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How to Make Plan for Our Worship and Make-am Work

How to Make Plan for Our Worship and Make-am Work

“Make you think deep about this things, make them be part of you, so that everybody go see say you de do well.”—1 TIM. 4:15.

SONG 84 Try Do More


1. Which kind things we fit plan to do for our worship?

 BECAUSE we be true Christians, we love Jehovah no be small. We want do our best for e service. But, if we want do everything wey we fit do for Jehovah, we need to make plans. For example, we fit plan to get the different-different character wey Christian suppose get, learn something wey we fit use help Jehovah’s organization, and find ways to do things for people.

2. Why we suppose plan for things wey we go do for Jehovah and work hard to make the plans work?

2 Why we suppose want, make our service to Jehovah de better? The main thing na say, we want make our Papa for heaven dey happy. Jehovah de glad when e see say the things wey we know and wey we sabi do, we de use them well for e service. Apart from that one, we want do more so that we go fit de help our brothers and sisters more-more. (1 Thess. 4:9, 10) No matter how long we don de serve Jehovah, all of us fit do more for e service. Make we see how we go fit do that one.

3. As e dey for 1 Timothy 4:12-16, wetin apostle Paul encourage Timothy make e do?

3 Na true say when apostle Paul write e first letter to Timothy, that time, Timothy dey young. But Timothy don be elder already for some time. Even with that one, Paul encourage Timothy make e continue to grow for e service to Jehovah. (Read 1 Timothy 4:12-16.) As you de think about the thing wey Paul talk, you go see say Paul want make Timothy do more for two ways. Number one, e go need to do more for the way e de show love, the way e de live clean life, and for e faith. Number two, e go need to do more for how e de read for public, how e de encourage people, and how e de teach. If we de plan to do things wey we fit do, this one go fit help us de grow for our service to Jehovah. We go see how the example of Timothy show say that one na true. We go still talk about some ways wey we fit do more for our preaching work.


4. With wetin Philippians 2:19-22 talk, wetin make Jehovah fit use Timothy well?

4 Wetin make Jehovah use Timothy well for E service? Timothy get better-better character. (Read Philippians 2:19-22.) From the thing wey Paul talk about Timothy, we fit see say Timothy dey humble, e hold God tight, e de do e work well, and na person wey they fit trust. E de show love, and e really care about e brothers. Because of this one, Paul love Timothy. And e no waste time to give Timothy assignments wey hard. (1 Cor. 4:17) For the same way, Jehovah go love us and congregation go use us more when we get fine-fine character wey God really like.—Ps. 25:9; 138:6.

Know the better character wey you go like to show more-more (Check paragraph 5-6)

5. (a) How you fit decide the character wey you want get? (b) As e dey for the picture, how the sister wey never old de do wetin e plan wey be to show say e de feel for people more?

5 Choose the character wey you want get. Pray and think about which character you need to get more. Choose one character wey you go like to show more-more. For example, you fit decide say you need to learn how to feel the pain of your brothers more. Or learn how to get the mind more to help your brothers and sisters. Or you fit try to make peace with people more and de forgive more. If you tell your tight friend make e tell you some ways wey you fit do more, this one fit really help you.—Prov. 27:6.

6. How you fit get fine character wey you don plan to get?

6 Work to make your plan work. How you fit do that one? One way na to sofri study about the character wey you want show more-more. Make we talk say you decide say you want de forgive people more-more. You fit start to read and think deep about examples of people for Bible wey forgive other people from their heart, and examples of people wey no forgive. Think about the example wey Jesus show. E forgive people from e heart. (Luke 7:47, 48) And e no put e mind for their mistake, instead e see the good thing wey they fit do. But Pharisee people for time of Jesus “de see other people as nothing.” (Luke 18:9) After you don think deep about this examples, make you ask yourself say: ‘How I de see other people? Which of their character them I don decide to put my mind?’ If e no easy for you to forgive person, make you try to write all the good character them wey you know say the person get. Then ask yourself say: ‘How Jesus de see this person? E go forgive this person?’ If we do this one, we fit change the way we de think. E fit be say for the first time, we fit need to work hard to forgive person wey do wetin make us vex. But if we continue to try more-more, as time de go, we go de forgive people from our heart more.


