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Traem Best for Hambol and Mekem Jehovah Hapi

Traem Best for Hambol and Mekem Jehovah Hapi

‘Yufala olketa hambol pipol long disfala lan, yufala mas aftarem Jehovah an trae fo kamap hambol.’—SEFENAEA 2:3.

SONG 80 “Luksavve Jehovah Hem Gud”


1-2. (a) Wanem nao Bible talem abaotem Moses, and wanem nao hem duim? (b) Wanem reason nao mekem iumi laek for hambol?

BIBLE storyim hao Moses “hemi hambol tumas. No eni narafala man long wol hemi save hambol olsem hem.” (Nambas 12:3) Waswe datwan minim hem wik, no savve mekem disison, and hem fraet taem olketa narawan againstim hem? Maet hem nao tingting bilong samfala pipol abaotem man wea hambol. Bat kaen tingting olsem hem no tru. Moses hem strong, hem savve mekem disison, and hem wanfala servant bilong God wea no fraet. Jehovah helpem hem for go story witim strongfala ruler bilong Egypt, and hem leadim samting olsem 3,000,000 pipol long wanfala desert, and helpem nation bilong Israel for winim enemy bilong olketa.

2 Iumi no feisim olketa hard taem wea Moses winim, bat evriday iumi mas deal witim pipol or situation wea mekem hem no isi for hambol. Nomata olsem, iumi garem gud reason why iumi shud garem disfala fasin. Jehovah promisim hao olketa wea hambol bae stap long disfala earth. (Sams 37:11) Waswe, iu ting long iuseleva olsem man wea hambol? Waswe, olketa narawan ting long iu olsem man wea hambol? Bifor iumi ansarem olketa important kwestin hia, iumi need for savve wanem nao wei for hambol hem minim.


3-4. (a) Wei for hambol hem olsem wanem? (b) Olketa wanem fasin nao iumi need for garem mekem iumi hambol, and why nao olsem?

3 Wei for hambol * hem olsem wanfala painting wea luk naes tumas. Why nao olsem? Wanfala artist savve iusim olketa difren kala wea luk naes for paintim wanfala piksa, long sem wei tu, for man hambol hem mas garem olketa nara gudfala wei. Olketa main fasin nao hem wei for obey, kaen, and wei for no fraet. Why nao iumi needim olketa fasin hia for mekem Jehovah hapi?

4 Olketa wea hambol nomoa willing for obeyim wanem God laekem. Wanfala samting wea God laekem iumi for duim hem nao for hambol and kaen. (Matt. 5:5; Gal. 5:23) Taem iumi duim wanem God laekem, iumi mekem Satan kros. So nomata iumi hambol and kaen, staka pipol long world bilong Satan bae heitim iumi. (John 15:18, 19) Dastawe iumi need for no fraet for againstim Satan.

5-6. (a) Why nao Satan heitim pipol wea hambol? (b) Olketa wanem kwestin nao bae iumi ansarem?

5 Man wea hambol hem opposite long man wea garem fasin for praod, no kontrolem kros, and no obeyim Jehovah. Hem nao wei bilong Satan. Dastawe hem heitim pipol wea hambol! Pipol wea hambol showimaot klia hao Satan hem wanfala nogud man, bikos olketa showimaot olketa garem gudfala fasin wea Satan no garem. And worse go moa olketa pruvim Satan hem man for laea. Why nao olsem? Bikos nomata Satan talem or duim eni samting, hard for hem stopem pipol wea hambol for worshipim Jehovah!—Job 2:3-5.

6 Long olketa wanem taem nao hem no isi for hambol? And why nao iumi shud traem best for hambol? For ansarem olketa kwestin hia, iumi bae storyim example bilong Moses, thrifala Hebrew wea prisoner long Babylon, and Jesus.


7-8. Wanem nao Moses duim taem olketa narawan no respectim hem?

7 Taem iumi garem responsibility for lead: Hem no isi for olketa wea garem responsibility for lead for gohed hambol, especially taem samwan wea shud respectim olketa hem no duim datwan or hem kwestinim wei wea olketa wea lead mekem disison. Waswe, enitaem samting olsem kasem iu? Hao sapos wanfala famili member nao duim datwan? Wanem nao bae iu duim? Tingim samting wea Moses duim.

