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Value the Life God Gave Us

Value the Life God Gave Us

“By him we have life and move and exist.”—ACTS 17:28.

SONG 141 The Miracle of Life


1. How our life important to Jehovah?

 IMAGINE that your friend gave you one house. The house leaking and it get small-small problems. Even though it get problems, but it very-very expensive. We sure you will do your best to take care of that house and protect it. That the same way Jehovah gave us life and that life get value. In fact, Jehovah show that he really value our life by sending his son to die for us.—John 3:16.

2. According to 2 Corinthians 7:1, wetin Jehovah want for us to do?

2 Our life coming from Jehovah. (Ps. 36:9) What the apostle Paul said show that he believe it too. He say: “By him we have life and move and exist.” (Acts 17:25, 28) So we can say our life that gift from God. He show us love by giving us everything we need to live. (Acts 14:15-17) Now-now, Jehovah can’t perform miracle for us to continue living. But he want us to try our best to take care of our health and continue serving him. (Read 2 Corinthians 7:1.) Why we must protect our health and our life, and how we can do it?


3. Give one reason why we must try to stay healthy.

3 One reason why we must try to stay healthy that because it will help us to serve Jehovah in the best way. (Mark 12:30) We want give our “bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.” So we not want do anything that we know can make us sick. (Rom. 12:1) No matter what we do, sometime we will still get sick. But we want do our best to protect our health because we want show Jehovah that we grateful for the life he give us.

4. Wetin King David try hard to do?

4 King David explain the reason why life was important to him. He said: “What profit is there in my death, in my going down to the pit? Will the dust praise you? Will it tell of your faithfulness?” (Ps. 30:9) Maybe David wrote this scripture when he was very old. But so long it was possible, he try his best to protect his life and health so that he can continue serving Jehovah. That the same thing all of us must fight hard to do.

5. Wetin we able to do even if we old or sick?

5 Maybe because of sickness or old age we not able to do the thing them we use to do before. Because of that, we can feel bad. But even if we sick or old we can still praise Jehovah like King David. So we must try our best to take care of our health. It can really comfort us to know that Jehovah still value us even if we sick or old! (Matt. 10:29-31) Even if we die, he really want bring us back to life. (Job 14:14, 15) While we still living, we must do things that will protect our health and our life.


6. What Jehovah expect us to do?

6 The Bible that not book that can tell us about what to eat and how to take care of our health. But it tell us plenty things about how Jehovah feel about these thing them. For example, he encourage us to not do anything that will damage our body. (Eccl. 11:10) The Bible say we must not eat over plus or drink too much because it can damage our health and even kill us. (Prov. 23:20) Jehovah expect us to control ourselves when we thinking about what to eat and drink and how much to eat and drink.—1 Cor. 6:12; 9:25.

7. How Proverbs 2:11 can help us make good decisions about our health?

7 We can show that we value life by thinking good-good before we make decisions. (Ps. 119:99, 100; read Proverbs 2:11.) For example, we must think good-good about what we will eat. If we like certain food but we know that it can make us sick, we must not eat it. We can also show that we wise if we try to always exercise, get enough sleep and keep our body and house clean.


8. According to the Bible, how Jehovah feel about accidents?

8 Jehovah gave the Israelites Laws on how to protect their self from serious accident to their house or when they to work. (Ex. 21:28, 29; Deut. 22:8) If somebody kill another person by mistake, their punishment was heavy. (Deut. 19:4, 5) The Law say that even if someone not mean it and hurt the child in the ma stomach, that person must be punish. (Ex. 21:22, 23) The Bible make it clear that Jehovah want us to do our best to avoid accidents.

In this situation them, how we can show that we get respect for life? (See paragraph 9)

9. Wetin we must do to avoid accidents? (Also see the pictures.)

9 We can show that we value life by keeping our house and our working place safe. For example, we must throw away sharp things, chemical or medicine in the way that will not harm anybody. We must be careful when we light fire, boiling water and when we working with electric machine them. We not want leave this thing them by their self and go somewhere. Also, we must not drive car when we drink alcohol, feeling sleepy or when we take any medicine that will make it hard for us to focus. And we must not hold phone or other thing them in our hand when we driving.


