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Gohed for Patient

Gohed for Patient

“Werem olsem kaleko [wei for] patient.”​—COL. 3:12, ftn.

SONG 114 “Mas Patient”


1. Why nao iumi tinghae lo pipol wea savve patient?

 IUMI evriwan tinghae lo pipol wea savve patient. Why nao olsem? Bikos iumi respectim samwan wea no feel nogud, nomata hem mas weit longtaem for wanfala samting. Iumi appreciatim tu man wea patient witim iumi taem iumi mekem mistek. Iumi hapi dat Bible teacher blo iumi hem patient witim iumi taem iumi stragol for lane, acceptim, or followim wanfala Bible teaching. And iumi barava thankiu tumas lo Jehovah God bikos hem patient witim iumi!​—Rome 2:4.

2. Lo olketa wanem situation nao maet iumi faendem hard for patient?

2 Nomata iumi tinghae lo pipol wea patient, maet iumiseleva nao faendem hard for patient samfala taem. For example, iumi maet stragol for patient taem iumi stuck lo traffic, especially taem iumi leit. Maet iumi kwiktaem for kros taem narawan mekem iumi feel nogud. And samfala taem, maet iumi faendem hard for gohed weitim niu world wea Jehovah promisim. Hao, iu laek for impruv lo wei for patient? Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim wat nao hem minim for patient and why hem barava important. Bae iumi storyim tu wat nao savve helpem iumi for impruvim wei blo iumi for patient.


3. Hao nao man wea patient react taem samwan mekem hem kros?

3 Tingim fofala situation wea iumi savve showimaot wei for patient. First wan, man wea patient hem no kros kwiktaem. Hem traem best for stedy nomoa and no pei bak nomata samwan mekem hem kros or hem anda stress. Firstaem wea Bible iusim disfala toktok “no savve kros kwiktaem” hem taem hem describem Jehovah olsem “God wea garem bigfala mercy, hem tingim man, hem no savve kros kwiktaem, loyal love blo hem big tumas, [and] hem talem tru samting evritaem.”—Ex. 34:6.

4. Hao nao man wea patient hem react taem hem mas weit?

4 Second, man wea patient hem hapi nomoa for weit. If samting tek longtaem winim wanem hem expectim, man wea patient bae no taed for weit or feel nogud. (Matt. 18:26, 27) Staka situation savve kamap wea needim iumi for patient. For example, iumi need for patient for lisin taem samwan story, and for no katem story blo hem. (Job 36:2) Iumi need for patient tu taem iumi helpem Bible student for understandim wanfala Bible teaching or for ovakamim wanfala nogud wei blo hem.

5. Wat nao nara wei wea man savve showimaot hem patient?

5 Third, man wea patient hem no rush. Bat lo samfala situation iumi need for duim samting kwiktaem. Nomata olsem, taem man wea patient kasem important samting for duim, hem bae no rush for duim or rush for finisim. Hem mek sure hem markem inaf taem for duim wanem hem planim, then hem concentrate for finisim insaed taem wea hem markem.

6. Hao nao man wea patient hem react taem hem feisim olketa hard taem?

6 Fourth, man wea patient bae traem best for no komplen taem hem deal witim wanfala hard taem. For patient hem klosap semsem tu witim wei for no givap. Bat hem no rong for story lo wanfala klos fren blo iu abaotem hard taem wea iu feisim. Nomata olsem, man wea patient bae gohed for no givap and garem positive attitude. (Col. 1:11) From iumi Christian, iumi need for showimaot wei for patient lo fofala wei hia. Why nao olsem? Bae iumi storyim samfala reason.


Olsem farmer wea patient for weit and trustim dat hem bae harvestim crops blo hem, iumi patient for weit and trustim dat Jehovah bae fulfillim evri promis blo hem lo taem wea hem markem (Lukim paragraf 7)

7. Olsem James 5:7, 8 storyim, why nao hem barava important for patient? (Lukim tu piksa.)

7 Patient hem important bikos hem sevem laef blo iumi. Olsem olketa faithful servant bifor, iumi tu need for patient and weit for God fulfillim olketa promis blo hem. (Heb. 6:11, 12) Bible comparem situation blo iumi witim wanfala farmer. (Readim James 5:7, 8.) Wanfala farmer waka hard for plantim and watarem olketa crops blo hem, bat hem no savve wat taem bae olketa grow. So hem mas patient and weit, and trustim dat hem bae harvestim crops blo hem. Olsem datfala farmer, iumi tu gohed busy lo olketa spiritual activity nomata iumi “no savve long wanem taem nao Lord bilong [iumi] bae kam.” (Matt. 24:42) Iumi patient for weit and trustim hao lo taem wea Jehovah markem bae hem fulfillim evri promis blo hem. If iumi no patient, maet gogo iumi taed for weit and start for drift from truth. And tu, maet iumi start for aftarem nomoa olketa samting wea mekem iumi hapi distaem. Bat if iumi patient, bae iumi no givap go kasem end and bae iumi sev.​—Mic. 7:7; Matt. 24:13.

