Mu ɖé dɛ̀ ɓě m̀ ɓɛ́ìn ɖɛ̀ kò-kò ɓěɛ̀ dyéɛ kɛ

Mu ɖé dɛ̀ ɓě m̀ ɓɛ́ìn ɖɛ̀ kò-kò ɓěɛ̀ dyéɛ kɛ

CƐ̃́Ɛ́-ÐƐ̀ 12

Cɛ̃́ Ðɛ Pàɖà Ɓá Jɛhova Jè Dyí Dyììn Ðé Ɔ Mɛ-Ðɛ̀ Ɓèɔ̀ Mú

Cɛ̃́ Ðɛ Pàɖà Ɓá Jɛhova Jè Dyí Dyììn Ðé Ɔ Mɛ-Ðɛ̀ Ɓèɔ̀ Mú

“Sɔ̀ìn ɖé ɓóɖó-kpàà mɛ-mɛɔ̀ gboɛɛ, ɖɛ ɓè ɓɛ́ wa ɓá Geɖepɔɔ dyí, ké nyɔ seà dyéɛ ɓɛ́ìn nyɛɛ, . . . nyɔ ɓɛ́ìn dyéɛ wáɖáá dyììn ɖé ɖɛ ɓè ɓɛ́ ɔ ɖàà nyuɛɛ mú.”—WÓÐ. 1:20.

WƐ́ÐƐ́ 6 The Heavens Declare God’s Glory


1. Ðɛ́ mɔ̀ hwìè dyúáɖò kɔ̃̀ mú ɓɛ́ Jóɓò dyuò ma Jɛhova dyí nɔ̀mɔ̀ dyíin nyɛ́?

 JOB talk with plenty people when he was living. But the most important one was the time he talk with Jehovah. Jehovah told Job to look at some of the wonderful thing them he made. So that Job can know that He wise and also to help Job to get more trust that He able to provide for all his servants. For example, Jehovah help Job to see that he able to provide for the animals, so He can also take care of Job. (Job 38:39-41; 39:1, 5, 13-16) So from the examples about creation, Job learn plenty thing them about Jehovah qualities.

2. Xwíníínɔ nyɛ́ kɔ̃̀ jè ɔ ɓɛ́àìn mú kàmàùn ɓɛ́ à kéa Jɛhovaa mɛɛ-ɖɛ̀ ɓèɔ̀ jè cɛ̃́ kɛ́?

2 We too can learn more about Jehovah when we take the time to look at the thing them he made. But it can’t always be easy do this one. If we living in the city, we will not be able to see plenty things that Jehovah made every day. Even if we living in the interior, sometime we can feel that we not get enough time to study them. So let talk about why it good to take the time and try hard to look at the thing them Jehovah made. We will learn how Jehovah and Jesus use creation to teach, and wetin we can do to learn more from creation.


Jehovah wanted Adam to enjoy His creation and to name the animal them (See paragraph 3)

3. Ðɛ́ tɛ̀mɛ̀ìn kà Jɛhova mɔ́ ɓɛ́ Áɖɔ̀ùn ké ma mɛɛ-ɖɛ̀ ɓè múàùn dyi kpáìn nyɛ́?

3 Jehovah wanted Adam to enjoy the thing them He made. When God made Adam, He gave him the beautiful paradise to live in. He also gave him the work to take care of it and make it big. (Gen. 2:8, 9, 15) Just imagine how Adam was happy when he saw different-different seeds growing and producing flowers. That was not small privilege Adam was having to take care of the garden of Eden! Jehovah also told Adam to name the different-different animal them. (Gen. 2:19, 20) Jehovah was able to name the animal them, but he not do it. He gave that work to Adam. Before Adam name the animal them, he took his own time to study them good-good. He study the way they were looking and their behavior. Adam really enjoy doing this work. This work help him to see how Jehovah wise and how the thing them he made really beautiful and interesting.

4. (a) Ðɛ́ mɔ̀ xwíníín dyúáɖò kɔ̃̀ jè à mɛ cɛ̃́à mɛɛ-ɖɛ̀ ɓè jè kɛ́? (b) Ðɛ́ mɔ̀ mɛɛ-ɖɛ̀ ɓè ɓɛ́ m̀ kpáìn múàùn dyi jɛɛ kɛ́?

4 One reason why we must study creation that because Jehovah want us to do it. He tell us to look at the heaven and see. Then he ask us: “Who made this thing them?” The answer clear. (Isa. 40:26) Jehovah made plenty wonderful thing them in heaven, on earth and in the sea that can teach us about him. (Ps. 104:24, 25) And just think about the way God made us. He make it possible for us to enjoy looking at the beautiful thing them he made. He also made us to see, hear, touch, taste and smell. This five senses can help us to enjoy all the different-different thing them he made.

