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Iumi Barava Sure Hope blo Iumi for Resurrection Bae Kamap Tru!

Iumi Barava Sure Hope blo Iumi for Resurrection Bae Kamap Tru!

“Biliv bilong mi . . . hem for God bae mekem pipol . . . for laef bak.”—ACTS 24:15.

SONG 151 Hem Bae Singaot Long Olketa


1-2. Wanem nambawan hope nao olketa servant blo Jehovah garem?

WEI FOR garem hope hem barava important. Samfala hope for garem gudfala marit, garem olketa pikinini wea healthy, or for kamap gud moa from wanfala big sik. Iumi olketa Christian laekem olketa sem samting tu. Bat iumi garem hope wea barava winim datwan. Iumi hope for stap olowe lo earth and for lukim moa olketa wea iumi lovem wea dae finis.

2 Aposol Paul hem sei: “Biliv bilong mi . . . hem for God bae mekem pipol wea raeteous and pipol wea no raeteous for laef bak.” (Acts 24:15) Ino Paul nomoa first wan for story abaotem hope for wanfala resurrection. Job tu story abaotem datwan. Hem barava sure dat God bae rememberim hem and mekem hem laef bak moa.—Job 14:7-10, 12-15.

3. Hao nao 1 Corinth chapter 15 savve helpem iumi?

3 Resurrection hem part lo datfala faondeson, or “main teaching” wea evri Christian bilivim. (Heb. 6:1, 2) Paul story abaotem resurrection lo 1 Corinth chapter 15. Masbi wanem hem raetem hem strongim olketa Christian lo first century. Datfala chapter savve encouragem iumi tu and strongim datfala hope wea iumi garem for future.

4. Why nao iumi savve sure dat olketa wea iumi lovem wea dae finis bae resurrect?

4 Resurrection blo Jesus Christ mekem iumi sure hao nomata sapos olketa wea iumi lovem olketa dae, iumi garem hope lo resurrection. Diswan hem part lo datfala “gud nius” wea Paul storyim lo olketa lo Corinth. (1 Cor. 15:1, 2) Sapos wanfala Christian no biliv lo resurrection, faith blo hem iusles nomoa. (1 Cor. 15:17) Reason why iumi hope lo resurrection hem bikos iumi barava bilivim dat Jesus hem resurrect.

5-6. Toktok lo 1 Corinth 15:3, 4 hem showimaot wanem nao bae iumi kasem?

5 Taem Paul startim story blo hem abaotem resurrection, hem story abaotem thrifala samting. Hem nao (1) “Christ hem dae for olketa sin blo iumi.” (2) “Olketa berem hem.” (3) “Olketa Holy Raeting sei hem laef bak long mek-thri day.”—Readim 1 Corinth 15:3, 4.

6 Wei wea Jesus dae, olketa berem hem, and hem resurrect hem helpem iumi for kasem wanem? Profet Isaiah storyim hao olketa bae killim dae Messiah, and berem hem witim olketa nogud man. And no just datwan nomoa, Isaiah hem sei moa, hao Messiah bae dae for sin blo evri man. Jesus hem duim datwan thru lo datfala ransom. (Aesaea 53:8, 9, 12; Matt. 20:28; Rome 5:8) So wei wea Jesus dae, olketa berem hem, and hem resurrect, hem wanfala strongfala faondeson for hope blo iumi for kamap free from sin and dae and for iumi lukim moa olketa wea iumi lovem wea dae finis.


7-8. Wanem nao helpem olketa Christian for barava bilivim hao Jesus hem resurrect?

7 Resurrection hope wea iumi garem hem join witim resurrection blo Jesus, so iumi need for barava sure dat Jesus hem laef bak. Why nao iumi savve barava sure Jehovah hem mekem Jesus laef bak?

