Mu ɖé dɛ̀ ɓě m̀ ɓɛ́ìn ɖɛ̀ kò-kò ɓěɛ̀ dyéɛ kɛ

Mu ɖé dɛ̀ ɓě m̀ ɓɛ́ìn ɖɛ̀ kò-kò ɓěɛ̀ dyéɛ kɛ

CƐ̃́Ɛ́-ÐƐ̀ 4

Jɛhova Po À Kpéɔ̀ Mana Kɔ̃ Ɓɛ́ À Ké Jízɛ̀ Mɛ́-Mɛ́ɔ̀ Jè Hwìɖìi Dyà

Jɛhova Po À Kpéɔ̀ Mana Kɔ̃ Ɓɛ́ À Ké Jízɛ̀ Mɛ́-Mɛ́ɔ̀ Jè Hwìɖìi Dyà

“Ɓè mɛ nyu ɖɛ nìà kɛ, ɓɛ́ ɔ ké ní jè ɓè hwìɖìi dyà.”​—ÐÚÙ 22:19.

WƐ́ÐƐ́ 19 The Lord’s Evening Meal


1-2. Xwíníínɔ̀ nyɛ́ kɔ̃̀ jè à muà Ðɛ-hwìɖìi-dyà-hwɔ̀ɔ̀ kɔ̃ zɔ̃ ɖò-ɖò séín xwíníín nyɛ́?

 ALMOST 2,000 years ago, Jesus die for us. His death make it possible for us to get everlasting life. On the night before he die, Jesus told his disciples to remember the love he show for them. He said they must use bread and wine to have simple program.​—⁠1 Cor. 11:​23-26.

2 We can obey Jesus command because we love him very much. (John 14:15) Every year when the Memorial time reaching, we can show that we grateful for what Jesus did. We can take time to pray and think about what Jesus death mean. We can also be happy to do more in field service and encourage plenty people to attend that special program. And we can also try hard to not let anything to stop us from attending the Memorial.

3. Ðɛ́ à mu dya gmɔ̀ùn ɖé cɛ̃́ɛ́-ɖɛ̀ nìà kɛ múɛ́?

3 In this article, we will talk about three things Jehovah people na do to continue remembering Jesus death: (1) they can do the Memorial the same way Jesus did it, (2) they can invite other people to the Memorial, and (3) they can attend the Memorial Program even if they facing problems.


4. Jààɔ̀ nyɛ́ ɓè wa nɛ́ìn jìì kɔ̃ zɔ̃ ɖò-ɖò séín xwíníín ɖé Ðɛ-hwìɖìi-dyà-hwɔ̀ɔ̀ kɔ̃ kɛ́, ké xwíníínɔ̀ nyɛ́ kɔ̃̀ jè à mɛ ɓɔ́à jàà ɓè nìà kɛ dya gmɔ̀ɔ̀ kà wa se ɖɛ kpa kɛ́? (Ðúù 22:19, 20)

4 Every year to the Memorial, we can listen to talk from the Bible that can answer some question them. We can learn why human being need the ransom and how one man death can free plenty people from sin. We can also learn who should eat the bread and drink the wine. (Read Luke 22:​19, 20.) And we can think about the blessings that those who get the hope to live on the earth will enjoy in the future. (Isa. 35:​5, 6; 65:​17, 21-23) We must not take the truths we learning from the Bible for fun. Plenty people not understand this thing them, and they not even know the way Jesus sacrifice important. They can’t also do the Memorial the way Jesus did it. Why?

5. Ti àpɔ́sò ɓèɔ̀ pàɖà ɖà ma mɛ́ɛ, ɖɛ́ kpá ma ɓo bɛ̃̀ ɓɛ́ Jízɛ̀ dè ma dyiɛɛ gboɛ́?

5 Right after plenty of Jesus apostles die, false Christians started coming in the congregation. (Matt. 13:​24-27, 37-39) They started speaking “twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.” (Acts 20:​29, 30) One of the “twisted things” that the false Christians started teaching was that: the one time Jesus die not able to free plenty people from sin,’ but Jesus suppose die over and over again. But that not what the Bible say. (Heb. 9:​27, 28) Today plenty people na believe this false teaching. They can go to church every week or every day to remember Jesus death. In the Catholic church they can call it “the Sacrifice of the Mass.” b Other churches can’t do it every week or every day, but plenty of their members not understand what Jesus sacrifice really mean. Some of them can be thinking, ‘Jesus death can really free me from my sins?’ Why they can ask that kind na question? Because other people na convince them that Jesus death can’t free us from sin. How Jesus true disciples na help people to understand the meaning of Jesus sacrifice and the right way to remember his death?

6. Ðé zɔ̃ mɔ̀à 1872 kɛ xwíníín nyɛɛ, ɖɛ́ Baɓo-cɛ̃́-nyɔ̀ ɓè ɖò po ma gbɔɛ́?

