hem encouragem olketa wea feel wikdaon. (Matt. 12:20) Nomata olketa narawan duim samting wea no stret and Jesus fit for feel nogud, hem evritaem kaen and showimaot love. Olsem taem hem stretem olketa aposol bikos olketa selfish and laek for mekhae long olketa seleva.—Mark 9:33-37; Luke 22:24-27.

17. Olketa wanem gudfala fasin nao savve helpem olketa elder for lukaftarem sheepsheep bilong God?

17 Olketa elder wea givim discipline from Bible, need for followim example bilong Jesus. Taem olketa duim olsem, datwan showimaot olketa laekem God and Son bilong hem for leadim olketa. Aposol Peter sei: “Lukaftarem olketa sheepsheep bilong God wea hem nao markem iufala for lukaftarem. Iufala mas no duim diswan from eniwan forcem iufala, bat duim bikos iufala willing. Iufala mas no duim diswan from iufala laek for kasem samting for iufala seleva, bat from iufala laek for helpem narawan. Iufala mas no bossim olketa pipol bilong God bat iufala mas showimaot gudfala example for olketa sheepsheep.” (1 Pet. 5:2-4) Taem olketa elder hapi for obeyim God and Christ, wea hem hed bilong kongregeson, datwan bae helpem olketa seleva and sheepsheep wea olketa lukaftarem.—Aesaea 32:1, 2, 17, 18.

18. (a) Wanem nao Jehovah expectim parents for duim? (b) Hao nao God helpem parents for duim responsibility bilong olketa?

18 Diswan fitim olketa famili tu. Jehovah tok olsem long hed bilong famili: “No mekem olketa pikinini bilong iufala for kros, bat lukaftarem olketa gud long wei for stretem and trainim olketa followim samting wea Jehovah talem.” (Eph. 6:4) Waswe diswan really important? Provebs 19:18 showimaot hao laef bilong olketa pikinini depend long wei wea parents disciplinem olketa. Tru nao, sapos parents no disciplinem pikinini bilong olketa, olketa mas givim ansa long Jehovah for laef bilong olketa pikinini. (Fas Samuel 3:12-14) Nomata olsem, Jehovah savve givim parents wisdom and strong sapos olketa hambol and prea and depend long toktok bilong hem and holy spirit for leadim olketa.—Readim James 1:5.


19, 20. (a) Olketa wanem blessing nao iumi savve kasem from wei for acceptim discipline bilong God? (b) Wanem nao bae iumi storyim long next study?

19 Taem iumi acceptim discipline from God and followim wei bilong Jehovah and Jesus for givim discipline, bae iumi savve kasem staka blessing. Famili and kongregeson bae garem peace, feel sef, garem love, and respectim each other. Olketa samting hia hem samfala long olketa blessing wea bae iumi kasem long future. (Sams 72:7) Tru nao, discipline wea Jehovah givim distaem redyim iumi for savve hao for stap gud tugeta and garem peace for olowe olsem wan famili wea Jehovah nao lukaftarem. (Readim Aesaea 11:9.) Taem iumi ting olsem abaotem discipline from God, bae iumi tinghae long datwan from iumi luksavve hem wanfala nambawan wei wea showimaot God barava lovem iumi.

20 Long next study, bae iumi story raonem samfala nara samting saed long discipline insaed famili and kongregeson. And tu, bae iumi storyim hao for disciplinem iumiseleva and wanfala samting wea worse winim wei for feel nogud from iumi kasem discipline.