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You Don Dey Ready to Baptize?

You Don Dey Ready to Baptize?

“Baptism . . . still de save wuna now.”—1 PET. 3:21.

SONG 28 Who Fit Be Your Friend Jehovah?


1. Wetin person suppose to do before e begin build house?

THINK-AM say person decide to build house. The person know the kind house wey e want build. Make e just go market and buy some of the things wey e need and start to build? No. Before the person start, one important thing dey wey e need to do. E suppose to know how much the house go cost. Why? Na because e need to know whether e get enough money to finish the house. If the person calculate the cost well before e start, e fit complete e new house.

2. According to Luke 14:27-30, wetin you suppose to think about sofri-sofri before you baptize?

2 Because you love Jehovah and you want show say you like the things wey e don do for you, you don de think about to baptize? If na yes be your answer, you need to decide something like that person wey we talk about say e want build house. Why we fit talk like that? Think about the thing wey Jesus talk for Luke 14:27-30. (Read-am.) For that verse, Jesus talk about wetin e mean for person to be e disciple. If we want follow Jesus, we must do something. We must dey ready to endure hard situation and leave things wey we like. (Luke 9:23-26; 12:51-53) So before you baptize, you need to really think about wetin you go face if you be disciple of Christ. This one go make you dey ready to serve God well as baptize Christian.

3. Wetin we go talk about for this article?

3 Na true say to baptize as disciple of Christ better pass anything wey we don do or leave so that we fit follow Christ? Yes, na true! When person baptize, e go get plenty blessings now and for future. Make we talk about some important questions about baptism. This one go help you answer this question, “I don dey ready to baptize?”


4. (a) Which promise person de make to God before e baptize? (b) Wetin e mean for person to “deny” e self, as e dey for Matthew 16:24?

4 Wetin the promise mean? Before you fit baptize, you must promise to serve God well. This promise na prayer from your heart to God. You go tell Jehovah for the prayer say you go use all your life serve-am forever. When you make that promise to give your life to God, you de “deny” yourself. (Read Matthew 16:24.) Na Jehovah get you from that time, and na big blessing be that. (Rom. 14:8) You de tell Jehovah say from that time, you go put all your heart for e service instead of things wey you like. This promise wey you make to God dey very serious. Jehovah no de force us to make this kind promise. But when we make this promise, Jehovah expect say we go do wetin we don promise.—Ps. 116:12, 14.

5. When we make promise to use all our life serve God and when we baptize, any difference dey?

5 When person make promise to use all e life serve God and when e baptize, any difference dey for the two? The promise wey you go make to use all your life serve Jehovah na between you and Jehovah; no other person go know when you make this promise. But when you go baptize, na for front of other people, and many times, na for assembly or convention. When you baptize, you de show other people say you don already promise to give Jehovah your life. * So your baptism de make people know say you love Jehovah your God with all your heart, life, mind, and power and say you don decide to serve God forever.—Mark 12:30.

6-7. According to 1 Peter 3:18-22, wetin be the two reason why we need to baptize?

6 E dey important to baptize? Think about the thing wey 1 Peter 3:18-22 talk. (Read-am.) The ark show people say Noah get faith for God. For the same way, when you baptize you de show people say you don promise to use your life serve Jehovah. But we really need to baptize? Yes, we need to baptize. Peter tell us the reason. Number one, baptism ‘de save you.’ Baptism fit save us if the things wey we de do de show say we get faith for Jesus and we believe say e die for us, e come back to life and go heaven, and now e “dey for the right hand side of God.”

7 Number two, if we baptize, we go get “good conscience.” When we promise to serve God well and we baptize, we don get special friendship with God. Because we don really repent and we get faith for the sacrifice of Jesus, God go forgive our sin. So our conscience fit dey clean for the eye of God.

8. Wetin suppose be the reason why you decide to baptize?

8 Which reasons suppose to make you decide to baptize? Because you don sofri study Bible, you don learn plenty things about Jehovah; things like the kind person wey e be and how e de do things. The things wey you don learn about Jehovah don touch your heart and they don make you to really love Jehovah. The love wey you get for Jehovah suppose to be the main reason why you decide say you want baptize.

