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“Man Hem Hed Bilong Woman”

“Man Hem Hed Bilong Woman”

“Man hem hed bilong woman.”​—1 COR. 11:3.

SONG 13 Christ Showim Example for Iumi


1. Wanem nao samfala kwestin wanfala singol sista shud ting raonem taem hem interest lo wanfala brata?

EVRI Christian stap anda lo Jesus Christ, wea hem perfect. Bat taem wanfala sista hem marit, hem stap anda lo hasband tu. From hasband no perfect, maet datwan no isi. So taem hem interest lo wanfala brata, hem gud for ting raonem samfala kwestin olsem: ‘Waswe, brata hia showimaot hem fit for kamap gudfala hed blo famili? Waswe, hem strong for duim olketa spiritual samting? Sapos nomoa, waswe, bae hem helpem mitufala for gohed strong lo spiritual wei bihaen mifala marit?’ Hem gud tu for sista lukluk gud lo hemseleva and ting raonem olketa kwestin olsem: ‘Waswe, mi garem olketa gudfala wei, olsem for patient and kaen mekem mi kamap gudfala waef? Waswe, mi strong for duim olketa spiritual samting?’ (Eklesiastes 4:9, 12) Sapos sista ting raonem gud olketa kwestin hia bifor hem marit, datwan savve helpem hem for hapi lo marit blo hem.

2. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala study?

2 Staka sista wea marit showimaot gud example from olketa stap anda lo hasband, and iumi barava tinghae lo olketa! Iumi hapi tumas iumi garem olketa sista olsem lo kongregeson blo iumi! Lo disfala study, bae iumi ansarem thrifala kwestin hia: (1) Wanem nao olketa hard samting wea samfala waef mas deal witim? (2) Why nao waef bae laek for stap anda lo hasband blo hem? (3) Wanem nao hasband and waef savve lanem from example blo Jesus, Abigail, and Mary, wea hem waef blo Joseph?


3. Why nao Bible sei olketa wea marit bae “kasem hard taem”?

3 God nao startim arrangement for marit, bat olketa hasband and olketa waef no perfect. (1 John 1:8) Dastawe Bible sei olketa wea marit bae “kasem hard taem.” (1 Cor. 7:28) Distaem bae iumi storyim olketa hard samting wea samfala waef mas deal witim.

4. Why nao maet samfala waef tingse for stap anda lo hasband hem nogud samting?

4 Samfala waef tingse for stap anda lo hasband hem minim bae hem no garem sem raet olsem hasband. Marisol, wanfala sista lo United States sei: “Lo ples wea mi stap, mifala woman evritaem herem mifala shud garem sem raet olsem olketa man. Mi savve Jehovah markem man for hed blo woman, and hasband mas respectim waef. Bat samfala taem hem no isi for stap anda lo hasband bikos olketa narawan sei olketa woman shud no duim datwan.”

5. Wanem kaen tingting nao samfala man garem abaotem olketa woman?

5 Nara samting, maet samfala hasband tingse man hem important winim woman. Ivon, wanfala sista lo South America sei: “Lo ples wea mi stap, hasband nao kaikai firstaem and waef kaikai bihaen. Olketa son bae sidaon nomoa taem mami and sista blo olketa duim evri waka. Olketa dota mas kukim kaikai and klinim haos. Datwan mekem olketa son tingse olketa nao ‘king lo haos.’” Yingling, wanfala sista lo Asia sei: “Languis blo mifala garem toktok wea sei olketa woman no need for kasem education. Olketa fit nomoa for duim waka lo haos, and olketa no fit for talem tingting blo olketa lo hasband.” Hasband wea garem kaen tingting olsem no followim wanem Bible talem and mekem laef hard for waef blo hem. Hem no followim example blo Jesus, and Jehovah no hapi lo hem.​—Eph. 5:28, 29; 1 Pet. 3:7.

