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Putim Heart blo Iu lo Assignment blo Iu!

Putim Heart blo Iu lo Assignment blo Iu!

HAO nao bae iu feel taem iu kasem wanfala naes leta from wanfala gud fren blo iu? Disaepol Timothy kasem wanfala leta olsem from aposol Paul. Disfala leta nao hem datfala Bible buk blo 2 Timothy. For sure, Timothy faendem wanfala kwaet ples mekem hem savve readim wanem fren blo hem laek for talem lo hem. Maet Timothy ting olsem: ‘Hao nao Paul distaem? Waswe, hem garem eni advaes for helpem mi lo assignment blo mi? Waswe, bae disfala leta helpem mi for duim gud ministry blo mi and for helpem olketa narawan?’ Olsem iumi bae lukim, Timothy kasem ansa for olketa kwestin hia, and olketa nara samting moa insaed lo disfala nambawan leta. Bat, distaem bae iumi storyim tu-thri point nomoa lo olketa gudfala advaes wea stap insaed lo disfala leta.


Taem Timothy start for readim olketa first toktok lo datfala leta, stretawe hem feelim klos wei wea tufala fren gud tugeta. Paul kolem hem “pikinini bilong mi wea mi lovem.” (2 Tim. 1:2) Timothy kasem disfala leta lo year 65 C.E., lo datfala taem, luk olsem hem winim 30 years old. Hem wanfala elder for staka year finis, and hem bin gogo witim Paul for winim 10-fala year and hem lanem staka samting.

Masbi, Timothy hem kasem bigfala encouragement from wei wea hem savve hao Paul no givap and gohed faithful nomata hem kasem hard taem. Paul hem lo prison and klosap bae olketa killim hem dae. (2 Tim. 1:15, 16; 4:6-8) Disfala toktok blo Paul hem mekem Timothy luksavve hao Paul hem no fraet, hem sei: “Mi no givap nomata wanem nao kasem mi.” (2 Tim. 2:8-13) Olsem Timothy, iumi tu kasem encouragement from nambawan example blo Paul for no givap.


Paul encouragem Timothy for ting lo assignment blo hem olsem samting wea barava spesol. Paul laekem Timothy for “iusim datfala samting wea God givim” lo hem. (2 Tim. 1:6) Paul iusim datfala toktok khaʹri·sma for storyim samting wea “God givim.” Lo Greek languis, datfala toktok minim present wea man kasem and hem free nomoa, hem no samting wea man mas waka for kasem. Timothy kasem datfala present taem olketa chusim hem for wanfala spesol waka insaed kongregeson.—1 Tim. 4:14.

Wanem nao Timothy duim witim datfala present? Taem hem readim datfala toktok “gohed strong [or, for laetem big fire]” maet hem tingim fire lo haos blo pipol wea sakol nomoa gohed for laet. Taem olketa laekem datfala fire for laet big, olketa mas hipimap moa olketa sakol hia. Wanfala dictionary hem sei datfala Greek toktok (a·na·zo·py·reʹo) wea Paul iusim hem minim for mekem fire “laet moa, for hem laef, or for fanim datfala fire for hem laet big.” So diswan hem olsem man hem mekem hemseleva for barava laek duim waka. Narafala wei for talem datfala advaes wea Paul givim lo Timothy hem nao: ‘Putim heart blo iu lo assignment blo iu!’ Distaem iumi tu luksavve, iumi need for duim sem samting. Hem nao for barava duim best lo disfala waka blo iumi for Jehovah.


Taem Timothy gohed for readim disfala leta wea hem kasem from gudfala fren blo hem Paul, hem lukim nara samting wea savve helpem hem for duim gud ministry blo hem. Paul raet olsem: “Protectim disfala spesol samting wea iu kasem witim help bilong holy spirit wea hem stap long iumi.” (2 Tim. 1:14) Wanem nao disfala spesol samting? Wanem nao Timothy kasem? Lo verse bifor diswan, Paul kolem datwan “olketa gudfala toktok,” wea hem nao truth wea stap insaed olketa Scripture. (2 Tim. 1:13) From Timothy hem wanfala minister, hem mas preach lo kongregeson and lo pipol lo territory. (2 Tim. 4:1-5) And tu, Timothy kasem appointment for kamap wanfala elder for lukaftarem sheepsheep blo God. (1 Pet. 5:2) Timothy protectim disfala spesol samting wea hem nao, truth wea hem teachim. Hem duim datwan lo wei for depend lo holy spirit blo Jehovah and lo Bible.—2 Tim. 3:14-17.

Distaem, iumi tu kasem disfala waka for sharem disfala truth lo Christian ministry. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Iumi savve gohed for keepim wei wea iumi tinghae lo disfala spesol samting taem iumi prea and garem gudfala wei for studyim Bible. (Rome 12:11, 12; 1 Tim. 4:13, 15, 16) Iumi maet kasem tu olketa nara assignment, olsem for serve olsem wanfala elder or for duim full-taem service. Taem iumi kasem olketa spesol samting olsem, hem shud mekem iumi for hambol and for luksavve iumi need for depend lo God. So iumi savve protectim datfala spesol samting taem iumi tinghae lo hem and depend lo help blo Jehovah for keepim datwan.


Part lo assignment blo Timothy hem for trainim olketa narawan for duim waka wea hem duim. Dastawe, Paul encouragem Timothy olsem: “Olketa samting wea iu herem from mi and wea olketa narawan tu herem, teachim olketa samting hia long olketa man wea faithful wea bae mekem olketa fit for teachim datwan long narawan tu.” (2 Tim. 2:2) Timothy hem mas sharem savve wea hem garem witim olketa narawan and lane from olketa tu. Hem important for evri overseer lo kongregeson distaem for traem best for duim sem samting. Wanfala gud overseer bae no jealous and keepim savve wea hem kasem for hemseleva. Bat hem bae teachim olketa narawan mekem olketa narawan fit for duim datfala waka tu. Hem bae no wari sapos olketa narawan savve winim hem, or bae olketa duim gud datfala waka winim hem. Hem bae laek for helpem olketa for lane hao for mekem olketa gudfala disison and garem wei for luksavve mekem olketa savve duim gud lo datfala waka. Taem hem duim olsem, olketa man hia wea “faithful” bae fit for helpem kongregeson lo bigfala wei.

For sure, Timothy mas barava tinghae lo leta wea hem kasem from Paul. Tingim go hao maet evritaem hem bae readim moa olketa kaonsel hia and ting raonem hao for iusim datwan lo assignment blo hem.

Iumi tu laek for followim datfala kaonsel. Hao nao iumi savve duim datwan? Iumi laek for mekem iumiseleva for barava laek for duim disfala waka olsem wei for mekem wanfala fire for laet big, iumi laek for protectim truth wea iumi garem, and for sharem wanem iumi lanem witim olketa narawan. Taem iumi duim olsem, olsem Paul hem talem lo Timothy, iumi bae “barava duim gud ministry” blo iumi.—2 Tim. 4:5.