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Can get ready fo da new world dass goin happen bumbye

Pretty Soon One Moa Betta World!

Pretty Soon One Moa Betta World!

Da guys who pono wit God he wen make da earth fo dem fo live foeva on um. (Songs 37:29) Right from da start, God wen put da firs human couple, Adam an Eve, inside one beautiful garden called Eden. God wen give dem an evrybody dat wen come from dem da kuleana fo work an take kea da aina.​—Start 1:28; 2:15.

Da way da world stay now not even close to da way he wanted da paradise fo be. But still yet, God neva change his mind wat he like fo da earth. But den how he goin make um happen? Like we wen talk bout earlier, God he not goin wipe out da earth, he goin let da guys who pono wit him live on top um. Wen God make dis happen, wat da earth goin be like?

One govament fo da whole earth

Pretty soon God’s govament in heaven goin rule ova evrybody, an cuz of dat, da earth goin be one happy place fo evrybody live togedda good, goin have plenny good work an evryting goin be pono. God wen pick Jesus fo be da rula ova da earth. Jesus he not like da rulaz today, he actually kea bout da guys he rule ova. As king, da way he rule goin sho how much love he get, how kind he stay, how much he fogive an how fair he is.​—Isaiah 11:4.

All peopos come togedda

Da guys who goin be on da earth not goin be split up by wea dey live or wat race dem. Evrybody goin come togedda as one. (Jesus Show 7:9, 10). Evrybody living on earth goin love God an love dea neighba, an dey all goin work togedda good an do wat God wanted from da start, take kea dea home da earth.​—Songs 115:16.

No natural disasters

Wen God’s govament take ova da earth, da one who wen make evryting goin make da weather perfeck. (Songs 24:1, 2) Wen Jesus was on da earth, he wen give one manini sampo of wat he can do wit da powah God wen give him wen he wen tell da storm come quiet. (Mark 4:39, 41) Wen Christ rule da earth, no need worry natural disasters. God’s govament goin even make evryting good between da peopo an da animals.​—Hosea 2:18.

Perfeck health an plenny food

Evrybody goin love dat dea health perfeck. Nobody goin get sick, grow ole, or mahke. (Isaiah 35:5, 6) Da whole earth goin be cherreh, goin be jalike how was fo Adam an Eve wen dey was in da garden of Eden. Goin have plenny food an evrybody goin have moa den nuff fo eat. (Start 2:9) In paradise jus like how was fo God’s Israel peopo befoa time, evrybody “goin eat all da food” dey like.​—Prieses 26:4, 5.

Fo real kine peace an no worries

Cuz God’s govament goin be rullin da whole world, evrybody goin get along an treat each odda good. So den, no need worry bout wars, guys who get powah acking anykine an getting wat you need fo live. Da Bible tell “erybody goin sit down undaneat his grape plant an his fig tree, an nobody goin make um come sked.”​—Micah 4:3, 4

Evrybody get house an good kine work

Evry ohana goin have one place fo live an dey neva goin have to worry bout getting kicked out. Den wen come to work da Bible tell we not goin work hard fo notting, we goin enjoy all da stuff we work hard fo.​—Isaiah 65:21-23.

Da bestes education

Da Bible tell wat Jehovah teach goin covah da whole earth. (Isaiah 11:9) Da mos akamai teacha Jehovah goin teach evrybody in da new world bout all da stuff he wen make. All da stuff dey learn dey no goin use um fo make tings fo hurt peopo but dey goin use wat dey learn fo live good wit each odda an take kea da earth.​—Songs 37:11.

Nobody goin mahke no moa

Da way God wen make da earth he wen make um solid so dat evrybody could live foeva on top um an live good. (Songs 37:29; Isaiah 45:18) Fo make happen wat he wanted from da start, he goin make peopo “so dey no goin mahke no moa eva.” (Isaiah 25:8) An da Bible even tell “nobody goin mahke no moa. Nobody goin stay sad inside, o cry, o suffa.” (Jesus Show 21:4) God goin give evrybody chance fo live foeva.​—Da guys who make um wen he wipeout dis bad world an da guys he bring back to life in da new world​—John 5:28, 29; Jesus Guys 24:15.

Right now millions of guys getting ready fo all dat happen pretty soon. How dey doing dat? Dey learning bout Jehovah an his Boy Jesus. An even tho dey not perfeck, dey trying fo be dakine peopo he like in da new world.​—John 17:3.

If you like find out how fo make um wen dis bad world get wipeout an how fo live in da new world dat pretty soon goin come Go study da Bible fo free by talking story wit one Witness fo Jehovah, using da You Can Live Good Foeva! book.