9. Wetin e mean to baptize for “the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit,” as Bible talk for Matthew 28:19, 20?

9 Another reason why you go decide to baptize na say you don accept the truth for Bible. Think about the thing wey Jesus talk when e command us to go make disciples. (Read Matthew 28:19, 20.) Jesus talk say people must baptize for “the name of the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit.” Wetin this one mean? You must believe with all your heart the truth wey Bible teach about Jehovah; about e Son, Jesus; and the holy spirit. This truth for Bible really get power and they fit touch inside your heart. (Heb. 4:12) Make we talk about some of them.

10-11. Which things you don learn and accept for Bible about Jehovah?

10 Think about the time wey you learn some of this Bible truth about the Father. You learn say the name of the Father na “Jehovah,” na Jehovah “big pass for the whole earth,” and na only Jehovah be “the true God.” (Ps. 83:18; Isa. 37:16) Na Jehovah make us, and Bible talk say e “go fit save person.” (Ps. 3:8; 36:9) God don make arrangement to save us from sin and death, and e don give us the hope to live forever. (John 17:3) When you promise to serve God with all your life and you baptize, you de show say you don be Jehovah Witness. (Isa. 43:10-12) You go dey among worshippers of Jehovah. This family wey you join like-am as them de answer the name of God and de make people know about-am.—Ps. 86:12.

11 Na really big blessing to understand wetin Bible teach about Jehovah! When you accept this fine-fine truth for Bible, your heart go move you to promise to serve Jehovah well and baptize.

12-13. Which truth about Jesus you don learn and accept from Bible?

12 How you feel when you learn things for Bible about Jesus, the Son? You learn say na Jesus be the second important person for heaven and earth. Nobody force Jesus to come die for our sin. When we do things to show say we get faith for this sacrifice of Jesus, God go fit forgive our sins, we go fit be e friend, and we go live forever. (John 3:16) Jesus na our High Priest. E want help us make we gain from e sacrifice and be tight friend with God. (Heb. 4:15; 7:24, 25) Jesus na the King of God’s Kingdom, so na Jesus Jehovah go use make E name dey holy, to end wickedness, and give us plenty fine things for Paradise. (Matt. 6:9, 10; Rev. 11:15) Jesus na the example wey we suppose to follow. (1 Pet. 2:21) E use e life do the things wey God want and e use this one show better example.—John 4:34.

13 When you accept the things wey Bible teach about Jesus, you go love this dear Son of God. That love go move you to use your life do the things wey God want, like Jesus. Because of that one, your heart go move you to make promise say you go use your life serve Jehovah and then you go baptize.

14-15. Which things you don learn and accept for Bible about the holy spirit?

14 Wetin you think when you learn things for Bible about the holy spirit? You learn say holy spirit no be person like God, Jesus, or the angels, but na wetin God de use do e work. Jehovah use the holy spirit to direct men make they write Bible. And the spirit de help us to understand and follow the things wey we read for Bible. (John 14:26; 2 Pet. 1:21) Jehovah de use e spirit to give us power make we fit do things wey we no fit do by ourself. (2 Cor. 4:7) The spirit de give us power to preach the good news, to fight temptation, to face any problem and endure-am. Holy spirit still de help us get the fine-fine character wey Bible talk about as “the fruit wey the spirit de produce.” (Gal. 5:22) When person beg God for holy spirit with all e heart and e trust God, e go give the person the spirit.—Luke 11:13.

15 Servants of Jehovah fit trust say the holy spirit go help them serve God. This one de give them comfort and make them dey happy! When you don accept the truth wey Bible teach about the holy spirit, your heart go move you to promise to serve God with your life and baptize.

