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Followim Example blo James, Brata blo Jesus

Followim Example blo James, Brata blo Jesus

“Mi James. Mi wakaman bilong God and bilong Lord Jesus Christ.”​—JAS. 1:1.

SONG 88 Mekem Mi Savve Olketa Wei Bilong Iu


1. Storyim kam famili blo James.

 JAMES, brata blo Jesus, hem growap lo famili wea tinghae lo olketa spiritual samting. * Dadi and mami blo hem, Joseph and Mary, lovem Jehovah tumas and duim best blo tufala for worshipim Jehovah. And big brata blo hem Jesus kamap datfala Messiah. Hem privilege for James growap insaed lo datfala spiritual famili!

From James spendem taem witim Jesus taem tufala growap, James minim gud big brata blo hem Jesus (Lukim paragraf 2)

2. Wanem nao samfala reason why James shud tinghae lo big brata blo hem?

2 James garem staka reason for tinghae lo big brata blo hem. (Matt. 13:55) Olsem example, Jesus savve tumas lo olketa Holy Raeting, dastawe taem hem 12 year, olketa bigman lo Jerusalem barava sapraes lo savve blo hem. (Luke 2:46, 47) Maet James hem wanfala carpenter tu, and maet hem waka tugeta witim Jesus. Sapos olsem, bae James minim gud Jesus. Nathan Knorr savve sei, “Taem iu waka witim samwan bae iu savve gud lo hem.” * And tu, masbi James lukim hao Jesus “gohed for garem gudfala tingting” and hao “God barava hapi long hem and olketa man tu hapi long hem.” (Luke 2:52) Maet iumi tingse olketa samting hia bae mekem James kamap wanfala lo olketa first disaepol blo Jesus. Bat datwan hem no happen.

3. Hao nao tingting blo James abaotem Jesus taem hem duim ministry blo hem?

3 Taem Jesus duim ministry blo hem, James no kamap follower blo Jesus yet. (John 7:3-5) Maet hem wanfala lo olketa relative blo Jesus wea sei Jesus hem “krangge.” (Mark 3:21) And tu, luk olsem taem Jesus dae lo post James no stap witim Mary, mami blo tufala.—John 19:25-27.

4. Wanem nao tufala samting wea iumi bae storyim?

4 Bihaen Jesus dae James showimaot faith lo Jesus, and gogo hem kamap elder lo kongregeson. Lo disfala article iumi bae storyim tufala samting wea iumi savve lanem from James: (1) why iumi mas hambol and (2) hao for teach gud.


James kamap wanfala faithful disaepol blo Jesus bihaen Jesus laef bak and kam lukim hem (Lukim paragraf 5-7)

5. Bihaen Jesus resurrect and kam lukim James, wanem nao James duim?

5 Wanem taem nao James kamap disaepol blo Jesus? Taem Jesus resurrect “James lukim hem, then evri aposol lukim hem tu.” (1 Cor. 15:7) Bihaen datwan nao James disaed for kamap disaepol blo Jesus and hem duim staka samting. Taem olketa aposol weit for kasem holy spirit lo datfala rum antap lo wanfala haos lo Jerusalem, James hem lo there. (Acts 1:13, 14) Gogo James kamap member blo governing body lo first century. (Acts 15:6, 13-22; Gal. 2:9) Hem raetem tu wanfala leta lo olketa nara anointed Christian bifor lo 62 C.E. Datfala leta savve helpem iumi distaem nomata iumi garem hope for go lo heven or for stap lo earth. (Jas. 1:1) Josephus, man for raetem history sei, olketa killim dae James bikos Ananias, Hae Priest blo olketa Jew, givim order for olketa duim datwan. James hem wanfala faithful disaepol and hem kasem reward for go lo heven.

6. Hao nao James hem difren from olketa hed priest?

6 James hem hambol. Hao nao iumi savve lo datwan? Tingim hao taem James lukim pruv hao Jesus hem son blo God, hem acceptim datwan. Bat olketa hed priest lo Jerusalem no duim datwan. Olsem example, nomata olketa hed priest savve Jesus resurrectim Lazarus, olketa trae for killim dae Jesus and Lazarus. Olketa no laekem pipol for luksavve lo pruv wea showimaot Jehovah nao sendem kam Jesus. (John 11:53; 12:9-11) And tu, taem Jesus laef bak olketa trae for haedem datwan from pipol. (Matt. 28:11-15) From olketa hed priest hia praod olketa rejectim datfala Messiah.

7. Why nao iumi no laek for praod?

7 Wanem iumi lanem: No praod, bat letem Jehovah teachim iumi. Taem man hem praod hem savve bighed and no laek for followim direction blo Jehovah. From olketa Pharisee praod, olketa no letem holy spirit blo God helpem olketa for luksavve lo pruv wea showimaot Jesus hem Son blo God. (John 12:37-40) Wei blo olketa nogud tumas, and hem mekem olketa no fit for kasem laef olowe. (Matt. 23:13, 33) So hem important for letem holy spirit and toktok blo Bible for helpem iumi for hambol, garem stret tingting, and mekem olketa disison wea followim direction blo Jehovah. (Jas. 3:17) From James hem hambol, hem willing for lane from Jehovah. And olsem iumi bae storyim, from hem hambol datwan helpem hem for kamap gudfala teacher.