6 In the late 19th century, one group of Bible students and Charles Taze Russell started doing some research in the Bible. They wanted to know the truth about what Jesus sacrifice mean and the right way to do the Memorial. In 1872, they got to understand from the Bible that Jesus give his life as ransom for everybody. When they learn this thing them, they not keep it to their self. But they use books, newspapers and magazines to let plenty people know. Soon after that, they started meeting one time every year to do the Memorial the way the Christian them way back use to do it.

7. Xwɛ̀ à nì kpáná dyéɛń sɔ̀ìn Baɓo-cɛ̃́-nyɔ̀ ɓèà ɖɛ-múin-ɖe-ɖeɔ̀ múɛ́?

7 Today we benefiting from the research that those Bible students did way back. How? Jehovah na help us to understand what Jesus sacrifice mean and what it will do for us and everybody. (1 John 2:​1, 2) We also na learn that the Bible explain about two hopes for people who will remain faithful to God. The two hopes that: one small group of people will go to heaven and will not die again and plenty other people will get everlasting life on earth. When we think about how Jehovah love us and the plenty benefits each of us will get from Jesus sacrifice, we can draw closer to Him. (1 Pet. 3:18; 1 John 4:⁠9) So like our faithful brother them way back, we must invite plenty people to the Memorial. We must do the Memorial the same way Jesus taught his disciple them to do it.


Wetin you can do, to be able to do more during the Memorial invitation campaign? (See paragraphs 8-10) e

8. Ðɛ́ Jɛhovaa nyɔ ɓèɔ̀ ɖà nyu ɓɛ́ wa ké nyɔ tɔ̀ɔ̀ ɓè Ðɛ-hwìɖìi-dyà-hwɔ̀ɔ̀ kɔ̃ ɖá kɛ́? (Gmɔ̀ dyi-dyé-ɖɛ̀ɔ̀ dya.)

8 For long time now, Jehovah people being inviting other people to the Memorial. In 1881, they made announcement that brothers and sisters in America must meet together in one brother house in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, for that special program. Later on, every congregation started having their own Memorial. In March 1940, they say the publisher them can invite anybody in their territory who show interest. In 1960, Bethel printed invitations for the first time and gave them to each congregation. Since that time, we na gave plenty Memorial invitations out to people. Why we can work so hard to invite other people?

9-10. Nyɛ́ ɓè dyé kpáná ɔ jù ké à dyi nyɔ tɔ̀ɔ̀ ɓè Ðɛ-hwìɖìi-dyà-hwɔ̀ɔ̀ kɔ̃ ɖáín nyɛ́? (Jɔ̃́ɔ́ 3:16)

9 One reason why we can invite other people to the Memorial that for them to learn the truth about what Jehovah and Jesus na do for all of us, especially if that their first time to attend. (Read John 3:16.) We can be hoping that the thing them they will see and hear to the Memorial, will make them to learn more about Jehovah and serve Him. But some other people can benefit too.

10 We can also invite inactive publishers. We can do it so they can remember that God still love them. Plenty of them can accept the invitation and we can be happy to see them to the Memorial. When they attend the Memorial, they can remember how they use to enjoy serving Jehovah before. Let talk about Monica example. c She started preaching again during the COVID-19 sickness. After attending the Memorial in 2021, she said: “This Memorial was really special for me. For the first time after 20 years, I was able to preach to people and invite them to the Memorial. I did it with my whole heart because I grateful for what Jehovah and Jesus na do for me.” (Ps. 103:​1-4) Whether people accept our invitation or not, we can do our best to invite them to the Memorial. We can do it because we know that it can make Jehovah happy with us.

11. Xwɛ̀ Jɛhova nyu à kpéɔ̀ mana kɔ̃ poɛ ɓó nyɔ ɓè Ðɛ-hwìɖìi-dyà-hwɔ̀ɔ̀ kɔ̃ ɖá jèɛ́? (Hágàì 2:7)

11 Jehovah really na bless our efforts to invite people to the Memorial. Even though the COVID-19 sickness was all over, 21,367,603 people were to the Memorial in 2021. It more than two times the amount of Jehovah Witnesses we get all over the world! But Jehovah not only concern about how plenty people can attend. He get interest in each person that can be there. (Luke 15:7; 1 Tim. 2:​3, 4) We convince that Jehovah can help us to find people with good heart when we giving our invitations out.​—⁠Read Haggai 2:⁠7.


Jehovah can bless us when we do our best to attend the Memorial (See paragraph 12) f

12. Ðɛ́ mɔ̀ dyí-gbò-ɖɛ̀ ɓè ɓɛ́ wa ɓɛ́ìn nyuɛ ɓɛ́ ɔ ké mú kàmà ɓɛ́ à ké Ðɛ-hwìɖìi-dyà-hwɔ̀ɔ̀ kɔ̃ muɛ́? (Gmɔ̀ dyi-dyé-ɖɛ̀ɔ̀ dya.)

