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Letem Olketa Law and Principle Bilong God Trainim Konsens Bilong Iu

Letem Olketa Law and Principle Bilong God Trainim Konsens Bilong Iu

“Oltaem mi tingting long tising blong yu.”—SAMS 119:99.

SONG: 127, 88

1. Wanem nao wanfala samting wea mekem iumi difren from olketa animal?

WANFALA samting wea mekem olketa man difren from olketa animal hem nao wei wea Jehovah givim olketa konsens. Hao nao iumi savve Adam and Eve garem konsens? Bihaen tufala no obeyim God, tufala haed from hem. Diswan showimaot konsens bilong tufala pokem tufala.

2. Long wanem wei nao konsens bilong iumi hem olsem wanfala compass? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

2 Konsens savve helpem iumi for luksavve long wanem hem stret and wanem hem rong wea datwan savve leadim iumi long stretfala wei. Man wea konsens bilong hem no kasem gudfala training hem olsem ship wea compass bilong hem no waka gud. Wind and current savve tekem ship for go difren. Bat compass wea waka gud savve helpem captain for steerim ship long stretfala direction. Long sem wei tu, sapos iumi trainim gud konsens bilong iumi datwan savve leadim iumi long stretfala wei.

3. Wanem nao savve happen taem iumi no trainim gud konsens bilong iumi?

3 Sapos iumi no trainim gud konsens bilong iumi, bae hard for hem stopem iumi for duim samting wea no stret. (1 Tim. 4:1, 2) Maet datwan mekem iumi tingse “nogud samting hemi gud.” (Aesaea 5:20) Jesus talem olketa disaepol bilong hem: “Bae wanfala taem hem kam wea eniwan wea killim iufala dae bae tingse hem duim waka bilong God.” (John 16:2) Hem nao samting olketa wea killim dae Stephen tingim. (Acts 6:8, 12; 7:54-60) Long history bilong olketa man, staka pipol long religion duim staka nogud samting, olsem wei for killim man dae, and olketa sei olketa duim datwan for God. Bat really, wanem olketa duim hem againstim law bilong God. (Eksodas 20:13) So datwan showimaot konsens bilong olketa no leadim olketa long stretfala wei!

4. Wanem nao savve helpem iumi for mek sure konsens bilong iumi hem waka gud?

4 Wanem nao savve helpem iumi for mek sure konsens bilong iumi hem waka gud? Olketa law and Bible principle “savve teachim pipol, showim iumi samting wea no stret, stretem evri samting, and stretem tu tingting bilong pipol followim olketa raeteous mark bilong God.” (2 Tim. 3:16) Iumi mas studyim Bible evritaem, ting raonem wanem iumi studyim, and followim long laef bilong iumi. Datwan bae helpem iumi for garem sem tingting olsem Jehovah. Taem iumi duim olsem iumi sure konsens bilong iumi bae leadim iumi long stretfala wei. Insaed long disfala study bae iumi storyim hao iumi savve iusim olketa law and principle bilong Jehovah for trainim konsens bilong iumi.


5, 6. Hao nao wei for followim olketa law bilong God helpem iumi?

5 Sapos iumi laekem olketa law bilong God for helpem iumi, iumi mas duim moa samting winim wei for readim and for savve abaotem olketa nomoa. Iumi need for lovem and tinghae long olketa law hia. Bible talem iumi for: “Barava heitim olketa rabis samting and hol strong long samting wea hem stret.” (Rome 12:9) Bat hao nao iumi savve duim datwan? Main samting hem for lane for garem sem tingting olsem Jehovah. Tingim disfala example: Maet iu garem problem for no sleep gud. Doctor talem iu for kaikaim olketa healthy kaikai, exercise, and changem samfala samting long laef bilong iu. Bihaen iu followim samting wea doctor talem, iu luksavve datwan helpem iu! Taem olsem, iu bae barava tinghae long doctor hia bikos hem helpem iu for stap gud.

6 Long sem wei, Creator bilong iumi givim olketa law for protectim iumi from olketa nogud samting wea kamaot from sin and tu for helpem iumi stap gud. Olsem example, Bible teachim iumi hao iumi bae kasem gud samting sapos iumi no laea, raverave, steal, durong, raf, or duim spiritism. (Readim Provebs 6:16-19; Rev. 21:8) Taem iumi kasem olketa gud samting wea kamaot from wei for duim wanem Jehovah laekem, datwan bae mekem grow wei wea iumi lovem and tinghae long Jehovah and olketa law bilong hem.