6. Wanem nao waef mas duim mekem hem fren gud witim Jehovah?

6 Olsem iumi storyim lo first study, Jehovah expectim olketa hasband for helpem famili fren gud witim Jehovah, tingim feeling blo olketa, and provaedem need blo famili. (1 Tim. 5:8) Bat, olketa waef shud markem taem for readim Bible seleva, ting raonem wanem olketa readim, and prea lo Jehovah evriday. Maet datwan no isi from olketa waef savve busy tumas. Maet olketa sei olketa no garem taem or strong for duim datwan, bat hem barava important samting for duim. Why nao olsem? Bikos Jehovah laekem iumi wanwan for fren gud witim hem.​—Acts 17:27.

7. Wanem nao bae helpem waef for stap anda lo hasband blo hem?

7 Hem tru, maet hem no isi for waef stap anda lo hasband wea no perfect. Bat samting wea bae helpem hem for duim datwan, hem taem waef minim and acceptim diswan hem followim arrangement blo Jehovah.


8. Olsem Ephesus 5:22-24 sei, why nao waef bae laek for stap anda lo hasband blo hem?

8 Waef bae laek for stap anda lo hasband blo hem bikos datwan hem samting wea Jehovah askem hem for duim. (Readim Ephesus 5:22-24.) Waef trustim Jehovah bikos hem savve Jehovah lovem hem. And tu, hem savve taem Jehovah askem hem for duim samting, datwan bae helpem hem.​—Diutronomi 6:24; 1 John 5:3.

9. Wanem gud samting nao famili bae kasem sapos waef stap anda lo hasband blo hem?

9 Staka pipol sei hem nogud samting for waef stap anda lo hasband. Bat olketa wea talem datwan no savve God hem evritaem showimaot love. Bae hem hard tumas for Jehovah talem olketa marit sista for duim samting wea bae spoelem olketa. Sapos waef willing for stap anda lo hasband blo hem, diswan bae helpem famili for stap gud. (Sams 119:165) Hemseleva, hasband blo hem, and olketa pikinini bae hapi.

10. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from samting wea Carol storyim?

10 Waef wea willing for stap anda lo hasband wea no perfect showimaot hem lovem and respectim Jehovah, wea hem nao markem hasband for hed blo famili. Carol wea stap lo South America sei: “Mi savve hasband blo mi bae mekem samfala mistek. So lo taem olsem, mi trae for no kros or for tok daonem hem mekem Jehovah hapi from mi gohed for stap anda lo hasband blo mi.”

11. Wanem nao olketa waef savve lanem from example blo Aneese?

11 Taem hasband no tingim feeling or no laek herem tingting blo waef, maet hem no isi for waef showimaot respect and for stap anda lo hem. Bat tingim wanem wanfala sista wea nem blo hem Aneese duim taem hasband blo hem savve duim datwan. Aneese sei: “Mi traem best for no kros lo hem. Mi luksavve no eniwan perfect, so mi laek for followim example blo Jehovah for forgivim narawan. Taem mi forgivim hasband, datwan mekem mi for garem peace.” (Sams 86:5) Sapos waef willing for forgivim hasband blo hem, datwan bae helpem waef for hapi for stap anda lo hasband blo hem.


12. Olketa hu nao Bible storyim wea stap anda lo narawan?

12 Samfala sei taem samwan stap anda lo narawan, hem letem narawan for kontrolem hem. Bible storyim samfala example wea showimaot datwan hem no tru. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from example blo Jesus, Abigail, and Mary?

13. Why nao Jesus willing for stap anda lo Jehovah?

13 Jesus stap anda lo Jehovah, bat datwan no minim Jesus no garem eni savve and Jehovah kontrolem evri samting wea Jesus duim. Jesus savve lo staka samting and taem hem teach hem explainim gud olketa samting. (John 7:45, 46) Jehovah luksavve Jesus fit for duim staka samting, so tufala waka tugeta for wakem evri samting lo heven and lo earth. (Provebs 8:30; Heb. 1:2-4) And bihaen Jesus resurrect and go bak lo heven, gogo Jehovah givim ‘paoa lo hem ovarem evri samting lo heven and earth.’ (Matt. 28:18) Nomata Jesus savve lo staka samting, hem evritaem depend lo Jehovah. Why nao olsem? Bikos hem lovem Dadi blo hem.​—John 14:31.

