Mu ɖé dɛ̀ ɓě m̀ ɓɛ́ìn ɖɛ̀ kò-kò ɓěɛ̀ dyéɛ kɛ

Mu ɖé dɛ̀ ɓě m̀ ɓɛ́ìn ɖɛ̀ kò-kò ɓěɛ̀ dyéɛ kɛ

CƐ̃́Ɛ́-ÐƐ̀ 1

Poɛ Jàà Kà Geɖepɔɔ “Wuɖuɔ̀ Mɔ̀ Jàà”

Poɛ Jàà Kà Geɖepɔɔ “Wuɖuɔ̀ Mɔ̀ Jàà”

KƐ À ZƆ̃Ɔ̀ HÌÐÌ-KPÀ ƁÓ 2023 BÌÌƐƐ MƆ̀: “Nì wuɖu séín ɓèɔ̀ mɔ̀ jàà.”—WƐ́ÐƐ́ 119:160.

WƐ́ÐƐ́ 96 God’s Own Book​—A Treasure


1. Xwíníínɔ̀ nyɛ́ kɔ̃̀ jè nyɔ pàɖà seà Baɓoɔ jè jàà po kɛ́?

 TODAY, plenty people not know who to trust. They not sure whether the people they respect, like the politicians, scientists, and the business people can always do the best thing for them. To make matter worse, they not really get respect for the big-big God people them. No wonder why they can’t trust the Bible, the book the big-big God people say they following.

2.Wɛ́ɖɛ́ 119:160 nyuà cɛ̃ɛ kɛɛ, ɖɛ́ à mɛ dè hwòɖò kɔ̃ kɛ́?

2 All Jehovah people convince that God can always talk the truth and he always want the best thing for us. (Ps. 31:5; Isa. 48:17) We know we can trust what the Bible say because “everything [God] word say that truth.” (Read Psalm 119:160.) We agree with what one big book man say. He say: “You can’t find any lie in anything that God say and anything he say can always happen. God people can trust anything he say because God can never lie.”

3. Ðɛ́ à mu jè cɛ̃ìn ɖé cɛ̃́ɛ́-ɖɛ̀ nìà kɛ múɛ́?

3 How we can help other people to trust the Bible like us? Let look at three reasons why we can trust the Bible. We will talk about the way the Bible message correct, the way the Bible prophecy them can come true, and the way the Bible can change people lives.


4. Xwíníínɔ̀ nyɛ́ kɔ̃̀ jè nyɔ ɖíɛ́ ɓè poà hwòɖò-gmà ɓá Baɓoɔ dyí sɛ́ɖɛ́ìn jè dyíɛ́?

4 Jehovah God use 40 faithful men to write the Bible. But all the first copy them that they wrote spoil. The copy them we get now that the one people na copy over and over. It make some people to start thinking whether the Bible we get today that the same thing the 40 men wrote way back. You na ever think like that before?

Some people got training to copy the Hebrew Scriptures or the Old Testament with their hands. They work hard to make sure that their copies of the Bible were correct (See paragraph 5)

5. Ðɛ́ ɔ ɖú ma dyí ɓɛ́ wa ké ma Híìbúɖúù Baɓoɔ céè kɛ́? (Gmɔ̀ dyi-dyé-ɖɛ̀ nìà mákázĩ̀ìnɔ̀ kɔ̃ɛɛ dya.)

5 Jehovah told his people to copy the Bible because he wanted to protect the message. He told the king them in Israel to copy the law for theirself and he gave the Levite them the work to teach the people the Law. (Deut. 17:18; 31:​24-26; Neh. 8:7) After they free the Jews from Babylon, one group of book people who work that to copy things with their hands made plenty copies of the Hebrew Scriptures or the Old Testament. (Ezra 7:​6, ftns.) These men them use to be really careful. After some time, they started counting the words and even the letters to make sure that everything they copy was correct. But still, because human being not perfect, some small-small mistake them started coming inside the Bible they copy. Since they make plenty different copies of the Old Testament, it was not hard to find the mistake them later on. How?

6. Xwɛ̀ à ɓɛ́ìn xwa-bĩ-ɖɛ̀ ɓè nì Baɓoɔ múɛɛ dyí dyuòɛ̀ kɛ́?

6 The big-big book people today get good way to find the mistake them that the people made when they were copying the Bible. For example: Suppose they tell 100 men to make copy of one page writing with their hand. Then one of the men make one small mistake in his copy. One way we can find the mistake that by comparing his copy with the other people own. That the same thing the book people can do. They can compare different-different Bible copies to see if the men them that was copying it made any mistake or left something out.

7. Xwɛ̀ Baɓo-céè-nyɔ̀ pàɖà ɓè nyu ma dyí-sɛ́ɖɛ́ìn-ɖɛ̀ céèɛ̀ kɛ́?

7 The people that copy the Bible with their hands really work hard for their copies to be correct. Let look at one example that prove it. They write the oldest copy that get the whole Hebrew Scriptures in the year 1008 or 1009 C.E. They call it the Leningrad Codex. But recently, people find plenty Bible copies or manuscripts that other people write with their hands. These copy them 1,000 years older than the Leningrad Codex. Some people will think that since they make this copy them over and over for more than 1000 years, they too different from the Leningrad Codex. But that not true. When the book people compare the old-old copies with the new one them, they find that only one-one words were different but the meaning was still the same.