8 Staka wea witnessim hao Jesus hem laef bak olketa story abaotem datwan. (1 Cor. 15:5-7) Firstfala witness lo list blo Paul hem aposol Peter (Cephas). Wanfala grup blo olketa disaepol story tu hao Peter hem lukim Jesus bihaen hem resurrect. (Luke 24:33, 34) And tu, “twelvfala aposol,” olketa lukim Jesus bihaen hem laef bak. Then “winim 500 brata nao lukim hem,” maet datwan hem lo datfala spesol hipap wea kamap lo Galilee wea Matthew 28:16-20 storyim. Jesus showaot tu lo James, wea luk olsem hem haf brata blo Jesus wea bifor hem no bilivim hao Jesus hem Messiah. (John 7:5) Taem James lukim Jesus bihaen hem resurrect, then hem just bilivim hao Jesus nao Messiah. Nara interesting samting, lo samting olsem 55 C.E. taem Paul raetem leta blo hem, staka wea lukim Jesus bihaen hem resurrect olketa still laef yet. So eniwan wea garem daot savve askem olketa hia wea barava lukim datwan.

9. Olsem iumi readim lo Acts 9:3-5, hao nao story blo Paul hem nara pruv wea showimaot Jesus hem resurrect?

9 Bihaen, Paul seleva tu lukim Jesus. (1 Cor. 15:8) Paul (Saul) hem gogo for Damascus taem hem herem voice blo Jesus wea resurrect and lukim wanfala vision blo glory blo Jesus lo heven. (Readim Acts 9:3-5.) Samting wea Paul lukim hem narafala pruv wea showimaot wei wea Jesus resurrect hem no wanfala kastom story.—Acts 26:12-15.

10. From Paul barava bilivim hao Jesus hem laef bak from dae, wanem nao hem duim?

10 Staka interest tumas for herem story blo Paul bikos lo bifor hem man wea savve persecutim olketa Christian. Bihaen hem bilivim hao Jesus laef bak, Paul waka hard for helpem olketa narawan for bilivim datwan tu. For spredim disfala truth hao Jesus hem dae then hem laef bak, Paul willing nomoa for feisim wei wea pipol laek killim hem, for stap lo prison, and go lo ship nomata gogo hem rek. (1 Cor. 15:9-11; 2 Cor. 11:23-27) Paul hem barava sure hao Jesus laef bak, dastawe hem willing for givim laef blo hem for defendim wanem hem bilivim. Waswe, story blo Paul hem mekem iu bilivim hao Jesus hem laf bak from dae? Waswe, diswan strongim wei wea iu biliv lo resurrection?


11. Why nao maet samfala lo Corinth olketa garem rong idea abaotem resurrection?

11 Samfala lo Corinth, datfala Greek city, olketa garem rong idea abaotem resurrection, gogo olketa sei no eni resurrection stap for olketa wea dae. Why nao olsem? (1 Cor. 15:12) Olketa savveman lo Athens, nara Greek city, olketa mekfani abaotem datfala idea hao Jesus hem resurrect. Olketa kaen tingting olsem maet hem affectim samfala lo Corinth. (Acts 17:18, 31, 32) Olketa narawan maet tingse resurrection hem no wanfala really samting wea happen bat hem tokpiksa nomoa, olketa sei, “dae” hem minim wei for sin and “resurrect” hem minim wei for kamap wanfala Christian. Nomata wanem reason nao olketa garem, taem olketa no bilivim resurrection datwan minim faith blo olketa hem iusles nomoa. Sapos God no resurrectim Jesus, no eniwan bae peim ransom and evriwan bae no kasem forgiveness for sin blo olketa. So olketa wea rejectim datfala resurrection, hope blo olketa hem iusles nomoa.—1 Cor. 15:13-19; Heb. 9:12, 14.

12. Olsem 1 Peter 3:18, 22 storyim, hao nao resurrection blo Jesus hem difren from olketa narawan lo bifor?

12 Paul hem barava savve hao “Christ hem laef bak” from dae. Datfala resurrection hem winim olketa nara resurrection wea kamap bifor. Bikos olketa wea resurrect bifor olketa dae moa. Paul sei Jesus hem “first frut lo olketa wea dae finis.” Lo wanem wei nao Jesus hem first? Hem first wan wea laef bak olsem wanfala spirit and hem first wan for go ap lo heven.—1 Cor. 15:20, ftn; Acts 26:23; readim 1 Peter 3:18, 22.


