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Jehovah Blessim Olketa wea Forgivim Narawan

Jehovah Blessim Olketa wea Forgivim Narawan

“Iufala mas olsem Jehovah wea hem willing for forgivim iufala.”​—COL. 3:13.

SONG 130 Forgivim Narawan


1. Wat nao Jehovah sei bae hem duim for olketa wea repent?

 JEHOVAH hem Creator and Judge, and hem givim iumi olketa law, bat hem Dadi wea lovem iumi tu. (Sams 100:3; Aesaea 33:22) Taem iumi sin againstim hem then iumi sorre and repent, hem savve forgivim iumi and hem laek for forgivim iumi tu. (Sams 86:5) Jehovah iusim profet Isaiah for encouragem iumi. Hem sei: “Nomata sin blong yufala hemi . . . olsem blad long waet kaleko, bat mi save mekem yufala fo kamap barava klin nomoa olsem snou.”​—Aesaea 1:18.

2. Sapos iumi laek gohed fren gud witim olketa narawan, wat nao iumi need for duim?

2 From iumi no perfect, iumi evriwan savve talem or duim samting wea mekem narawan feel nogud. (Jas. 3:2) Nomata olsem, iumi savve gohed fren gud witim olketa, sapos iumi willing for forgive. (Provebs 17:9; 19:11; Matt. 18:21, 22) Sapos samwan talem or duim samting wea mekem iumi feel nogud, Jehovah laekem iumi for forgivim hem. (Col. 3:13) And iumi shud forgivim hem bikos Jehovah forgivim iumi staka taem.​—Aesaea 55:7.

3. Wat nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala article?

3 Lo disfala article bae iumi storyim hao nomata iumi no perfect iumi savve followim example blo Jehovah for forgivim narawan. Bae iumi storyim tu olketa sin wea iumi need for talem olketa elder abaotem, why Jehovah laekem iumi for forgivim narawan, and wanem iumi lanem from olketa brata and sista wea kasem nogud samting from wanem olketa narawan duim.


4. (a) Taem samwan duim serious sin, wat nao hem mas duim? (b) Taem olketa elder meet witim samwan wea duim sin, wanem nao responsibility blo olketa?

4 Sapos wanfala brata or sista duim serious sin, olketa elder mas savve abaotem datwan. Wan Corinth 6:9, 10 storyim example blo samfala lo olketa serious sin hia. Olketa wea duim diswan olketa brekem law blo God. Sapos wanfala brata or sista duim serious sin, hem mas prea lo Jehovah God for forgivim hem and mas go story witim olketa elder. (Sams 32:3-5; Jas. 5:14) Wanem responsibility nao olketa elder garem? Jehovah nomoa garem paoa for forgivim olketa sin bikos lo ransom sakrifaes blo Jesus. * Bat Jehovah givim olketa elder responsibility for disaedem sapos brata or sista wea duim sin savve gohed stap lo kongregeson taem olketa iusim Bible. (1 Cor. 5:12) Olketa elder bae trae for luksavve lo olketa kaen samting olsem: Waswe, hem min for duim datfala sin? Waswe, hem trae for haedem sin blo hem? Waswe, hem duim datfala sin for longtaem finis? And waswe, hem showimaot hem sorre and repent? Waswe, eni samting showimaot Jehovah forgivim hem finis?—Acts 3:19.

5. Hao nao waka wea olketa elder duim helpem kongregeson?

5 Taem olketa elder meet witim samwan wea duim sin, goal blo olketa hem for mekem sem disison olsem Jehovah disaedem finis abaotem datfala man. (Matt. 18:18) Hao nao diswan helpem kongregeson? Taem olketa elder disfellowshipim brata or sista wea no repent, datwan hem protectim kongregeson. (1 Cor. 5:6, 7, 11-13; Titus 3:10, 11) Or maet datwan helpem samwan wea duim sin for repent and kasem forgiveness from Jehovah. (Luke 5:32) And tu, olketa elder savve prea for brata or sista wea repent and askem Jehovah for helpem hem for fren bak moa witim Hem.​—Jas. 5:15

