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Iumi Savve Trustim Olketa Brata and Sista

Iumi Savve Trustim Olketa Brata and Sista

“Man wea garem love.  . . hem gohed for biliv, hem evritaem garem hope.”​—1 COR. 13:4, 7.

SONG 124 Faithful Evritaem


1. Why nao iumi no sapraes hao staka pipol no savve trustim narawan?

 PIPOL lo world blo Satan no sure hu nao olketa savve trustim. Olketa maet feel olsem olketa no savve trustim olketa bisnisman, bigman lo gavman, and leader lo religion bikos olketa savve laea. Olketa no savve trustim samfala fren, neiba, and nomata samfala insaed famili tu. Iumi no sapraes lo diswan bikos Bible sei: “Long olketa last day . . . , pipol bae . . . no faithful, . . . laea for spoelem narawan, . . . [and] spoelem fren bilong olketa.” So staka pipol bae followim wei blo Satan, god blo disfala world, wea no eniwan savve trustim.​—2 Tim. 3:1-4; 2 Cor. 4:4.

2. (a) Hu nao iumi savve barava trustim? (b) Wat nao samfala maet no sure lo hem?

2 Samwan wea iumi olketa Christian savve trustim, hem Jehovah. (Jeremaea 17:7, 8) Iumi sure hem lovem iumi and bae “no save lusim” iumi. (Sams 9:10) Iumi savve trustim Christ Jesus tu bikos hem givim laef blo hem for iumi. (1 Pet. 3:18) And iumi luksavve iumi savve trustim olketa advaes lo Bible. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) So iumi sure iumi savve trust Jehovah, Jesus, and Bible. Nomata olsem, samfala no sure sapos olketa savve trustim evri brata and sista. Bat iumi savve trustim olketa. Why nao iumi sei olsem?


Iumi garem staka brata and sista evriwea lo world wea lovem Jehovah tu, and wea iumi savve trustim olketa (Lukim paragraf 3)

3. Wanem spesol privilege nao iumi garem? (Mark 10:29, 30)

3 Jehovah chusim iumi for part lo bigfala famili blo hem wea worshipim hem evriwea lo world. Diswan hem spesol privilege wea savve mekem iumi for kasem staka blessing! (Readim Mark 10:29, 30.) Iumi garem staka brata and sista evriwea lo world wea lovem Jehovah and wea traem best for followim olketa standard blo hem. Maet languis, culture, and kaleko blo iumi hem no semsem, and nomata hem firstaem for iumi meetim each other hem olsem iumi savve gud lo olketa. Iumi laekem tumas for hipap tugeta witim olketa for praisem and worshipim Jehovah.​—Sams 133:1.

4. Why nao iumi needim olketa brata and sista?

4 Distaem hem barava important for iumi klos witim olketa brata and sista. Olketa savve helpem iumi taem iumi kasem hard taem. (Rome 15:1; Gal. 6:2) Olketa savve encouragem iumi tu for gohed strong lo waka blo Jehovah and for gohed fren gud witim hem. (1 Thess. 5:11; Heb. 10:23-25) Tingim hao iumi bae feel sapos iumi no garem kongregeson for protectim and helpem iumi for faet againstim enemy blo iumi Satan and nogud world blo hem. Klosap nao Satan and olketa wea sapotim hem bae attakim pipol blo God. Bat lo datfala taem iumi bae hapi from olketa brata and sista bae sapotim iumi!

5. Why nao maet samfala faendem hard for trustim evri brata and sista?

5 Maet iumi faendem hard for trustim evri brata and sista from samwan lo kongregeson storyim samting wea iumi no laekem hem for talem narawan, or from hem no keepim promis blo hem. Or maet samwan lo kongregeson talem or duim samting wea mekem iumi barava feel nogud. Sapos datwan hem happen, maet hem hard for trustim narawan. So wat nao savve helpem iumi for trustim olketa brata and sista?


