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No Tire to Hold Jehovah Tight!

No Tire to Hold Jehovah Tight!

“I no go ever leave God till I die!”​—JOB 27:5.

SONG 34 Walking in Integrity


1. How the three Jehovah Witness wey this paragraph talk about show say they hold Jehovah tight?

THINK about this three situation wey some servants of Jehovah face. (1) One young girl dey school one day when the teacher tell all the student for class make they join for celebration wey Bible no support. The girl know say God no go happy if e join them. So the young girl show respect and e no join them. (2) One young man de shame, but e still de preach from house to house. E know say e classmate de live for the next house. And this e classmate don laugh Jehovah Witness people before. But the young man still go the house and knock the door, even though say e de shame. (3) One man de work hard to provide for e family. But one day, e master for work talk say make e cheat or do something wey dey against the law. They fit sack the man, but e explain say e no fit cheat and e need to obey the law because na wetin God want from e servants.​—Rom. 13:1-4; Heb. 13:18.

2. Which questions we go answer for this topic, and why?

2 Which kind character you see say those three people get? You fit see pass one character, maybe they get strong heart and they no de cheat. But one important character dey wey they really show say they get. This character na integrity. Each of them show say they no want leave Jehovah. They no gree do wetin Bible condemn. They do wetin they do because they hold God tight. Because of this one, Jehovah dey happy with them. We too want make our Papa for heaven dey happy to get us as e children. So make we answer this questions: Wetin be integrity? Why we need to hold Jehovah tight? And how we fit make our heart strong so that we no go tire to hold Jehovah tight for this last days?


3. (a) Wetin be integrity for person wey de serve God? (b) Which examples show say e dey important to Jehovah make something dey sound, complete, or full?

3 For person wey de serve God, wetin integrity mean? E mean say the person love Jehovah with all e heart, and e no go ever leave Jehovah. So the number one thing for the person life na how to make Jehovah happy for everything wey e de do. Make we talk about how Bible use the word integrity. For Bible, the Hebrew word for integrity mean: something wey complete, wey full, or wey dey sound. For example, Israel people use animals do sacrifice to Jehovah. The Law talk say the animals need to dey sound. * (Lev. 22:21, 22) God no allow e people bring sick animal and animal wey one leg, one eye, or one ear, no dey. Na important thing to Jehovah say make the animal dey sound, or complete. (Mal. 1:6-9) We fit understand why e dey important to Jehovah make something dey sound or complete. When we buy something like fruit, book, or tool for work, we no want the one wey get big hole for body or wey some parts de miss. We want the one wey dey sound, complete, or full. Na so God de feel about us too. The way we love Jehovah, and the way we hold Jehovah tight suppose to dey complete, or sound.

4. (a) Why e dey possible for person to give God complete service even though say the person no dey perfect? (b) According to Psalm 103:12-14, wetin Jehovah expect from us?

4 So, this one mean say we need to dey perfect to show say our service to God dey complete? After all, we fit de feel say we de make plenty mistakes, or we get fault. Make we talk about two reasons why we no need to think say for our service to dey complete, or to get integrity, we must dey perfect. Number one, Jehovah no de put mind for our mistakes or fault. Bible tell us say: “If you de count mistakes, O Jah, then who go fit stand before you, O Jehovah?” (Ps. 130:3) God know say we no dey perfect and we de make mistake. So e dey ready to forgive us. (Ps. 86:5) Number two, Jehovah know wetin we fit do and wetin we no fit do. E no de tell us to do wetin pass our power. (Read Psalm 103:12-14.) So how Jehovah fit de see us as complete, or sound, person?

5. For servants of Jehovah, how love fit make their service to God dey complete?

5 Wetin fit make our service to God complete? Na love for our Papa for heaven fit help us. Our love for God and the way we hold God tight, must dey complete, or sound. If our love dey like that even when we de face temptation, then our service to God dey complete. (1 Chron. 28:9; Matt. 22:37) Make we talk again about the three people wey we talk about for the beginning. Wetin make them do wetin they do? You think say the young girl no like to enjoy for school, the young man like to feel shame when e want preach to person, or the family man want lose e job? No be so. Instead, they know say the things wey Jehovah want make they do, dey correct. And they put their mind for wetin Jehovah, their Papa for heaven, go like. They get love for God, and na this love de make them de first think about wetin e like before they make decision. As they do this one, they show say they get integrity, or their service to God dey complete.


6. (a) Why you suppose to get integrity? (b) How Adam and Eve fail to show say they get integrity?