8. Xwɛ̀ Dèè-Wùɖù Ðièɔ̀ kè céè-ɖɛ̀ sùà ɓè wa céè ma kɛɛ kè Baɓoɔ nyu gbo muɛ̀n nyɛ́?

8 The Christian them way back also copy the Greek Scriptures or the New Testament with their hands. They took time to copy the 27 books of the New Testament. That what they were using to their meetings and in their preaching work. When one big book man compare some old-old copies of the New Testament with other books that people wrote around the same time, he say: “Today it easy to find plenty copies of the New Testament than any other book they wrote around that same time, . . . and everything inside correct.” One book they call Anatomy of the New Testament say: “Today we can trust what we read in any good translation of the New Testament because the message not change from what the 40 men them wrote way back.”

9. Kà ɔ céèà ɖé Àzédyà 40:8 múɛɛ, ɖɛ́ mɔ̀ jàà ɓá Baɓo-wùɖùɔ̀ jè dyíɛ́?

9 Because people who use to copy the Bible really work hard to make sure that the Bible correct, that why we get correct Bible to read and study today. b And we know that Jehovah was the one who make it possible for us to get the Bible and for it to be correct. (Read Isaiah 40:8.) Maybe some people will say just because the Bible message still the same not prove that it coming from God. So let look at some proof that the Bible coming from God.


Left: C. Sappa/​DeAgostini/​Getty Images; right: Image © Homo Cosmicos/​Shutterstock

Bible prophecy na happen before and it happening now-now (See paragraphs 10-11) d

10. Cɛ̃ Baɓo kpáá-ɖɛ̀ ɖò ɓɛ́ ɔ ɖà jàà kpá kéɔ tɛ̀mɛ̀ìn kà 2 Píɖɛ̀ 1:21 mɔ̀ jàà kɛɛ jè. (Gmɔ̀ dyi-dyé-ɖɛ̀ ɓèɔ̀ dya.)

10 The Bible get plenty prophecy them inside. Plenty years pass before some of them happen. History self proof that these prophecy them came true. This one not surprise us because we know that Bible prophecy coming from Jehovah. (Read 2 Peter 1:21.) Think about the prophecy them that talk about how Babylon will be destroy. Around 739 B.C.E., Jehovah told the prophet Isaiah to write about how the world power Baylon will be capture. Isaiah even said that one man name Cyrus was coming capture the city. And he explain how he was coming do it. (Isa. 44:27–45:2) Isaiah also say that in the end Babylon will be destroy and nobody will live there again. (Isa. 13:​19, 20) And that just what happen. In 539 B.C.E. the Medes and the Persians capture Babylon. The place where that city use to be nothing there again.​—See the video The Bible Prophesy Babylon Destruction in the Enjoy Life Now and Forever! book, lesson 03 point 5 that in the jw library or on

11. Dè kà Dànyá 2:41-43 gboɛɛ, nyu jàà kpáa zɛ̃̀ɛ̀ kɛɛ mɛ.

11 Bible prophecy was not only fulfill way back but it also fulfilling today. For example, let look at the way Daniel prophecy fulfilling. It about Britain and America ruling the world. (Read Daniel 2:​41-43.) That prophecy talk about how part of this world power will be strong like iron and part of it will be weak like clay. And that just what we see happening. Britain and America na show that they strong like iron when they play major part in winning World War I and World War II. And they continue to show that they get strong army. But their citizen them na make their power weak by protesting against the government and the big-big business people. Not too long, one man that know world politics bad way said: “Today, no government that people put in power divided more than America.” Also in recent time, the citizen them na make Britain to really be divided. They can’t agree with the type of relationship the government must get with other countries in the European Union. Because they divided, it can be too hard for this world power to make strong decision.

12. Ðɛ́ à po jàà dyììn Baɓo kpáá-ɖɛ̀ ɓè jàà-kpá-kpá múɛ́?

12 The plenty Bible prophecies that already na happen make our faith strong in the other thing them that God na promise for the future. We feeling just like the psalmist who pray to Jehovah: “I long for your salvation, for your word is my hope.” (Ps. 119:81) In the Bible, Jehovah na show kindness to us by giving us ‘future and hope.’ (Jer. 29:11) We depending on Jehovah for our hope to happen in the future and not on what human being do. Let continue to make our trust in the Bible strong by studying Bible prophecy good-good.


13.Wɛ́ɖɛ́ 119:66, 138 nyuà cɛ̃ɛ kɛɛ, ɖɛ́ tɛ̀mɛ̀ìn ɖe kà à ɓɛ́ìn Baɓoɔ hwòɖò kɔ̃ dèɛ̀ kɛ́?

