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Waswe, Iu Savve Finis?

Waswe, Iu Savve Finis?

Wanem nao mekem Stephen no wari and garem peace nomata olketa persecutim hem?

STEPHEN standap front long wanfala grup bilong olketa man wea barava heitim hem. Datfala Sanhedrin, wea hem hae kot bilong olketa Jew, hem garem 71 judge wea garem bigfala paoa. Hae Priest Caiaphas nao talem kot for hipap, and samfala month bifor, hem tu chairman taem olketa judgem Jesus for dae. (Matt. 26:57, 59; Acts 6:8-12) Taem olketa tekem kam olketa man for accusim Stephen, olketa lukim wanfala samting wea mekem olketa barava sapraes. Feis bilong Stephen hem “luk olsem feis bilong wanfala angel.”—Acts 6:13-15.

Wanem nao mekem Stephen no wari and garem peace taem hem feisim samting wea mekem man fit for fraet? Bifor olketa kasholem Stephen and tekem hem long Sanhedrin, Stephen busy long waka bilong God for helpem olketa narawan and holy spirit bilong God barava stap witim hem. (Acts 6:3-7) Taem hem long kot, holy spirit gohed for helpem hem and mekem hem rememberim staka samting. (John 14:16) Olsem Acts chapter 7 storyim, taem hem story long kot, holy spirit mekem hem tingim bak winim 20-fala toktok from olketa Hebrew Scripture. (John 14:26) Bat nara samting wea strongim faith bilong Stephen, hem nao taem hem lukim wanfala vision wea Jesus standap long raet saed bilong God.—Acts 7:54-56, 59, 60.

Maet enitaem bae iumi mas feisim eniwan wea againstim and persecutim iumi. (John 15:20) Taem iumi readim toktok bilong God evritaem and strong for duim ministry, iumi letem holy spirit bilong Jehovah for gohed helpem iumi. Taem olsem, iumi bae gohed strong nomata pipol againstim iumi and iumi bae garem peace long mind and heart.—1 Pet. 4:12-14.