14. Wanem nao olketa hasband savve lanem from (a) hao Jehovah ting lo olketa woman? (b) olketa toktok lo Provebs 31?

14 Example for olketa hasband. Jehovah sei waef shud stap anda lo hasband, bat diswan hem no bikos Jehovah ting olketa man important winim olketa woman. Hem showimaot datwan from hem chusim olketa woman and olketa man for rul witim Jesus lo heven. (Gal. 3:26-29) Jehovah showimaot hem trustim Jesus taem hem givim hem paoa for rul. Hasband tu bae showimaot hem trustim waef for duim samfala samting. Bible storyim olketa samting wea waef fit for duim, olsem for peim pis land, duim bisnis, and mek sure olketa narawan duim gud olketa waka lo haos. (Readim Provebs 31:15, 16, 18.) Waef no wanfala slave wea no garem raet for talem tingting blo hem. Hasband shud trustim waef and lisin lo olketa idea blo hem. (Readim Provebs 31:11, 26, 27.) Taem hasband duim olketa samting hia, bae waef hapi for stap anda lo hem.

Wanem nao olketa waef savve lanem from Jesus wea stap anda lo Jehovah? (Lukim paragraf 15)

15. Wanem nao olketa waef savve lanem from example blo Jesus?

15 Example for olketa waef. Nomata Jesus savve tumas for duim staka samting, hem no tingse for stap anda lo Jehovah hem nogud samting. (1 Cor. 15:28; Phil. 2:5, 6) Olsem tu, waef wea followim example blo Jesus bae hapi for stap anda lo hasband blo hem. Hem duim datwan bikos hem lovem hasband, bat main reason hem bikos hem lovem and respectim Jehovah.

Abigail talem olketa wakaman blo hem for tekem go kaikai for David and olketa man blo hem. Then hem go story witim David. Abigail baodaon front lo David and barava askem David for no duim bigfala sin for killim dae Nabal. (Lukim paragraf 16)

16. Olsem Fas Samuel 25:3, 23-28 storyim, wanem hard samting nao Abigail mas deal witim? (Lukim piksa lo front page.)

16 Abigail garem hasband wea nem blo hem Nabal. Hem man wea no tinghae, praod, and tingim hemseleva. Nomata hem nogud man, Abigail no laekem David and olketa soldia blo hem for killim dae Nabal. Abigail protectim hasband blo hem and olketa nara famili member tu. Hem showimaot hem no fraet taem hem go story lo David abaotem problem wea kamap front lo 400 soldia blo David. Nomata Nabal nao kosim datfala problem, Abigail willing for kasem blame for datwan. (Readim Fas Samuel 25:3, 23-28.) David luksavve Jehovah iusim Abigail for givim gudfala advaes wea stopem David for no duim bigfala sin.

17. Wanem nao olketa hasband savve lanem from story abaotem David and Abigail?

17 Example for olketa hasband. Abigail hem woman wea wise, so David followim advaes blo Abigail. Sapos David no lisin, bae hem sin from hem killim dae Nabal and olketa narawan. So hem gud for hasband herem tingting blo waef bifor hem mekem eni important disison. Maet samting waef talem stopem hasband for mekem disison wea no stret.

18. Wanem nao olketa waef savve lanem from example blo Abigail?

18 Example for olketa waef. Nomata hasband blo wanfala sista no worshipim Jehovah or hem wik lo spiritual wei, from sista lovem and respectim Jehovah, datwan bae helpem marit blo tufala. Bae hem no ting for lusim hasband blo hem, bat bae hem showimaot respect and stap anda lo hasband blo hem. Maet datwan helpem hasband for laek lane abaotem Jehovah. (1 Pet. 3:1, 2) Nomata hasband no acceptim truth, Jehovah tinghae lo waef wea gohed for stap anda lo hasband blo hem.

