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Olketa Elder, Gohed Followim Example blo Aposol Paul

Olketa Elder, Gohed Followim Example blo Aposol Paul

“Iufala mas followim wei bilong mi.”​—1 COR. 11:1.

SONG 99 Bigfala Sekson Bilong Brata


1-2. Hao nao example blo aposol Paul savve helpem olketa elder?

 APOSOL Paul lovem olketa brata and sista and waka hard for lukaftarem olketa. (Acts 20:31) Dastawe olketa brata and sista lovem hem. Olsem example, taem olketa elder lo Ephesus luksavve bae olketa no lukim Paul moa “evriwan barava krae nao.” (Acts 20:37) Olketa elder distaem tu lovem olketa brata and sista and duim staka samting for helpem olketa. (Phil. 2:16, 17) Bat samfala taem olketa elder faendem samfala samting hem no isi. Wanem nao savve helpem olketa?

2 Hem gud for olketa elder tingim example blo Paul. (1 Cor. 11:1) Hem no perfect and samfala taem hem stragol for duim gudfala samting. (Rome 7:18-20) Hem garem samfala problem tu for deal witim. Nomata olsem, Paul gohed hapi and no givap for helpem olketa brata and sista. Taem olketa elder followim example blo Paul, datwan bae helpem olketa for deal witim olketa hard samting and for gohed hapi. Bae iumi storyim hao olketa savve duim datwan.

3. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala article, and hao nao article hia bae helpem olketa elder?

3 Lo disfala article bae iumi storyim fofala samting wea olketa elder maet faendem hem no isi for deal witim, olsem: (1) for garem taem for duim waka lo kongregeson and preaching waka tu, (2) for garem taem for encouragem olketa brata and sista, (3) for garem balance tingting abaotem wik point blo olketa seleva, and (4) for deal witim wik point blo narawan. Bae iumi lanem wanem helpem Paul for duim olketa samting hia, and hao olketa elder savve followim example blo hem.


4. Why nao maet hem no isi for olketa elder duim preaching waka evritaem?

4 Why hem maet no isi. Olketa elder mas showim gud example for duim preaching waka evritaem, nomata olketa garem staka responsibility lo kongregeson. Olsem example, elder savve conductim Kongregeson Bible Study or chairman lo midol week meeting. Hem savve givim tok, trainim olketa ministerial servant, and encouragem olketa brata and sista. (1 Pet. 5:2) Samfala elder duim waka or maintenance lo olketa Kingdom Hall and olketa building wea organization iusim for Kingdom waka. Bat main waka blo olketa nao hem for duim preaching waka, olsem olketa nara brata and sista mas duim tu.​—Matt. 28:19, 20.

5. Wanem nao olketa elder savve lanem from hao Paul ting lo ministry blo hem?

5 Example blo Paul. Lo Philippi 1:10, iumi lanem hao Paul duim gud ministry blo hem bikos hem “luksavve long olketa samting wea barava important.” Ministry blo hem nao hem barava important samting lo laef blo hem. Hem preach lo “pablik and long haos tu haos.” (Acts 20:20) Hem no markem wanfala taem lo day or wanfala day lo week nomoa for preach, bat hem iusim evri chance wea hem garem for duim datwan! Olsem example, taem hem weit for samfala brata for kam joinim hem lo Athens, hem preach lo staka bigman, and samfala biliv. (Acts 17:16, 17, 34) Nomata taem Paul “stap long prison,” hem preach lo olketa narawan lo there.​—Phil. 1:13, 14; Acts 28:16-24.

6. Wanem nao Paul trainim olketa narawan for duim?

6 Paul iusim gud taem blo hem for trainim olketa narawan. Staka taem hem invaetem narawan for joinim hem lo assignment blo hem. Olsem example, hem tekem John Mark lo first missionary gogo blo hem, then lo mek-tu taem, hem tekem Timothy. (Acts 12:25; 16:1-4) Luk olsem Paul trainim olketa brata hia lo hao for organizem waka lo kongregeson, hao for duim shepherding waka, and hao for teach gud lo kongregeson.​—1 Cor. 4:17.

