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Hambol—Hao Nao Datwan Savve Helpem Iumi?

Hambol—Hao Nao Datwan Savve Helpem Iumi?

Sara * sei: “Mi man for shame and fraet. So mi no feel free for stap witim pipol wea wei blo olketa raf. Bat mi feel free for stap witim samwan wea garem kwaet fasin and hambol. Mi feel free for story witim pipol olsem, mi savve storyim problem and feeling blo mi lo olketa. Olketa best fren blo mi garem olketa wei olsem.”

Wanem Sara talem showimaot pipol savve laek fren witim olketa wea garem kwaet fasin and hambol. Jehovah hapi lo olketa wea garem wei olsem. Bible sei iumi mas garem wei for kwaet and no raf. * (Col. 3:12) Wanem nao diskaen wei for hambol hem minim? Hao nao Jesus showimaot datwan? And hao nao disfala fasin bae mekem laef blo iumi for hapi go moa?


Diskaen wei for hambol or kwaet fasin hem minim for garem peace lo mind and heart. Man wea garem kwaet fasin savve deal witim olketa narawan lo kaenfala wei, and hem garem wei for kwaet and kontrolem hemseleva taem hem deal witim olketa hard situation.

Kwaet fasin hem no minim man hem wik. Datfala Greek toktok for kwaet fasin, olketa iusim for storyim wanfala wild horse wea olketa mekem hem for tame. Datfala horse still strong, bat olketa trainim hem for kontrolem paoa blo hem. Olsem tu, taem iumi showimaot kwaet fasin, iumi mekem wei blo iumi for kamap tame, mekem iumi stap gud witim olketa narawan.

Maet iumi ting, ‘Hem no wei blo mi nao for kwaet.’ Iumi stap lo world wea staka pipol savve raf and no patient, so maet hem no isi for showimaot kwaet fasin. (Rome 7:19) So iumi need for waka hard for mekem grow diskaen wei for hambol, bat holy spirit blo Jehovah bae helpem iumi for gohed traem best for garem disfala fasin. (Gal. 5:22, 23) Why nao iumi shud waka hard for mekem grow diskaen wei for hambol?

Diskaen wei for hambol hem fasin wea pipol laekem. Olsem Sara wea iumi storyim finis, iumi tu feel free for fren witim olketa wea hambol. Jesus hem nambawan example lo wei for hambol and kaen. (2 Cor. 10:1) Nomata olketa pikinini wea no savve lo hem olketa feel free for kam lo hem.—Mark 10:13-16.

Diskaen wei for hambol hem protectim iumi and olketa wea stap raonem iumi. Sapos iumi garem kwaet fasin, iumi bae no kwiktaem for feel nogud or duim samting from iumi kros. (Provebs 16:32) Taem olsem, bae iumi no feel guilty bikos iumi mekem narawan feel nogud, especially samwan wea iumi lovem. And kwaet fasin protectim olketa narawan bikos bae olketa no safa from wei wea iumi no kontrolem feeling blo iumi.


Nomata Jesus garem staka responsibility and hem busy tumas, hem no raf and hem kaen lo evriwan. Lo taem blo Jesus, staka olketa stragol and garem staka hevi and olketa needim samwan for strongim olketa. Olketa mas barava kasem comfort taem Jesus sei lo olketa: “Kam long mi, . . . bikos mi no savve raf and mi hambol”!—Matt. 11:28, 29.

Hao nao iumi savve mekem grow diskaen wei for hambol olsem Jesus? Iumi savve studyim Bible for lane abaotem hao Jesus deal witim pipol and wanem hem duim for deal witim olketa hard situation. Then taem iumi feisim olketa situation wea testim hambol fasin blo iumi, iumi traem best for followim example blo Jesus. (1 Pet. 2:21) Tingim thrifala samting wea helpem Jesus for hambol.

Jesus hem barava hambol. Jesus sei hem ‘no savve raf and hem hambol.’ (Matt. 11:29) Bible storyim tufala fasin hia tugeta bikos wei for no raf hem join witim wei for hambol. (Eph. 4:1-3) Why nao iumi sei olsem?

Wei for hambol helpem iumi for no kwiktaem feel nogud lo wanem pipol talem abaotem iumi. Wanem nao Jesus duim taem pipol tok spoelem hem and sei hem ova tumas for ‘kaikai and drinkim wine’? Thru lo example blo hem, hem pruvim hao wanem olketa talem hem no tru, and lo hambol wei hem sei, “Olketa gudfala samting wea man duim nao showimaot hem garem gudfala tingting.”—Matt. 11:19.

Sapos samwan tok daonem kala skin blo iu, or wei wea iu wanfala man or woman, or background blo iu, traem best for no feel nogud. Peter, wanfala elder lo South Africa sei: “Sapos mi feel nogud lo wanem samwan talem, mi savve askem miseleva, ‘Sapos Jesus wat nao hem bae duim?’” Hem sei tu: “Mi lane for no kwiktaem feel nogud lo wanem olketa narawan talem.”

Jesus luksavve hao iumi no perfect. Olketa disaepol blo Jesus laek for duim gud samting, bat from olketa no perfect, samfala taem olketa no duim samting wea olketa shud duim. Olsem example, lo naet bifor Jesus dae, Peter, James, and John nating sapotim Jesus taem hem needim olketa. Jesus luksavve olketa laek for duim samting, bat body nao taed. (Matt. 26:40, 41) From Jesus luksavve lo datwan, hem no kros lo olketa aposol blo hem.

