Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you carefully read this year’s issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:

How should we treat anointed Christians?

We appreciate their faith; yet, we do not give them excessive attention. We avoid “admiring personalities.” (Jude 16, ftn.) We do not ask them personal questions about their hope.​—w20.01 5:10.

What should convince you that Jehovah notices you personally?

The Bible shows that he noticed you before you were born. And he hears your prayers. He knows your thoughts and what is in your heart, and your actions affect him. (1 Chron. 28:9; Prov. 27:11) He has drawn you to him.​—w20.02 7:Box.

What are examples of when to speak and when not to speak?

We happily speak about Jehovah. We speak up if we see someone heading down a wrong path. Elders speak to offer counsel if needed. We do not speak to get (or to give out) details about our work in lands under ban. We do not reveal confidential matters.​—w20.03 12:7-10.

How do the locusts in Joel chapter 2 differ from those in Revelation chapter 9?

Joel 2:20-29 says that God drives the locusts away and promises to make compensation for their damage. After that, God pours out his spirit. Such aspects were fulfilled in the Babylonian invasion of Israel and later. Revelation 9:1-11 describes the locustlike anointed in our day as they proclaim God’s judgments against this wicked system, making its supporters very uncomfortable.​—w20.04 14:5-10.

Who is the king of the north today?

Russia and its allies. They have directly impacted God’s people, banning the preaching work and showing hatred for the Witnesses. The king of the north has been competing with the king of the south.​—w20.05 20:4.

Are the nine qualities mentioned at Galatians 5:22, 23 the complete list of the aspects of “the fruitage of the spirit”?

No. The holy spirit helps us to produce additional fine qualities, such as righteousness. (Eph. 5:8, 9)​—w20.06, Questions From Readers.

What is one danger of posting material online about yourself?

What is posted may give the impression that you are bragging about yourself, not that you are humble.​—w20.07 27:14.

What can Christian ministers learn from skilled fishermen?

They work when and where they are most likely to find fish. They are trained to use the right equipment. And they courageously work in changing conditions. We can do likewise in our ministry.​—w20.09 36:11.

What are some ways that we can help Bible students to deepen their love for Jehovah?

We can encourage them to read the Bible daily and to meditate on what they have read. And we can teach them to pray.​—w20.11 45:Box.

Who are included in the statement: “In the Christ all will be made alive”?​—1 Cor. 15:22.

The apostle Paul was not saying that every human would be resurrected. He was referring to anointed Christians, those who have been “sanctified in union with Christ Jesus.” (1 Cor. 1:2; 15:18)​—w20.12 49:15.

What will the anointed do after they are ‘changed in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet’?​—1 Cor. 15:51-53.

They will share with Christ in shepherding the people with an iron rod. (Rev. 2:26, 27)​—w20.12 50:15.