13 Another reason why we can trust the Bible that because it can help people when they follow the Bible advice. (Read Psalm 119:​66, 138.) For example, some marry people who wanted to divorce happy together now because they follow what the Bible say. Their children happy to be in Christian family where their parents can show them love by taking care of them.​—Eph. 5:​22-29.

14. Cɛ̃ ɔ hwɔ̀ìn-ɖɛ̀ ɖò jè, ɓɛ́ ɔ tɛ̀mɛ̀ìn kàBaɓoɔ jàà-wùɖù dyi-kpɔ̃-kpɔ̃ ɖà nyɔ ɓè gbo zĩàìn dyí-sɛ́ɖɛ́ìn-kà kɛ́.

14 Even some wicked-wicked criminal them na change their life when they do what the Bible say. See how the Bible change one man name Jack, who was in jail. c He was too wicked and he was one of the very dangerous prisoners among those who the court say will die for what they did. But one day, Jack attended one Bible study. The brother them who were doing the study were kind and it really touch him. So, he started studying the Bible too. When he apply the things he was learning, his behavior change and he became kind. After some time, he became unbaptize publisher and got baptize. He preach with zeal about God Kingdom to other people in jail. And he help at least four of them to study the Bible. When the time came for him to die, Jack that was good man. One of his lawyers said: “The Jack I know today different from the Jack I knew 20 years ago. The Jehovah Witnesses teachings na change his life.” Even though they still kill Jack, his example show that we can trust that the Bible get power to change people life.​—Isa. 11:​6-9.

The advice from the Bible na help plenty people from different-different backgrounds to change (See paragraph 15) e

15. Xwɛ̀ Baɓo-jàà-wùɖù kũ̀à-gbo-po-po nyuɛ ké Jɛhovaa nyɔ ɓè kò ɓó nyɔ tɔ̀ɔ̀ ɓè gbo zɛ̃̀ɛ̀ kɛ́? (Gmɔ̀ dyi-dyé-ɖɛ̀ɔ̀ dya.)

15 Jehovah people united because they can do what the Bible say. (John 13:35; 1 Cor. 1:10) Most of the people today na allow their skin color, position or politics to divide them. So, it easy for people to see the peace and unity among us. It touch one young man heart when he saw how Jehovah people united. His name Jean and he grew up in one African country. He join the army when war started fighting in that country, but later on he ran away to another country. When he was there, he started studying with Jehovah Witnesses. He said: “I learn that people who part of the true religion can’t put their hand in politics. They united because they love each other. I use my life to fight for my country. But when I learn what the Bible say, I decided to use my life to serve Jehovah.” Jean whole behavior change. Now-now he can preach to everybody he bother with about what the Bible say about peace. He can’t fight people that get different backgrounds again. It clear that the advice from the Bible na help plenty people from different backgrounds. This one that another strong proof that we can trust the Bible.


16. Xwíníínɔ̀ nyɛ́ kɔ̃̀ jè ɔ kpáa ɖɛ, ɓɛ́ à kéà à hwòɖò-kɔ̃-dè-dè nìà Geɖepɔɔ Wùɖùɔ̀ múɛɛ dyi kùìn nyɛ́?

16 Conditions in this world will continue to get worse. So sometime, it will be hard for us to trust the Bible. People will try to make us feel that the Bible not true and that Jehovah not appoint any faithful and discreet slave to direct his people today. But if we sure that anything Jehovah say that true, we will not allow this kind na thinking to make our faith weak. We will ‘make up our mind to always obey what [Jehovah] say, down to the last.’ (Ps. 119:112) Also, we will ‘not be shame’ to tell other people about the truth and encourage them to live by it. (Ps. 119:46) And we will be able to bear any hard time, even persecution, “with patience and joy.”​—Col. 1:11; Ps. 119:143, 157.

17. Ðɛ́ à zɔ̃ɔ̀ hìɖì-kpà mu à hwìɖìi dyàùn wɛ̃́?

17 We very thankful to Jehovah for showing us the truth! The truth can give our life meaning, help us to not worry and teach us how we must live in this world that upside down. It gave us hope that our future will be better when God Kingdom start ruling. Let our yeartext for 2023 help us to remain convince that the whole Bible​—yes, everything about it​—that truth!​—Ps. 119:160.

WƐ́ÐƐ́ 94 Grateful for God’s Word

a The yeartext for 2023 can make our faith strong. It say: “Everything you say that true.” (Ps. 119:160) We sure you believe it too. But plenty people not believe that the Bible that truth and that it can give us good advice. In this article, we will talk about three reasons we can use to convince people who really want know the truth. It will help them to trust the Bible and the advice that inside.

b If you want learn more about how the Bible message not change, go to and type Enjoy Life Now and Forever in the search box and find lesson 05.

c We na change some name them.

d WHAT THE PICTURE TALKING ABOUT: Jehovah say Babylon will be destroy and that just what happen.

e WHAT THE PICTURE TALKING ABOUT: This one that just demonstration​—Instead of fighting people, one young man learn from the Bible how to live in peace. He also na help other people to do the same thing.