5.Wóɖómà 1:20 nyuà cɛ̃ɛ kɛɛ, xwɛ̀ à nyu Jɛhovaa mɛɛ-ɖɛ̀ ɓèɔ̀ jè cɛ̃́-cɛ̃́ kpáná kɔ̃ùn dyéɛ kɛ́?

5 The Bible show another important reason why we must study creation. It can teach us about Jehovah quality them. (Read Romans 1:20.) For example, look at the thing them Jehovah made and see how he really design them. It show us that Jehovah really wise. And just think about the different-different food we can enjoy. This one that clear proof that Jehovah love us. When we see Jehovah quality them in the thing them he made, it can help us to know him good-good and get closer to him. Now, yor let look at some of the ways Jehovah na use creation to teach people important lessons.


6. Ðɛ́ à ɓɛ́ìn nàà ɓè ɖɛ̀ɓɛ̀à jaɖa ɖɛìn nyɛɛ xwaun cɛ̃́ɛ́ kɛ́?

6 Jehovah get set time to do things. Every year between the end of February and the middle part of May, the Israelites use to see some birds they call storks flying to go to the north. God told the Israelites, ‘The stork in the sky know their seasons.’ (Jer. 8:7) The same way Jehovah set time for this bird them to fly from one place to the other, that the same way Jehovah set time to destroy this wicked world. Today when we see the bird them flying from place to place, they can remind us that Jehovah na set special time to destroy this wicked world.—Hab. 2:3.

7. Ðɛ́ mɔ̀ hwòɖò-kɔ̃-dè-ɖɛ̀ à ɓɛ́ìn ɓéɖéɛ sɔ̀ìn nàà ɖòɛ̀ wã-wã dya-gmɔ-gmɔ múɛ́? (Àzédyà 40:31)

7 Jehovah can give his people power. Jehovah promise his people through Isaiah that when they feeling weak or discourage he will give them the strength to fly like eagles. (Read Isaiah 40:31.) The Israelites were use to seeing eagles flying in the sky without using their wings too much. That the force from the air use to help them to do it. This one remind us that Jehovah can give us power the same way he can give the eagles power! So, when you see one big bird flying way up in the sky without using the wing too much, remember that Jehovah can give you strength to go through your problems.

8. Ðɛ́ Jóɓò cɛ̃́ sɔ̀ìn Geɖepɔɔ mɛɛ-ɖɛ̀ ɓèɔ̀ dya-gmɔ-gmɔ múɛ́, ké ɖé à mɔ̀ùn ɓɛ́ìn cɛ̃́ɛ kɛ́?

8 Jehovah deserve our trust. Jehovah help Job to trust in Him more. (Job 32:2; 40:6-8) When Jehovah was talking with Job, He talk about plenty of his creation them like the stars, the clouds, and the lightning. Jehovah also talk about the animal them like, bush cow and the horse. (Job 38:32-35; 39:9, 19, 20) All this thing them proof that Jehovah get great power, love and wisdom. Job learn to trust Jehovah more because of what Jehovah told him. (Job 42:1-6) That the same way when we study about creation, it will remind us that Jehovah get power and wisdom more than any of us. And he able to end all our problem them and he will do it. This one can help us to trust him more.


9-10. Ðɛ́ dyóɖóɔ̀ kè níɔ̀ tɛ̀mɛ̀ìn à ɓá Jɛhova jè dyíɛ́?

9 Jesus knew plenty things about creation. When his pa was creating the heavens and the earth, he work with Him. (Prov. 8:30) Later on, when Jesus was on earth, he use creation to teach his disciple them about his pa. Let see some of the lesson them he use to teach.

10 Jehovah can show love to everybody. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus talk to his disciples about the sun and the rain that people can’t take to be too important. But this two thing them important for us to live. If Jehovah wanted to, he was not coming give this thing them to people who not want serve him. But he show love by giving the rain and the sun for everybody. (Matt. 5:43-45) Jesus use this lesson to teach his disciples that Jehovah want us to show love to everybody. When the sun going down, we can enjoy the way it can be looking so fine. And when the rain falling, it can make us feel good. Anytime we see this thing them happening, we must think on the love Jehovah get for everybody. His example can make us to show the same kind na love by preaching to everybody.

11. Ðɛ́ mɔ̀ kpéí-po-po ɓɛ́ à ɓɛ́ìn dyéɛ sɔ̀ìn nàà ɓè nìà ɖé dyɔ̀ɔ̀ dyíɛ dya-gmɔ-gmɔ múɛ́?