8. Wanem nao bae helpem iumi for kamap gudfala teacher?

8 James no kasem hae education. Masbi olketa bigman blo religion lo datfala taem ting daonem hem olsem hao olketa ting daonem aposol Peter and John from olketa “no go long skul bilong olketa rabbi.” (Acts 4:13, footnote) Bat James hem lanem hao for teach gud. Iumi luksavve lo datwan taem iumi readim datfala Bible buk wea hem raetem. Olsem James, iumi tu maet no kasem hae education. Nomata olsem, holy spirit blo Jehovah and training wea iumi kasem from organization blo hem, savve helpem iumi for kamap gudfala teacher. Distaem bae iumi storyim wanem James duim wea mekem hem wanfala gud teacher and hao iumi savve followim example blo hem.

9. Storyim hao James hem teach.

9 James iusim simpol toktok and explainim klia olketa subject. Datwan helpem pipol for savve wanem for duim and hao for duim. Tingim hao James teach lo simpol wei taem hem explainim hao olketa Christian mas no givap taem olketa kasem hard taem. Hem sei: “Olketa wea gohed and no givap, olketa hapi. Iufala herem finis story abaotem Job. Hem no givap long olketa hard taem wea kasem hem. From samting wea Jehovah duim for hem, iufala savve Jehovah hem lovem man and hem showimaot mercy long hem.” (Jas. 5:11) Lo hia James storyim samting from olketa Holy Raeting for teachim olketa nara Christian. Hem iusim toktok blo God for helpem olketa for luksavve Jehovah rewardim pipol wea faithful lo hem, olsem Job. Olketa kwiktaem minim datfala leson wea James teachim bikos hem iusim simpol toktok and point hem klia. Hem no mekhae lo hemseleva bat hem mekhae lo Jehovah.

10. Storyim wanfala wei wea iumi savve teach olsem James.

10 Wanem iumi lanem: Teach lo simpol wei, and iusim Bible for teach. Taem iumi teachim olketa narawan, goal blo iumi hem for helpem olketa for tinghae lo wisdom blo Jehovah and luksavve hem lovem olketa, and no for mekhae lo iumiseleva. (Rome 11:33) Iumi savve kasem datfala goal taem iumi iusim Bible for teach. Olsem example, taem Bible study blo iumi garem problem, no talem hem wanem iumi bae duim, bat helpem hem for tingim samfala Bible example and for luksavve lo tingting blo Jehovah abaotem datwan. Then olketa bae disaed followim wanem Jehovah laekem for mekem hem hapi.

11. Wanem nao samfala Christian lo taem blo James need for stretem, and wanem kaonsel nao James givim lo olketa? (James 5:13-15)

11 James patient witim olketa narawan. Toktok insaed leta blo James showimaot hem luksavve samfala nara Christian need for stretem samfala samting, and hem givim direction lo olketa. Olsem example, James sei samfala herem toktok blo God, bat no kwiktaem for followim. (Jas. 1:22) Samfala narawan favorim olketa brata and sista wea rich. (Jas. 2:1-3) And olketa narawan no savve kontrolem toktok blo olketa. (Jas. 3:8-10) Maet hem no isi for olketa brata and sista stretem olketa samting hia, bat James no givap for helpem olketa. Hem kaen taem hem kaonselem olketa and hem encouragem olketa wea needim help for go lo olketa elder.​—Readim James 5:13-15.

12. Wanem nao iumi need for luksavve lo hem taem iumi helpem olketa Bible study blo iumi?

12 Wanem iumi lanem: Iumi mas patient witim olketa narawan. Samfala wea iumi studyim Bible witim olketa maet no kwiktaem followim wanem olketa lanem. (Jas. 4:1-4) Maet hem tek taem for changem samfala nogud wei blo olketa. Iumi laek for followim example blo James and no hol bak for talem Bible study blo iumi samting wea hem need for stretem. And tu, iumi mas luksavve pipol wea hambol savve change and trustim hao Jehovah savve helpem olketa for mekem olketa change hia.​—Jas. 4:10.

13. Olsem James 3:2 and footnote storyim, wanem nao James luksavve lo hem?

13 James no tingse hem gud winim narawan. James no tingse hem spesol winim olketa narawan from hem brata blo Jesus or from hem member blo Governing Body lo datfala taem. Dastawe hem kolem olketa nara Christian, “olketa brata” blo hem. (Jas. 1:16, 19; 2:5) Hem no laekem olketa narawan for tingse hem perfect. Bat hem storyim hao hem tu savve duim mistek taem hem sei: “Iumi evriwan savve sin staka taem.”​—Readim James 3:2, and footnote.

