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Wat You Mean, Da World Goin Come Pau?

Wat You Mean, Da World Goin Come Pau?

You eva wen hear dat da Bible wen tell dat da world goin end? (1 John 2:17) You tink dat mean das it fo peopo? Or planet Earth goin come all wipe out?


Wat Not Goin Pau?


Wat da Bible tell: God wen “make da world He neva make um so no moa notting dea. He make um fo peopo live dea”​—ISAIAH 45:18.


Wat da Bible tell: “One generation come an anodda generation go, but da earth stay foeva.”​—TEACHA 1:4.

WAT DAT MEAN: Da Bible tell dat da earth neva goin come wipe out an peopo always goin be on top um. So how come da Bible say dat da world goin be pau?

TRY TINK: Da Bible tell jus befoa da world goin come pau goin be jalike Noah’s time, wea evrybody was acking all nutz an bussin each odda up. (Start 6:13) Cuz Noah was pono, God wen save him an his ohana, but He wen wipe out all da bad peopo wit da flood. Talking bout dat time da Bible wen tell “Da big flood wen come an wipe out erybody inside da world.” (2 Peter 3:6) Dat was da end of dat world. So wat was wipe out? Not da earth. Da Bible wen tell, da bad peopo “inside da world.” So wen da Bible talk bout da end of da world or da world goin come pau, not talking bout da whole planet goin come wipe out. Is talking bout wiping out all da pilau peopo inside da earth, an all da stuff dey wen set up.

So Den Wat Goin Pau?


Wat da Bible tell: “Ony litto bit moa, an no goin get da peopo dat do bad kine stuff. You goin look all ova da place wea dey stay befo, an dey no goin be dea. But da peopo dat no get big head an no need be da numba one guy, dey da ones goin get da land dat Da One In Charge wen promise dem, an dey goin stay good inside cuz eryting go good fo dem.”​—SONGS 37:10, 11.

WAT DAT MEAN Da flood Noah’s time neva take out all da bad kine peopo fo good. Afta da flood, again had some moa peopo who had make trouble fo evrybody. Pretty soon God goin hemo all da bad kine stuff. Jalike da scripcha wen tell “No goin get da peopo dat do bad kine stuff.” God goin pau all dis pilau stuff wit His Govament. Dat govament goin rule from heaven ova all da peopo who live pono.

TRY TINK: Da guys rullin da earth now dey goin like God’s Govament take ova? Da Bible tell no ways dey goin like dat! Those baboozes dey goin go agains God’s Govament. (Songs 2:2) So den wat goin happen? God’s Govament goin take da place of all human govaments an “goin stay solid foeva.” (Daniel 2:44) So how come gotta be pau wit human rulaz?

WAT WE NEED​—Human Rule fo Be Pau

Wat da Bible tell: “No mo nobody can make dea own plan fo da nex ting dey goin do.”​—JEREMIAH 10:23.

WAT DAT MEAN: Humans no was made fo rule ova demselfs or odda peopo. Dey jus no can fix all da problems dey get.

TRY TINK: Da Britannica Academic wen tell wen come to no moa nuff money, no moa nuff food, peopo getting sick, natural disasters, wars an peopo bussin each odda up, seem like no moa one govament dat can hando all dat. But some peopo tink goin take one world govament fo fix all dis stuff. Even if had only one human govament rullin ova evrybody, still yet no could fix all da problems cuz da guys rullin not perfeck. Only God’s Govament get da mana fo fix evryting foeva.

So wen da Bible tell dat da world goin end, good peopo no need be sked. Dey no can wait fo dis bus up world be gone an God bring his new unreal world hea!

Wen all dis goin happen? Try look da Bible’s ansa in da nex part.