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Waswe, Iu Redi for Baptaes?

Waswe, Iu Redi for Baptaes?

“Wei for baptaes . . . nao sevem iufala.”—1 PET. 3:21.

SONG 28 Kamap Fren Bilong Jehovah


1. Wanem nao samwan shud duim bifor hem buildim wanfala haos?

TINGIM wanfala man hem disaed for buildim haos. Hem savve wat kaen haos nao hem laek for buildim. Bat waswe, bae hem stretawe go lo stoa and baem material and start for build? Nomoa. Bifor hem start for build, hem shud duim wanfala important samting. Hem need for savve haomas selen bae hem needim for buildim datfala haos. Why nao olsem? Bikos hem need for savve sapos hem garem inaf selen for completim datfala haos. Sapos hem calculatem kost bifor hem start for build, luk olsem bae hem finisim datfala niu haos.

2. Olsem Luke 14:27-30 storyim, wanem nao iu shud tingting gud abaotem bifor iu baptaes?

2 Waswe, love and wei wea iu tinghae lo Jehovah muvim iu for laek baptaes? Sapos olsem, iu need for mekem disison olsem datfala man wea laek for buildim haos. Why nao iumi sei olsem? Tingim toktok blo Jesus lo Luke 14:27-30. (Readim.) Jesus storyim wanem hem minim for kamap disaepol blo hem. Sapos iumi laek for followim hem, iumi mas willing for acceptim hao iumi bae feisim samfala challenge and mas mekem samfala sakrifaes. (Luke 9:23-26; 12:51-53) So bifor iu baptaes, iu need for tingting gud abaotem wanem iu bae feisim taem iu kamap disaepol blo Christ. Datwan bae redyim iu for gohed faithful for servem God bihaen iu baptaes.

3. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala study?

3 Waswe, bae iu kasem eni gud samting taem iu disaed for baptaes and kamap disaepol blo Christ? Barava nao! Wei for baptaes openem door for kasem staka blessing distaem and lo future. Bae iumi storyim samfala important kwestin abaotem baptism. Bikos datwan bae helpem iu for ansarem disfala kwestin, “Waswe, mi redi for baptaes?”


4. (a) Wanem nao dedication? (b) Olsem Matthew 16:24 storyim, wanem nao hem minim for givim laef blo iu lo God?

4 Wanem nao dedication? Bifor iu fit for baptaes, iu mas mekem wanfala dedication. Taem iu mekem datfala dedication, iu prea lo Jehovah from heart and talem hem dat bae iu iusim laef blo iu for servem hem for olowe. Taem iu dedicatem iuseleva lo God, datwan minim iu no ownim iuseleva nao bat iu ‘givim laef blo iu lo God.’ (Readim Matthew 16:24.) Taem iu duim datwan, iu blo Jehovah nao, diswan hem nambawan privilege. (Rome 14:8) Hem olsem iu talem hem dat start from distaem, main important samting hem for duim wanem hem laekem and no for mekem iuseleva hapi. Dedication blo iu hem wanfala serious promis wea iu mekem lo Jehovah. Jehovah no forcem iumi for mekem datfala promis. Bat taem iumi mekem datfala promis, hem expectim iumi for keepim.—Sams 116:12, 14.

5. Hao nao dedication hem difren from baptism?

5 Hao nao dedication hem difren from baptism? No eniwan savve lo taem wea iu dedicate lo Jehovah, iu and Jehovah nomoa savve. Wei for baptaes hem samting wea staka pipol nao bae lukim, staka taem hem kamap lo assembly or convention. Taem iu baptaes, iu showim lo olketa narawan dat iu dedicatem iuseleva finis lo Jehovah. * So wei wea iu baptaes showimaot lo olketa narawan iu lovem God blo iu Jehovah witim full heart, soul, mind, and strong blo iu, and iu disaed for servem hem for olowe.—Mark 12:30.

6-7. Olsem 1 Peter 3:18-22 storyim, wanem nao tufala reason why hem important for baptaes?

