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Continue to Be Patient

Continue to Be Patient

“Clothe yourselves with . . . patience.”​—COL. 3:12.

SONG 114 “Exercise Patience”


1. Why you grateful to people who patient?

 WHEN people patient, all us can like it. Why? We can get respect for people who can’t get vex when they waiting for something. We can be grateful when other people patient with us when we make mistakes. When it was not easy for us to apply what we were learning from the Bible, we were grateful for the way our Bible teacher was patient with us. And the most important one that, we thankful that Jehovah God patient with us!​—Rom. 2:4.

2. What some situation them that can make it hard for us to be patient?

2 Even though we can be grateful when other people patient but it can’t always be easy for we ourself to be patient. For example, it can be easy to get vex when traffic hold us, especially when we getting late. Sometime when people do things to us that not correct, it can make us vex. And sometime it can be hard for us to keep waiting for the new world to come. You want be more patient? In this article, we will talk about what it mean to be patient and why it really important. We will also learn about what can help us to be more patient.


3. Wetin somebody who patient can do when other people make them vex?

3 Let look at four ways that we can show that we patient. First, somebody who patient hard to get vex. When people do something that make him vex, or he under pressure, he can hold his heart and try hard to not pay his debt. The first time the Bible use this word them “slow to anger”, that the time it say Jehovah that ‘God who merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love and truth.’​—Ex. 34:6.

4. Wetin somebody who patient can do when they waiting for something?

4 Second, somebody who patient can wait without getting vex. When somebody patient, even when they waiting for something that staying too long to happen they can try hard to not get vex or get tire waiting. (Matt. 18:​26, 27) We get plenty situation them where we need to wait without getting vex. For example, when somebody talking we need to be patient and listen and try to not cut the person off. (Job 36:2) We also need to be patient when we helping our Bible student to understand certain Bible teaching or to leave certain bad habit.

5. What another way we can show that we patient?

5 Third, somebody who patient can’t rush to do things without thinking. That true, some time we need to do things quick-quick. But when somebody who patient get important work to do, he will not just rush to do it. But he will take enough time to plan good-good on how he will do it. Then he will take his time to do the work good.

6. How somebody who patient can act when they going through problem or hard time?

6 Fourth, somebody who patient can bear problems without complaining. This one show us that to be patient it also mean to bear it. That true, it not wrong to tell our close friend how we feeling about the problem we going through. But somebody who patient will try hard to bear their problems, at the same time continue to serve Jehovah and be happy. (Col. 1:11) Jehovah people need to show patience in all this different-different way them. Why? Let see some reason them.


The farmer can hold his heart, and he can be sure that he will harvest the right time. We must hold our heart and be sure that Jehovah will fulfill all his promise them the right time (See paragraph 7)

7. According to James 5:​7, 8, why it really important to be patient? (Also see the picture.)

7 To get everlasting life, we must be patient. We need to wait and be patient for Jehovah to fulfill his promise them just like his faithful people who live way back. (Heb. 6:​11, 12) The Bible compare us to farmer. (Read James 5:​7, 8.) The farmer can work hard to plant and water the thing them that he plant. But he not know the main time it will grow. But the farmer can hold his heart and wait because he know that he will harvest the thing them he plant. Just like the farmer, we busy doing spiritual things. Even though we “do not know on what day [our] Lord is coming.” (Matt. 24:42) So we holding our heart, and we sure that Jehovah will fulfill all the thing them he promise the right time. If we not patient, we will get tire waiting and we will start leaving the truth small-small. Also, we will start focusing on thing them that we feel will make us happy now-now. But if we patient, we will bear it to the end and be save.​—Mic. 7:7; Matt. 24:13.

8. How patience can help us when we dealing with other people? (Colossians 3:​12, 13)

8 Patience can help us to get good friendship with other people. It can help us to listen to them good when they talking. (Jas. 1:19) Patience can also help us to be in peace with them. When we under pressure, patience will help us to not be quick to say or do something that not correct. And if we patient, we will not be quick to get vex when somebody make us feel bad. Instead of paying our debt, we will “continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely.”​—Read Colossians 3:​12, 13.

9. How patience can help us when we making decision? (Proverbs 21:5)

9 Patience can also help us to make good decision. It will help us to not rush to make decision. But we will take our time to make research to learn more about the different-different things we can choose and then choose the best one. (Read Proverbs 21:5.) For example, if we looking for work, sometime we can want take the first one that we will find, even if it will make us to miss some meetings and not to do more in field service. But if we patient, we will think about how long it will take for us to go to the working place. We will also think about how much hours we will be working for, and how it will affect our family and our friendship with Jehovah. When we patient, it will help us to not make any bad decision.


10. How Christians can get patience and continue to show it?

10 Pray to be more patient. Patience part of the fruitage of the spirit. (Gal. 5:​22, 23) So we can pray for holy spirit and ask Jehovah to help us get the quality them that part of the fruitage of the spirit. If we face any problem that make it hard for us to be patient, we must “keep on asking” for holy spirit to help us to be patient. (Luke 11:​9, 13) We can also ask Jehovah to help us look at things the way he can look at them. Then after praying, we must do our best to be patient every day. The more we pray to be patient and keep trying our best to be patient that the more this quality will be part of us.