6. Waswe, Jehovah savve forgivim samwan wea disfellowship? Explainim kam.

6 Hao sapos olketa elder luksavve samwan hem no repent taem olketa meet witim hem? Bae olketa disfellowshipim hem from kongregeson. If hem duim samting wea brekem law blo gavman, olketa elder bae no protectim hem from eni nogud samting wea bae kamaot from datwan. Jehovah letem olketa kot for judgem and panisim eniwan wea brekem law, nomata hem repent or nomoa. (Rome 13:4) Bat if gogo hem luksavve wanem hem duim hem no stret and hem repent and changem wei blo hem, Jehovah bae forgivim hem. (Luke 15:17-24) And Jehovah bae forgivim hem tu nomata hem duim barava nogud samting.​—Mektu Kronikols 33:9, 12, 13; 1 Tim. 1:15.

7. Wat nao hem minim for forgivim samwan wea duim samting wea mekem iumi feel nogud?

7 Iumi hapi for savve hem no responsibility blo iumi for wakemaot sapos Jehovah bae forgivim samwan wea duim sin! Bat iumi need for disaedem wanfala samting. Taem samwan duim samting againstim iumi wea mekem iumi barava feel nogud, maet hem sei sorre and askem iumi for forgivim hem. Bat samfala taem maet hem no duim olsem. Nomata olsem, iumi savve disaed for forgivim hem wea minim iumi bae no gohed kros lo hem. Hem tru, hem savve tek taem and iumi need for waka hard for duim datwan, especially sapos samting hem duim hem barava nogud. The Watchtower blo September 15, 1994 sei: “Taem iumi forgivim samwan wea duim sin, diswan no minim wanem hem duim hem olraet nomoa. For iumi olketa Christian, taem iumi forgivim samwan, datwan minim iumi trustim Jehovah for judgem datfala situation. Hem nao Judge wea barava raeteous, and hem bae duim wanem hem stret lo raet taem.” Why nao Jehovah encouragem iumi for forgive and for trustim hem for judgem lo stretfala wei samwan wea sin againstim iumi?


8. Hao nao iumi savve showimaot iumi tinghae lo mercy blo Jehovah?

8 Taem iumi forgive, iumi showimaot iumi tinghae lo mercy blo Jehovah. Jesus comparem Jehovah witim wanfala boss wea sei wanfala wakaman blo hem no need for changem bak big kaon blo hem. Bat datfala wakaman no showimaot mercy lo wanfala wakaman wea kaonem smol selen nomoa lo hem. (Matt. 18:23-35) Wat nao iumi lanem from tokpiksa blo Jesus? Sapos iumi tinghae lo bigfala mercy blo Jehovah for iumi, bae iumi laek for forgivim narawan. (Sams 103:9) Wanfala Wastaoa lo bifor yet hem sei: “Nomata iumi forgivim olketa narawan staka taem, datwan bae no kasem nao hao God forgivim and showimaot mercy lo iumi bikos lo sakrifaes blo Christ.”

9. Jehovah savve showimaot mercy lo hu? (Matthew 6:14, 15)

9 If iumi forgivim narawan, Jehovah bae forgivim iumi. Jehovah bae showimaot mercy lo olketa wea showimaot mercy lo narawan. (Matt. 5:7; Jas. 2:13) Prea wea Jesus teachim lo olketa disaepol showimaot datwan. (Readim Matthew 6:14, 15.) Iumi lanem datwan tu from wanem Jehovah talem lo Job. Job hem barava feel nogud tumas lo nogud toktok wea Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar talem lo hem. Jehovah talem Job for prea for thrifala hia. Bihaen Job duim datwan, Jehovah blessim hem.—Job 42:8-10.

10. Taem iumi keepim kros, hao nao datwan savve spoelem iumi? (Ephesus 4:31, 32)

10 If iumi keepim kros bae iumi spoelem iumiseleva. Jehovah savve bae iumi garem peace sapos iumi no keepim kros. (Readim Ephesus 4:31, 32.) Hem encouragem iumi for no gohed kros. (Sams 37:8) Sapos iumi followim advaes hia datwan bae helpem iumi. Taem iumi keepim kros, datwan savve spoelem health and tingting blo iumi. (Provebs 14:30) If iumi keepim kros bae hem no affectim man wea mekem iumi feel nogud, bat hem olsem iumi drinkim poison wea spoelem iumiseleva nomoa. So taem iumi forgivim narawan, hem olsem iumi kaen lo iumiseleva. (Prov. 11:17, NWT) Bae iumi garem peace lo mind and heart and bae iumi hapi for gohed lo worship blo iumi for Jehovah.

