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‘Helping Plenty People to Be Righteous’

‘Helping Plenty People to Be Righteous’

“Those bringing the many to righteousness [will shine] like the stars, forever and ever.”​—​DAN. 12:​3.

SONG 151 He Will Call


1. What some of the good-good things that will happen during the One Thousand Year Rule?

 THE day the resurrection will start on earth during Jesus One Thousand Year Rule will really be wonderful! Everybody really hoping to see their people who na die coming back to life. That the same way Jehovah feeling too. (Job 14:15) Imagine how everybody will be happy when they see their people coming back to life. In the article before this one, we learn that “the righteous,” who names in the book of life, will come back to “a resurrection of life.” (Acts 24:15; John 5:29) Maybe plenty of our people who na die will be among those that will come back to life right after Armageddon. b Also, “the unrighteous” that were not having the opportunity to know Jehovah or serve him faithfully before they die, will receive “the resurrection of judgment.”

2-3. (a) What the great teaching work that Isaiah 11:​9, 10, talk about? (b) Wetin we coming discuss in this article?

2 All those that will be resurrected will need to learn plenty things. (Isa. 26:9; 61:11) So the greatest teaching work that will ever happen on the earth will have to take place. (Read Isaiah 11:​9, 10.) Why? One reason that, the unrighteous who will come back to life will need to learn about Jesus Christ and the Kingdom arrangement. Also, they will need to learn about the ransom, and the issue about Jehovah name and his right to rule. Even the righteous will need to learn how Jehovah been teaching his people small-small about his purpose for the earth. Some of the faithful people die long before they finish writing the Bible. So both the unrighteous and the righteous will be having plenty things to learn.

3 In this article, we coming answer these question them: How they will carry on this great teaching work? How that great teaching work will affect people so that their names can either be in the book of life forever or not? The answers to these questions must really be important to us. We coming see some interesting prophecies that in the book of Daniel and Revelation. And these prophecies will help us to understand what will happen when the dead come back to life. First, let talk about some of the interesting things that in Daniel 12:​1, 2.


4-5. Wetin Daniel 12:1 say about the time of the end?

4 Read Daniel 12:​1. The book of Daniel show how things will happen in order during the last days. For example, Daniel 12:1 talk about Michael, who name Jesus Christ, “standing in behalf of [God’s] people.” That part of the prophecy started fulfilling in 1914 when Jesus became King for God Kingdom.

5 Daniel 12:1 also said that Jesus will “stand up” during “the time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time.” This “time of distress” that the “great tribulation” that Matthew 24:21 talk about. Jesus will stand up, or act to defend God people at the end of the time of distress, or at Armageddon. The book of Revelation call them the great crowd “who will come out of the great tribulation.”​—​Rev. 7:​9, 14.

6. What will happen after the great crowd survive the great tribulation? Explain. (Also read the “Questions From Readers” about the resurrection to life on earth in this Watchtower.)

6 Read Daniel 12:​2. What will happen after the great crowd survive this time of distress? Before we use to think that Daniel 12:2 talking about the heavenly resurrection or the plenty preaching the brothers use to do after 1918. c But this verse talking about the resurrection that will happen in the new world. Why we say so? Because Daniel 12:2 talk about “the dust” and Job 17:16 use these same words, that mean “the Grave.” So it show that Daniel 12:2 talking about the resurrection that will take place here on earth in the new world.

7. (a) What it mean by some people will be resurrected to “everlasting life”? (b) What make this resurrection better?

7 What Daniel 12:2 mean when it say that some people will be resurrected to “everlasting life”? It mean that those that will be resurrected will learn, or will continue to learn, and obey Jehovah and Jesus during the 1,000 years will get everlasting life. (John 17:​3) This resurrection will be better than the one them that happen in Bible time. (Heb. 11:35) Why? Because those that were resurrected die again.

8. How some people will be resurrected “to reproach and to everlasting contempt”?

8 But not all the people who will be resurrected will want learn about Jehovah. Daniel prophecy say that some people will be resurrected “to reproach and to everlasting contempt.” Their names will not be in the book of life and they will not get everlasting life, because they will refuse to obey Jehovah. They will receive “everlasting contempt,” meaning they will be destroy. So Daniel 12:2 talking about what will finally happen to those that will be resurrected. It will depend on what they will do after their resurrection.  d (Rev. 20:12) Some people will get everlasting life and some people will be destroy.


9-10. What else will happen after the great tribulation, and who “will shine as brightly as the expanse of the heaven”?

9 Read Daniel 12:​3. What else will happen after the great tribulation? Apart from what Daniel 12:2 say, verse 3 talk about something else that will happen after the great tribulation.

10 That who “will shine as brightly as the expanse of heaven”? Matthew 13:43 can help us to know who this verse talking about. It say: “At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father.” In the verses before this verse, Jesus was talking about “the sons of the Kingdom,” the anointed brothers, who will rule with him in heaven. (Matt. 13:38) So Daniel 12:3 talking about the anointed and the work they will do during the One Thousand Year Rule.