8. Hao nao wei for patient helpem iumi for deal witim olketa narawan? (Colossae 3:12, 13)

8 Iumi need for patient mekem iumi fren gud witim olketa narawan. Datwan helpem iumi for lisin gud taem narawan story. (Jas. 1:19) Patient helpem iumi for keepim peace tu. Hem helpem iumi for no react kwiktaem tumas and for talem samting wea no kaen taem iumi anda stress. And if iumi patient, bae iumi no kros kwiktaem nomata samwan duim samting wea mekem iumi feel nogud. Instead for pei bak, iumi bae ‘no kros bat evritaem forgivim hem.’​—Readim Colossae 3:12, 13.

9. Hao nao wei for patient helpem iumi taem iumi mekem olketa disison? (Provebs 21:5, SIPB)

9 Patient savve helpem iumi tu for mekem olketa gud disison. Instead for iumi followim feeling nomoa or kwiktaem for mekem disison, iumi bae tek taem for duim research and ting raonem which option nao hem best. (Readim Provebs 21:5, SIPB.) For example, if iumi lukaotem waka maet iumi kwiktaem for acceptim first waka wea iumi faendem nomata iumi savve bae hem affectim worship blo iumi for Jehovah. Bat if iumi patient, bae iumi tek taem for ting raonem olketa samting olsem location blo waka, haomas hour, and hao datfala waka bae affectim famili and spiritual laef blo iumi. Taem iumi patient, bae iumi avoidim olketa rong disison.


10. Hao nao wanfala Christian savve gohed impruv lo wei for patient?

10 Prea for God helpem iumi for impruv lo wei for patient. Patient hem wanfala frut blo holy spirit. (Gal. 5:22, 23) So iumi savve prea for holy spirit and askem Jehovah for helpem iumi patient. If iumi feisim wanfala situation wea testim patient fasin blo iumi, ‘gohed ask’ for holy spirit for helpem iumi. (Luke 11:9, 13) And iumi savve askem Jehovah tu for helpem iumi for garem sem tingting olsem hem abaotem datfala situation. Bihaen iumi prea, iumi need for duim best for patient each day. Each taem iumi prea for patient and waka hard for showim datwan, Jehovah bae helpem iumi for garem datfala wei, and bae hem kamap part lo wei blo iumi.

11-12. Hao nao Jehovah showimaot wei for patient?

11 Ting raonem olketa Bible example. Insaed Bible iumi savve read abaotem staka example blo pipol wea patient. Taem iumi ting raonem story blo olketa, bae iumi lanem hao for showimaot wei for patient. Bifor iumi storyim samfala example hia, bae iumi storyim Jehovah wea showim best example lo wei for patient.

12 Lo garden lo Eden, Satan tok spoelem nem blo Jehovah and sei hem no wanfala loving Ruler wea showimaot justice. Jehovah no stretawe distroem Satan, bat hem patient and kontrolem hemseleva, hem savve bae hem tek taem for pruvim hao rulership blo hem nao best. Taem Jehovah gohed for weit, hem gohed for deal witim wei wea Satan tok spoelem nem blo hem. And tu, Jehovah gohed patient for weit mekem staka moa pipol garem chance for kasem laef olowe. (2 Pet. 3:9, 15) From datwan, staka million pipol kamap fren blo hem. If iumi gohed ting raonem gud samting wea kamap from Jehovah patient, bae hem moa isi for iumi tu patient for weitim end blo disfala nogud world.

For patient bae helpem iumi for no kros kwiktaem taem samwan mekem iumi feel nogud (Lukim paragraf 13)

13. Hao nao Jesus barava followim gud example blo Dadi blo hem for patient? (Lukim tu piksa)

13 Jesus barava followim gud example blo Dadi blo hem for patient, and hem showimaot datwan taem hem stap lo earth. Masbi samfala taem hem no isi for hem patient, especially taem hem deal witim olketa scribe and Pharisee wea hypocrite tumas. (John 8:25-27) Nomata olsem, Jesus followim example blo Dadi blo hem for no kros kwiktaem. Hem no pei bak taem olketa tok spoelem hem or mekem hem feel nogud. (1 Pet. 2:23) Jesus patient and no komplen taem hem deal witim olketa hard taem. Dastawe Bible talem iumi for ‘ting raonem Jesus wea no givap nomata pipol wea sin tok nogud long hem’! (Heb. 12:2, 3) Witim help blo Jehovah, iumi tu savve patient and no givap for deal witim eni hard taem wea maet iumi feisim.