7. Taem iumi readim and ting raonem olketa example long Bible, hao nao datwan helpem iumi?

7 Iumi no need for brekem olketa law bilong God and kasem nogud samting from datwan bifor iumi fit for lanem wanem hem stret or no stret. Iumi savve lane from olketa wea duim mistek bifor wea Bible story abaotem. Provebs 9:9 hem sei: “Tisim waes man bae hemi waes go moa.” Olketa teaching wea kam from God savve barava helpem iumi, olsem wei for lane from example bilong olketa man insaed Bible. Olsem example, tingim olketa nogud samting wea David kasem taem hem no followim law bilong Jehovah and hem durong witim Bathsheba. (Mektu Samuel 12:7-14) Taem iu readim and ting raonem disfala story, askem iuseleva: ‘Hao nao David fit for misstim olketa problem hia? Wanem nao bae mi duim sapos mi kasem sem test olsem David? Waswe, bae mi olsem David or bae mi ranawe olsem Joseph?’ (Jenesis 39:11-15) Taem iumi ting raonem nogud samting wea kamaot from wei for duim sin, datwan strongim iumi for “heitim olketa rabis samting.”

8, 9. (a) Long wanem wei nao konsens savve helpem iumi? (b) Hao nao olketa principle bilong Jehovah helpem konsens bilong iumi?

8 Hem tru, iumi no savve duim olketa samting wea God heitim. Bat samfala samting savve kamap wea no eni law long Bible story abaotem. Sapos kaen samting olsem kamap, hao nao bae iumi luksavve wanem nao God laekem iumi for duim? For mekem olketa wise disison, hem gud for iumi followim konsens bilong iumi wea Bible trainim.

9 From Jehovah lovem iumi, hem givim olketa principle long Bible wea savve helpem konsens bilong iumi. Hemseleva sei: “Mi nao [Jehovah], an mi nao God blong yufala. Mi nao mi tisim yufala mekem yufala kamap gud. An mi lidim yufala long wei wea yufala mas falom.” (Aesaea 48:17, 18) Taem iumi ting raonem gud olketa Bible principle and letem datwan for affectim heart bilong iumi, hem bae helpem iumi for stretem and trainim konsens bilong iumi. Then datwan bae helpem iumi for mekem olketa wise disison.


10. Wanem nao principle, and hao nao Jesus iusim olketa principle taem hem teach?

10 Principle hem olketa tru samting or teaching wea savve gaedem tingting and helpem iumi for mekem olketa wise disison. Wei for savve long olketa principle bilong Jehovah savve helpem iumi for minim tingting bilong Jehovah and why hem givim olketa law. Jesus iusim olketa principle for teachim olketa disaepol for luksavve nogud samting savve kamaot from wanem olketa tingim or duim. Olsem example, hem teachim hao wei for kros savve lead go long raoa, and tingting for laek durong savve lead go long adultery. (Matt. 5:21, 22, 27, 28) Taem iumi letem olketa principle bilong God for leadim iumi, datwan bae trainim gud konsens bilong iumi and bae helpem iumi for duim samting wea bae givim glory long God.—1 Cor. 10:31.

Mature Christian hem tingim konsens bilong narawan (Paragraf 11, 12 storyim diswan)

11. Long wanem wei nao konsens bilong olketa man hem no semsem?

11 Nomata maet tufala Christian iusim Bible for trainim konsens bilong tufala, tufala savve mekem difren disison abaotem wanfala samting. Olsem example, tingim wei for disaed for drinkim alcohol. Bible no stopem wei for drinkim alcohol. Bat hem stopem wei for ova tumas for drinkim alcohol or for drunk. (Provebs 20:1; 1 Tim. 3:8) Sapos wanfala Christian hem no ova tumas for drinkim alcohol, waswe, datwan minim hem no need for tingim eni nara samting taem hem mekem disison bilong hem? Nomoa. Nomata konsens bilong hem letem hem for drinkim alcohol, hem need for tingim konsens bilong olketa narawan tu.

12. Hao nao Rome 14:21 helpem iumi for respectim konsens bilong narawan?

12 Samting wea Paul talem showimaot iumi need for respectim konsens bilong olketa narawan. Hem sei: “Hem gud for no kaikaim meat, drinkim wine, or duim eni samting wea savve spoelem faith bilong brata bilong iu.” (Rome 14:21) Nomata hem stret for iumi drinkim alcohol, bat sapos datwan spoelem konsens bilong narawan, waswe, bae iu willing for no duim datwan for mekem narawan no stambol? For sure iumi bae duim datwan. Maet firstaem wanfala brata hem man for drunk, bat bihaen hem kam insaed truth hem disaed for no drinkim alcohol nao. So iumi no laek for duim eni samting wea bae mekem hem duim bak olketa samting wea hem lusim finis. (1 Cor. 6:9, 10) Sapos datfala brata kam long haos bilong iumi, iumi shud no talem hem for drinkim alcohol, sapos hem no laek for duim datwan.

13. Hao nao Timothy showimaot hem respectim konsens bilong narawan mekem olketa acceptim datfala gud nius?

13 Taem Timothy hem samting olsem 20 year, hem agree for circumcise nomata datwan savve kosim bigfala pain. Hem luksavve wei for circumcise hem important long olketa Jew wea hem bae preach long olketa. Timothy laek for olsem Paul wea no laek for mekem olketa narawan stambol. (Acts 16:3; 1 Cor. 9:19-23) Waswe, iu willing for sakrifaesim samfala samting olsem Timothy for helpem olketa narawan?