13. Wanem nao Paul talem abaotem wei wea Adam hem difren from Jesus?

13 Hao nao dae blo wanfala man savve mekem staka million pipol for kasem laef? Ansa blo Paul hem helpem iumi for minim datwan. Hem explainim wanem hem happen lo olketa man bikos lo wanem Adam duim and wanem iumi savve kasem for samting wea Christ duim. Taem hem storyim Adam, Paul hem sei: “Pipol dae bikos long wanfala man nomoa.” Taem Adam hem sin, hem mekem trabol for hemseleva and for olketa pikinini blo hem. Iumi tu still kasem nogud samting from wei wea hem no obey. Bat wei wea God mekem Son blo hem laef bak hem mekem iumi kasem barava difren samting! “Bikos long wanfala man,” Jesus, “pipol laef bak tu.” Paul hem sei: “Evriwan dae bikos long Adam, and tu, evriwan bae laef bak bikos long Christ.”—1 Cor. 15:21, 22.

14. Waswe, Adam bae resurrect? Explainim.

14 Taem Paul sei, “Evriwan dae bikos long Adam” wanem nao hem minim? Paul hem story abaotem hao evri pipol olketa sin and no perfect bikos lo Adam and from datwan evriwan bae dae. (Rome 5:12) Bat Adam hem no insaed grup blo olketa wea bae “laef bak.” Ransom blo Christ hem no for hem bikos Adam hem wanfala perfect man wea chus for disobeyim God. Samting wea kasem Adam hem olsem tu samting wea bae happen lo olketa wea “son bilong man” bae judgem olsem “goat,” olketa bae “dae and no laef moa.”—Matt. 25:31-33, 46; Heb. 5:9.

Jesus hem first frut lo staka wea bae laef bak for go lo heven (Paragraf 15-16 storyim diswan) *

15. Hu nao Paul story abaotem taem hem sei “evriwan” wea “bae laef bak”?

15 Lukim hao Paul hem sei: “Evriwan bae laef bak bikos long Christ.” (1 Cor. 15:22) Datfala leta wea Paul raetem, hem for olketa anointed Christian lo Corinth wea bae resurrect for laef lo heven. Olketa Christian hia ‘holy and wan mind witim Christ Jesus, hem chusim olketa for holy.’ Paul sei tu, ‘Olketa hia dae from olketa garem faith long Christ.’ (1 Cor. 1:2; 15:18; 2 Cor. 5:17) Lo nara leta wea hem raetem, Paul hem sei: “Sapos dae bilong iumi hem olsem dae bilong Jesus, wei wea iumi laef bak bae olsem hao Jesus hem laef bak tu. Olketa samting hia mekem iumi wan mind witim hem.” (Rome 6:3-5) Jesus hem laef bak olsem wanfala spirit and go lo heven, so datwan nao bae happen lo evriwan wea “wan mind witim Christ Jesus” wea minim evri anointed Christian.

16. Wanem nao iumi lanem from wei wea Paul kolem Jesus ‘first frut’ blo olketa wea bae laef bak?

16 Paul hem raet and sei Christ wea laef bak hem wanfala lo olketa ‘first frut’ blo olketa wea dae finis. Tingim diswan, olketa wea bin resurrect, olsem Lazarus, olketa laef bak lo earth, bat Jesus hem first wan wea laef bak from dae olsem wanfala spirit and hem kasem laef olowe. So Jesus hem olsem ‘first frut’ blo harvest wea olketa Israelite savve offerim lo God. Taem Paul kolem Jesus first frut, datwan minim olketa narawan tu bae laef bak from dae and go lo heven. Olketa aposol and olketa narawan wea “wan mind witim Christ” bae gogo olketa resurrect and stap lo heven olsem Jesus tu.