10. Wetin we must do before bad thing happen and when bad thing happening?

10 Sometimes, we can’t be able to stop bad thing from happening especially when bad sickness start spreading, people fighting one another and when natural disaster happen. But when thing them like this happen, we must do our best to be safe and to obey any direction from the government that will help us to survive. (Rom. 13:1, 5-7) It possible to prepare before bad thing happen. So it will be good to listen to the direction them from the government that will help us to be ready for them. For example, we can keep some water, food them that hard to spoil and some medicines.

11. Wetin we must do when bad sickness start spreading?

11 Wetin we must do if bad sickness spreading in the area we living? We must obey the directions the government will give like washing our hands, social distancing, wearing mask, and quarantining. When we do this thing them we will show that we value life.

12. How Proverbs 14:15 can help us to know what information to believe when bad thing happen?

12 When bad thing happen, sometime we can hear thing them that not true from our friends, neighbors, and in the news. Instead of us believing everything we hear, we must listen to what the government and the doctor them say to get the correct information. (Read Proverbs 14:15.) The Governing Body and the branch offices can do their best to get the correct information before they give direction about the congregation meetings and the preaching work. (Heb. 13:17) So if we follow their direction, we will protect ourselves and other people. It will also help people in the community to get respect for Jehovah Witnesses.—1 Pet. 2:12.


13. How we can show that we value life when it come to blood business?

13 Plenty people know that Jehovah Witnesses look at blood to be holy. We obey Jehovah law about blood by refusing to take in blood, even when we facing serious health problem. (Acts 15:28, 29) This one not mean that we want die. But it show that we value the life that God gave us. We can look for doctor them who willing to give us very good treatment without telling us to take in blood.

14. Wetin we must do that will make it hard for us to get serious health problem?

14 If we take care of ourselves and do the thing them we talk about in this article, maybe we will not go under operation or other serious treatment. And if we keep ourselves healthy, we will be able to get better quick if we go under operation. Also, if we obey traffic laws and keep our house and our working place safe, it will be hard for us to get any serious health problem.

We must fill the DPA card and always carry it with us because life very important to us (See paragraph 15) c

15. (a) Why it important for us to always carry our DPA card with us? (Also see the picture.) (b) From the video, wetin we must do to make good decisions about blood?

15 We must fill in the durable power of attorney or DPA card (advance health-care directive) and always carry it with us. We must do this one because life very important to us. We can use this paper to make our decision clear about taking in blood and other treatments. Your DPA card get your recent decision on it? If you want fill it or update the one you get, do it right away. When we make our decision clear by writing it down, it will help us to get treatment quick. And we will not waste time trying to explain things to the doctor them. We will also make sure to not take any treatment or medicine that will not be good for us. b

16. Wetin we can do if we not know how to fill in the DPA card?

16 Whether we young or we not get any health problem, anyone can get sick or make accident. (Eccl. 9:11) So it will be good to fill in the DPA card. If you not know how to do it, ask the elder them in your congregation to help you. They know how to fill it but they will not make decisions for you. That your responsibility. (Gal. 6:4, 5) They can help you understand the different-different treatment you can choose from and help you when you filling the DPA card.


17. How we can show that we reasonable when it come to health business?

17 What we learn from the Bible can help us to make plenty decisions about our health and the type of treatment to take. (Acts 24:16; 1 Tim. 3:9) When we make decisions and talk to other people about it, it good to remember what Philippians 4:5 say. That verse say: “Let your reasonableness become known to all men.” We can show that we reasonable by not always worrying about our health. Also, we must not force our idea on other people when it come to health business. We love and respect our brother and sister them, even if their decisions different from our own.—Rom. 14:10-12.

18. How we can show that we grateful for life?

18 Our life coming from Jehovah. So, we can show that we grateful to him by protecting our life and doing our best to serve him. (Rev. 4:11) Now-now, all of us can get sick and go through other problem them. But our creator never wanted us to live like this. He will soon stop death and give us everlasting life. We will not feel any pain again. (Rev. 21:4) But for now we really happy to be living and serving our Father, Jehovah!

SONG 140 Life Without End—At Last!

a This article will help us value the life God gave us. We will see what we can do to protect our health and life when disaster happen. Then we will learn how we can protect ourselves from accidents. We will also talk about what we must do to be prepare when we facing serious health problem.

c WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING: One young brother filling the DPA card and he make sure to carry it with him.