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Jehovah Tinghae Taem Iu Sei “Amen”

Jehovah Tinghae Taem Iu Sei “Amen”

JEHOVAH tinghae long worship bilong iumi. Hem savve herem evri samting wea olketa wea worshipim hem talem, and hem lukim nomata smol samting wea olketa duim for praisem hem. (Malakae 3:16) Olsem example, tingim wanfala word wea iumi savve talem staka taem. Hem nao “amen.” Waswe, Jehovah tinghae long wei wea iumi talem datfala word? Barava nao! For savve why nao olsem, bae iumi storyim wanem nao mining bilong word hia, and hao pipol long taem bilong Bible iusim datfala word.


Datfala English word “amen” hem minim “mas olsem nao” or “hem tru.” Olketa transleitim from Hebrew word wea minim “faithful,” and “man fit for trustim.” Samfala taem pipol iusim disfala word taem olketa deal witim olketa samting saed long law. Bihaen man talem oath, wea minim promis, hem bae sei ‘amen’ for pruvim wanem hem talem hem tru, and hem showimaot hem acceptim eni samting wea bae kamap from datwan. (Nambas 5:21, 22) Taem man hia talem ‘amen’ front long nara pipol, datwan bae mekem hem for mas duim wanem hem promisim.—Nehemaea 5:13.

Wanfala interesting example long hao Bible iusim word “amen” hem stap long Diutronomi chapter 27. Bihaen olketa Israelite kasem Promis Land, Jehovah talem olketa for hipap midolwan long Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim for herem olketa Levite readim Law. Olketa mas no herem nomoa datfala Law bat mas talemaot olketa acceptim tu. Taem olketa Levite readim wanem bae happen sapos man disobeyim law, olketa Israelite mas sei “Amen!” (Diutronomi 27:15-26) Tingim go nomoa taem staka thousand man, woman, and pikinini tok big and sei “Amen”! (Josua 8:30-35) Hard for olketa forgetim wanem olketa herem long datfala taem. Olketa Israelite hia duim wanem olketa promisim, Bible sei: “Taem wea Josua hemi laef yet, olketa traeb blong Israel i gohed fo falom nomoa [Jehovah]. An bihaen long taem wea hemi dae finis, pipol blong Israel i gohed fo falom hem, go-go kasem taem wea olketa lida hu i bin lukim seleva olketa bikfala waka wea [Jehovah] hemi bin duim fo Israel, olketa dae evriwan.”—Josua 24:31.

Jesus tu iusim word “amen” for strongim hao wanem hem talem hem tru, bat hem duim long spesol wei. Hem no sei “amen” for agree long toktok bilong narawan, bat hem iusim “amen” (long Pidgin iumi transleitim “mi talem iufala tru samting”) for startim toktok wea hem talem for showimaot wanem hem talem hem tru. Samfala taem hem repeatim and sei “amen, amen.” (John 1:51) Datwan mekem olketa wea herem barava trustim wanem hem talem hem tru. Jesus fit for tok olsem bikos hem kasem paoa for mekem evri promis bilong God kamap tru.—2 Cor. 1:20; Rev. 3:14.


Taem olketa Israelite praisem Jehovah and prea olketa savve sei “amen” tu. (Nehemaea 8:6; Sams 41:13) Wei for sei “amen” bihaen olketa herem wanfala prea showimaot olketa agree long datfala prea. Taem olsem, evriwan nao join insaed and datwan mekem olketa barava enjoyim wei for worshipim Jehovah. Hem nao samting wea happen taem King David tekem Ark bilong covenant go long Jerusalem. Taem olketa celebratem datwan, King David talem wanfala prea bat hem singim olsem song. Prea hia stap long Fas Kronikols 16:8-36. Samting wea hem talem barava muvim olketa Israelite, and evriwan sei, “Amen!” and praisem Jehovah. Wei wea evriwan wan mind for talem “amen” mekem olketa hapi tumas long datfala taem.

Olketa Christian long first century tu iusim word “amen” taem olketa praisem Jehovah. Olketa wea raetem Bible iusim datfala word staka taem. (Rome 1:25; 16:27; 1 Pet. 4:11) Bible buk Revelation sei olketa angel long heven givim glory long Jehovah and sei “Amen! Praisem Jah!” (Rev. 19:1, 4) Hem wei bilong olketa firstfala Christian for sei “amen” bihaen prea wea olketa talem long olketa meeting. (1 Cor. 14:16) Nomata olsem, olketa no talem datfala word nating nomoa.


Bihaen iumi lanem mining bilong “amen,” and why pipol bilong Jehovah bifor iusim, iumi luksavve why olketa talem “amen” long end bilong prea. Taem iumiseleva prea and sei “amen,” iumi showimaot iumi barava bilivim wanem iumi talem hem tru. And taem narawan prea and iumi sei “Amen” big, or insaed heart bilong iumi, datwan showimaot iumi agree witim datfala prea. Tingim samfala nara point abaotem why hem important for sei “amen.”

Hem part long worship so iumi mas lisin gud. Taem iumi prea iumi worshipim Jehovah, so wanem iumi talem and duim insaed prea hem barava important. From iumi laekem “amen” bilong iumi for tru wan, iumi mas garem stretfala tingting and lisin gud taem prea gohed.

Iumi garem wan mind. Taem narawan prea long kongregeson, datwan mekem iumi evriwan long kongregeson tingim sem samting. (Acts 1:14; 12:5) Taem iumi evriwan insaed kongregeson sei “amen,” datwan mekem iumi barava wan mind. Nomata iumi talem big or insaed heart, “amen” bilong iumi evriwan savve muvim Jehovah for duim wanem iumi askem long hem.

Taem iumi sei “amen” iumi praisem Jehovah

Iumi praisem Jehovah. Jehovah lukim evri samting wea iumi duim for worshipim hem. (Luke 21:2, 3) Hem savve long reason why iumi duim samting and hem lukim heart bilong iumi. Nomata sapos iumi mas iusim phone for connect go long wanfala meeting, iumi sure Jehovah barava tingim wei wea iumi sei “amen.” Taem iumi sei “amen” iumi joinim olketa narawan wea insaed meeting for praisem Jehovah.

Maet iumi tingse wei wea iumi sei “amen” hem no important nomoa, bat datwan hem no tru. Datfala buk Insight on the Scriptures, storyim hao taem olketa wea worshipim God talem disfala toktok datwan showimaot olketa barava sure, agree, and garem strongfala hope insaed heart bilong olketa. So iumi laekem “amen” wea iumi talem for mekem Jehovah hapi.—Sams 19:14.