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‘From Christ Lovem Iumi’ Datwan Mekem Iumi for Laek Duim Samting

‘From Christ Lovem Iumi’ Datwan Mekem Iumi for Laek Duim Samting

“From Christ hem lovem iumi, iumi gohed strong nomoa, bikos iumi savve wanfala man hem dae for evriwan . . . mekem olketa wea laef no duim nomoa wanem olketa seleva laekem.”​—2 COR. 5:14, 15.

SONG 13 Christ Showim Example for Iumi


1-2. (a) Hao nao iumi feel taem iumi ting raonem laef and ministry blo Jesus? (b) Wat nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala article?

 TAEM wanfala loved wan blo iumi dae, iumi barava missim hem! Iumi feel sorre tumas taem iumi tingim olketa days bifor hem dae, especially if hem safa tumas. Bat gogo, iumi savve feel hapi moa taem iumi tingim samting wea hem teachim, samting wea hem duim or talem for encouragem iumi, or wanem hem duim wea savve mekem iumi laflaf.

2 Taem iumi read abaotem hao Jesus safa and dae, iumi feel sorre tu. Especially lo taem blo Memorial, iumi laek spendem taem for ting raonem hao ransom sakrifaes blo Jesus hem barava important. (1 Cor. 11:24, 25) Bat iumi savve hapi tumas taem iumi ting raonem evriting wea Jesus talem and duim taem hem stap lo earth. Taem iumi ting raonem wat hem duim distaem, and wat bae hem duim for iumi lo future, datwan hem encouragem iumi. Disfala article bae storyim hao taem iumi ting raonem olketa samting hia, and love wea Jesus garem for iumi, datwan bae mekem iumi for laek duim samting wea showimaot iumi tinghae lo hem.


3. Why nao iumi tinghae lo datfala ransom?

3 Taem iumi ting raonem laef and dae blo Jesus, iumi bae tinghae lo hem. Taem Jesus duim ministry, hem teachim pipol abaotem olketa blessing wea Kingdom blo God bae givim. And iumi barava tinghae lo olketa truth hia. Iumi thankiu for datfala ransom bikos hem mekem iumi savve fren klos witim Jehovah and Jesus. And olketa wea showimaot faith lo Jesus, garem hope tu for laef olowe and for lukim moa olketa loved wan wea dae finis. (John 5:28, 29; Rome 6:23) No eniting iumi duim savve mekem iumi fit for kasem olketa blessing hia, and iumi no fit tu for peim bak wanem God and Christ duim for iumi. (Rome 5:8, 20, 21) Bat iumi savve showimaot iumi barava tinghae lo wat tufala duim for iumi. Hao nao iumi savve duim datwan?

Hao nao for ting raonem example blo Mary Magdalene hem mekem iu for laek showimaot wei for tinghae? (Lukim paragraf 4-5)

4. Hao nao Mary Magdalene showimaot hem tinghae lo wanem Jesus duim for hem? (Lukim piksa.)

4 Tingim example blo Mary Magdalene wea hem wanfala Jew. Sevenfala demon nao stap lo hem wea mekem hem safa tumas. Masbi hem feel olsem hem no wei nao. Tingim hao hem mas hapi tumas taem Jesus raosem olketa demon hia! From hem tinghae lo datwan, hem kamap follower blo Jesus and hem iusim taem, strong, and material samting wea hem garem for sapotim ministry blo Jesus. (Luke 8:1-3) Nomata Mary barava tinghae lo wanem Jesus duim, maet hem no savve hao Jesus bae duim wanfala big samting for hem. Jesus duim datwan taem hem givim laef blo hem for evri pipol, “mekem evriwan wea showimaot faith long hem” bae kasem laef olowe. (John 3:16) Bat from Mary gohed loyal datwan showimaot hem tinghae lo Jesus. Taem Jesus safa lo post, Mary standap klosap wea datwan showim hem lovem Jesus, and for comfortim olketa narawan lo there tu. (John 19:25) Bihaen Jesus dae, Mary and nara tufala woman tekem olketa samting wea smel naes for putim lo body blo Jesus wea stap lo wanfala cave. (Mark 16:1, 2) From Mary loyal, Jehovah givim hem wanfala spesol privilege. Hem nao Jesus meetim Mary and story witim hem bihaen hem resurrect. Staka disaepol no kasem datfala privilege.​—John 20:11-18.