Jesus Christ and the 144,000 will work together to direct the teaching work that will go on during the 1,000 years rule (See paragraph 11)

11-12. What work the 144,000 will do during the 1,000 years?

11 How the anointed will help plenty people to be righteous? Jesus Christ and the anointed will work together to direct the teaching work that will be done here on earth during the 1,000 years. The 144,000 will rule as kings and serve as priests. (Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 20:​6) They will help human being small-small to be perfect again. (Rev. 22:​1, 2; Ezek. 47:12) The anointed will really be happy!

12 Who will be among the plenty people the anointed will help to be righteous? That those who will be resurrected, those who will survive Armageddon, and any children they will born in the new world. At the end of the 1,000 years, everybody will be perfect. What time Jehovah will use pen to write their names in the book of life forever?


13-14. Wetin all perfect people on earth must do before they get everlasting life?

13 It good to remember that when somebody become perfect, it not mean that they finish getting everlasting life. Just think about Adam and Eve. They were perfect, but they were suppose to continue obeying Jehovah God for them to be able to get everlasting life. Sad to say, they not obey him.​—​Rom. 5:​12.

14 How people life will be looking like on earth after the 1,000 years? Everybody will be perfect. But you think all those perfect people will continue to support Jehovah rule with their whole heart forever? Or some of them will disobey like Adam and Eve who were perfect but still disobey? We need answers for these questions. How these questions will be answer?

15-16. (a) What time everybody will get the opportunity to show that they loyal to Jehovah? (b) What will be the final result for this test?

15 Satan will be in jail during the 1,000 years. So, he will not be able to fool anybody during that time. But when the 1,000 years finish, Satan will be free from jail. Then he will try to fool perfect people. During that time, all perfect people will be having the opportunity to show whether they respect God name and will support his rulership. (Rev. 20:​7-10) The thing each of them will do will show if Jehovah will write their names in the book of life forever.

16 The Bible say that some people will be like Adam and Eve. They will disobey Jehovah and refuse for Jehovah to rule them. What will happen to them? Revelation 20:15 say: “Whoever was not found written in the book of life was hurled into the lake of fire.” Yes, all the people that disobey will be destroy forever. But most of the perfect people will pass the final test. Then Jehovah will write their names in the book of life forever.


17. What the angel told Daniel will happen in our time? (Daniel 12:​4, 8-10)

17 When we think about the thing them that will happen in the future, it can really touch our heart! But the angel also gave Daniel some important information about our time, “the time of the end.” (Read Daniel 12:​4, 8-10; 2 Tim. 3:​1-5) The angel told Daniel: ‘True knowledge will be plenty.’ Yes, God people will understand this prophecy them in the book of Daniel good-good. The angel also said that during the time of the end “the wicked ones [would] act wickedly, and none of the wicked [would] understand.”

18. What will soon happen to the wicked people?

18 Today it looking like the wicked people not getting punishment for the wicked things they can do. (Mal. 3:​14, 15) But Jesus will soon judge the wicked people (the goats) and separate them from the good people (the sheep). (Matt. 25:​31-33) The wicked people will not survive the great tribulation, and they will not come back to life in the new world. Their names will not be in the “book of remembrance” that Malachi 3:16 talk about.

19. Wetin we must do now-now, and why? (Malachi 3:​16-18)

19 Now-now, that the time for us to prove that we not among the wicked people. (Read Malachi 3:​16-18.) Jehovah bringing together those who he take to be his “special property,” or, those who he love very much. All of us really want be among them.

We will be too happy to see Daniel and our people them who na die, coming back to life in the new world! (See paragraph 20)

20. What the last promise Jehovah made to Daniel? Why you want for that promise to be fulfill?

20 Today, plenty thing them happening that surprising us. But, we will see more surprising things in the future. All the wicked people will soon be destroy. After that, we will see how Daniel 12:13 will be fulfill. It say: “You will stand up for your lot at the end of the days.” You really want see Daniel and all our people them who na die, coming back to life? If so, try your best to remain faithful so that your name can be in the book of life forever.

SONG 80 “Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good”

a This article give us new understanding about the great teaching work that Daniel 12:​2, 3 talk about. We will discuss what time it will happen and who all will be part of it. We will also talk about how this teaching work will prepare those who will be on earth for the final test at the end of Jesus One Thousand Year Rule.

b Maybe the resurrection will start with those who die faithful during the last days. Then, those who die before them will be resurrected generation by generation. If that what will happen, then each generation will be having the opportunity to welcome back their people who na die. Whatever way it happen, the Scriptures say that the heavenly resurrection will happen in “proper order.” So we can say that the earthly resurrection will also happen in order.​—​1 Cor. 14:33; 15:​23.

c This one change our understanding that in the book Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy! chapter 17, and in The Watchtower July 1, 1987, pp. 21-25.

d But Acts 24:15 talk about “the righteous” and “the unrighteous” and John 5:29 talk about “those who did good things” and “those who practiced vile things”. So, these two scriptures focusing on what those that will be resurrected did before they die.