6 Waswe hem important for baptaes? Ting raonem toktok wea stap lo 1 Peter 3:18-22. (Readim.) Olsem wei wea datfala ark pruvim lo pipol dat Noah garem faith lo God, baptism blo iu showimaot lo pipol iu dedicatem laef blo iu lo Jehovah. Bat waswe, hem really important for iumi baptaes? Barava nao. Peter storyim reason why iumi mas duim datwan. First reason, baptism hem “sevem laef” blo iu. Wei for baptaes savve sevem iumi sapos iumi duim samting wea showimaot iumi garem faith lo Jesus and bilivim hao hem dae for iumi and hem resurrect, and distaem hem lo “raet saed bilong God.”

7 Mek-tu reason, baptism hem mekem iumi garem “gudfala konsens.” Taem iumi dedicate lo God and baptaes, iumi garem spesol wei for fren witim hem. Bikos iumi barava repent and garem faith lo datfala ransom, God forgivim olketa sin blo iumi. So iumi savve garem gudfala konsens front lo Jehovah.

8. Wat nao main reason why iu disaed for baptaes?

8 Wanem nao main reason why iu disaed for baptaes? From wei wea iu studyim gud Bible, iu lanem staka samting abaotem Jehovah, olketa wei blo hem and hao hem duim samting. From olketa samting iu lanem abaotem hem kasem heart blo iu, datwan muvim iu for barava lovem hem. Love blo iu for Jehovah nao mas main reason why iu disaed for baptaes.

9. Olsem Matthew 28:19, 20 storyim, wanem nao hem minim for baptaes lo nem blo Dadi and Son and holy spirit?

9 Nara reason why iu disaed for baptaes, hem bikos iu acceptim olketa tru samting wea Bible teachim. Tingim wanem Jesus talem taem hem givim datfala komand for teachim pipol for kamap disaepol. (Readim Matthew 28:19, 20.) Olsem Jesus talem, olketa wea laek for kamap disaepol mas baptaes lo “nem bilong Dadi and bilong Son and bilong holy spirit.” Wanem nao diswan minim? Iu mas barava bilivim witim full heart blo iu olketa tru samting wea Bible teachim abaotem Jehovah, son blo hem Jesus, and holy spirit. Olketa tru teaching hia garem bigfala paoa and savve barava kasem heart blo iu. (Heb. 4:12) Distaem bae iumi storyim thrifala samting hia.

10-11. Olketa wanem tru teaching abaotem Dadi nao iu lanem and acceptim?

10 Tingim bak taem wea iu lanem olketa tru teaching abaotem Dadi. Iu lanem hao nem blo hem Jehovah, hem nomoa haefala ruler ovarem full earth, and hem nomoa trufala God. (Sams 83:18; Aesaea 37:16) Hem nao Creator blo iumi and hem nomoa savve sevem pipol. (Sams 3:8; 36:9) Hem provaedem samting wea bae sevem iumi from sin and dae, and hem givim lo iumi hope for kasem laef olowe. (John 17:3) Wei for dedicate and baptaes bae showimaot hao iu wanfala Jehovah’s Witness. (Aesaea 43:10-12) Iu kamap part lo wanfala famili evriwea lo world wea worshipim Jehovah, and wea feel praod for garem nem blo God and for storyim lo olketa narawan.—Sams 86:12.

11 Hem spesol privilege for iumi savve lo wanem Bible teachim abaotem Dadi! Taem iu bilivim olketa nambawan truth hia, datwan bae muvim iu for dedicatem iuseleva lo Jehovah and baptaes.

12-13. Olketa wanem tru teaching abaotem Son nao iu lanem and acceptim?