12 Jesus said that in the last days, we will face all kind na problems like: family opposition, persecution, wars, sickness them that quick to spread, and plenty other things. (Matt. 10:36; Mark 13:9; Luke 21:​10, 11) Sometime, this problem them can want stop us from going to the Memorial. Wetin our brothers and sisters na do to overcome problem them like this, and how Jehovah na help them?

13. Xwɛ̀ Jɛhova nyu ma Ãtɔ́ɛ̀ hwòɖò-ku-ku kèɛ̀ kɔ̃ jìɖìin jìɖììn ɓɛ́ ɔ ké Ðɛ-hwìɖìi-dyà-hwɔ̀ɔ̀ nyu ti ɔ nì ma kpɔɖɔ ɖeín nyɛɛ mana kɔ̃ poɛ kɛ́?

13 When someone in jail. Our brother them who in jail because of their faith can try hard to have the Memorial. Let talk about Artem example. In 2020 during the Memorial season, he was in jail. They put him in one small room with four other prisoners. Even though he was in jail, he was still able to get some things to use for the bread and the wine to have the Memorial. And he even plan to give the Memorial talk for his own self. But the other prisoner them in the room use to cuss and smoke. Wetin he did? He ask them if they will stop cussing and smoking for just one hour. Artem was surprise when the men them agree to not cuss and smoke during the Memorial. Artem say, “I decided to tell them about the Memorial.” They refuse to listen. But when they saw how Artem did the memorial, they ask him to tell them about it.

14. Ðé Còwóɖónà-wèɔ̀ tiín nyɛɛ, ɖɛ́ ɓè nyɔ ɓè nyu ma ɓɛ́ wa ké ma Ðɛ-hwìɖìi-dyà-hwɔ̀ɔ̀ ɓéɖéɛ́?

14 During the COVID-19 sickness. Because of this sickness, Jehovah people were not able to attend the Memorial in person. But that one not stop them from having the Memorial. d Some congregation them that were having Internet, use zoom to have the Memorial. But what about the plenty people who was not having internet? In some countries, the brother them made arrangement to have the memorial on radio or on TV. Apart from that, some branch office them record the talk in more than 500 languages so that those who even living in the interior can attend the Memorial. And other brothers volunteer to carry the recordings to the people them.

15. Ðɛ́ m̀ cɛ̃́ sɔ̀ìn Baɓo-cɛ̃́-nyɔ̀ ɖò kɔ̃̀ nyɛ́nɛ́ mɔ̀ Súù kɛɛ xwaún wɛ̃́?

15 When our family opposing us. Some people own of problem that, when their family go against them. Let look at the example of one Bible student name Sue. In 2021, the day before the Memorial, Sue told her Bible teacher that she will not be able to attend the Memorial because her family was opposing her. Her Bible teacher read Luke 22:44. Then she explain to her that when we going through problems, we must follow Jesus example. We must pray to Jehovah and put all our trust in Him. The next day, Sue prepare the bread and the wine and watch the special Morning Worship program on That evening, when her one was in her room, she use her phone to listen to the Memorial. After the Memorial, Sue wrote to her Bible teacher and say: “You really encourage me yesterday. I did my best to attend the Memorial, and Jehovah really help me. I really, really happy and thankful to Jehovah!” You think Jehovah can help you if you going through this same problem?

16. Xwíníínɔ̀ nyɛ́ kɔ̃̀ jè à dèà hwòɖò kɔ̃ kà Jɛhova mu à mana kɔ̃ poùn ɓó kpé à poà ɖé ɓó Ðɛ-hwìɖìi-dyà-hwɔ̀ɔ̀ kɔ̃ mu jè kɛ́? (Wóɖómà 8:31, 32)

16 Jehovah can really be happy when we make effort to attend the Memorial. We can be sure that he will bless us when we show that we thankful for what he na do for us. (Read Romans 8:​31, 32.) Let try hard to attend the Memorial this year. We must also do our best to do more for Jehovah during the Memorial season.

WƐ́ÐƐ́ 18 Grateful for the Ransom

a On Tuesday, April 4, 2023, plenty people around the world will attend the Memorial of Jesus death. It will be plenty people first time to be there. Some people who been inactive and who not attend the memorial for long time will be there too. Some people going through plenty things that will make it really hard for them to come to the memorial, but they will still come. No matter your situation, if you try your best to attend the memorial Jehovah will be happy with you.

b The people them believe that during the memorial program, the bread and the wine can change to Jesus real body and blood. They can think that any time someone eat the bread and drink the wine, then Jesus sacrificing his self again.

c They change some name them.

d Also see the articles with the title “2021 Memorial Commemoration” on

e WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING: Since the 1960’s, the Memorial invitations getting better and better. They can print it and it also on the internet.

f WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING: This one that demonstration​—⁠Brothers and sisters having the Memorial during war time.