Followim example blo Paul for iusim eni chance for witness lo eniwan (Lukim paragraf 7) *

7. Hao nao olketa elder savve followim toktok blo Paul lo Ephesus 6:14, 15?

7 Wanem olketa elder savve lanem. Olketa elder savve followim example blo Paul taem olketa preach from haos tu haos, and taem olketa willing for iusim eni chance for witness lo eniwan. (Readim Ephesus 6:14, 15.) Olsem example, elder savve storyim Bible lo samwan taem hem go shopping or lo waka ples. Or lo taem blo wanfala construction project, elder savve preach lo pipol wea stap lo datfala area or lo pipol wea hem peim building material from olketa. Olsem Paul, taem elder duim ministry, hem savve trainim ministerial servant and narawan tu.

8. Wanem nao maet olketa elder need for duim samfala taem?

8 Elder shud no busy tumas for duim waka lo kongregeson or lo circuit blo hem, gogo hem no garem taem for duim preaching waka. Maet hem need for balance and sei no lo wanfala assignment. Hem shud prea and ting raonem datwan. Maet hem luksavve sapos hem acceptim datfala assignment bae hem no garem taem for duim olketa important samting, olsem for duim famili worship evri week, preaching waka evri week, and for trainim pikinini for preach. Samfala faendem hard for sei no taem olketa kasem assignment, bat olketa savve sure Jehovah luksavve olketa traem best for balance lo evri samting olketa duim.


9. Nomata olketa elder busy, wanem nao olketa need for duim?

9 Why hem maet no isi. From iumi stap lo olketa last day, pipol blo Jehovah feisim staka difren kaen hard taem. So olketa elder need for encouragem, sapotim, and comfortim olketa brata and sista. And samfala taem olketa elder need for helpem olketa for no foldaon lo sin. (1 Thess. 5:14) Nomata olketa elder no savve finisim olketa hard taem wea iumi feisim, Jehovah laekem olketa for encouragem and protectim olketa sheepsheep blo hem. Nomata olketa elder busy, hao nao olketa savve garem taem for helpem olketa brata and sista?

Praisem and encouragem olketa brata and sista (Lukim paragraf 10, 12) *

10. Olsem 1 Thessalonica 2:7 storyim, hao nao Paul showimaot hem tingim olketa brata and sista?

10 Example blo Paul. Paul laek for praisem and encouragem olketa brata and sista. Hem gud for olketa elder followim wei blo hem for kaen and showimaot love lo olketa brata and sista. (Readim 1 Thessalonica 2:7.) Paul talem olketa brata and sista hem lovem olketa and Jehovah tu lovem olketa. (2 Cor. 2:4; Eph. 2:4, 5) Paul fren gud witim olketa lo kongregeson and hem spendem taem witim olketa. From hem trustim olketa, hem storyim lo olketa wanem hem warim and olketa wik point blo hem. (2 Cor. 7:5; 1 Tim. 1:15) Paul no tingim nomoa olketa problem blo hemseleva, bat hem laek for helpem olketa brata and sista.

11. Why nao Paul kaonselem olketa brata and sista?

11 Samfala taem Paul need for kaonselem olketa brata and sista, bat hem no duim datwan bikos hem kros. Hem givim kaonsel bikos hem lovem and laek for protectim olketa. Hem trae for givim kaonsel wea isi for olketa minim and acceptim. Olsem example, Paul givim strong kaonsel lo olketa Christian lo Corinth lo wanfala leta wea hem raetem for olketa. Bihaen datwan, hem sendem Titus lo olketa bikos hem laek for savve sapos olketa acceptim datfala kaonsel or nomoa. Hem hapi tumas taem hem herem olketa acceptim and followim kaonsel hia!​—2 Cor. 7:6, 7.