5. Hao nao iumi savve showim iumi tinghae lo evriting wea Jehovah and Jesus duim for iumi?

5 Iumi tu laek showim iumi tinghae lo evriting wea Jehovah and Jesus duim for iumi taem iumi iusim taem, strong, and selen for sapotim waka blo Kingdom. Olsem example, iumi savve stanbae and redi for help lo eni construction and maintenance project for olketa building wea iumi iusim for worship.


6. Why nao iumi savve sei ransom hem for iumi wanwan?

6 Taem iumi luksavve hao Jehovah and Jesus barava lovem iumi, datwan mekem iumi for lovem tufala tu. (1 John 4:10, 19) Love blo iumi for tufala kamap moa strong taem iumi luksavve Jesus dae for iumi wanwan. Aposol Paul luksavve lo datwan and hem talem hao hem tinghae lo leta wea hem raetem for olketa lo Galatia. Hem sei: “Son bilong God . . . lovem mi and [hem] dae for sevem mi.” (Gal. 2:20) Datfala ransom nao mekem Jehovah savve acceptim iu for kamap fren blo hem. (John 6:44) Taem iu savve Jehovah lukim gud samting lo heart blo iu and hem willing for peim barava hae price for mekem iu savve fren witim hem, datwan barava kasem heart blo iu. Datwan barava strongim love blo iu for Jehovah and Jesus, iaman? So hem gud for tingim diswan: ‘From mi lovem tufala, wat nao bae mi laek for duim?’

Love blo iumi for God and Christ mekem iumi for laek sharem Kingdom message witim evri difren kaen pipol (Lukim paragraf 7)

7. Olsem piksa showim, hao nao iumi evriwan savve showim iumi lovem Jehovah and Jesus? (2 Corinth 5:14, 15; 6:1, 2)

7 Love for God and Christ mekem iumi for laek showim love for olketa narawan. (Readim 2 Corinth 5:14, 15; 6:1, 2.) Wanfala wei iumi savve duim datwan, hem for strong for duim preaching waka. Iumi story lo evriwan wea iumi meetim. Iumi no les lo eniwan bikos lo baekgraon, kala skin, tribe, or sapos hem rich or poor. Taem iumi duim olsem, iumi followim wanem Jehovah laekem, wea hem nao for “evri difren kaen man mas sev and for garem stretfala savve abaotem olketa tru teaching.”​—1 Tim. 2:4.

8. Hao nao iumi savve showim love lo olketa brata and sista?

8 Iumi showimaot tu iumi lovem God and Christ taem iumi duim samting wea showim iumi lovem olketa brata and sista. (1 John 4:21) Iumi givim wanem olketa needim and sapotim olketa taem olketa deal witim eni hard taem. Iumi comfortim olketa taem loved wan blo olketa dae, visitim olketa taem olketa sik, and duim best for encouragem olketa taem olketa feel discourage. (2 Cor. 1:3-7; 1 Thess. 5:11, 14) Iumi gohed prea for olketa bikos iumi savve dat “prea bilong man wea raeteous hem garem paoa.”​—Jas. 5:16.

9. Wat nao nara samting iumi savve duim wea showimaot iumi lovem olketa brata and sista?

9 Iumi showim tu iumi lovem olketa brata and sista taem iumi waka hard for keepim peace witim olketa. Iumi traem best for followim example blo Jehovah for forgivim narawan. Jehovah willing for letem Son blo hem dae for olketa sin blo iumi, so iumi tu shud willing for forgivim olketa brata and sista wea sin againstim iumi. Iumi no laek for olsem wakaman wea Jesus storyim lo wanfala tokpiksa blo hem. Nomata boss willing for aotem big kaon blo datfala wakaman, wakaman hia no willing for forgivim nara man wea kaonem smol selen lo hem. (Matt. 18:23-35) If iu garem problem witim samwan lo kongregeson, waswe, iu savve duim samting for mek peace bifor iu attendim Memorial? (Matt. 5:23, 24) Taem iu duim olsem, hem showim iu barava lovem Jehovah and Jesus.