Mandy, hem sista wea toktok tumas abaotem narawan, bat distaem hem trae hard for followim example blo Jesus for garem kwaet fasin. Hem sei: “Mi trae for acceptim hao iumi evriwan no perfect and mi trae for tingim nomoa gudfala wei blo narawan, olsem wanem Jehovah duim.” Waswe, hao Jesus ting lo olketa man wea no perfect savve helpem iu tu for no raf taem iu deal witim olketa narawan?

Jesus putim evriting lo hand blo God. Taem Jesus stap lo earth hem acceptim nomoa wei wea pipol treatim hem nogud. Pipol nating minim hem, olketa les lo hem, and olketa barava spoelem hem. Nomata olsem, hem gohed for hambol and kwaet nomoa bikos hem “trustim God wea judge long raeteous wei.” (1 Pet. 2:23) Jesus savve Dadi blo hem lo heven bae lukaftarem hem and bae stretem olketa nogud samting wea kasem hem.

Taem samwan treatim iumi nogud, maet iumi barava kros and duim samting wea mekem evriting worse go moa. Dastawe Bible remindim iumi hao kros no savve helpem iumi for duim samting wea God laekem. (Jas. 1:20) Nomata iumi garem stretfala reason for kros, wei wea iumi no perfect maet mekem iumi duim samting wea no stret.

Wanfala sista lo Germany wea nem blo Cathy hem bin ting olsem, ‘Sapos iu no duim samting for defendim iuseleva, bae no eniwan duim datwan for iu.’ Bat taem hem lane for trustim Jehovah, tingting blo hem change. Hem sei: “Mi no need for evritaem defendim miseleva. Mi savve duim samting lo kwaet wei, bikos mi savve Jehovah bae stretem evri samting wea no stret.” Sapos samwan hem bin treatim iu nogud, followim example blo Jesus for trustim God and bae datwan helpem iu for gohed garem kwaet fasin.


Hao nao kwaet fasin savve helpem iumi taem iumi feisim olketa hard situation?

Jesus showimaot hao kwaet fasin savve mekem iumi for hapi. Hem sei: “Olketa wea hambol bae hapi.” (Matt. 5:5) Lukim hao diskaen wei for hambol savve helpem iumi deal witim olketa situation hia.

Kwaet fasin savve katem daon wei for raoa insaed marit. Robert, wanfala brata from Australia sei: “Mi talem staka toktok wea mi no min for talem wea mekem waef blo mi feel nogud. Bat toktok iu talem taem iu kros, hem hard for iu tekem bak. Mi feel sorre taem mi lukim hao toktok blo mi mekem waef blo mi for feel nogud.”

“Iumi evriwan savve sin staka taem” lo toktok blo iumi, and sapos iumi no tingting gud firstaem bifor iumi toktok datwan savve spoelem marit. (Jas. 3:2) Taem olsem, wei for hambol savve helpem iumi for stap kwaet and kontrolem toktok blo iumi.—Provebs 17:27.

Robert waka hard for garem kwaet fasin and kontrolem hemseleva. Wanem nao kamaot from datwan? Hem sei: “Distaem, sapos mitufala no agree lo wanfala samting, bae mi traem best for lisin gud lo hem, for tok isi, and no letem miseleva for feel nogud. Taem olsem, wei wea mi and waef blo mi stap tugeta hem barava kamap gud.”

Kwaet fasin savve helpem iumi for stap gud witim olketa narawan. Olketa wea kwiktaem for feel nogud no savve garem staka fren. Bat, wei for hambol and kwaet savve helpem iumi “stap gud tugeta, and traem best for keepim nao wei for wan mind.” (Eph. 4:2, 3) Cathy, wea iumi storyim finis sei, “Diskaen wei for hambol and kwaet hem helpem mi for story gud witim olketa narawan, nomata sapos hem samwan wea hem no isi for deal witim.”

Kwaet fasin mekem iumi for garem peace lo mind and heart. Bible joinim “wisdom from heven” witim wei for hambol and stap gud witim narawan. (Jas. 3:13, 17) Man wea hambol hem “garem kuaet tingting.” (Provebs 14:30) Martin, wea waka hard for garem kwaet fasin, hem sei, “Distaem, mi no evritaem laekem samting for followim tingting blo mi and mi no raf, and mi hapi and garem peace lo mind and heart.”

Hem tru, iumi maet stragol for garem diskaen wei for hambol and kwaet. Wanfala brata hem sei, “For tok stret, nomata kam kasem distaem samfala taem mi barava kros nao insaed lo mi.” Bat Jehovah, wea encouragem iumi for garem kwaet fasin bae helpem iumi for deal witim diswan. (Aesaea 41:10; 1 Tim. 6:11) Hem bae ‘finisim training blo iumi’; hem bae ‘mekem iumi strong.’ (1 Pet. 5:10) Gogo, olsem aposol Paul, iumi bae showimaot “wei bilong Christ for hambol and kaen.”—2 Cor. 10:1.

^ par. 2 Mifala changem samfala nem.

^ par. 3 Narafala wei for transleitim disfala toktok “hambol” hem nao “kwaet fasin or no raf.”