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You Trust the Way Jehovah De Do Things?

You Trust the Way Jehovah De Do Things?

“The Rock, mistake no dey wetin e de do because e de always do the correct thing. Na God wey no de fail person, wey no de ever do partial. E de do the correct thing and e way straight.”—DEUT. 32:4.

SONG 3 We Trust Jehovah, E De Give Us Power and Hope


1-2. (a) Why e de hard plenty people today to trust people for high position? (b) Wetin we go talk about for this article?

 TODAY, e de hard plenty people to trust anybody for high position. They don see say governments and the laws for the land de always favor rich and important people for community, but e no de favor poor people. Bible dey correct when e talk say: “Man don rule man and bring man plenty pain.” (Eccl. 8:9) Apart from that one, some leaders for religion de do bad things. This one don make some people stop to trust God. So when person agree to study Bible with us, we need to help the person to get trust for Jehovah and the people wey e de use give us direction for earth today.

2 The truth na say, no be only Bible students need to learn to trust Jehovah and e organization. Even if we don de serve Jehovah for many years, make we no ever stop to get faith say the way Jehovah de do things go always be the best. Sometimes, some things fit happen wey fit test us whether we really trust Jehovah. For this article, we go talk about three situation wey fit test our faith, and they be: (1) when we de read some stories for Bible, (2) when we receive direction from Jehovah’s organization, and (3) when we face some things for future.


3. How some stories for Bible fit test us whether we trust Jehovah?

 3 As we de read Bible, we fit de wonder why Jehovah treat some people for some kind way and why e make some kind decision. For example, for the book of Numbers, we read say Jehovah talk say make they kill one Israel person because e de gather wood for Sabbath day. After many years, we learn for the book of second Samuel say Jehovah forgive King David even as e sleep with another man wife and kill the man. (Num. 15:32, 35; 2 Sam. 12:9, 13) We fit de wonder say, ‘Why Jehovah forgive David wey sleep with person wife and kill the person, but e talk say make they kill the man wey do something wey be like wetin no too serious?’ To answer this question, make we talk about three things wey we need to put for mind as we de read Bible.

4. How Genesis 18:20, 21 and Deuteronomy 10:17 make us get more trust for any matter wey Jehovah judge?

4 No be everytime Bible de tell us complete story about something. For example, we know say David really repent from e heart for the thing wey e do. (Ps. 51:2-4) But the man wey no obey the Sabbath law, which kind person e be? E dey sorry for wetin e do? Before, e don do some things wey Jehovah talk say make e no do? They don give this man different-different warning before and e no hear, or e even reject-am? Bible no talk anything about that one. But we fit dey sure say Jehovah “no de ever do partial.” (Deut. 32:4) Before Jehovah decide something, e know everything about the matter. The thing wey person hear from people, the idea wey e get before about people, or any other thing, de always affect the way e go judge matter. But this kind things no de affect the way Jehovah de judge. (Read Genesis 18:20, 21; Deuteronomy 10:17.) The more we de learn about Jehovah and e laws, the more we go de trust the way e de judge matter. Even if we read Bible and we get questions wey we no fit answer now, we don know plenty things about our God to make us really dey sure say e “dey righteous for everything wey e de do.”—Ps. 145:17.

5. Because we no dey perfect, how this one fit affect the way we de judge matter wey correct or wey no correct? (Still check the box “ As We No Dey Perfect, We No Go Always See Matter for Correct Way.”)

5 We no go fit always judge for correct way because we no dey perfect. God make us make we fit get e fine-fine character. So we really want see say people de treat other people for correct way. (Gen. 1:26) But because we no dey perfect, we fit judge matter for wrong way even when we think say we know everything about the matter. For example, think about how Jonah no happy at all when Jehovah decide say e go pity for Nineveh people. (Jonah 3:10–4:1) But think about wetin happen as Jehovah pity them. More than 120,000 Nineveh people wey repent no die! For the end, na Jonah need correction no be Jehovah.

6. Why Jehovah no need to explain to us why e decide something?

6 Jehovah no need to explain e decision to us. Na true say for Bible, Jehovah allow e servants to talk how them de feel about things wey e decide or wey e want decide. (Gen. 18:25; Jonah 4:2, 3) And sometimes, e de explain why e decide something. (Jonah 4:10, 11) But no be must say Jehovah go explain to us why e decide something. As Person wey give us life, e no need to hear wetin we go talk before e do something or after e don do-am.—Isa. 40:13, 14; 55:9.