10-11. Hao nao olketa elder savve showim olketa lovem Jehovah and Jesus? (1 Peter 5:1, 2)

10 Hao nao olketa elder showimaot olketa lovem Jehovah and Jesus? Wanfala important wei, hem for lukaftarem olketa sheepsheep blo Jesus. (Readim 1 Peter 5:1, 2.) Jesus helpem aposol Peter for lukim klia disfala point. Bihaen Peter denyim Jesus thrifala taem, luk olsem Peter barava laek for showim lo Jesus hem barava lovem Jesus. Bihaen Jesus resurrect, hem askem Peter: “Simon, son bilong John, hao, iu lovem mi?” Iumi sure Peter barava laek duim samting for pruvim hao hem lovem Masta blo hem. Jesus sei lo Peter: “Lukaftarem olketa smol sheepsheep bilong mi.” (John 21:15-17) And for full laef blo Peter, hem lukaftarem gud olketa sheepsheep blo Lord wea datwan pruvim Peter lovem Jesus.

11 Olketa elder, hao nao iufala savve showimaot toktok wea Jesus talem lo Peter hem important lo iufala, especially lo taem blo Memorial? Iu savve showim iu barava lovem Jehovah and Jesus taem iu evritaem duim shepherding waka and taem iu duim best for helpem olketa wea inactive for kam bak lo Jehovah. (Ezek. 34:11, 12) Iu savve helpem tu olketa Bible student and olketa niu wan wea kam lo Memorial taem iu mekem olketa for feel welkam, bikos maet olketa tu bae kamap disaepol blo Christ.


12. Taem iumi ting raonem toktok wea Jesus talem lo naet bifor hem dae, why nao datwan helpem iumi for no fraet? (John 16:32, 33)

12 Lo naet bifor Jesus dae, hem sei lo olketa disaepol: “Iufala [bae] kasem hard taem long world, bat no fraet! Mi winim world finis.” (Readim John 16:32, 33.) Wat nao helpem Jesus for no fraetem olketa enemy and for gohed faithful kasem taem hem dae? Hem depend lo Jehovah. Hem savve olketa follower blo hem bae feisim semkaen test, so hem askem Jehovah for lukaftarem olketa. (John 17:11) Why nao datwan helpem iumi for no fraet? Bikos Jehovah hem strong winim eni enemy blo iumi. (1 John 4:4) Jehovah hem lukim evriting. Iumi barava sure taem iumi depend lo Jehovah, hem bae helpem iumi for no fraet and for gohed strong.

13. Hao nao Joseph blo Arimathea showim hem no fraet?

13 Tingim example blo Joseph blo Arimathea. Pipol blo Jew bifor tinghae lo hem. Hem member blo Sanhedrin, wea hem supreme kot blo olketa Jew. Bat taem Jesus duim ministry, Joseph fraet for showimaot dat hem followim Jesus. John sei “hem disaepol bilong Jesus bat hem no talem eniwan bikos hem fraetem olketa Jew.” (John 19:38) Nomata Joseph interest lo Kingdom message, hem no laekem eniwan for savve hem garem faith lo Jesus. Luk olsem hem fraet nogud hem lusim hae position blo hem lo community. Nomata wat nao reason, Bible sei bihaen Jesus dae, “nomata [Joseph] fraet lelebet for go long Pilate, . . . hem go long hem and ask for body bilong Jesus.” (Mark 15:42, 43) Lo datfala taem, Joseph showaot klia hem wanfala disaepol blo Jesus.

