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Questions From Readers

Questions From Readers

Who will be resurrected on earth, and what type of resurrection they will receive?

Let see how the Bible answer these questions.

Acts 24:15 say, there will be “a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” The righteous that those who obey God before they die. So their names in the book of life. (Mal. 3:16) The unrighteous include people who were not having enough opportunity to learn about Jehovah before they die. So their names not in the book of life.

John 5:​28, 29 talking about the same two groups that Acts 24:15 talk about. Jesus said that “those who did good things” will come back “to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.” The righteous did good things before they die. So they will be resurrected to life because their names still in the book of life. But the unrighteous practice bad-bad thing them before they die. They will be resurrected to judgment. Their names not in the book of life yet. So Jehovah will give them some time to prove that they righteous. During that time, they will have the opportunity to learn about Jehovah. Then, he will write their names in the book of life.

Revelation 20:​12, 13 explain that all those who will be resurrected must obey the “things written in the scrolls.” The new scrolls that the new laws Jehovah will give us in the new world. All those who will not obey will be destroy.​—​Isa. 65:​20.

Daniel 12:2 say, some of the people who na die will be resurrected “to everlasting life and some of them to reproach and to everlasting contempt.” This verse talking about what will finally happen to those who will be resurrected. They will either get “everlasting life” or “everlasting contempt.” So when the 1,000 years finish, some people will get everlasting life and some of them will be destroy forever.​—​Rev. 20:15; 21:​3, 4.

We can compare what will happen to the two groups to foreigners who want live in another country. The righteous looking like foreigners who the government allow to work or live in the country. But the unrighteous looking like foreigners who they give certain paper to visit that country for short time. So, for them to continue living in that country, they have to obey the government laws. That the same way the unrighteous people that will be resurrected must accept and obey Jehovah laws for them to continue living in Paradise. And no matter the type of paper the government give them, some of them will be citizens, and they will send some of them back. That their behavior the government will look at before they make the decision. That the same way the final decision for all those who will be resurrected will depend on what they will do in the new world.

Jehovah get sorrowful heart, and he also fair. (Deut. 32:4; Ps. 33:​5) He will show his love by resurrecting both the righteous people and the unrighteous people. At the same time, he will expect all of them to obey his laws. He will allow only those that love him and continue to obey him to live in the new world.