6 Why e dey important make each of us hold Jehovah tight? Na because Satan don challenge Jehovah, and e don challenge you. That bad angel no de agree with God. So for garden of Eden, that angel make e self Satan, or “Resister.” E try to spoil the name of God, because e want make people believe say the way God de rule dey bad, God de think about only e self, and God de do cunning-cunning. The bad thing be say, Adam and Eve support Satan; they stop to follow Jehovah. (Gen. 3:1-6) The life wey them de live for Eden give them plenty chance to make their love for Jehovah strong. But the time wey Satan carry trouble come their love no dey complete, e no dey sound. After, another question come again wey go need answer. The question na: Any human being go hold Jehovah tight because of love? Or, human being fit show say they get integrity? The thing wey happen to Job bring that question.

7. How Jehovah and Satan feel about the worship of Job, as e dey for Job 1:8-11?

7 Job live for the time wey Israel people dey for Egypt. That time, no other person hold God tight like Job. Job be like us, e no dey perfect; e de make mistake. But Jehovah love Job because e service dey complete. E fit be say Satan don already challenge God say no human being de hold God tight. Because of this one, Jehovah point Job to Satan as example. But the way Job live e life show say Satan na liar! Satan talk say e want test whether Job de hold God tight. Jehovah trust e friend Job, so e give Satan chance to test Job.​—Read Job 1:8-11.

8. How Satan attack Job?

8 Satan wicked, and na killer. E remove everything wey Job get, e kill the servants of Job, and e spoil the name of Job for the community. E still attack the family of Job, when e kill the ten children wey Job get. Then Satan attack Job for body. E make Job sick with boil for all e body, from head to leg, and the boils de pain. The wife of Job begin lose hope, and she no dey happy at all. She tell Job say make e curse God and die. Even Job want die, but e still hold God tight. Then Satan try another style to attack Job. E use three men, and they claim to be friends of Job. The men visit Job for days, but they no bring any comfort. Instead, they give long talk, they talk bad about Job, and they no feel for Job. They talk say na God de cause trouble for Job and even if Job hold God tight, God no care. They even talk say Job na wicked person, and e deserve all the bad things wey e de face!​—Job 1:13-22; 2:7-11; 15:4, 5; 22:3-6; 25:4-6.

9. Wetin Job no gree do even with the problems wey e face?

9 Wetin Job do about all this problem? Na true say Job de make mistake. So e correct those men with hot temper, and e talk things wey e later feel say they no good. Job talk say e dey righteous plenty times pass as e talk say God dey righteous. (Job 6:3; 13:4, 5; 32:2; 34:5) But even when the condition bad well-well, Job no gree stop to follow Jehovah. E no gree believe the lie-lie of those fake friends. Job talk say: “I no go fit think-am say wuna dey righteous! I no go ever leave God till I die!” (Job 27:5) Wetin Job talk for here really dey important. Job no gree leave Jehovah, or abandon the integrity wey e get. This one na fine example for us.

10. How the thing wey Satan talk about Job concern you?

10 As e be for time of Job, Satan de talk the same thing about each of us today. How this thing manage concern you? The thing wey Satan mean be say, you no really love Jehovah, you go stop to serve God to save yourself, and any integrity wey you get na fake one! (Job 2:4, 5; Rev. 12:10) How that one make you feel? That kind thing de pain reach bone, no be so? But, think about this one: Jehovah trust you sotey e give you special chance. E let Satan test whether your service dey complete. Jehovah believe say you go give complete service and help to show say Satan de lie. And e talk say e go help you to fit do-am. (Heb. 13:6) For Jehovah, the Ruler of heaven and earth to trust you like this, na big favor! You don see why e dey important to hold Jehovah tight? When our service to God dey complete, or when we hold God tight we de show say Satan de lie. And we fit show say the name of God dey holy and we want de do the things wey e talk. Wetin we fit do so that we no go tire to hold God tight?


11. Wetin we fit learn from Job?

11 Satan don increase the way e de attack servants of God for this “last days” wey trouble dey every corner. (2 Tim. 3:1) For this time of trouble, how we fit make ourself dey strong so that we fit hold God tight? We go fit learn plenty things from Job again. Long time before the problems come meet Job, e don already show say e hold God tight many times. Make we see three lessons wey we fit learn from Job about how to make ourself strong, so that we go fit hold our God tight.

Wetin be some ways wey we de use make ourself strong to fit hold God tight? (Check paragraph 12) *

12. (a) As e dey for Job 26:7, 8, 14, wetin make Job fear and respect Jehovah more? (b) How we fit get more fear for God for our heart?

