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The Search for Truth

The Search for Truth

Knowing the truth can be a matter of life and death. For example, consider how our lives have been affected by the answer to the following question, How do infectious diseases spread?

For thousands of years, no one really knew the answer to that question. Meanwhile, plagues and epidemics took millions of lives. Eventually, scientists learned the truth. They discovered that diseases were often caused by germs​—microorganisms, such as bacteria or viruses. Finding out that one truth has helped people prevent and treat many diseases, which has led to billions of people living longer and healthier lives.

What about other important questions? How do you think the search for truth about the following questions could affect you?

  • Who is God?

  • Who is Jesus Christ?

  • What is the Kingdom of God?

  • What does the future hold?

Millions of people have found the answers to those questions and have improved the quality of their life. You too can benefit from the answers.


You may wonder, ‘How is it possible to find out the truth about anything?’ After all, finding out the truth about many things seems to be getting more and more difficult. Why?

Many people do not trust governments, businesses, or the media to tell them the truth. They find it difficult to distinguish facts from opinions, half-truths, and outright lies that are presented as reliable information. In this climate of distrust and misinformation, people disagree not only on how to interpret the facts but also on what the actual facts are.

Despite such challenges, it is possible to find truthful answers to life’s most important questions. How? By applying skills you use in everyday life.


To some extent, you search for truth every day. Consider Jessica’s situation. “My daughter’s peanut allergy is so severe,” she says, “that even a trace amount of peanut protein can be fatal.” Jessica needs to know that the food she buys will be safe for her daughter. “My first step is to read food labels carefully to check the ingredients. Then I do further research and even contact the manufacturer to confirm that there is no risk of cross contamination. I also consider other reliable sources that can vouch for the company’s reputation for following safe food practices.”

Your daily search for truth may not be as critical as Jessica’s, but like Jessica, you may use the following approach to find answers to questions you have:

  • Get the facts.

  • Do additional research.

  • Make sure your sources are credible.

This same process can help you find truthful answers to life’s big questions. How?


When searching for Bible truth, Jessica used a similar approach to the one she uses when researching her daughter’s food allergies. She says, “Careful reading and diligent research helped me find the truth in the Bible.” Like Jessica, millions of people have learned what the Bible says about these questions:

  • Why are we here?

  • What happens at death?

  • Why is there suffering?

  • What is God doing to end all suffering?

  • How can we have a happy family life?

You can find truthful answers to these and other questions by reading the Bible and doing additional research online at