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Allow Jehovah to Give You Peace of Mind

Allow Jehovah to Give You Peace of Mind

“When things de worry me for heart, you comfort me and you make me get joy.”—PS. 94:19.

SONG 44 Prayer of Person Wey E De Face Problem


1. Wetin fit make us start to worry, and how e fit affect us?

SOMETHING don ever worry you for mind? * E fit be say the thing wey other people talk or do make you start to worry because of the pain wey you feel. Or maybe something wey you talk or do start to worry you. For example, you fit don make mistake and you begin worry say Jehovah no go ever forgive you. Ontop that one, you fit think say because you de worry about something too much, you no get strong faith and you be bad person. But, na true be that?

2. Which examples show say, even when we de worry, e no mean say we no get faith?

2 Make we talk about some examples for Bible. One of them na Hannah. Hannah later become the mother of prophet Samuel. Hannah really get strong faith, but e begin over worry when somebody for e family no treat her well. (1 Sam. 1:7) Apostle Paul get strong faith, but e start to really “worry about all the congregations.” (2 Cor. 11:28) Jehovah get strong love for King David because of the strong faith wey e get. (Acts 13:22) Even with that one, David make plenty mistake and because of this one, e start to over worry. (Ps. 38:4) Jehovah give each of this people comfort and peace of mind. Make we see the thing wey we fit learn from their examples.


3. How the thing wey people talk fit make us de worry?

3 When people talk to us for harsh way or do wetin pain us, we fit begin worry. This one na true, especially if na our close friend or family member do wetin pain us. We fit begin worry say we and the person no go be friends again. Sometimes, we fit no like wetin the person talk, and the thing fit pain us like say they use knife chuk us. (Prov. 12:18) Or person fit talk something wey e know say go pain us. This kind thing happen to one young sister. The sister talk say: “Some years ago, somebody wey I think say na my friend spread lie about me for Internet. The thing pain me and e start to worry me. I no just understand why friend wey I trust go do me this kind thing.” If your close friend or family member don do wetin pain you, you fit learn plenty things from the example of Hannah.

4. Which serious problems Hannah face?

4 Hannah really face some serious problems. For many years, e no fit born pikin. (1 Sam. 1:2) For Israel that time, people believe say if woman no fit born pikin, this one mean say God no de bless the woman. This one make shame catch Hannah no be small. (Gen. 30:1, 2) To make the matter worse, the husband of Hannah get another wife wey e name na Peninnah. And this second wife born many children for the man. Another thing be say, Peninnah de jealous Hannah and “de laugh Hannah everytime so that e go vex.” (1 Sam. 1:6) Hannah really feel sad about her condition the first time. E no dey happy at all sotey “e go de cry and e no go chop.” Hannah “really feel sad reach bone.” (1 Sam. 1:7, 10) Wetin give Hannah comfort?

5. How prayer help Hannah?

5 Hannah pour e heart to Jehovah for prayer. After e don pray, e explain e condition to High Priest Eli. Then Eli tell Hannah say: “Make you go well, and make the God of Israel give you the thing wey you don beg for.” Wetin be the result? Hannah “comot and e go chop, and e face show say e no dey sad again.” (1 Sam. 1:17, 18) Prayer help Hannah to get peace of mind again.

Like Hannah for Bible time, how we fit get peace of mind again and continue to get-am? (Check paragraph 6-10)

6. Which things we learn from Hannah and from Philippians 4:6, 7 about prayer?

6 We fit get peace again if we no tire to pray. Hannah spend long time de talk to Jehovah, e Papa for heaven. (1 Sam. 1:12) And if some things de worry us, if we de fear, or we dey weak for some things, we too fit talk to Jehovah for long time about this things. We no need to talk everything for our prayer make e sweet like song or make e arrange well. Sometimes, we fit even see say as we de tell Jehovah about our problems we de cry. Even with that one, Jehovah no go ever tire to listen to us. Apart from say we need to tell Jehovah our problems, we still need to remember the advice for Philippians 4:6, 7. (Read-am.) Paul tell us for that verse say make we de thank God for our prayer. We really get plenty things wey we suppose to thank Jehovah for. For example, we fit thank God for the life wey e don give us, for the fine-fine things wey e make, for the strong love wey e get for us, and for the wonderful hope wey e don give us. Which other thing we fit learn from Hannah?