11. Olsem Rome 12:19-21 storyim, hu nao shud changem bak nogud samting?

11 Jehovah nao bae changem bak nogud samting. Jehovah no laekem iumi for changem bak nogud samting wea samwan duim lo iumi. (Readim Rome 12:19-21.) From iumi no perfect, iumi no fit for judgem samwan lo stretfala wei, olsem God savve duim. (Heb. 4:13) And samfala taem, feeling blo iumi savve mekem hem hard for iumi luksavve lo stret samting for duim. Jehovah iusim James for talem diswan: “Man wea kros no savve duim stretfala samting wea God laekem.” (Jas. 1:20) Iumi sure Jehovah bae duim stret samting, and hem bae stretem evri nogud samting lo future.

No keepim kros. Trustim hao God bae stretem evri nogud samting wea kamaot from sin (Lukim paragraf 12)

12. Hao nao iumi savve showimaot iumi trustim Jehovah for duim stret samting?

12 Taem iumi forgive, iumi showimaot iumi trustim Jehovah for duim stret samting. Taem iumi leavim evri samting lo hand blo Jehovah, datwan showimaot iumi trustim hem for stretem evri nogud samting wea kamaot from sin. Lo niu world, iumi bae no tingim moa evri nogud samting wea happen lo iumi distaem, and ‘evrisamting wea hemi hapen bifoa, bae pipol fogetem nao.’ (Aesaea 65:17) Bat sapos samwan duim barava nogud samting lo iumi, waswe, hem isi for iumi lusim feeling for kros lo hem? Distaem bae iumi storyim samfala brata and sista wea duim datwan.


13-14. Wat nao iumi lanem from experience blo Tony and José abaotem why hem gud for forgivim narawan?

13 Staka brata and sista disaed for forgivim samwan wea duim barava nogud samting wea mekem olketa feel nogud tumas. Wat nao samfala blessing wea olketa kasem from datwan?

14 Tony, * wea stap lo Philippines, hem no insaed lo truth yet taem hem faendaot wanfala man wea nem blo hem José killim dae big brata blo hem. Tony barava kros tumas lo datfala taem and hem laek for pei bak. Police arrestim José and hem go lo prison for datfala crime. Taem José release from prison, Tony sei bae hem faendem hem and killim hem dae, and Tony peim wanfala gun tu. Lo semtaem, Tony start for studyim Bible. Hem sei, “Datfala study helpem mi for luksavve mi need for changem wei blo mi and mi mas lusim feeling for kros.” Gogo, Tony baptaes and then bihaen hem kamap elder. Wanday, hem faendaot José tu hem kam insaed lo truth. Tingim hao datwan mas mekem hem barava sapraes! Taem tufala meet, tufala hagem each other, and Tony talem José hem forgivim hem nao. Tony sei from hem forgivim José datwan mekem hem hapi tumas. Jehovah blessim Tony from hem willing for forgive.

Example blo Peter and Sue showimaot iumi savve lusim feeling for kros taem iumi forgivim narawan (Lukim paragraf 15-16)

15-16. Wat nao iumi lanem from experience blo Peter and Sue abaotem why hem gud for forgivim narawan?

15 Lo 1985, Peter and Sue sidaon lo meeting insaed Kingdom Hall, then seknomoa wanfala bomb hem bosta. Wanfala man nao haedem bomb hia insaed datfala Kingdom Hall! Datfala bomb mekem Sue for garem samfala serious garekil, and bihaen datwan hem no savve lukluk or herehere gud, and no savve smelem samting tu. * Staka taem Peter and Sue savve tingim, ‘Hu nao savve duim barava nogud samting olsem?’ Staka year bihaen, police faendem datfala man, wea hem no wanfala Witness, and olketa arrestim hem and sentencem hem for stap lo prison for full laef blo hem. Taem samwan askem Peter and Sue sapos tufala forgivim datfala man, tufala sei: “Jehovah teachim iumi hao sapos iumi gohed tingim and keepim kros, datwan bae spoelem health and tingting blo iumi. So no longtaem bihaen datwan happen, mifala askem Jehovah for helpem mifala for no gohed kros bat for forgive, mekem mifala garem peace.”