12. Hao nao olketa elder savve strongim olketa brata and sista?

12 Wanem olketa elder savve lanem. Olsem Paul, olketa elder savve spendem taem witim olketa brata and sista. Wanfala wei wea elder savve duim diswan hem for kam early lo meeting mekem hem savve story witim olketa. Datwan bae givim hem chance for givim encouragement wea olketa needim. (Rome 1:12; Eph. 5:16) Nara samting elder savve duim for followim example blo Paul hem for iusim Bible for strongim faith blo olketa and for helpem olketa luksavve God lovem olketa. Hem gud for elder showimaot hem lovem olketa brata and sista lo wei for story witim olketa and lukaotem chance for praisem olketa. Taem elder givim kaonsel, datwan mas kam from Bible. Nomata hem tok stret, hem mas kaen mekem olketa laek followim datfala kaonsel.​—Gal. 6:1.


13. Wat kaen tingting nao olketa elder maet garem abaotem wik point blo olketa seleva?

13 Why hem maet no isi. Olketa elder no perfect and savve mekem olketa mistek. (Rome 3:23) Maet olketa no garem balance tingting abaotem olketa wik point blo olketa seleva. From samfala elder wari abaotem wik point blo olketa, datwan mekem olketa discourage. Bat olketa nara elder maet ting nating nomoa lo wik point blo olketa, and tingse olketa no need for waka lo datwan.

14. From Paul hambol, hao nao datwan helpem hem for garem balance tingting abaotem olketa wik point blo hem? (Philippi 4:13)

14 Example blo Paul. From Paul hem hambol, hem luksavve hemseleva no garem strong for winim olketa wik point blo hem. Hem needim God for helpem hem. Firstaem, Paul hem bighed and hem persecutim olketa Christian. Bat gogo, hem luksavve wanem hem duim hem no stret and hem willing for change. (1 Tim. 1:12-16) From Jehovah helpem Paul, hem kamap elder wea showimaot love, tingim narawan, and hambol. Hem savve feel nogud lo olketa wik point blo hem, bat hem disaed for no gohed tingting tumas abaotem datwan and trustim hao Jehovah savve forgivim hem. (Rome 7:21-25) Hem luksavve hard for hem perfect, bat hem waka hard for garem olketa gudfala wei and hem depend lo Jehovah for helpem hem for duim gud ministry blo hem.​—1 Cor. 9:27; readim Philippi 4:13.

Waka hard for winim olketa wik point (Lukim paragraf 14-15) *

15. Wanem balance tingting nao olketa elder shud garem abaotem wik point blo olketa?

15 Wanem olketa elder savve lanem. Olketa brata no kamap elder from olketa perfect. Nomata olsem, Jehovah laekem olketa for luksavve lo wik point blo olketa and for waka hard for garem gudfala wei. (Eph. 4:23, 24) Taem elder studyim Bible, hem shud trae for luksavve lo eni samting wea hem need for changem, then waka hard for changem datwan. Taem elder duim olsem, Jehovah bae helpem hem for hapi and duim gud waka blo hem.​—Jas. 1:25.


16. Wanem nao savve happen sapos olketa elder tingting tumas lo wik point blo olketa brata and sista?

16 Why hem maet no isi. From olketa elder spendem staka taem witim olketa brata and sista lo kongregeson, hem isi for lukim wik point blo olketa. Sapos olketa no careful, olketa savve feel nogud, no kaen, and judgem olketa brata and sista. Paul warnim olketa Christian hao Satan laekem olketa for duim datwan.​—2 Cor. 2:10, 11.

17. Hao nao Paul ting lo olketa brata and sista?

17 Example blo Paul. Hem evritaem laek for tingim gud saed blo olketa brata and sista. Bat hem luksavve olketa garem wik point, bikos samfala taem wanem olketa duim hem mekem hem feel nogud. Nomata olsem, Paul luksavve taem wanfala brata or sista duim nogud samting, datwan no minim hem wanfala nogud man. Hem lovem olketa and hem tingim gudfala wei blo olketa. Nomata olketa duim mistek, Paul luksavve olketa laek for duim stret samting and maet olketa needim help nomoa.