19. Why nao samfala taem waef bae no duim wanem hasband talem?

19 Nomata sista stap anda lo hasband, sapos hasband laekem hem for duim samting wea brekem law blo God, bae sista no duim datwan. Olsem example, maet hasband talem waef for laea, steal, or duim samting wea Jehovah no laekem. Bat sista savve nomata hed lo famili talem hem for duim datwan, hem mas obeyim Jehovah God winim hasband. So sapos hasband blo sista askem hem for duim samting wea againstim olketa Bible principle, hem shud explainim lo kaenfala wei why hem bae no duim datwan.​—Acts 5:29.

Lukim paragraf 20 *

20. Hao nao iumi savve Mary fren gud witim Jehovah?

20 Mary hem fren gud witim Jehovah. Hem savve gud lo olketa Scripture bikos taem hem story witim Elizabeth, mami blo John Baptaesa, hem storyim samting from olketa Hebrew Scripture winim 20-fala taem. (Luke 1:46-55) Nara samting, nomata Mary engage witim Joseph, angel blo Jehovah go story firstaem lo Mary and no lo Joseph. Datfala angel talem Mary hem bae bornem Jesus, Son blo God. (Luke 1:26-33) Jehovah savve gud lo Mary and hem sure Mary bae lovem and lukaftarem gud Son blo hem. And nomata bihaen Jesus dae, hem laef bak, and go lo heven, iumi sure Mary gohed fren gud witim Jehovah.​—Acts 1:14.

21. Wanem nao olketa hasband savve lanem from samting Bible talem abaotem Mary?

21 Example for olketa hasband. Hasband shud hapi taem waef savve gud lo olketa toktok insaed Bible. Bae hem no feel olsem waef blo hem gud winim hem, bat bae hem hapi waef savve lo olketa Bible principle bikos datwan savve helpem famili blo tufala. Nomata waef skul gud winim hasband, hem responsibility blo hasband for leadim famili lo olketa spiritual samting, olsem for duim famili worship.​—Eph. 6:4.

Hao nao olketa waef savve followim example blo Mary, mami blo Jesus, for duim study seleva and ting raonem wanem olketa lanem? (Lukim paragraf 22) *

22. Wanem nao olketa waef savve lanem from Mary?

22 Example for olketa waef. Nomata waef stap anda lo hasband blo hem, waef mas duim samting for strongim faith blo hemseleva. (Gal. 6:5) So hem mas markem taem for duim study seleva and ting raonem wanem hem lanem. Datwan bae helpem hem for gohed lovem and respectim Jehovah and for hapi for stap anda lo hasband blo hem.

23. Taem waef stap anda lo hasband, wanem gud samting nao waef, famili blo hem, and kongregeson bae kasem?

23 Waef wea willing for stap anda lo hasband from hem lovem Jehovah bae hapi winim waef wea no followim disfala arrangement. Waef olsem showim gud example for olketa singol sista and olketa singol brata tu. Taem waef stap anda lo hasband, famili bae stap gud tugeta and kongregeson tu bae kasem gud samting. (Titus 2:3-5) Distaem, big haf lo olketa wea faithful for worshipim Jehovah hem olketa sista. (Sams 68:11) Nomata iumi brata or sista, iumi evriwan savve duim samting for mekem kongregeson stap gud and wan mind. Next article bae storyim hao iumi wanwan savve duim datwan.

SONG 131 “Samting wea God Joinim Finis”

^ par. 5 Hem arrangement blo Jehovah for waef stap anda lo hasband blo hem. Lo disfala article bae iumi storyim wanem waef savve duim for followim datfala arrangement. And bae iumi storyim wanem hasband and waef savve lanem from example blo Jesus and tufala woman wea Bible storyim.

^ par. 68 PIKSA: Taem Mary story witim Elizabeth, mami blo John Baptaesa, hem storyim olketa samting wea hem baeheartim from olketa Hebrew Scripture.

^ par. 70 PIKSA: Olketa waef savve strongim faith blo olketa lo wei for markem taem for studyim Bible.