12 Job make e fear for God to grow, and na this one make e love for Jehovah dey strong. Job spend time de think deep about the fine-fine things wey Jehovah create. (Read Job 26:7, 8, 14.) When e think about the earth, the sky, the cloud, and thunder, e open mouth de wonder. But e still understand say na small thing e know about the many things wey Jehovah don make. And Job value the things wey Jehovah de talk, so e talk say: “The things wey [God] talk, I don keep them well.” (Job 23:12) Job really get respect and fear for God, and this one move Job. E love e Papa Jehovah, and e want do wetin Jehovah like. Because of this one, Job really ready more-more to hold God tight. We need to do like Job. We know more things now about the things wey God create pass people for the time of Job. And we get complete Bible to help us know the kind person wey Jehovah be. Everything wey we learn fit move us to fear God from our heart. Then the fear and respect wey we get go move us to love and obey Jehovah. And we go dey ready more-more to give God complete service.​—Job 28:28.

We de make ourself dey strong to fit hold God tight when we reject pornography (Check paragraph 13) *

13-14. (a) According to Job 31:1, how Job show say e de obey? (b) How we fit imitate Job?

13 Job obey Jehovah for everything, and na this one help Job dey strong to fit hold God tight. Job know say for person to hold God tight, e need to obey God. The truth be say, our heart de strong more-more to hold God tight anytime wey we do wetin e talk. Job do everything wey e fit do to obey God everyday. For example, e dey careful about the way e de treat other women. (Read Job 31:1.) Because e don marry, e know say na bad thing if e do anything to show say e get interest for another woman wey no be e wife. Today, we de live for world wey be say na so-so temptation about sex matter dey every corner. Like Job, you no think say e good make we decide say we go remove our eye from any person wey no be our husband or our wife? And you no think say e good make we decide say we no go look pornography and any picture wey go make us think about sex matter, no matter where we fit see-am? (Matt. 5:28) If we work hard everyday to control ourself for this kind things, we go dey strong to fit hold our God tight.

We de make ourself dey strong to fit hold God tight when we see money and property the way God de see-am (Check paragraph 14) *

14 Job still obey Jehovah for the way e de see money and property. Job know say if e trust the property wey e get, e go put hand for serious bad thing and e go receive punishment. (Job 31:24, 25, 28) Today, we de live for world wey people over like money and property. Na good thing for us to see money and property the way God want make we see-am, as Bible talk. Then, our heart go dey strong to hold God tight.​—Prov. 30:8, 9; Matt. 6:19-21.

We de make ourself dey strong to fit hold God tight when our hope always dey our heart (Check paragraph 15) *

15. (a) Which hope make Job to hold God tight? (b) Like Job, how the hope wey we get fit help us?

15 Job hold God tight because e put mind for the reward wey e go receive from God. Job believe say as e de hold God tight, God value the thing wey e de do. (Job 31:6) Even with all the problems wey e face, e dey sure say e go get reward from Jehovah for the end. True-true, na this kind hope make Job hold God tight. Jehovah really like the way the service of Job dey complete sotey e bless Job with good things, even though say Job still get sin for body! (Job 42:12-17; Jas. 5:11) And even for future, God go still bless Job with more better things. As you no tire to hold Jehovah tight, you get strong hope say e go bless you? Our God never change. (Mal. 3:6) When we hold Jehovah tight, e de value-am. If we remember this one, the wonderful future wey e promise us go always dey our heart.​—1 Thess. 5:8, 9.

16. Wetin we go make up our mind to do?

16 So make up your mind say you go always give Jehovah service wey dey complete! Sometimes, you fit de feel say other people around you no de hold God tight. But no worry, you no go ever dey alone. Millions of people around the world de hold Jehovah tight, and you go dey among them. Even when they want kill some faithful men and women for Bible time, they no tire to hold God tight. You go fit do like them. (Heb. 11:36-38; 12:1) Make all of us ready to hold Jehovah tight like Job, when e talk say: “I no go ever leave God till I die!” And make our integrity de bring praise to Jehovah forever!

SONG 124 Ever Loyal

^ par. 5 Wetin be integrity? Why Jehovah want make e servants get this character wey e value? Why this character dey important for each of us? We go see how Bible answer this questions for this topic. And, how we fit make ourself dey strong so that our service to God go dey complete everyday? This topic go still help us see clear answer to that question. Many blessings go dey for us when we hold Jehovah tight, or when our service to God dey complete.

^ par. 3 The Hebrew word wey they translate as “sound” when person de talk about animal, still connect with the word “integrity” when person de talk about human being.

^ par. 50 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: Na Job dey this picture as papa but e never old that time. E de teach some of e children about the wonderful things wey God make.

^ par. 52 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: One brother no gree join e workmates watch pornography.

^ par. 54 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: One brother no gree buy one big television wey cost, even though say the person wey de sell de talk sweet things to make the brother buy-am.

^ par. 56 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: One brother de think deep and pray about the hope of Paradise.