17. Wanem taem nao olketa wea “wan mind witim Christ” bae kasem reward blo olketa for go lo heven?

17 Datfala resurrection for go lo heven for olketa wea “wan mind witim Christ” hem no start yet lo datfala taem wea Paul raet lo olketa lo Corinth. Bat, Paul hem story abaotem samting wea bae happen lo future, hem sei: “Bat diswan hem followim order: First wan wea laef bak hem Christ, then long taem wea Christ hem stap, olketa bilong hem bae laef bak tu.” (1 Cor. 15:23; 1 Thess. 4:15, 16) Distaem iumi stap lo taem wea “Christ hem stap.” Tru nao, olketa aposol and olketa nara anointed Christian wea dae bifor, olketa mas weitim taem wea Christ hem stap for olketa kasem reward blo olketa for go lo heven for stap moa witim Christ and for ‘laef bak olsem hao Jesus hem laef bak tu.’


18. (a) Why nao iumi fit for sei nara resurrection bae kamap bihaen datfala resurrection for go lo heven? (b) Olsem 1 Corinth 15:24-26 storyim, wanem nao bae happen lo heven?

18 Wanem nao bae happen lo olketa wea no garem hope for stap witim Christ? Olketa tu garem hope lo wanfala resurrection. Bible hem sei hao Paul and olketa narawan wea bae go lo heven “olketa first wan for laef bak.” (Phil. 3:11) Diswan minim nara resurrection bae kamap moa, and datwan hem fitim wanem Job talem abaotem future blo hem. (Job 14:15) ‘Olketa bilong Christ’ bae stap witim Jesus lo heven taem hem bae finisim evri gavman and olketa wea garem paoa. Nomata datfala lastfala enemy dae bae hem finisim tu. Olketa wea bae resurrect for go lo heven bae no dae moa. Bat waswe lo olketa narawan?—Readim 1 Corinth 15:24-26.

19. Olketa wea garem hope for stap lo earth bae expectim wanem samting?

19 Olketa wea garem hope for stap lo earth bae expectim wanem samting? Toktok blo Paul hem showim hope blo olketa. Hem sei: “Biliv bilong mi . . . hem for God bae mekem pipol wea raeteous and pipol wea no raeteous for laef bak.” (Acts 24:15) Iumi savve eniwan wea no raeteous no savve go lo heven, so olketa toktok lo datfala verse hem for wanfala resurrection wea bae kamap lo earth lo future.

Hope wea iumi garem abaotem resurrection hem mekem iumi for barava luk forward for wanem bae happen lo future (Paragraf 20 storyim diswan) *

20. Hao nao hope blo iu savve strongim iu?

20 Iumi barava sure wanfala resurrection bae kamap! Olketa wea bae laef bak lo earth bae garem disfala hope for stap lo disfala earth for olowe. Iu savve barava trustim datfala promis. Datfala hope savve comfortim iu taem iu tingim olketa wea iu lovem wea dae finis. Olketa savve laef bak from dae lo datfala taem wea Christ and olketa narawan “kamap olketa king and rul . . . for datfala 1,000 year.” (Rev. 20:6) Iu tu savve barava sure hao nomata sapos iu dae bifor datfala 1,000 year hem start, iu bae resurrect. “Datfala hope wea iumi garem, iumi savve barava trustim.” (Rome 5:5) Datfala hope bae strongim iu and bae mekem iu hapi taem iu servem God. Bat nara samting moa iumi savve lanem from 1 Corinth chapter 15, bae iumi lukim lo next study.

SONG 147 God Promisim Laef Olowe

^ par. 5 Wan Corinth chapter 15 story abaotem resurrection. Why nao disfala teaching hem important lo iumi, and why nao iumi barava sure Jesus hem resurrect? Disfala article bae ansarem datwan and olketa nara important kwestin abaotem resurrection.

^ par. 56 PIKSA: Jesus hem first wan for go ap lo heven. (Acts 1:9) Samfala lo olketa disaepol blo hem bae joinim hem, Thomas, James, Lydia, John, Mary, and Paul.

^ par. 58 PIKSA: Wanfala brata wea waef blo hem wea hem lovem tumas hem dae and tufala bin worshipim Jehovah tugeta for longtaem. Hem trustim hao waef bae resurrect and hemseleva gohed faithful for servem Jehovah.