16. Wetin we don learn for this topic so far?

16 Your decision to use your life serve God and baptize na very important decision. As we don learn, we must dey ready to endure hard condition and leave things wey we like. But the blessings wey you go get better by far pass the things wey you leave. Baptism fit save you, and e go make you get good conscience for the eye of God. The main reason why you decide to baptize must be because you love Jehovah God. You must still believe with all your heart the correct things wey you don learn for Bible about Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the holy spirit. If you don think about the things wey we don de talk about since, wetin go be your answer for this question, “I don dey ready to baptize?”


17. Wetin be some things wey person need to do before e baptize?

17 If you feel say you don ready to baptize, you fit don already do plenty things so that you and Jehovah go be friend. * Because you de always study Bible, you don know plenty things about Jehovah and Jesus. You don de get faith. (Heb. 11:6) You trust Jehovah say e go do everything wey e promise for Bible, and you believe say your faith for the sacrifice of Jesus fit save you from sin and death. You don repent from your sins. This one mean say you really dey sorry for the bad things wey you don do, and you don beg God to forgive you. You don change your life. This one mean say you don stop the bad things wey you be de do and start to live for way wey God like. (Acts 3:19) Your heart de move you to tell people about the things wey you believe. You come do things wey make you become unbaptize publisher and you begin follow congregation de preach. (Matt. 24:14) Jehovah dey happy with you because of this important things wey you do. You don really make e heart glad.—Prov. 27:11.

18. Which other things you need to do before you fit baptize?

18 Before you fit baptize, e get some other things wey you need to do. As we don learn before, you must promise God from your heart to use your life do wetin e want. Na only you go make this promise for prayer to God. (1 Pet. 4:2) After that one, make you tell the coordinator of the body of elders say you want baptize. E go tell some elders make they see you. Abeg, make you no fear say elders want see you. Remember say this dear brothers know you and love you. They go discuss with you about the things wey you don already learn for your Bible study before. They want make sure say you understand the things wey you don learn and say you know how important e be for person to make this kind promise to Jehovah and baptize. If they agree say you don ready, they go tell you say you fit baptize for the next assembly or convention.


19-20. Wetin you need to do after you don baptize, and how you fit do that one?

19 After you don baptize, wetin you need to do? * Remember say you don promise to use all your life serve Jehovah. Jehovah expect you to do the thing wey you promise. So after you don baptize, you need to do wetin you don promise. How you fit do that one?

20 Dey close to people for your congregation. When you don baptize as Christian, you don dey part of the “brothers for the whole world.” (1 Pet. 2:17) Your brothers and sisters for congregation be like family to you. If you de always go meeting, you and them go de tight more-more. Make you de read Bible and de think deep about wetin you read everyday. (Ps. 1:1, 2) After you don read some part for Bible, use some time to think deep about the thing wey you read. If you do like that, the thing wey you don read go enter your heart. Bible talk say: “Continue de pray.” (Matt. 26:41) As you de pray from your heart, you and Jehovah go de tight more-more. Bible talk say: ‘Always de try make the Kingdom . . . be the number one thing for your life.’ (Matt. 6:33) You fit do that one if you make the preaching work the number one thing for your life. When you de always preach, your faith go continue to strong, and you fit help other people make they get hope to live forever.—1 Tim. 4:16.

21. Wetin you go get if you baptize?

21 The decision wey you make to use all your life serve Jehovah and baptize na the number one important decision wey you go ever make. Na true say you go first do or leave some things. But, no be the blessings wey you go get better pass the things wey you leave? Yes! Any problem wey you go face for this old world “na only for short time and e small.” (2 Cor. 4:17) But when you baptize, you go get better life now and for future you go get the “real life.” (1 Tim. 6:19) So abeg, take time think and pray about your answer to this question, “I don dey ready to baptize?”

SONG 50 I Give Jehovah My Life

^ par. 5 You de plan to baptize? If na so, then na you they write this article for. We go talk about some main questions for this important article. Your answers go help you decide whether you don dey ready to baptize.

^ par. 19 If you never finish the books Wetin Bible Fit Teach Us? and Continue to Get Strong Love for God make you continue to study with any Jehovah Witness until you finish the two books.