Bring yourself out to learn how to maintain the Kingdom Hall wey you de use (Check paragraph 7) *

7. With wetin Proverbs 22:29 talk, how Jehovah de use people wey sabi their handwork today?

7 Another plan wey you fit get, na to learn something wey you fit use help Jehovah’s organization. Think about how many people we need to build Bethel, Assembly Halls, and Kingdom Halls. Plenty of this people learn their handwork because they work with brothers and sisters wey don already sabi the work. As we see for the picture, brothers and sisters de learn handwork wey they go use to care for Assembly Halls and Kingdom Halls. For this way and other ways too, Jehovah God wey be “everlasting King” and Jesus Christ wey be “King of . . . kings,” de use this brothers and sisters wey get handwork to do wonderful things. (1 Tim. 1:17; 6:15; read Proverbs 22:29.) We want work hard and use the things wey we sabi do to praise Jehovah instead of ourself.—John 8:54.

8. How you fit decide the thing wey you need to learn?

8 Choose the kind thing wey you want learn. Which thing you fit learn to do? Ask your congregation elders and maybe your circuit overseer, make they tell you the kind thing wey they think say you go fit learn. For example, they fit tell you say you need to do more for the way you de give talk and the way you de teach. If na so, tell them make they show you the part wey you need to make better. Then make you work hard to do more. How you fit do this one?

9. Wetin you fit do so that the plan wey you get to learn something go fit work?

9 Work to make your plan work. Make we talk say you want make the way you de teach better pass as e be now. You fit sofri study the brochure wey the name na Put All Your Heart for How You De Read and Teach. When they give you part for midweek meeting, make you tell brother wey sabi teach to listen to your part before you handle-am and give you some advice about how you fit make-am better. Make you de prepare your assignment before the time reach. This one go make people know you as person wey de work hard and wey they fit trust.—Prov. 21:5; 2 Cor. 8:22.

10. Give one example about how to make the thing wey we learn de better.

10 What if the thing wey you want learn hard for you to learn? Make you no tire! One brother wey e name na Garry, no sabi read well before. This brother remember the way e shame for e self when e de try to read something come out for congregation meetings. But e continue to work hard to make-am better. Now, e talk say because of the training wey e don get, e fit de give talks for Kingdom Halls, circuit assemblies, and conventions!

11. Like Timothy, wetin go help us to do more for our service to Jehovah?

11 Timothy become better teacher or person wey sabi give talk well? Bible no talk anything about that one. But Timothy go don grow more for the way e de do e assignment because e follow the advice wey Paul give. (2 Tim. 3:10) For the same way, if we work hard more for the things wey we sabi do, we go fit do more for our service to Jehovah.


12. How other people don help you?

12 All of us de gain from the things wey other people de help us do. For example, when we dey hospital, we really dey happy when elders for Hospital Liaison Committees or Patient Visitation Groups come visit us. When we de face problems for our life, we de really like-am when elder wey care about us take the time to listen to us and give us comfort. When we need help for study wey we de conduct, we like-am when better pioneer agree to follow us go study the person and give us some advice. All this brothers and sisters dey happy to help us. We fit get that joy if we bring ourself come out to help our brothers and sisters. Jesus talk say: “Na when person give, e go dey happy pass when e receive.” (Acts 20:35) If you want do more for Jehovah for this ways and other ways, wetin go help you to make your plan work?

13. When we de make plan, wetin we suppose get for mind?

13 No get plan wey no focus for one thing. For example, you fit talk for your mind say, ‘I go like to do more for congregation.’ But, e fit hard to know how to make this kind plan work. And e fit no dey possible for you to know when the plan don work. So get plan wey clear and focus for one thing. You fit even write the plan down and how you want make-am work.

14. When we de make plans, why we need to get-am for mind say condition fit make us change the way we plan to do the thing?

14 E good make we still get-am for mind say condition fit make us change our plan. Why? Na because we no go fit control everything wey de happen for our life. For example, apostle Paul help to form one new congregation for the city of Thessalonica. And e go don plan to stay for there and help the new Christians. But some people force Paul to comot for that city. (Acts 17:1-5, 10) If to say Paul stay for there, e for don put e brothers for danger. But Paul no stop to help them. Instead, as e condition change, e follow-am change. After, e send Timothy to help the new Christians for Thessalonica make they get strong faith. (1 Thess. 3:1-3) True-true, the brothers for Thessalonica go don really dey happy say Timothy agree to go any place wey e fit help the people for there!