6. Hao nao love savve helpem iumi for trustim olketa brata and sista? (1 Corinth 13:4-8)

6 Taem iumi lovem olketa brata and sista datwan bae helpem iumi for trustim olketa. Wan Corinth chapter 13 storyim staka samting wea man wea garem love savve duim for helpem hem trustim narawan or for trustim narawan moa. (Readim 1 Corinth 13:4-8.) For example, verse 4 sei hem savve “patient and kaen.” Jehovah patient witim iumi nomata iumi sin againstim hem. So iumi mas patient witim olketa brata and sista taem olketa talem or duim samting wea mekem iumi feel nogud. Verse 5 sei: “[Man wea garem love] no kwiktaem for kros. Hem no tingim olowe nogud samting wea narawan duim long hem.” Iumi no laek for gohed tingim olketa samting wea olketa brata and sista duim wea mekem iumi feel nogud. Eklesiastes 7:9 sei hem nogud for iumi “kros kuiktaem.” Bat hem gud for followim wanem Ephesus 4:26 talem: “Iufala mas finis for kros bifor sun hem go daon”!

7. Wat nao samfala principle lo Matthew 7:1-5 wea savve helpem iumi for trustim olketa brata and sista?

7 Nara samting wea savve helpem iumi for trustim olketa brata and sista hem for garem sem tingting abaotem olketa olsem Jehovah. God lovem olketa and no keepim record lo olketa sin blo olketa. Iumi tu shud duim sem samting. (Sams 130:1-3) Iumi shud no tingim olketa wik point, bat tingim gudfala wei blo olketa and gudfala samting wea olketa savve duim. (Readim Matthew 7:1-5.) From iumi lovem olketa iumi “gohed for biliv” hao olketa laek for duim gudfala samting. (1 Cor. 13:7) Datwan no minim Jehovah expectim iumi for trustim olketa wea duim samting wea no stret, bat hem expectim iumi for trustim olketa wea traem best for duim stret samting. *

8. Wat nao savve helpem iumi for trustim olketa brata and sista?

8 Hem tek taem for trustim samwan. Wat nao savve helpem iumi for trustim olketa brata and sista? Trae for savve gud lo olketa, story witim olketa lo meeting, and waka witim olketa lo ministry. From iumi spendem taem witim olketa, isisi bae iumi luksavve iumi savve trustim olketa. Firstaem, iumi bae no storyim feeling blo iumi lo samwan wea iumi no savve gud lo hem yet. Bat gogo, taem iumi savve gud lo hem, maet bae iumi feel free for storyim feeling blo iumi lo hem. (Luke 16:10) Bat wat nao iumi savve duim sapos wanfala brata or sista duim samting wea mekem iumi for no trustim hem? Iumi shud no givap lo olketa, bat, letem samfala taem for go pas. And no letem wanem samfala duim for mekem iumi no trustim evriwan. Distaem bae iumi storyim samfala wea faithful for worshipim Jehovah bifor wea gohed trustim olketa narawan, nomata samfala spoelem trust blo olketa.


Nomata Eli no kaen lo Hannah, hem no stop for followim arrangement blo Jehovah (Lukim paragraf 9)

9. (a) Hao nao Hannah showimaot hem trustim arrangement blo Jehovah, nomata olketa priest duim samting wea no stret? (b) Hao nao example blo Hannah savve helpem iumi? (Lukim piksa.)

9 Waswe, enitaem iumi sorre from iumi lukim wanfala elder duim samting wea no stret? Sapos olsem, example blo Hannah savve helpem iumi. Lo datfala taem, Hae Priest Eli garem responsibility for leadim olketa Israelite for worshipim Jehovah. Tufala son blo hem wea priest gohed for duim staka nogud samting, bat Eli no stretem olketa. Jehovah no kwiktaem for aotem Eli from position blo hem. Nomata olsem, Hannah no stop for followim arrangement blo God for worship lo tabernacle taem Eli gohed for hae priest lo there. Tingim hao taem Eli lukim Hannah prea from hem sorre tumas, Eli tingse hem drunk and hem no faendaot firstaem wat nao kasem hem. (Fas Samuel 1:12-16) Hannah hem promisim lo Jehovah finis hao sapos hem garem wanfala son bae hem waka lo tabernacle, wea Eli nao bae lukaftarem hem. Nomata olsem, hem willing for keepim datfala promis. (Fas Samuel 1:11) Waswe, Jehovah bae letem tufala son blo Eli for gohed duim nogud samting? Nomoa, gogo Jehovah panisim tufala. (Fas Samuel 4:17) Bat Jehovah rewardim Hannah witim wanfala son, wea nem blo hem Samuel.​—Fas Samuel 1:17-20.