7. Wetin fit hard for us to do, and why?

7 True-true, we really dey sure say Jehovah de always do the right thing. But, e fit hard us to trust the people wey Jehovah de use direct us today. We fit de wonder whether this people de really follow wetin Jehovah talk or na their own them de do. Some people for Bible time fit don think like that. Think about the example wey we talk about for  paragraph 3. The man wey no obey the Sabbath law fit get family member wey fit don wonder whether Moses really ask Jehovah before e talk say make they kill the man. And Uriah wey be Hittite, wey David sleep with e wife, fit get friend wey fit don think say David use e position as king to dodge the punishment wey e suppose get. Jehovah trust the people wey e de use de direct e organization today. So the truth be say, if we no trust this people, we no go fit talk say we trust Jehovah.

8. How the way Christian congregation de do things today resemble wetin Acts 16:4, 5 talk?

8 Today, Jehovah de use “the faithful and discreet slave” to direct the part of e organization wey dey earth. (Matt. 24:45) Like the governing body for apostles their time, this slave de care for servants of God for the whole world and de give direction to elders for congregation. (Read Acts 16:4, 5.) Then the elders go make sure say congregations follow that direction. We de show say we trust the way Jehovah de do things when we de obey the direction wey the organization and the elders de give us.

9. When e fit hard us to support the decision wey the elders don make, and why?

9 Sometimes, e fit hard us to support the things wey the elders don decide. For example, for some years now, we don change the way we arrange plenty congregations and circuits. For some situation, the elders don tell publishers make they join another congregation so that the seats for the Kingdom Halls no go de waste. If they tell us make we join another congregation, e fit hard us make we leave our friends and family members. God de talk to the elders from heaven to tell them the congregation wey each publisher go join? No. And this one fit make-am hard for us to follow the direction wey we receive. But Jehovah trust the elders to make this kind decisions, and we need to trust them too. *

10. With wetin dey for Hebrews 13:17, why e good make we support the elders?

10 Why e good make we support the decision wey the elders don make even when we no like the decision? Because when we do like that, this one de help all of us for the organization to continue to dey as one. (Eph. 4:2, 3) Congregation de do well when everybody de sofri follow the things wey the elders don decide. (Read Hebrews 13:17.) The one wey important pass be say, when we de support the people wey Jehovah trust to care for us, we de show say we trust Jehovah.—Acts 20:28.

11. Wetin fit help us continue to trust the direction wey we de receive from the elders?

11 We fit trust the direction from the elders more-more when we de remember say them de pray for holy spirit when them de discuss congregation matter. They still de sofri check the things wey Bible talk about the matter and the things wey Jehovah’s organization don write about-am. They really want do wetin Jehovah like, and care for e people for the best way. This faithful men know say they go answer God for the way they do this work wey e don give them. (1 Pet. 5:2, 3) Just think-am: For this world wey don scatter because of skin color, religion, and politics, Jehovah people de worship the only true God together as one family. This one fit happen only because Jehovah de bless e organization!

12. Which things the elders must sofri think about when them de try to find out whether person don really repent?

12 Jehovah don give the elders important work to make sure say congregation dey clean. If brother or sister put hand for serious sin, Jehovah expect the elders make they check whether the person fit continue to dey for congregation. Apart from other things wey they go do, they still need to check whether the person don really repent from wetin e do. E fit talk say e don repent, but e really hate the thing wey e do? E don make up e mind say e no go do that thing again? If na bad friends make the person do wetin e do, e dey ready to stop the friendship? The elders de pray to Jehovah, them de check everything about the matter and wetin Bible talk, and them de check how the person de feel about wetin e do. Then, they go decide whether the person wey sin fit continue to be part of the congregation. For some situation, they must disfellowship the person.—1 Cor. 5:11-13.

13. Wetin we fit de worry about if they disfellowship our friend or family member?

13 Wetin fit test us whether we trust the elders? If the person wey they disfellowship no be our close friend or family member, e fit dey easy for us to accept wetin the elders don decide. But what if the person wey they disfellowship na our close friend? We fit de worry say the elders no look everything about the matter well, or we fit de wonder whether they really judge the matter the way Jehovah for judge-am. Wetin fit help us get better mind about the decision?