8 Jehovah appointim Moses for kamap leader bilong Israel and hem givim privilege long Moses for raetem daon olketa law for datfala nation. Datwan showimaot Jehovah barava sapotim Moses. Nomata olsem, really brata and sista bilong Moses, Aaron and Miriam, tok againstim hem and sei Moses shud no maritim datfala woman wea hem maritim. Samfala man wea garem sem responsibility olsem Moses maet kros and laek for pei bak, bat Moses no olsem. Hem no kwiktaem for kros. And hem barava askem Jehovah tu for no gohed panisim Miriam. (Nambas 12:1-13) Why nao Moses duim olsem?

Moses barava askem Jehovah for no gohed panisim Miriam (Paragraf 8 storyim diswan)

9-10. (a) Wanem nao Jehovah teachim Moses for luksavve long hem? (b) Wanem nao olketa hed long famili and olketa elder savve lanem from Moses?

9 Moses letem Jehovah for trainim hem. Samting olsem 40 year bifor datwan, hem member long famili bilong king bilong Egypt, and hem nating hambol. Wantaem, Moses kros kwiktaem and killim dae wanfala man from hem tingse datfala man duim samting wea no stret. Moses tingse God bae hapi long samting wea hem duim. Jehovah hem spendem 40 year for teachim Moses for minim hao hem no just needim wei for no fraet, bat hem mas hambol mekem hem savve leadim olketa Israelite. And for hem hambol, hem mas willing for obey, and hem mas kaen. Hem barava lane for duim datwan and hem kamap wanfala nambawan overseer.—Eksodas 2:11, 12; Acts 7:21-30, 36.

10 Distaem, olketa hed long famili and olketa elder shud followim example bilong Moses. Taem olketa narawan no respectim olketa, olketa mas no kwiktaem for kros. Bat olketa shud hambol for acceptim wei wea olketa duim mistek. (Eklesiastes 7:9, 20) Olketa willing for obeyim and followim direction from Jehovah abaotem hao for deal witim olketa problem. And evritaem tok kaen. (Provebs 15:1) Taem olketa hed long famili and olketa overseer duim olsem, datwan mekem Jehovah hapi, mekem peace kamap, and showimaot gudfala example for hambol.

11-13. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from thrifala Hebrew?

11 Taem olketa persecutim iumi: Start from bifor kam yet, olketa man wea rul persecutim pipol bilong Jehovah. Olketa maet accusim iumi and sei iumi duim olketa nogud samting, bat real reason why olketa kros hem bikos iumi obeyim God and no obeyim olketa. (Acts 5:29) Maet olketa mekfani long iumi, putim iumi long prison, or killim iumi nogud. Bat Jehovah bae helpem iumi for no pei bak and gohed hambol and kaen nomata iumi kasem test.

12 Tingim example bilong Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, thrifala Hebrew wea prisoner long Babylon. * King bilong Babylon komandim olketa for baodaon long wanfala big image wea olketa wakem long gold. Long kaenfala wei, olketa explainim long king why olketa bae no worshipim datfala image. Olketa gohed obeyim God nomata king sei hem bae bonem olketa long bigfala fire. Jehovah disaed for sevem olketa man hia stretawe, bat olketa no expectim God bae duim datwan for olketa. Olketa willing for acceptim eni samting wea Jehovah letem for happen. (Daniel 3:1, 8-28) Example bilong olketa pruvim hao pipol wea hambol no fraet. Bae no eni king, no eni samting wea pipol talem or duim savve stopem wei wea iumi disaed strong for worshipim Jehovah nomoa.—Eksodas 20:4, 5.

13 Taem faithful fasin bilong iumi long God kasem test, hao nao iumi savve followim example bilong thrifala Hebrew? Iumi mas hambol and trustim hao Jehovah bae lukaftarem iumi. (Sams 118:6, 7) Taem iumi ansarem olketa wea accusim iumi, iumi duim datwan long wei wea kaen and showimaot respect. (1 Pet. 3:15) And iumi barava no laek for duim eni samting wea bae spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim Dadi bilong iumi wea barava lovem iumi.

Taem olketa narawan againstim iumi, iumi mas ansarem olketa long wei wea showimaot respect (Paragraf 13 storyim diswan)

14-15. (a) Wanem nao savve happen taem iumi stress or wari? (b) Olsem Aesaea 53:7, 10 storyim, why nao iumi fit for sei Jesus hem barava nambawan example bilong man wea hambol nomata hem stress and wari?