7. Wetin Hannah and e husband de always do?

7 Even with the problems wey Hannah de face that time, e de always follow e husband go the place wey them de worship Jehovah for Shiloh. (1 Sam. 1:1-5) Na for that place High Priest Eli talk say e de hope say Jehovah go answer the prayer of Hannah. This one really encourage Hannah.—1 Sam. 1:9, 17.

8. How our meeting fit help us? Explain.

8 We fit get peace again if we continue to attend congregation meeting. Many times when we want start meeting, one brother go pray to Jehovah to give us holy spirit for the meeting. Peace dey part of the character wey holy spirit de help us get. (Gal. 5:22) When we go meeting even though say we de face stress, Jehovah and our brothers and sisters fit encourage us and help us get peace of mind and heart again. Prayer and meeting na important ways wey Jehovah de use give us peace. (Heb. 10:24, 25) Make we talk about another thing wey we fit learn from Hannah.

9. Wetin no change for the condition wey Hannah de face, but wetin help Hannah?

9 The reason why Hannah de worry no end at once. When Hannah come back from the place wey e go worship God, e still live for the same house with Peninnah. And Bible no talk say Peninnah change the way e de behave. So e fit be say Hannah continue to endure the pain from the things wey Peninnah de talk. But Hannah get peace of mind again. Remember say when Hannah don leave the matter for Jehovah, e stop to worry. Hannah allow Jehovah to comfort her and give her peace of mind. After some time, Jehovah even bless Hannah with children!—1 Sam. 1:19, 20; 2:21.

10. Wetin we learn from the example of Hannah?

10 We fit still get peace of mind again even if the cause of the worry-worry still dey. Even though we de pray hard and de always go meeting, some problems fit continue. But from wetin happen to Hannah, we learn say nothing go fit stop Jehovah make e no help us to get peace of mind. Jehovah no go ever forget us, and small time, e go bless us as we no tire.—Heb. 11:6.


11. Which reasons Paul get to worry?

11 Paul get plenty reasons to worry. For example, because e love e brothers and sisters, the problems wey them de face really worry e mind. (2 Cor. 2:4; 11:28) When Paul de do e work as apostle, e receive beating from enemies of the good news. They still put Paul for prison. And Paul worry because of some hard time wey e face. For example, time dey wey e “no get enough” to survive. (Phil. 4:12) And because that time e boat don scatter for water at least three times, e go don face plenty stress when e de travel with boat. (2 Cor. 11:23-27) How Paul handle the worry-worry?

12. Wetin help Paul make e no worry too much?

12 Paul worry because e brothers and sisters de face problem. But e no try to fix all their problem by e self. Paul know where e power reach. E arrange make other people help to care for the congregation. For example, e give work to men wey people fit trust, like Timothy and Titus. The work wey this brothers do go don really make the worry-worry wey Paul get to come down.—Phil. 2:19, 20; Titus 1:1, 4, 5.

Like apostle Paul, wetin we fit do so that something no go over worry us? (Check paragraph 13-15)

13. How elders fit do like Paul?

13 Tell other people to help you. Like Paul, when people for congregation de face problem today, better elders de worry about them. But only one elder no go fit help everybody for congregation. When elder gree say e no go fit do everything by e self, e go tell other people to help and e go train young men to help care for the congregation.—2 Tim. 2:2.

14. Wetin Paul no worry about, and wetin we fit learn from e example?

14 Make you gree say you need person to comfort you. Paul dey humble, so e look for help and e receive help from e friends. Paul no worry e self say other people go de think say na weak person e be because e receive encouragement from e friends. For the letter wey Paul write to Philemon, e talk say: “I really get joy and comfort as I hear about your love.” (Philem. 7) Paul mention the names of some other people wey e don get encouragement from when e de face stress. (Col. 4:7-11) If we dey humble, we go agree say we need other people to encourage us. And our brothers and sisters go happy to support us when we need help.