18. Wanem nao iumi lanem from hao Paul helpem Euodia and Syntyche for stap gud moa? (Philippi 4:1-3)

18 Tingim hao Paul helpem tufala sista lo kongregeson lo Philippi. (Readim Philippi 4:1-3.) Luk olsem samting happen wea mekem Euodia and Syntyche feel nogud lo each other. Paul no tok kros or judgem tufala, bat hem tingim olketa gudfala wei blo tufala. Tufala sista hia faithful for worshipim Jehovah for longtaem finis, and Paul savve Jehovah lovem tufala. From datwan, hem encouragem tufala for stretem samting wea happen. From Paul evritaem trae for tingim gudfala wei blo olketa brata and sista, hem hapi and gohed fren gud witim olketa lo datfala kongregeson.

Trae for no judgem olketa brata and sista (Lukim paragraf 19) *

19. (a) Wanem nao savve helpem olketa elder for tingim gud saed blo olketa brata and sista? (b) Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from piksa wea showim wanfala elder wea klinim Kingdom Hall?

19 Wanem olketa elder savve lanem. Olketa elder, tingim gudfala wei blo olketa brata and sista. Nomata olketa no perfect, each wan garem olketa naesfala wei. (Phil. 2:3) Hem tru, samfala taem elder need for givim kaonsel lo wanfala brata or sista. Bat olsem Paul, elder shud no tingim nomoa wanem datfala brata or sista talem or duim. Hem shud tingim hao datfala brata or sista lovem Jehovah, hem gohed faithful for worshipim Jehovah, and olketa gudfala samting wea hem fit for duim. Elder wea tingim gud saed blo olketa brata and sista, bae helpem kongregeson for hapi and wan mind.


20. Wanem nao olketa elder savve duim for gohed kasem gud samting from example blo Paul?

20 Hem bae gud for olketa elder gohed studyim example blo Paul. Iu savve kasem moa information lo Watch Tower Publications Index lo English languis. Iu savve go lo main heding “Paul” and then lo subheding “example for elders.” Taem iu readim samfala article lo there, tingim diswan, ‘From mi wanfala elder, hao nao example blo Paul savve helpem mi for gohed hapi lo waka blo mi?’

21. Wanem nao olketa elder savve sure lo hem?

21 Olketa elder, tingim hao Jehovah no expectim iufala for perfect, bat hem laekem iufala for gohed faithful. (1 Cor. 4:2) Jehovah tinghae lo hao Paul hem waka hard and gohed faithful. Iufala savve sure tu hao God tinghae lo waka wea iufala duim for hem. Bible sei Jehovah bae no “forgetim waka wea iufala duim and love wea iufala showimaot for nem bilong hem taem iufala helpem olketa holy wan and gohed for duim datwan.”​—Heb. 6:10.

SONG 87 Olketa Meeting Strongim Iumi

^ par. 5 Iumi barava tinghae lo bigfala waka wea olketa elder duim for helpem iumi! Lo disfala article bae iumi storyim fofala samting wea olketa elder maet faendem hem no isi for duim. Bae iumi storyim tu hao example blo aposol Paul savve helpem olketa for duim olketa samting hia. Disfala article bae helpem iumi for minim waka blo olketa and for sapotim olketa.

^ par. 61 PIKSA: Bihaen waka, wanfala elder preach lo workmate blo hem.

^ par. 63 PIKSA: Wanfala elder encouragem brata wea savve shame tumas.

^ par. 65 PIKSA: Wanfala elder helpem brata wea feel nogud lo wanfala samting wea happen.

^ par. 67 PIKSA: Wanfala elder trae for no judgem nara brata wea no duim waka wea hem volunteer for duim.