12 Wat nao tingting blo iu taem iu lanem tru teaching abaotem datfala Son? Jesus hem mek-tu important man lo full universe. Hem nao givim ransom for iumi. Hem willing for givim laef blo hem for iumi. Taem iumi duim samting wea showimaot iumi garem faith lo ransom, iumi savve kasem forgiveness for olketa sin blo iumi, savve garem wei for fren witim God, and kasem laef olowe. (John 3:16) Jesus hem Hae Priest blo iumi. Hem laek for helpem iumi for kasem gud samting from datfala ransom and garem klos wei for fren witim God. (Heb. 4:15; 7:24, 25) From Jesus hem King lo Kingdom blo God, hem nao bae mekem nem blo Jehovah for kamap holy, finisim evri nogud samting, and helpem iumi kasem olketa blessing for olowe lo paradaes lo future. (Matt. 6:9, 10; Rev. 11:15) Jesus hem example for iumi. (1 Pet. 2:21) Hem showimaot gudfala example lo wei wea hem iusim full laef blo hem for duim wanem God laekem.—John 4:34.

13 Taem iu acceptim wanem Bible teachim abaotem Jesus, datwan bae mekem iu for lovem Son blo God. Datfala love muvim iu for iusim full laef blo iu for duim samting wea God laekem, olsem wanem Jesus duim. Datwan bae muvim iu for barava laek dedicatem iuseleva lo Jehovah and baptaes.

14-15. Olketa wanem tru teaching abaotem holy spirit nao iu lanem and acceptim?

14 Wat nao iu tingim taem iu lanem olketa tru teaching abaotem holy spirit? Hem no wanfala man, bat hem paoa blo God. Jehovah iusim holy spirit for muvim olketa man for raetem Bible, and spirit hia helpem iumi for minim and followim wanem iumi readim insaed Bible. (John 14:26; 2 Pet. 1:21) Jehovah iusim spirit blo hem for givim iumi paoa wea “winim strong bilong man.” (2 Cor. 4:7) Datfala spirit strongim iumi for preachim gud nius, faet againstim temptation, deal witim wei for discourage, and winim olketa hard taem. Hem helpem iumi for showimaot olketa nambawan wei blo holy spirit. (Gal. 5:22) God willing for givim spirit blo hem lo olketa wea trustim hem, and wea barava askem hem for datwan.—Luke 11:13.

15 Taem iumi savve dat olketa wea worshipim Jehovah savve depend lo holy spirit for helpem olketa for servem hem, datwan barava encouragem iumi! Taem iu acceptim olketa tru teaching wea iu lanem abaotem holy spirit, datwan bae muvim iu for dedicatem iuseleva lo God and baptaes.

16. Wanem nao iumi lanem lo disfala study?

16 Taem iu disaed for dedicatem iuseleva lo God and baptaes, datwan hem wanfala important samting. Olsem iumi lanem finis, iu mas willing for feisim olketa challenge wea savve kamap and garem wei for sakrifaesim seleva. Bat blessing wea iu bae kasem hem winim sakrifaes wea iu mekem. Wei for baptaes hem sevem laef blo iu and hem mekem iu garem gudfala konsens front lo God. Love blo iu for Jehovah God nao mas main reason why iu disaed for baptaes. And tu, lo full heart blo iu, iu mas bilivim olketa tru teaching wea iu lanem abaotem Dadi, Son, and holy spirit. So bihaen iu ting raonem olketa samting wea iumi bin storyim, hao nao bae iu ansarem disfala kwestin, “Waswe, mi redi for baptaes?”


17. Wat nao samfala samting wea iu need for duim bifor iu baptaes?

17 Sapos iu ting dat iu redi for baptaes, for sure, iu duim finis staka samting for fren gud witim Jehovah. * From iu studyim Bible evritaem, iu savve lo staka samting abaotem Jehovah and Jesus. Iu garem faith. (Heb. 11:6) Iu barava trustim olketa promis blo Jehovah wea stap insaed Bible, and iu barava sure dat faith wea iu garem lo sakrifaes blo Jesus savve sevem iu from sin and dae. Iu repent from olketa sin blo iu finis; iu barava sorre tumas lo olketa rong samting wea iu duim, and iu askem finis Jehovah for hem forgivim iu. Iu barava changem laef blo iu; iu rejectim olketa nogud samting wea iu duim bifor, and iu start for duim olketa samting wea Jehovah bae hapi lo hem. (Acts 3:19) Iu barava laek for storyim faith blo iu lo olketa narawan. Iu qualify for kamap wanfala anbaptaes pablisa and start for go preaching witim kongregeson blo iu. (Matt. 24:14) Jehovah tinghae lo iu from iu duim olketa important samting hia. Iu mekem heart blo hem for barava hapi.—Provebs 27:11.