14. Why nao hem gud for Bible study luksavve iumi savve duim mistek?

14 Wanem iumi lanem: Iumi evriwan savve duim mistek. Iumi no laekem Bible study blo iumi for tingse iumi perfect and no savve duim eni mistek. Sapos hem garem tingting olsem abaotem iumi, maet datwan mekem hem discourage and tingse olketa standard blo God hem hard tumas for kasem. Bat hem gud for talem Bible study hao iumi tu stragol for followim olketa Bible principle bifor, and storyim hao Jehovah helpem iumi for change. Datwan bae helpem hem for luksavve hem tu fit for duim wanem Jehovah laekem.

James iusim olketa tokpiksa wea simpol, klia, and kasem heart blo pipol (Lukim paragraf 15-16) *

15. Wanem kaen tokpiksa nao James iusim? (James 3:2-6, 10-12)

15 James iusim olketa tokpiksa for kasem heart blo pipol. Nomata holy spirit helpem hem for tingim olketa tokpiksa wea fitim pipol, luk olsem hem lanem staka samting abaotem olketa tokpiksa from big brata blo hem Jesus. Lo leta wea James raetem, hem iusim olketa tokpiksa wea simpol and isi for pipol minim point blo tokpiksa.​—Readim James 3:2-6, 10-12.

16. Why nao hem gud for iusim olketa tokpiksa for kasem heart blo pipol?

16 Wanem iumi lanem: Iusim olketa tokpiksa wea kasem heart blo pipol. Taem iumi iusim olketa tokpiksa, datwan savve helpem pipol for piksarem samting lo mind blo olketa. Olketa tokpiksa savve helpem pipol for rememberim samting wea Bible teachim. Jesus savve tumas hao for iusim olketa tokpiksa wea pipol isi for minim, and James followim example blo brata blo hem. Bae iumi storyim wanfala tokpiksa wea James iusim, and storyim why datfala tokpiksa kasem heart blo pipol.

17. Why nao tokpiksa lo James 1:22-25 hem barava gud?

17 Readim James 1:22-25. Why nao disfala tokpiksa blo James abaotem mirror hem barava gud? James iusim tokpiksa hia for mekhae lo wanfala point. Disfala tokpiksa showimaot hem important for readim Bible, bat iumi shud followim wanem iumi readim tu. James iusim tokpiksa wea pipol barava minim. Hem abaotem man wea lukim feis blo hemseleva insaed mirror. Then James storyim klia mining blo datfala tokpiksa. Sapos man lukluk lo mirror and hem lukim samting lo feis wea hem need for stretem, hem karangge samting sapos hem no duim eniting for stretem. Olsem tu, sapos iumi readim Bible and luksavve iumi need for stretem samting lo laef blo iumi, hem important for stretem datwan.

18. Taem iumi iusim tokpiksa, wanem nao thrifala samting iumi mas duim?

18 Taem iumi iusim tokpiksa, iumi savve duim thrifala samting for followim example blo James: (1) Mek sure tokpiksa wea iumi iusim hem fitim point wea iumi laek teachim. (2) Iusim tokpiksa wea pipol barava minim. (3) Storyim klia mining blo tokpiksa. Sapos hem no isi for iu tingim olketa tokpiksa, iu savve lukim Watch Tower Publications Index lo English anda lo heding “Illustrations.” Lo there iu bae lukim staka tokpiksa wea iu savve iusim. Tingim diswan, olsem microphone wea mekem saond hem kamap big, tokpiksa mekhae lo wanfala point. So hem gud for iusim olketa tokpiksa for olketa main point wea iu laek teachim. Main reason iumi laek for kamap gudfala teacher hem for helpem staka pipol for lane abaotem Jehovah and worshipim hem, and no for mekhae lo iumiseleva.

19. Wanem nao iumi savve duim for showimaot iumi lovem olketa brata and sista?

19 James hem garem privilege for lane from big brata blo hem Jesus. Bat iumi garem privilege for worshipim Jehovah witim staka Christian brata and sista. Iumi showimaot iumi lovem olketa from iumi associate witim olketa, lane from olketa, and waka tugeta witim olketa lo preaching and teaching waka. Sapos iumi traem best for followim wei blo James and hao hem teach, datwan bae mekhae lo Jehovah and helpem pipol for fren witim Dadi blo iumi lo heven.

SONG 114 “Mas Patient”

^ James and Jesus growap tugeta bikos tufala brata. From datwan, James savve gud lo Son blo God winim staka pipol lo datfala taem. Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim wanem iumi savve lanem from disfala brata blo Jesus, wea hem wanfala elder lo Christian kongregeson lo first century. Bae iumi storyim wei blo hem and hao hem teach.

^ Nomata James hem haf brata blo Jesus, lo disfala article bae iumi kolem hem brata blo Jesus. Luk olsem hem nao raetem datfala Bible buk James.

^ Nathan Knorr hem member blo Governing Body bifor. Hem dae lo 1977.

^ PIKSA: James iusim tokpiksa abaotem smol fire for showimaot nomata tongue hem smol hem savve kosim big problem. Hem isi for pipol minim datfala tokpiksa.