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Hao for Deal Witim Stress

Hao for Deal Witim Stress

TAEM samwan hem wari, datwan savve mekem hem for barava stress. (Provebs 12:25) Waswe, enitaem samting happen wea mekem iu barava stress? Waswe, datwan mekem iu feel olsem iu no wei nao? Sapos olsem, datwan hem no kasem iu nomoa. Samfala mas lukaftarem samwan lo famili wea sik, samfala kasem natural disaster, and samfala sorre from samwan wea olketa lovem hem dae. Bat wanem nao savve helpem iumi for deal witim stress? a

Example blo King David bae helpem iumi for savve lo hao for deal witim stress. Hem feisim staka hard samting, and samfala taem laef blo hem stap lo danger. (Fas Samuel 17:34, 35; 18:10, 11) Hao nao David deal witim stress? And hao nao iumi savve followim example blo hem?


Wantaem, David deal witim thrifala hard samting lo semtaem. Firstaem, hem mas ranawe from King Saul bikos Saul laek for killim hem dae. Then, David and olketa man blo hem go for faetem olketa enemy, and samfala pipol kam stealim evri samting blo olketa, bonem olketa haos blo olketa, and tekem olketa waef and pikinini blo olketa tu. Hao nao feeling blo David abaotem datwan? Bible sei: “Deved wetem olketa man blong hem i krae go-go olketa no save krae moa nao.” Bihaen datwan, olketa man blo hem sei for “sutim hem long ston.” (Fas Samuel 30:1-6) So thrifala samting nao mekem David for barava wari and stress: Hem warim famili blo hem, olketa man blo hem laek for killim hem dae, and King Saul still aftarem hem for killim hem dae.

Wanem nao David duim? Hem prea lo Jehovah for “mekem tingting blong hem fo kamap strong moa.” And tu, hem tingim samfala samting wea Jehovah duim for helpem hem bifor. (Fas Samuel 17:37; Sams 18:2, 6) David laek for kasem direction from Jehovah, so hem askem priest for askem Jehovah for wanem hem shud duim. Bihaen David kasem direction from Jehovah hem stretawe followim. From hem duim datwan, Jehovah blessim hem and olketa man blo hem, and olketa go tekem bak famili and evri nara samting blo olketa. (Fas Samuel 30:7-10, 18, 19) Waswe, iu luksavve lo thrifala samting wea David duim? Hem prea lo Jehovah for helpem hem, hem tingim bak olketa samting wea Jehovah duim for hem bifor, and hem followim direction blo Jehovah. Hao nao iumi savve followim example blo David lo thrifala samting hia?


1. Prea. Taem samting mekem iumi for stress, iumi savve askem Jehovah for wisdom and help. Taem iumi storyim evri wari blo iumi lo Jehovah, datwan savve katem daon stress blo iumi. Or sapos seknomoa samting hem happen, iumi savve talem short prea nomoa. Evritaem iumi askem Jehovah for help, iumi showimaot iumi trustim hem olsem David, wea sei: “[Jehovah] nao hemi sef ples blong mi, an hemi gohed fo lukaftarem mi. Hemi gohed fo gadem mi, an hemi strongfala sef ples blong mi.” (Sams 18:2) Waswe, hem tru prea savve helpem iumi? Kahlia, wanfala pioneer sista sei: “Bihaen mi prea, mi garem peace. Prea helpem mi for garem tingting blo Jehovah and for trustim hem.” So prea hem wanfala present from Jehovah wea savve helpem iumi for deal witim stress.

2. Tingim bak. Waswe, iu tingim eni hard samting wea happen lo iu wea Jehovah helpem iu for deal witim? Taem iumi tingim hao Jehovah helpem iumi and hao hem helpem olketa pipol blo hem bifor, datwan savve strongim iumi and mekem iumi for barava trustim hem. (Sams 18:17-19) Joshua, wanfala elder sei: “Mi garem list blo olketa prea blo mi wea Jehovah ansarem. Diswan helpem mi for tingim olketa taem wea mi askem Jehovah for samting, and then hem givim mi wanem mi barava needim.” So taem iumi tingim bak hao Jehovah helpem iumi bifor, datwan bae strongim iumi for deal witim wari and stress.

3. Duim samting. Taem iumi deal witim eni hard samting, Bible nao garem best advaes for helpem iumi. (Sams 19:7, 11) Sapos iumi duim research lo wanfala scripture, datwan bae helpem iumi for luksavve hao datfala verse savve helpem iumi lo laef. Jarrod, wanfala elder sei: “Research savve helpem mi for lanem moa samting abaotem wanfala verse and for luksavve lo wanem Jehovah laekem mi for duim. From mi minim gud verse hia, datwan helpem mi for followim direction blo Jehovah.” So taem iumi readim Bible for lukaotem direction from Jehovah and followim datfala direction, datwan bae helpem iumi for deal witim stress.


David luksavve hem needim Jehovah for helpem hem taem hem deal witim stress. Hem tinghae tumas lo hao Jehovah helpem hem. David sei: “Yu gohed fo givim paoa long mi, fo faetem olketa enemi blong mi. Ya, yu gohed fo mekem mi strong.” (Sams 18:29, 32) Maet iumi tingse olketa hard taem wea iumi feisim hem big tumas, bat Jehovah savve helpem iumi for deal witim olketa samting hia. So, taem iumi prea lo Jehovah for helpem iumi, tingim bak olketa samting wea Jehovah duim for iumi bifor, and followim direction blo Jehovah, iumi savve sure bae hem givim iumi strong and wisdom for deal witim olketa samting wea mekem iumi wari and stress!

a Samwan wea sik from hem stress tumas maet need for go lukim doctor.