14. Wetin fit help us if the elders decide say they go disfellowship one of our friends or family member?

14 Make we remember say to disfellowship person na arrangement from Jehovah, and congregation de gain from this one. And the person wey sin, fit gain too. If they allow sinner wey no want repent to remain for congregation, the person fit make other people sin too. (Gal. 5:9) Apart from that one, the person fit no see wetin e do as serious sin. And the person fit no see any reason to change the way e de think and the things wey e de do, to make Jehovah dey happy again. (Eccl. 8:11) We fit dey sure say, when elders de decide whether they suppose disfellowship person, them de see this work as serious business. They know say, like the judge them for Israel for Bible time, they ‘no de judge for man, na Jehovah them de judge for.’—2 Chron. 19:6, 7.


Wetin go help us trust and obey the direction wey we go receive for great tribulation? (Check paragraph 15)

15. Why we need to trust the direction wey Jehovah de give us now, pass as we de do before?

15 The end of this wicked world don really near. And so we need to trust the way Jehovah de do things now pass before. Why? For great tribulation, we fit receive direction wey fit be like wetin hard to understand or to obey. The truth na say, Jehovah no go talk to us from heaven one by one. The direction wey Jehovah go give, fit come from the people wey e don choose to use direct us. That time no be time when we go de doubt the direction, or de wonder say, ‘This direction na really from Jehovah, or this brothers wey de direct us just de do their own thing?’ You go trust Jehovah and e organization for this important time? The way you de see the direction from the people wey Jehovah de use direct us now, go help you answer that question. If you de trust the direction wey we de receive today, and you no de waste time obey-am, e fit no hard you to do the same thing for great tribulation.—Luke 16:10.

16. Small time for future, wetin fit test whether we trust Jehovah judgment?

16 E good make we still think about how we go see the way Jehovah go judge things for the end of this wicked world. For now, we de hope say plenty people wey no de serve Jehovah, even our family members wey no be Jehovah Witness, go decide to serve Jehovah before the end come. But for Armageddon, Jehovah go use Jesus to make the final decision about their future. (Matt. 25:31-33; 2 Thess. 1:7-9) No be our hand e dey to decide who Jehovah go show mercy or who e no go show. (Matt. 25:34, 41, 46) We go fit trust the thing wey Jehovah go decide that time, or we go stop to serve Jehovah because we no agree with e decision? E dey clear say, we need to trust Jehovah more-more now, so that we go fit get complete trust for Jehovah for future.

17. For the end of this wicked world, how the way Jehovah go judge things go make us gain?

17 Just think about how we go feel for Paradise when we see the result of Jehovah judgment. Lie-lie religion no go dey again, and business for this world wey get long-throat, or different-different government wey don de oppress and de suffer people no go dey again. We no go de sick or old, and people wey we love go stop to die. This things no go be part of our life again. Satan and e demons no go fit do people anything again for one thousand years. All the bad things wey don happen because they no gree obey God, no go dey again. (Rev. 20:2, 3) We go really dey happy say we trust the way Jehovah de do things!

18. Which things we fit learn from the example of Israel people, as e dey for Numbers 11:4-6 and 21:5?

18 For paradise, we fit face some things wey go test whether we really trust the way Jehovah de do things? For example, make we think about wetin happen small time after Jehovah free Israel people as slave for Egypt. Some of them start to complain because they miss the fresh food wey them de enjoy for there. And they start to talk bad about the manna wey Jehovah provide for them. (Read Numbers 11:4-6; 21:5.) We fit de think like that too after great tribulation don end? We no know how the work wey we go do to clean the earth go plenty reach, and the work wey we go do to turn the earth to paradise small-small. E fit be say plenty work go dey, and things fit no too easy for the beginning. We go complain about the things wey Jehovah go provide that time? One thing wey dey sure be say: The more we de thank Jehovah for the things wey e de give us now, the more we go fit thank Jehovah when that time reach.

19. Wetin you fit talk say be the main things wey this article talk about?

19 The way Jehovah de do things de always dey correct. We need to really believe this one. We still need to trust the people wey Jehovah trust to give us e direction. Make you no ever forget the thing wey Jehovah tell prophet Isaiah make e talk, when e say: “Wuna go dey strong if wuna dey calm and show say wuna trust me.”—Isa. 30:15.

SONG 98 Na God Give Us Bible

^ par. 5 This article go help us see why e dey important to get more trust for Jehovah and the people wey e de use give us direction for this earth. We go see how we go gain now if we do like that, and how this one go prepare us for things wey we go face for future.

^ par. 9 Sometimes, some kind situation fit make person or family no change their congregation. Check Our Kingdom Ministry, November 2002, “Question Box.”