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Wat Taem Nao End blo World Bae Kam? Samting Jesus Talem

Wat Taem Nao End blo World Bae Kam? Samting Jesus Talem

Olsem article bifor diswan storyim, taem Bible storyim end blo world hem no minim earth or iumi olketa man nao bae distroe. Bat hem minim disfala nogud world and evriwan wea sapotim nao bae distroe. Bat hao, Bible talem taem wea end bae kam?


“Gohed for lukaot, bikos iufala no savve long datfala day or taem.”​—MATTHEW 25:13.

“Gohed for lukaot, gohed for wekap, bikos iufala no savve wanem taem nao God markem for evri samting hia happen.”​—MARK 13:33.

So no eniwan lo earth savve lo taem wea end blo disfala nogud world bae kam. Bat, God markem finis “day and taem” wea end bae kam. (Matthew 24:36) Hao, diswan minim hem hard for iumi savve lo taem wea end hem klosap? Nomoa. Jesus talem olketa disaepol blo hem for lukluk for samfala samting wea bae happen wea showim end hem klosap.


Olketa samting wea happen bae hem nao saen wea showim “world hem gogo for finis.” Jesus sei: “Bae pipol long wanfala ples faetem pipol long nara ples and pipol long wanfala kantri faetem pipol long nara kantri. Olketa taem bilong bigfala hangre bae kasem plande pipol, and olketa earthquake bae sekem staka ples.” (Matthew 24:3, 7) Hem sei tu “olketa nogud sik” bae kasem staka pipol. (Luke 21:11) Hao, iu lukim olketa samting hia wea Jesus profesi abaotem hem happen?

Distaem, pipol safa bikos lo war, hangre, earthquake, and enikaen nogud sik. Example nao, lo 2004, wanfala big earthquake kasem Indian Ocean wea kosim tsunami for killim dae samting olsem 225,000 pipol. Insaed thrifala year, COVID-19 pandemic killim dae samting olsem 6.9 million pipol lo world. Jesus sei olketa samting hia showim end blo world hem klosap.


Bible kolem datfala taem bifor end blo world hem kam, “olketa last day.” (2 Peter 3:3, 4) Tu Timothy 3:1-5 sei lo olketa last day wei blo pipol bae nogud tumas. (Lukim box “ Bifor End blo World.”) Hao, iu lukim pipol distaem olketa selfish, greedy, raf tumas, and no lovem each other? Diswan tu hem pruv wea showim end blo world hem klosap tumas.

Hao long nao bae olketa last day gohed? Bible sei bae hem gohed for “lelebet taem nomoa.” Then, God bae distroem “olketa wea spoelem earth.”​—Revelation 11:15-18; 12:12.


God markem finis day and taem wea hem bae distroem disfala nogud world. (Matthew 24:36) Bat, gud nius hem stap. God “no laekem eniwan for dae.” (2 Peter 3:9) Hem givim chance for iumi olketa man for lane abaotem samting wea hem laekem and for obeyim hem. Why nao olsem? Bikos hem laekem iumi for sev taem world hem end and for iumi stap lo niu world blo hem, taem earth bae paradaes.

God mek sure evri pipol lane abaotem wanem olketa savve duim for stap lo niu world wea Kingdom blo hem rul ovarem. Jesus sei olketa disaepol blo hem bae preachim gud nius abaotem Kingdom blo God “long evri ples long world.” (Matthew 24:14) Evriwea lo world, Olketa Jehovah’s Witness iusim staka billion hour for preachim gud nius lo pipol and teachim Bible lo olketa. Jesus sei disfala preaching waka bae kasem evriwea lo world bifor end hem kam.

Klosap nao rul blo olketa gavman blo man bae finis. Bat gud nius nao, iu savve sev taem end blo world hem kam and stap lo Paradaes lo earth wea God promisim. Next article bae storyim samting wea iu savve duim for stap lo niu world.

Profesi blo Jesus abaotem “olketa last day” mekem iumi garem hope