11 Jehovah can provide the thing them we need to live. In the same sermon, Jesus also said: “Look at the bird them good-good, they can’t plant or harvest or build kitchen to keep food inside, but your heavenly Father can feed them.” Maybe the people were looking at the bird them flying when Jesus ask them: “You not think you better more than the bird them?” (Matt. 6:26) Jesus show love by helping us to see that Jehovah will give us the thing them we need to live! (Matt. 6:31, 32) What we learn from this example about creation can always encourage Jehovah faithful servants. One young pioneer sister in Spain was feeling discourage because it was hard for her to find good place to live. But after she saw the bird them eating seeds and fruits, it make her heart to lay down. She say, “The bird them help me to remember that Jehovah was taking care of them and he will take care of me too.” And for sure, it not stay long the sister find good place to live.

12.Máfíò 10:29-31 nyua cɛɛ kɛɛ, ɖɛ́ dyùì ɓèɔ̀ tɛ̀mɛ̀ìn à ɓá Jɛhova jè dyíɛ́?

12 Jehovah value us one by one. Before Jesus send his apostle them to preach, he help them to not be scare of people who will go against them. (Read Matthew 10:29-31.) He do it by telling them about one bird plenty people in Israel knew. They call it sparrow. This bird them were not having any value in Jesus time. But he told his disciples: “Jehovah can know when one of them fall down on the ground.” Then he say: “You better more than plenty sparrows.” Jesus was encouraging his disciples that Jehovah value them one by one, so they must not be scare of persecution. When the disciples use to be preaching in the town and village them, we sure they use to remember what Jesus told them when they saw the sparrows. Anytime you see one small bird, remember that Jehovah value your self-self because you “better more than plenty sparrows.” So, don’t be scare when people go against you.—Ps. 118:6.


13. Ðɛ́ mu à gbo kpáùn ɓɛ́ à ké mɛɛ-ɖɛ̀ ɓè ɖɛ ɓè xwaùn cɛ̃́ kɛ́?

13 We can learn plenty other lessons about Jehovah from creation. How? First, we must find time to study about creation. From there, we must think on what we learn about Jehovah. It will not always be easy to do this thing them. One sister from Cameroon, name Géraldine, say, “Because I grew up in the city, I use to really fight hard to learn from creation.” One elder name Alfonso say, “I find out that to learn from Jehovah creation and really think on what I learn about him, I needed to make schedule and be alone.”

When David look at the thing them around him, he use to think on what they teach him about Jehovah (See paragraph 14)

14. Ðɛ́ Dèɓé cɛ̃́ ma ti ɔ nàìn ma Geɖepɔɔ mɛɛ-ɖɛ̀ ɓèɔ̀ jè hwìɖìi kɛ́?

14 David use to think good-good about Jehovah creation. He told Jehovah: “When I see your heavens, the thing them you made like the moon and the stars, human being that what for you to think about?” (Ps. 8:3, 4) Yes, when David use to look at the sky in night, he not only use to enjoy looking at them. But he also use to really think on what the stars teach him about God. He learn that Jehovah really great. Sometime, David use to think about how his body grow small-small in his ma stomach, and he got to know that it was really wonderful. When he think on the wonderful way Jehovah made him, it make him to be more grateful for Jehovah wisdom.—Ps. 139:14-17.

15. Cɛ̃ kà m̀ ɖà Jɛhova kpeɖe ɓèɔ̀ mɛɛ-ɖɛ̀ ɓè mú dyéɛ hwɛ̀ìn-ɖɛ̀ ɖò jè. (Wɛ́ɖɛ́ 148:7-10)

15 Like David, it easy for us to find something about Jehovah creation that we can think on good. If you look around, you can see plenty things that can help us to know Jehovah good-good. For example, when you feel the sun on your skin, you can know that Jehovah get power. (Jer. 31:35) When you see the bird them building their house, you can know that Jehovah wise. When you see the baby dog trying to catch it own tail, you can know that Jehovah like funny things. And tell Jehovah thank you for his love when you see the baby ma playing with her baby. We get plenty opportunities to learn about Jehovah because all his creation, whether they big and small or they near us or far off, they can praise him.—Read Psalm 148:7-10.

16. Ðɛ́ à mɛ jìɖìì kɔ̃ ɓɛ́ à ké nyu kɛ́?

16 Our God very powerful, wise, loving, and everything he make really fine. If we take our time and look at creation, we can learn about all this quality them and plenty other things. So, we must always find time to enjoy creation and think about what we can learn about Jehovah. When we do it, our friendship with Jehovah will be thick. (Jas. 4:8) In the next article, we will see how parents can use creation to help their children get close to Jehovah.

WƐ́ÐƐ́ 5 God’s Wondrous Works

a The thing them Jehovah made really wonderful. It can really full our mouth when we see the power the sun get and the way the flowers can be beautiful. The thing them Jehovah made can also teach us about Jehovah qualities. In this article, we will talk about why we must find time to learn about creation. And also we will learn how when we do it, it will help us get more close to our God.