Nen video ma nwang'ere

Nen lembe ma nwang'ere i iye

Gin Ma Romo Konyi Kinde M’ibesomo Piny

Gin Ma Romo Konyi Kinde M’ibesomo Piny

Kite mi tiyo cuu ku the thiwiwec “Piny m’uwok ma nyen”

Junwang’u thiwiwec ku video ma tung’ tung’ m’uwok ma nyen i thenge m’uwacu “Nouveautés”JW Library® man i ke i the thiwiwec “Piny m’uwok ma nyen.” Iromo tiyo ku thenge maenogi nenedi pi ninwang’u lembe m’uwok ma nyeni?

I JW Library

  • Junwang’u thiwiwecman nang’u jutimo mise à jour mi thenge m’ewok i iye. Pieno, ka thiwiwec ma nyen uwok i thenge moko mi the thiwiwec “Nouveautés,” iromo toko versio ma nyen m’uwokne. I ng’eye, iromo somo thiwiwec ma nyenne iwi jumange m’ular uwok, kum jubed jurieyogi nimakere ku nindo ma gibed giwok i iye.

  • Saa moko nyo ecopere ngo iri nisomo tup wang’ acel girasoma ma tie ku lembe dupa i iye, calu ve gazeti. Kara idog inwang’ girasomane yot yot pi nimediri ku some, icopo mede i Favoris peri. Kinde m’idaru some, icopo wodhe.


Lembe moko ma calu ve rapor m’uwok ma nyen man lembang’eya, bewok i kusika mir internet kende ento ungo i JW Library. Bed ipoy nibeneno mbaya mi kusika mir internet mi “Piny m’uwok ma nyen” nja pi ninwang’u piny ma tokcen m’uwok.