16 Waswe, hem isi for Peter and Sue forgivim and no gohed kros lo datfala man? Datwan hem no isi. Tufala sei: “Taem Sue deal witim pain and olketa nara samting bikos lo olketa garekil blo hem, datwan mekem mitufala barava feel nogud. Bat from mifala trae for no gohed tingim datwan, feeling for kros hem kwiktaem katdaon. And mitufala sure sapos wanday datfala man hem kam insaed lo truth, bae mifala welkamim hem. Datfala experience teachim mifala hao taem iumi followim olketa Bible principle, bae iumi hapi and garem peace! Mifala kasem comfort tu from mifala savve Jehovah bae stretem evri nogud samting wea happen.”

17. Wat nao iumi lanem from experience blo Myra abaotem why hem gud for forgivim narawan?

17 Myra lanem truth bihaen hem marit and garem tufala pikinini. Bat hasband blo hem no laekem truth, and gogo hem duim adultery and lusim Myra and olketa pikinini. Myra sei: “Taem hasband blo mi lusim mifala, mi feel nogud tumas. Mi savve staka wea deal witim semkaen samting savve feel olsem tu. Mi hard for bilivim diswan hem happen, so mi seke, sorre, regret, kros, and mi blamem miseleva.” Nomata tufala divorce, hem gohed feel nogud bikos lo wanem hasband duim lo hem. Myra sei moa: “Mi gohed sorre and kros for staka month, bat gogo mi luksavve datwan affectim hao mi fren witim Jehovah and olketa narawan.” Distaem, Myra sei hem lusim nao datfala feeling for kros lo ex-hasband blo hem, and Myra hope wanday bae hem worshipim Jehovah. Myra gohed lo laef blo hem, and hem helpem tufala pikinini blo hem for worshipim Jehovah. Distaem tufala son blo Myra marit and garem olketa pikinini, and Myra hapi from evriwan worshipim Jehovah tugeta.


18. From Jehovah hem Best Judge, wat nao iumi sure bae hem duim?

18 Iumi hapi for savve hem no responsibility blo iumi for judgem olketa narawan! Jehovah, wea hem nao best judge, bae duim disfala important waka. (Rome 14:10-12) Iumi savve trustim hao Jehovah bae judge followim olketa raeteous standard blo hem. (Jenesis 18:25; Fas Kings 8:32) Hard for Jehovah duim eni samting wea no stret!

19. Wat nao bae Jehovah duim lo future?

19 Iumi barava luk forward for taem wea Jehovah bae finisim evri nogud samting wea kasem iumi. Lo datfala taem, bae iumi healthy lo mind and body blo iumi. (Sams 72:12-14; Rev. 21:3, 4) Bae iumi no tingim moa olketa nogud samting wea happen lo iumi bifor. Bat go kasem datfala taem, iumi thankiu lo Jehovah bikos iumi savve followim wei blo hem for forgivim narawan.

SONG 18 Thankiu for Ransom

^ Jehovah laekem tumas for forgivim olketa wea repent. Iumi olketa Christian laek followim example blo hem for forgivim olketa narawan taem olketa mekem iumi feel nogud. Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim olketa sin wea iumi savve forgivim, and olketa sin wea iumi need for talem olketa elder abaotem. Bae iumi storyim tu why Jehovah laekem iumi for forgivim each other, and olketa blessing wea iumi bae kasem taem iumi duim datwan.

^ Lukim Wastaoa blo April 15, 1996, “Kwestin From Reader.”

^ Mifala changem samfala nem.

^ Lukim Awake! January 8, 1992, Page 9-13. Lukim tu datfala video lo JW Broadcasting® wea garem title Peter and Sue Schulz: A Trauma Can Be Overcome.