10. Wat nao mekem David for gohed trustim olketa narawan nomata samfala againstim hem?

10 Waswe, enitaem wanfala gud fren blo iumi duim samting wea mekem iumi for no trustim hem? Sapos olsem, tingim wanem happen lo King David. Hem garem wanfala gud fren wea nem blo hem Ahithophel. Bat then Ahithophel go joinim son blo David, Absalom, taem hem againstim dadi blo hem, David, from hem nao laek kamap King. David mas barava feel nogud taem fren blo hem and son blo hem duim datwan! Nomata olsem, David no letem datwan for stopem hem for trustim olketa narawan. Hem trustim Hushai, nara fren blo hem, wea no joinim olketa for againstim hem. David trustim Hushai bikos hem wanfala gud fren, and hem putim laef blo hem lo danger for helpem hem.​—Mektu Samuel 17:1-16.

11. Wat nao wanfala wakaman blo Nabal duim wea showimaot hem trustim Abigail?

11 Tingim tu example blo wanfala wakaman blo Nabal. David and olketa man blo hem protectim olketa wakaman blo Nabal, datfala rich Israelite. Wantaem, David askem Nabal for givim eni kaikai wea hem fit for givim lo olketa wakaman blo hem. Taem Nabal les for duim datwan, David kros fogud and disaed for killim dae evri man wea stap witim Nabal. Wanfala wakaman blo Nabal talem Abigail, waef blo Nabal abaotem datwan. Hem savve Abigail bae fit for sevem laef blo hem. So hem no ranawe, bat hem trustim Abigail for stretem datfala situation, from hem savve Abigail hem wanfala wise woman. Next samting wea Abigail duim showimaot hao datfala wakaman garem gudfala reason for trustim hem. Abigail no fraet for go askem David for changem plan blo hem. (Fas Samuel 25:2-35) Hem sure David bae duim stret samting.

12. Wat nao Jesus duim wea showimaot hem trustim olketa disaepol blo hem nomata olketa duim samfala mistek?

12 Jesus trustim olketa disaepol, nomata olketa duim samfala mistek. (John 15:15, 16) Taem James and John askem Jesus for kasem spesol position lo Kingdom, Jesus no daotem why tufala worshipim Jehovah or finisim tufala for no aposol blo hem. (Mark 10:35-40) Lo naet wea olketa arrestim Jesus, evri disaepol lusim hem and ranawe. (Matt. 26:56) Nomata olsem, Jesus gohed trustim olketa. Hem luksavve olketa duim mistek, and hem “gohed for lovem olketa go kasem taem hem dae.” (John 13:1) Bihaen Jesus resurrect, hem givim bigfala responsibility lo 11-fala faithful aposol for leadim waka for teachim pipol for kamap disaepol and for lukaftarem olketa sheepsheep blo hem. (Matt. 28:19, 20; John 21:15-17) Hem garem gud reason for trustim olketa, bikos evriwan faithful go kasem taem olketa dae then go ap lo heven. Tru nao, gudfala example blo Hannah, David, wakaman blo Nabal, Abigail, and Jesus showimaot iumi savve trustim olketa man wea no perfect.


13. Wat nao savve mekem hem hard for trustim olketa narawan?

13 Waswe, enitaem iu storyim problem blo iu lo wanfala brata, then bihaen iu faendaot hem storyim datwan lo narawan? Datwan savve mekem iu feel nogud tumas. Wantaem, wanfala sista storyim problem blo hem lo elder, bat lo next day waef blo datfala elder ringim sista for encouragem hem. Luk olsem elder storyim problem blo sista lo waef blo hem. Masbi datwan mekem hem hard for sista trustim datfala elder. Bat sista duim stret samting bikos hem go story lo nara elder, and hem helpem sista for trustim moa olketa elder.