14. Wat nao iu shud duim sapos iu fraetem man?

14 Waswe, iu tu fraetem man olsem Joseph? Waswe lo skul or waka ples, iu shame for talem iu wanfala Jehovah’s Witness? Waswe, iu hol bak for anbaptaes pablisa or for baptaes bikos iu warim tingting blo pipol? No letem olketa feeling olsem stopem iu for duim samting wea iu savve hem stret. Prea strong lo Jehovah abaotem datwan. Askem hem for helpem iu for no fraet for duim wat hem laekem. Taem iu lukim Jehovah ansarem olketa prea blo iu, datwan bae strongim iu go moa and for no fraet.​—Isa. 41:10, 13.


15. Bihaen Jesus meet witim olketa disaepol, wat nao olketa hapi tumas for duim? (Luke 24:52, 53)

15 Olketa disaepol barava sorre taem Jesus dae. Trae putim iuseleva insaed situation blo olketa. Klos fren blo olketa dae and olketa feel olsem wat olketa hope for hem bae no happen nao. (Luke 24:17-21) Bat bihaen Jesus resurrect, hem meet witim olketa and hem iusim taem hia for explainim hao hem fulfillim olketa Bible profesi. And hem givim olketa wanfala important waka for duim tu. (Luke 24:26, 27, 45-48) Fotifala day bihaen, Jesus go ap lo heven and olketa disaepol no feel sorre nao. Olketa hapi tumas bikos olketa savve Masta blo olketa hem laef and redi for helpem olketa lo datfala niu assignment. From olketa hapi tumas, datwan mekem olketa for gohed praisem Jehovah.​—Readim Luke 24:52, 53; Acts 5:42.

16. Hao nao iumi savve followim example blo olketa disaepol blo Jesus?

16 Hao nao iumi savve followim example blo olketa disaepol blo Jesus? Iumi savve hapi for worshipim Jehovah no lo taem blo Memorial nomoa, bat insaed lo full year. Diswan minim Kingdom blo God mas first samting lo laef blo iumi. For example, staka disaed for changem schedule saed lo waka blo olketa mekem olketa savve duim moa samting lo ministry, attendim meeting, and for evritaem duim famili worship. From samfala laek for duim moa samting lo kongregeson, or for go stap lo ples wea garem big need, olketa disaed for no garem samfala material samting wea pipol ting hem important for garem. For gohed worshipim Jehovah, iumi mas no givap. Hem promis for barava blessim iumi, if Kingdom hem first samting lo laef blo iumi.​—Provebs 10:22, SIPB; Matt. 6:32, 33.

Lo olketa week bifor and bihaen lo Memorial, markem taem for ting raonem wat Jehovah and Jesus duim for iu (Lukim paragraf 17)

17. Wat nao iu laek for duim lo olketa week bifor and bihaen lo Memorial? (Lukim piksa.)

17 Iumi luk forward for attendim Memorial lo Tuesday, April 4. Bat no weit kasem datfala taem nomoa for ting raonem laef and dae blo Jesus, and love wea hem and Jehovah showim for iumi. Iusim evri chance lo olketa week bifor and bihaen lo Memorial for duim datwan. For example, markem taem for readim and ting raonem datfala chart “Lastfala Week wea Jesus Stap Long Earth,” wea stap lo page 4 lo April 2019 Laef and Ministry Meeting Buk. Taem iu duim datwan, luk for olketa Bible verse wea strongim wei blo iu for tinghae, love blo iu, wei for no fraet, and for hapi. Then ting raonem samfala samting wea iu savve duim wea showimaot iu garem wei for barava tinghae. For sure Jesus bae barava hapi lo evriting wea iu duim for tingim hem lo taem blo Memorial.​—Rev. 2:19.

SONG 17 “Mi Laek Duim Datwan”

a Lo olketa week bifor and afta lo Memorial, hem gud for iumi barava ting raonem laef and dae blo Jesus and for tingim love wea hem and Dadi blo hem showimaot. Taem iumi duim olsem, bae hem mekem iumi for laek duim samting. Lo disfala article bae iumi storyim samfala wei for showimaot iumi tinghae lo ransom, and for showimaot iumi lovem Jehovah and Jesus. Iumi bae storyim tu wanem bae helpem iumi for laek showim love lo olketa brata and sista, and for no fraet, and gohed hapi for duim waka blo Jehovah.