15. How the things wey we plan to do fit change when our condition change? Give example.

15 We fit learn from wetin happen to Paul for Thessalonica. We fit don plan to do something. But condition fit change, and this one fit make us no fit do wetin we don plan. (Eccl. 9:11) If na so e be for you, make you dey ready to plan another thing wey go fit work for you. This one na wetin one husband and wife do. Their name na Ted and Hiedi. Because of sickness, they need to comot for Bethel. But because they love Jehovah, this one move them to look for other ways wey they fit do more for their preaching work. The first thing wey they do na to be regular pioneer. As time de go, they become special pioneers and them train Ted as substitute circuit overseer. Then after, the age wey person fit continue to serve as circuit overseer come change. Ted and Hiedi come see say their age don pass for this assignment. The truth be say, they feel bad. But they know say they fit serve Jehovah for other ways. Ted talk say, “We don learn say make we no de put our mind for only one way to serve Jehovah.”

16. Wetin we fit learn from Galatians 6:4?

16 We no go fit control everything wey de happen for our life. So e dey important make we no de think say we only dey important to Jehovah because of our assignment. And e dey important make we no de compare our assignment with the assignment wey other people get. Hiedi talk say, “You go lose joy if you compare your life with wetin de happen for other people life.” (Read Galatians 6:4.) E dey important say make we look for ways to help other people and serve Jehovah. *

17. Wetin you fit do to help you do more work for Jehovah?

17 E go dey possible for you to do more as you de serve Jehovah, if you live simple life and you no de owe money anyhow. Get some small-small plans wey go fit help you succeed for the big plans wey you get. For example, if you get big plan to be regular pioneer, you fit de do auxiliary pioneer every month now? If your plan na to be ministerial servant, you fit spend more time de preach, or de visit sick and old people for your congregation? The experience wey you go get now fit help you to get more work for future. Tell yourself say you go do your best for any assignment wey they give you.—Rom. 12:11.

Choose one particular thing wey you fit plan to do as your power reach (Check paragraph 18) *

18. As e dey for the picture, wetin you learn from Beverley?

18 No matter how we don old reach, we fit make plans for our worship, and succeed for the plans. Make we talk about the example of one sister wey e name na Beverley. This sister dey 75 years. This sister de struggle to waka because e get one serious sickness. But e want do more to support the preaching work for Memorial time. So e plan to do the main things wey go help-am succeed. When Beverley succeed for the plans wey e get for the Memorial time, e really glad. The hard work wey this sister do move other people to work hard for the preaching work. Jehovah de value the work wey our old brothers and sisters de do, even if their condition no allow them to do wetin they for like to do.—Ps. 71:17, 18.

19. Wetin be some things wey we fit plan to do for our worship?

19 Make plans wey your power reach. Get different-different character wey go draw you near Jehovah. Learn to do handwork and other things wey go make Jehovah and e organization use you more. Find ways wey you go do things for your brothers and sisters more. * Like Timothy, Jehovah go bless you so that “everybody go see say you de do well.”—1 Tim. 4:15.

SONG 38 God Go Make You Strong

^ Timothy sabi do e preaching work well. Even with that one, apostle Paul encourage Timothy make e continue to do more for e worship to Jehovah. Because Timothy follow the advice wey Paul give, Jehovah use Timothy more-more and Timothy help e brothers and sisters for congregation more. Like Timothy, you dey ready to do things for Jehovah and your brothers and sisters more? True-true, you want do like that. Which plans fit help you to do like that? And wetin you need to do to make the plans and do the things wey you don plan?

^ Check the topic wey be “Serving Where the Need Is Greater” for the book wey the name na Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will, chapter 10, par. 6-9.

^ Check lesson 60 wey the topic na “Continue to Near Jehovah More-More” for the book wey be Enjoy Life Now and Forever!

^ OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: One brother de train two sisters to know how to maintain building, and them de use this new handwork well.

^ OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: One sister wey no fit comot for house de use telephone preach to invite people come Memorial.