14. Wat nao helpem wanfala brata for trustim moa tufala elder?

14 For longtaem, wanfala brata feel nogud lo tufala elder and no savve trustim olketa. Bat gogo hem tingim samting wea wanfala brata wea hem tinghae lo hem storyim. Hem talem disfala important point: “Satan nao enemy blo iumi, no olketa brata and sista.” Brata hia ting raonem gud datfala point, hem prea lo Jehovah for help, then gogo hem mek peace witim tufala elder hia.

15. Why nao maet hem tek taem for trustim moa samwan? Storyim example.

15 Waswe, enitaem iu lusim eni privilege blo iu? Datwan savve mekem iu sorre tumas. For example, Grete and mami blo hem, tufala faithful sista lo Nazi Germany taem olketa banim waka blo iumi bifor World War II. Grete garem privilege for typem olketa copy blo The Watchtower for olketa nara brata and sista. Bat taem olketa brata savve dadi blo hem againstim truth, olketa aotem datfala privilege from hem bikos olketa fraet nogud dadi blo hem givim information abaotem kongregeson lo olketa enemy. Grete kasem olketa nara hard taem tu. Lo taem blo World War II, olketa brata no givim eni copy lo olketa magasin lo Grete and mami blo hem from olketa no trustim tufala, and no story lo tufala tu taem olketa meetim tufala lo road. Datwan mekem Grete sorre and feel nogud tumas, and hem sei hem tek longtaem for hem forgivim and trustim olketa brata moa. Gogo, hem luksavve masbi Jehovah forgivim olketa, so hem tu shud duim datwan. *

“Satan nao enemy blo iumi, no olketa brata and sista”

16. Why nao hem gud for waka hard for trustim moa olketa brata and sista?

16 Sapos samting olsem happen lo iumi wea mekem iumi no trustim olketa brata and sista, waka hard for trustim olketa moa. Maet bae hem tek taem, bat hem gud samting for duim. Tingim, bihaen iumi kaikaim eni kaikai wea mekem iumi sik, maet iumi careful abaotem wanem iumi bae kaikaim. Bat datwan bae no stopem iumi for kaikai. Olsem tu, iumi shud no letem wanfala nogud experience for mekem iumi no trustim olketa brata and sista, wea iumi savve olketa no perfect. Taem iumi trustim moa samwan wea spoelem trust blo iumi bae iumi hapi, and bae iumi traem best for duim samting for keepim trust insaed kongregeson.

17. Why nao hem important for trustim olketa brata and sista, and wat nao bae iumi storyim lo next article?

17 Lo world blo Satan pipol faendem hard for trustim narawan, bat iumi savve trustim olketa brata and sista bikos iumi lovem olketa and olketa lovem iumi tu. Datwan helpem iumi for klos witim olketa, for hapi, and hem bae protectim iumi taem iumi feisim olketa hard taem. Bat hao sapos samwan spoelem trust blo iu lo hem? Trae for garem sem tingting olsem Jehovah abaotem datwan, followim olketa Bible principle, lovem olketa brata and sista, and lane from olketa Bible example. Datwan bae helpem iumi for no feel nogud and for trustim moa olketa narawan. And tu, bae iumi garem staka gudfala fren wea klos lo iumi ‘winim brata blo iumi.’ (Prov. 18:24NWT) Hem tru, iumi mas trustim olketa brata and sista bat olketa need for trustim iumi tu. Lo next article, bae iumi storyim wanem iumi savve duim wea bae mekem olketa brata and sista for trustim iumi.

SONG 99 Bigfala Sekson Bilong Brata

^ Iumi need for trustim olketa brata and sista. Maet samfala taem datwan no isi sapos olketa mekem iumi feel nogud. Lo disfala article bae iumi storyim samfala Bible principle and olketa Bible example wea iumi savve followim. Datwan bae helpem iumi for trustim olketa brata and sista. And tu, datwan bae helpem iumi for trustim moa eni brata or sista wea bifor hem duim samting wea mekem iumi for no trustim hem.

^ Bible storyim hao maet hem no fitim for iumi trustim samfala lo kongregeson. (Jude 4) Samfala laea brata maet “talem olketa samting wea no stret.” (Acts 20:30) Iumi no laek for trustim or lisin lo olketa.

^ For savve moa abaotem experience blo Grete lukim 1974 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, page 129-131.