If iumi followim example blo Abraham for patient, iumi sure Jehovah bae rewardim iumi distaem, and bae iumi kasem staka blessing lo niu world wea hem promisim (Lukim paragraf 14)

14. Wat nao iumi lanem from example blo Abraham for patient? (Hebrew 6:15) (Lukim tu piksa.)

14 Hao if wat iumi expectim abaotem end hem no happen yet? Maet iumi expectim end for kam longtaem finis, and maet iumi wari nogud iumi no lukim datfala day. Wat nao savve helpem iumi for gohed patient for weit? Tingim example blo Abraham. Taem Abraham 75 years old and no garem yet pikinini, Jehovah promis lo hem: “Mi bae mekem wanfala maeti nation kam from iu.” (Gen. 12:1-4) Waswe, Abraham lukim datfala promis fulfill? Hem lukim lelebet part lo hem nomoa. Bihaen Abraham akrosim Euphrates River, hem mas weit for 25 years bifor hem lukim son blo hem Isaac born, and bihaen nara 60 years, hem lukim tufala granson blo hem Esau and Jacob born. (Readim Hebrew 6:15.) Bat Abraham no lukim pipol wea kam from laen blo hem kamap wanfala maeti nation and inheritim Promis Land. Nomata olsem, datfala faithful man hem fren klos witim Creator blo hem. (Jas. 2:23) And masbi taem Abraham resurrect, hem bae hapi tumas for savve from hem garem faith and hem patient, evri nation kasem blessing! (Gen. 22:18) Wat nao leson for iumi? Nomata maet iumiseleva no lukim evri promis blo Jehovah fulfill distaem, if iumi patient olsem Abraham, iumi sure Jehovah bae rewardim iumi distaem, and bae iumi kasem staka blessing lo niu world wea hem promisim.​—Mark 10:29, 30.

15. Wat nao samfala samting iumi savve ting raonem taem iumi duim personal study?

15 Lo Bible iumi savve read abaotem example blo staka pipol wea patient. (Jas. 5:10) Hao sapos iu duim study project abaotem olketa example olsem? b For example, nomata olketa anointim David taem hem young yet for kamap king blo Israel, hem mas weit for staka year bifor hem king. And tu, Simeon and Anna faithful for worshipim Jehovah taem tufala gohed weitim datfala promis Messiah. (Luke 2:25, 36-38) Taem iu studyim olketa example olsem, faendem ansa for olketa kwestin hia: Wat nao helpem disfala person for patient? Wanem gud samting nao hem kasem from hem patient? Hao nao mi savve followim example blo hem? Maet iu kasem gud samting tu taem iu lane abaotem olketa wea no patient. (1 Sam. 13:8-14) Hem gud for tingim: ‘Wat nao maet mekem olketa for no patient? And wanem nogud samting nao olketa kasem?’

16. Wat nao samfala gud samting iumi kasem taem iumi patient?

16 Tingim gud samting iumi savve kasem taem iumi patient. Taem iumi patient, iumi bae hapi and garem peace. Datwan helpem health blo iumi tu. Taem iumi patient witim narawan, iumi savve fren gud tugeta. Hem helpem kongregeson for wan mind. If samwan mekem iumi feel nogud, taem iumi no kros kwiktaem datwan bae mekem situation for no kamap worse. (Ps. 37:8, ftn.; Prov. 14:29) Samting wea moa important, taem iumi patient iumi followim example blo Dadi blo iumi lo heven and frenship blo iumi witim hem bae kamap moa klos.

17. Wat nao iumi disaed strong for duim?

17 Tru nao, patient hem wanfala naes wei and hem savve barava helpem iumi! Nomata maet hem no isi f or garem disfala wei, witim help blo Jehovah, iumi savve impruvim wei blo iumi for patient. Taem iumi patient and gohed weit for niu world, iumi savve sure hao “eye blo Jehovah lukluk for olketa wea fraet lo hem and olketa wea gohed weit for loyal love blo hem.” (Ps. 33:18) Iumi evriwan disaed strong for mekem wei for patient kamap olsem kaleko wea iumi werem evritaem.

SONG 41 Plis Herem Prea Bilong Mi

a Staka pipol distaem faendem hard tumas for patient. Bat Bible encouragem iumi for evritaem werem olsem kaleko wei for patient. Disfala article bae storyim why hem barava important for patient and hao for iumi impruv lo datwan.

b For faendem samfala story lo Bible abaotem wei for patient, searchim word “patient” lo Research Index for Olketa Jehovah’s Witness.