14 Taem iumi deal witim stress or wari: Staka samting stap wea savve mekem iumi evriwan stress or wari. Maet iumi redi for duim wanfala test long skul or iumi redi for duim wanfala waka. Or iumi stress bikos iumi tingting tumas abaotem hao maet iumi need for duim medical test or kasem operation. Taem iumi stress or wari, hem no isi for iumi hambol. Maet iumi savve kwiktaem feel nogud long olketa smol samting wea bifor iumi nating warim nomoa. And maet iumi savve talem or duim samting wea no kaen. Sapos iu stress or wari olsem, tingim example bilong Jesus.

15 Long olketa last month wea Jesus laef long earth, hem stress and wari tumas. Hem savve hao olketa bae killim hem dae and hem bae barava safa. (John 3:14, 15; Gal. 3:13) Samfala month bifor hem dae, hem storyim hem wari tumas. (Luke 12:50) And tu-thri day bifor Jesus dae, hem sei: “Mi barava wari tumas.” Iumi savve lukim wei wea hem barava hambol and obeyim God taem hem prea and talemaot feeling bilong hem. Hem sei: “Dadi, sevem mi from disfala hard taem. Nomata olsem, hem nao samting wea mi kam for hem. Dadi, mekhae long nem bilong iu.” (John 12:27, 28) Taem olketa kam for arrestim Jesus, hem no fraet for givim hemseleva long olketa enemy bilong God. Olketa barava mekem hem safa and mek shame long hem taem olketa killim hem dae. Nomata Jesus barava wari and safa tumas, hem hambol for duim wanem God laekem. For sure, iumi fit for sei Jesus nao barava nambawan example bilong man wea hambol nomata hem barava stress and wari!—Readim Aesaea 53:7, 10.

Jesus showimaot barava nambawan example for hambol (Paragraf 16-17 storyim diswan) *

16-17. (a) Wanem nao olketa fren bilong Jesus duim wea mekem hem no isi for Jesus hambol? (b) Hao nao iumi savve followim example bilong Jesus?

16 Long last naet wea Jesus laef long earth, olketa klos fren bilong hem duim samting wea mekem hem maet no isi for hem hambol. Tingim wei wea Jesus stress and wari long datfala naet. Waswe, bae hem gohed faithful go kasem taem hem dae? Sapos hem no faithful, no eniwan bae garem hope for laef olowe. (Rome 5:18, 19) And samting wea moa important, wanem hem duim bae affectim nem bilong Dadi bilong hem. (Job 2:4) And long last naet wea hem kaikai witim olketa aposol wea olketa nao klos fren bilong hem, olketa aposol story gogo olketa “raoa abaotem hu long olketa nao hem important.” Staka taem finis Jesus stretem olketa fren bilong hem abaotem diswan, nomata long datfala sem evening tu! Bat nomata olsem, Jesus no feel nogud long olketa. Hem gohed for hambol and kaen. Long kaenfala wei Jesus tok stret taem hem explainim moa fasin wea olketa shud garem. Then hem praisem olketa fren bilong hem bikos olketa faithful for sapotim hem.—Luke 22:24-28; John 13:1-5, 12-15.

17 Wanem nao bae iu duim sapos samting olsem kasem iu? Iumi savve followim example bilong Jesus for hambol and kaen nomata iumi stress or wari tumas. Iumi willing for obeyim komand bilong Jehovah for gohed patient witim each other. (Col. 3:13) Sapos iumi evritaem tingim hao iumi evriwan savve talem and duim samting wea maet mekem narawan feel nogud, datwan bae mekem iumi savve obeyim datfala komand. (Provebs 12:18; Jas. 3:2, 5) And hem gud tu for praisem olketa narawan taem iu lukim olketa garem naesfala wei.—Eph. 4:29.


18. Hao nao Jehovah helpem pipol wea hambol for mekem wise disison, bat wanem nao iumi mas duim?

18 Iumi bae mekem olketa wise disison. Taem iumi no savve wanem disison nao bae iumi mekem long laef, Jehovah bae helpem iumi for mekem olketa wise disison. Bat hem bae duim datwan only sapos iumi hambol. Hem promis bae hem herem olketa wea hambol taem olketa askem hem for help. (Ps. 10:17, NW) Bat hem bae no just herem iumi nomoa. Bible promis olsem: “Hemi gohed fo lidim olketa pipol wea i hambol long stretfala wei, an hemi gohed fo tisim olketa, long wei blong hem.” (Sams 25:9) Jehovah provaedem help thru long Bible and olketa nara pablikeson * and thru long olketa program wea “datfala wakaman wea faithful and wise” provaedem. (Matt. 24:45-47) Iumi tu mas duim samting, iumi mas hambol and luksavve iumi needim help, studyim olketa samting wea Jehovah provaedem, and willing for followim wanem iumi lanem.