15. Wetin Paul do when e condition really dey hard?

15 Trust Bible. Paul know say e fit get comfort from Bible. (Rom. 15:4) And e fit still get sense from Bible so that e fit face any problem. (2 Tim. 3:15, 16) When they arrest Paul for Rome the second time, e feel say small time e go die. For that kind hard condition, wetin Paul do? E tell Timothy make e come meet him quick-quick and make e bring “the scrolls.” (2 Tim. 4:6, 7, 9, 13) Why? Na because the scrolls or books fit be part of Hebrew Scriptures wey Paul fit use study Bible. When we de always study Bible like Paul, Jehovah go use Bible give us peace of mind, even when our condition really hard.


Like David, wetin fit help us if we make serious mistake? (Check paragraph 16-19)

16. Which worry-worry David use e own hand cause for e self?

16 David get reason to over worry because of the serious bad thing wey e do. E sleep with one woman wey e name na Bath-sheba, e arrange make they kill the husband of the woman, and e try to hide the bad thing wey e do. (2 Sam. 12:9) David no first answer e conscience. Because of that one, e stop to be friend of God, e no get peace of mind, and e sick. (Ps. 32:3, 4) Wetin help David handle the worry-worry wey e use e hand cause, and wetin fit help us if we make serious mistake?

17. How Psalm 51:1-4 make us see say David really dey sorry for wetin e do?

17 Pray make Jehovah forgive you. As time de go, David pray to Jehovah. David no happy at all for the thing wey e do and e tell Jehovah everything. (Read Psalm 51:1-4.) And this one really give David peace of mind and joy again. (Ps. 32:1, 2, 4, 5) If you commit serious sin, make you no try to hide-am. Instead, make you pray and tell Jehovah everything wey you do. Then your worry-worry go come down and your conscience go free you small. But if you want be friend of God again, you go do pass just to pray.

18. How David behave when e receive correction?

18 Accept correction. When Jehovah send prophet Nathan to tell David about e sin, David no begin give excuse or talk say wetin e do no really bad. E no waste time accept say e no only sin against the husband of Bath-sheba, but the number one important thing be say, e sin against Jehovah. David accept correction from Jehovah, and Jehovah forgive David. (2 Sam. 12:10-14) If we don commit serious sin, we need to talk with people wey Jehovah don choose to care for us. (Jas. 5:14, 15) And we no suppose to give excuse or de talk say wetin we do no too bad. If we quick accept and follow any correction wey they give us, we go quick get peace and joy again.

19. Wetin we suppose try our best to do?

19 Try your best make you no repeat the same mistakes. King David know say if e no want do the same sin again, e go need help from Jehovah. (Ps. 51:7, 10, 12) After Jehovah forgive David, David try e best make bad thing no enter e mind. Because of that one, e get peace of mind again.

20. How we fit show say we like as Jehovah de forgive us?

20 We de show say we like as Jehovah de forgive person when we pray make e forgive us, accept the correction, and work hard make we no make the same mistake again. When we do this things, we go get peace of mind again. One brother wey e name na James see say this one na true. The brother commit serious sin before. E talk say: “When I tell the elders about my sin, I come feel say heavy load don comot for my head. I begin get peace of mind again.” Na really better thing for us to know say “Jehovah dey near people wey get pain for heart; e de save people wey their heart don weak”!—Ps. 34:18.

21. How we fit allow Jehovah to give us peace of mind?

21 Because we don de near the end of this wicked world, more things go de make us worry. When something start to worry your mind, no waste time pray to Jehovah make e help you. Study Bible well. Learn from Hannah, Paul, and David. Tell Jehovah your Papa for heaven make e help you know wetin de cause the worry-worry. (Ps. 139:23) Make e help you carry your load, especially if e don pass your power. If you do like that, you fit be like the writer of Psalm 94:19. E sing to Jehovah say: “When things de worry me for heart, you comfort me and you make me get joy.”

SONG 4 “Jehovah Na My Shepherd”

^ par. 5 Sometimes, all of us de worry about the problems wey we de face. For Bible, three servants of Jehovah face worry-worry. This article go talk about this three examples. E still talk about how Jehovah give them comfort and give them joy or peace of mind.

^ par. 1 WORD WEY WE EXPLAIN: Some things fit make person de worry. For example, money problem, sickness, family problem, or other problems. Mistake wey we don make for past or problems wey we think say we fit face for future, fit make us de worry.