18. Wanem moa olketa nara samting wea iu need for savve bifor iu baptaes?

18 Bifor iu fit for baptaes, samfala nara samting moa iu need for duim. Olsem iumi lanem finis, iu mas dedicatem iuseleva lo God. Taem iu stap seleva prea from heart, and talem Jehovah dat iu promis for iusim full laef blo iu for duim wanem hem laekem. (1 Pet. 4:2) Then talem coordinator blo body of elders dat iu laek for baptaes. Hem bae askem samfala elder for meet witim iu. Plis no fraet for story witim olketa. Olketa kaenfala brata hia savve lo iu and lovem iu. Olketa bae reviewim witim iu olketa main Bible teaching wea iu lanem finis. Olketa laek for mek sure dat iu minim olketa teaching hia and iu savve dat wei for dedicate and baptaes hem barava important. Sapos olketa agree dat iu fit for baptaes, olketa bae letem iu savve dat iu bae baptaes lo next assembly or convention.


19-20. Wanem nao iu need for duim bihaen iu baptaes, and hao nao iu savve duim datwan?

19 Bihaen iu baptaes, wanem nao iu bae need for duim? * Tingim dat wei for dedicate hem wanfala promis and Jehovah expectim iu for keepim datfala promis. So bihaen iu baptaes, iu mas duim samting followim dedication blo iu. Hao nao iu savve duim datwan?

20 Garem klos wei for fren witim kongregeson blo iu. From iu baptaes, iu kamap part lo famili blo evri brata and sista. (1 Pet. 2:17) Spiritual famili blo iu nao evri brata and sista blo iu lo kongregeson. Taem iu attendim olketa meeting evritaem, datwan bae strongim wei wea iufala fren gud tugeta. Readim Bible evriday and ting raonem wanem iu readim. (Sams 1:1, 2) Bihaen iu readim wanfala verse lo Bible, hem gud for spendem taem for barava ting abaotem datwan. Then olketa toktok hia bae kasem heart blo iu. Mas gohed for prea. (Matt. 26:41) Taem iu prea from heart datwan bae mekem iu kam moa klos lo Jehovah. “Evritaem Kingdom . . . mas first samting.” (Matt. 6:33) Iu savve duim datwan taem iu mekem preaching waka for kamap important samting lo laef blo iu. Taem iu share evritaem lo ministry, faith blo iu bae strong, and iu bae helpem olketa narawan tu for kasem laef olowe.—1 Tim. 4:16.

21. Wei wea iu baptaes hem openem wei for wanem samting?

21 Wei wea iu disaed for dedicatem iuseleva lo Jehovah and baptaes, hem wanfala disison wea barava important winim eni nara disison. Hem tru, iu mas sakrifaesim samfala samting. Bat waswe, bae iu kasem eni gud samting from datwan? Barava nao! Bikos eni hard samting wea iu feisim lo world distaem “hem for lelebet taem nomoa and hem no big tumas.” (2 Cor. 4:17) Bat lo narasaed, wei wea iu baptaes hem openem wei for iu kasem laef wea mekem iu satisfae distaem, and for kasem “datfala tru laef” lo future. (1 Tim. 6:19) So plis ting raonem gud and prea abaotem ansa blo iu for disfala kwestin, “Waswe, mi redi for baptaes?”

SONG 50 Prea Bilong Mi for Dedicate

^ par. 5 Waswe, iu tingting for baptaes? Sapos olsem, olketa redyim disfala study especially for iu. Iumi bae storyim samfala kwestin wea man need for ting raonem saed lo disfala important subject. Ansa blo iu for olketa kwestin hia bae helpem iu for disaed sapos iu redi for baptaes.

^ par. 19 Sapos iu no study finisim yet buk Wanem Nao Iumi Savve Lanem Long Bible? and Gohed Kasem Gud Samting From Love Bilong God, iu shud gohed study go kasem taem iu finisim tufala buk hia.