What Prayers Can Do for You

What Prayers Can Do for You

Faced with a serious illness, Pamela sought professional medical help. However, she also prayed to God for strength to endure her ordeal. Did prayer help her?

“During my cancer treatment, I often felt a sense of dread,” Pamela explained. “But when I prayed to Jehovah God, a feeling of calm came over me and I could think clearly. I still suffer from chronic pain, yet prayer helps me to maintain a positive outlook. When people ask me how I feel, I say, ‘I don’t feel well, but I am in good spirits!’”

Of course, we do not have to wait until a life-threatening crisis comes on us before we pray. All of us face challenges, large and small, and we often feel we need help to deal with them. Can prayer help?

The Bible says: “Throw your burden on Jehovah, and he will sustain you. Never will he allow the righteous one to fall.” (Psalm 55:22) What a comforting thought that is! So how can prayer help you? When you pray to God in the proper way, he will give you what you need to deal with your challenges.​—See the box “ What Prayers Can Bring You.”