14, 15. (a) Wanem nao hem minim for kamap mature? (b) Taem iumi showimaot love for olketa narawan, hao nao datwan showimaot iumi kamap mature?

14 Evri Christian shud no just laek for savve long “olketa main teaching abaotem Christ” bat olketa shud “waka hard for kamap mature.” (Heb. 6:1) Diswan no minim from iumi insaed truth for staka year finis iumi mature Christian nao, bat iumi need for waka hard for kamap mature. Iumi need for gohed mekem grow savve bilong iumi and wei for minim samting. So iumi need for readim Bible evriday. (Sams 1:1-3) Taem iu readim Bible evriday, iu bae savve gud long olketa law and principle bilong Jehovah and bae iumi minim gud toktok bilong God.

15 Main important law wea Christian followim hem nao law bilong love. Jesus sei olsem long olketa disaepol bilong hem: “Sapos iufala lovem iufala evriwan, pipol bae savve iufala olketa disaepol bilong mi.” (John 13:35) James, haf brata bilong Jesus, hem sei love hem “datfala law bilong king.” (Jas. 2:8) Paul sei: “Man wea lovem narawan hem barava followim law.” (Rome 13:10) Iumi shud no sapraes long hao love hem barava important, bikos Bible sei “God hem love.” (1 John 4:8) Love bilong God for iumi hem no wanfala feeling nomoa. Bat hem showimaot love thru long olketa samting wea hem duim. John sei: “Love wea God garem for iumi hem showaot taem hem sendem kam spesol Son bilong hem long world mekem iumi savve kasem laef bikos long hem.” (1 John 4:9) Taem iumi showimaot iumi lovem Jehovah, Son bilong hem, olketa brata and sista, and olketa narawan, datwan showimaot iumi kamap mature Christian.—Matt. 22:37-39.

Taem iumi ting raonem olketa Bible principle, datwan bae helpem konsens bilong iumi for leadim iumi long stretfala wei (Paragraf 16 storyim diswan)

16. Taem iumi kamap mature Christian, why nao iumi ting long olketa principle olsem hem barava important tumas?

16 Taem iu kamap mature Christian, iu bae luksavve olketa principle hem barava important. Diswan hem bikos olketa law maet hem fitim samfala taem nomoa, bat principle hem fitim staka difren samting wea kamap long laef. Olsem example, wanfala pikinini bae no luksavve nogud samting wea bae kamaot from wei for fren witim olketa nogud pipol, dastawe parents bae mekem olketa rul for protectim hem. (1 Cor. 15:33) Bat taem datfala pikinini hem big, hem bae lane for ting raonem and followim olketa Bible principle. Diswan bae helpem hem for mekem olketa wise disison taem hem chusim hu nao hem bae fren witim. (Readim 1 Corinth 13:11; 14:20.) Taem iumi ting raonem olketa Bible principle, datwan bae helpem konsens bilong iumi for leadim iumi long stretfala wei, and for luksavve samting wea God laekem iumi for duim.

17. Why nao iumi fit for sei iumi garem wanem iumi needim for mekem olketa wise disison?

17 Iumi garem evri samting wea iumi needim for mekem olketa wise disison wea bae mekem Jehovah hapi. Taem iumi followim olketa law and principle wea stap insaed long Bible, iumi bae “barava fit and redi for duim evri gudfala waka.” (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) So lukaotem olketa Bible principle for helpem iumi ‘luksavve long samting wea Jehovah laekem iumi for duim.’ (Eph. 5:17) For helpem iumi, iumi garem Watch Tower Publications Index, Research Index for Olketa Jehovah’s Witness, Watchtower Library, Wastaoa ONLINE LIBRARY, and JW Library app. Sapos iumi iusim gud olketa tul hia, datwan bae helpem iumi kasem gud samting taem iumi duim study seleva and famili worship.


18. Wanem gud samting nao kamap taem iumi followim olketa law and principle bilong Jehovah?

18 Iumi bae kasem staka gud samting taem iumi followim olketa law and principle bilong Jehovah! Sams 119:97-100 sei: “Lod [Jehovah], mi laekem tumas gudfala tising blong yu, mi gohed fo tingting long hem stat long moning go-go kasem ivining. Strongfala toktok blong yu hemi stap olowe long maen blong mi, hemi gohed fo mekem mi waes moa winim olketa enemi blong mi. Mi savegud moa winim olketa tisa blong mi, bikos oltaem mi tingting long tising blong yu. Oltaem mi falom olketa gudfala toktok blong yu, so mi waes moa winim olketa olo.” Taem iumi ting raonem olketa law and principle bilong God, iumi bae wise and garem fasin for luksavve. Taem iumi iusim olketa law and principle for trainim konsens bilong iumi, iumi bae “barava mature olsem Christ.”—Eph. 4:13.