11-12. How Jehovah na show that he patient?

11 Think good-good on Bible examples. The Bible get plenty examples about people who were patient. By thinking good-good on this example them, we can learn how to show patience. Before we talk about some of this example them, let talk about Jehovah who set the best example of how we can be patient.

12 In the garden of Eden, Satan spoil Jehovah name and made Eve to believe that Jehovah not good ruler. Jehovah not destroy Satan right away. But he hold his heart and control himself because he knew that it will take time for him to prove that his rulership that the best. And while Jehovah waiting, he continue to bear all the lie-lie thing them that Satan and his world na say about him. Apart from that, Jehovah been holding his heart so that more people can get the opportunity to live forever. (2 Pet. 3:​9, 15) Because of that, plenty people na learn about him. If we think on the good-good thing them we can get because Jehovah patient, it will be easy for us to wait for the time he will end this wicked world.

Patience will help us to not be quick to get vex when somebody do something to make us vex (See paragraph 13)

13. How Jesus show that he was patient just like his Pa? (Also see the picture.)

13 Jesus was patient just like his Pa, and he show this quality the time he was on earth. It was not always easy for him to show patience, especially to the scribes and Pharisees who use to pretend that they love God. (John 8:​25-27) It was hard for Jesus to get vex just like his Pa. He not pay his debt when people cuss him or do things to make him vex. (1 Pet. 2:23) Jesus was patient. He not complain when he was bearing the problem them he was facing. That why the Bible tell us to “consider closely the one who has endured such hostile speech from sinners”! (Heb. 12:​2, 3) With Jehovah help, we too can be patient and bear any problem that come our way.

If we follow Abraham example and be patient, we can be sure that Jehovah will bless us now-now and even more in the new world (See paragraph 14)

14. Wetin we can learn from the way Abraham was patient? (Hebrews 6:15) (Also see the picture.)

14 Suppose the time we was expecting the end to come it not come that time? Maybe you was expecting it to come ever since. And now we worrying that we will not live long to see it happening. Wetin can help us to be patient and continue waiting? Let look at Abraham example. When Abraham was 75-year-old and he was not having any child, Jehovah promise him: “I will make you a great nation.” (Gen. 12:​1-4) You think Abraham see that promise come true? No, he not see everything. After Abraham cross the Euphrates River and after 25 years pass, he saw how Jehovah perform miracle for Isaac to be born. Then after another 60 years, his grandchildren Esau and Jacob were born. (Read Hebrews 6:15.) But Abraham never live to see how his great grandchildren them got plenty and live in the land God promise them. But still, Abraham was having close friendship with Jehovah. (Jas. 2:23) And when Abraham come back to life, he will be happy to know that because of his faith and patience all the nations on earth was bless! (Gen. 22:18) What the lesson? Maybe we will not see all Jehovah promise them happening now-now. But, if we patient like Abraham, we can be sure that Jehovah will bless us now-now and even more in the new world.​—Mark 10:​29, 30.

15. When we doing our personal study, what some thing them we can study about?

15 The Bible get plenty other examples about people who were patient. (Jas. 5:10) You not think it will be good for you to study their example during your personal study? b For example, even though David was small when Jehovah anointed him to be Israel king in the future, he hold his heart and plenty years pass before he became king. Simeon and Anna continue worshipping Jehovah when they were waiting for the Messiah. (Luke 2:​25, 36-38) When you studying example them like this, look for the answers to this question them: Wetin help this person to hold their heart? How he benefit because he was patient? How I can follow his example? You can also benefit from learning about people who were not patient. (1 Sam. 13:​8-14) Maybe you can ask yourself this question them: ‘Wetin made them to not be patient? What bad things happen to them because they were not patient?’

16. What some benefit them we will get if we patient?

16 Think about the benefits you will get when you patient. When we patient, we will be more happy and our heart will lay down. So, patience can help us to be alright in the mind and body. When we patient with other people, we will get good friendship with them. Our congregation will be more united. If somebody pick fuss on us, patient will help us to not get vex quick and we will stop the problem from getting big. (Ps. 37:​8, ftn.; Prov. 14:29) But the most important one that, when we patient, we will be following Jehovah example and even get more close to him.

17. Wetin we must try our best to do?

17 Yes, patience that fine quality that can benefit all of us! It not always easy for us to be patient. But with Jehovah help, we can continue trying hard to be patient. And when we continue holding our heart and wait for the new world, we can be sure that “the eye of Jehovah watches over those fearing him, those waiting for his loyal love.” (Ps. 33:18) Let all of us continue doing our best to be patient.

SONG 41 Please Hear My Prayer

a In Satan world, plenty people not patient. But the Bible tell us to wear patience the same way we can wear clothes. This article will show us why this quality really important and how we can be more patient.

b To find Bible examples about patience, you can check under the heading “Patience” in the Watch Tower Publications Index.