19-21. Wanem mistek nao Moses duim long Kadesh, and olketa wanem leson nao iumi lanem from datwan?

19 Bae hem helpem iumi for no mekem staka mistek. Tingim moa example bilong Moses. For staka year hem gohed hambol and mekem Jehovah hapi. Then, klosap long end bilong 40 year wea olketa stap long wilderness, Moses no showimaot hambol fasin. Sista bilong hem, wea luk olsem hem nao help for sevem laef bilong hem long Egypt, hem just dae and olketa berem long Kadesh. And long datfala taem olketa Israelite komplen moa and sei no eniwan lukaftarem olketa gud. Olketa komplenim Moses bikos no eni wata. Nomata Jehovah iusim Moses for duim staka mirakol and nomata Moses evritaem showimaot hem tingim olketa pipol wea hem leadim, olketa gohed komplenim hem. Olketa no komplen bikos no eni wata nomoa, bat olketa sei Moses nao mekem olketa no garem eni wata for drink.—Nambas 20:1-5, 9-11.

20 From Moses barava kros tumas hem no hambol nao. Winim wei for garem faith and tok long datfala ston olsem Jehovah komandim hem, Moses tok kros long olketa pipol and hem mekhae long hemseleva. Then, hem whipim datfala ston tufala taem and wata kamaot from. Wei for praod and kros mekem hem for duim wanfala serious mistek. (Sams 106:32, 33) From Moses no hambol for lelebet taem hia, Jehovah no letem hem for go long Promis Land.—Nambas 20:12.

21 Iumi savve lanem olketa nambawan leson from disfala example. First samting, iumi mas evritaem waka hard for keepim wei for hambol. Sapos iumi no hambol for lelebet taem, wei for praod bae kamap and datwan mekem iumi for talem and duim samting wea no stret. Mek-tu samting, wei for stress and wari savve mekem hem no isi for iumi gohed hambol. So iumi mas traem best for hambol, nomata taem iumi stress and wari.

22-23. (a) Why nao iumi shud gohed for hambol? (b) Wanem nao toktok wea stap long Sefenaea 2:3 hem showimaot?

22 Bae iumi kasem protection. Klosap nao Jehovah bae finisim evri nogud pipol from disfala earth, and olketa wea hambol nomoa bae stap. Then evriwan long earth bae garem peace. (Sams 37:10, 11) Waswe, iu bae wanfala long olketa hambol wan hia? Iu savve insaed datfala grup sapos iu followim wanem Jehovah talem wea profet Zephaniah raet abaotem.—Readim Sefenaea 2:3.

23 Why nao Sefenaea 2:3 hem sei: “Maet yufala stap sef”? Datfala toktok no minim Jehovah no fit for protectim olketa wea laek for mekem hem hapi and wea hem lovem. Bat hem showimaot iumi need for duim samting mekem iumi kasem protection. For iumi sev “long de wea [Jehovah] hemi somaot kros blong hem” and for iumi kasem laef olowe, iumi mas traem best for hambol and mekem Jehovah hapi.

SONG 120 Hambol Olsem Christ

^ par. 5 No eniwan long iumi hem born witim wei for hambol. Iumi mas traem best for garem hambol fasin. Maet iumi faendem hem isi for hambol taem iumi deal witim pipol wea wei bilong olketa gud, bat maet hem no isi for hambol taem iumi deal witim pipol wea praod. Long disfala study iumi bae storyim samfala hard samting wea maet iumi mas winim mekem iumi garem disfala nambawan fasin for hambol.

^ par. 3 MINING BILONG WANFALA TOKTOK: Hambol. Pipol wea hambol olketa kaen taem olketa deal witim narawan and no kros kwiktaem nomata olketa narawan spoelem olketa. Pipol wea hambol no praod or no tinghae long olketa seleva, and olketa ting long olketa narawan nao gud winim olketa. Taem iumi story abaotem wei wea Jehovah hambol, datwan minim hem showimaot love and mercy long olketa wea stap anda long hem.

^ par. 12 Olketa bilong Babylon nemim thrifala Hebrew hia Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.—Daniel 1:7.

^ par. 18 Olsem example, lukim article “Disaedem Samting wea Bae Mekem God Kasem Praise” wea stap long April 15, 2011 Wastaoa.

^ par. 59 PIKSA: Jesus gohed hambol and kaen taem hem stretem olketa disaepol bilong hem bihaen olketa raoa abaotem hu long olketa nao important.