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“Déanfaidh sé sibh a neartú”—Cén Chaoi?

“Déanfaidh sé sibh a neartú”—Cén Chaoi?

“Déanfaidh [Iehova] sibh a athnuachan, a dhaingniú, a neartú, agus bonn a chuir fúibh.”​—1 PEAD. 5:10.

AMHRÁN 38 Déanfaidh Sé Láidir Thú


1. Cén chaoi ar tugadh neart d’adhraitheoirí Iehova fadó?

 GOD’S WORD often describes faithful men as powerful. But even the strongest among them did not always feel strong. For example, on some occasions King David felt that he was “as strong as a mountain,” but on other occasions he “became terrified.” (Ps. 30:7) Although Samson was exceptionally powerful when he was moved by God’s spirit, he recognized that without the power that comes from God, he would “grow weak and become like all other men.” (Judg. 14:5, 6; 16:17) These faithful men were strong only because Jehovah gave them power.

2. Cén fáth a ndúirt an t-aspal Pól go raibh sé lag agus láidir ag an am céanna? (2 Corantaigh 12:9, 10)

2 The apostle Paul acknowledged that he too needed power from Jehovah. (Read 2 Corinthians 12:9, 10.) Like many of us, Paul contended with health problems. (Gal. 4:13, 14) At times, he also struggled to do the right thing. (Rom. 7:18, 19) And sometimes he felt anxious and uncertain. (2 Cor. 1:8, 9) Yet, when Paul was weak, he became powerful. How? Jehovah gave Paul the power he lacked. He made Paul strong.

3. Cé na ceisteanna a bheidh á fhreagairt againn sa staidéar seo?

3 Jehovah promises to make us strong too. (1 Pet. 5:10) But we cannot expect to receive that power without making any effort on our part. To illustrate, an engine can power a car to move forward. However, a driver must press the accelerator in order to go anywhere. Similarly, Jehovah is ready to give us the power we need, but we must take steps to benefit from it. What has Jehovah provided to make us strong? And what do we need to do in order to receive that power? We will learn the answers to those questions by considering how Jehovah strengthened three Bible characters​—the prophet Jonah, Mary the mother of Jesus, and the apostle Paul. We will also see how Jehovah continues to strengthen his servants today in similar ways.


4. Cén chaoi ar féidir linn neart a fháil ó Iehova?

4 One way that we can receive power from Jehovah is by approaching him in prayer. In response to our prayers, Jehovah can give us “the power beyond what is normal.” (2 Cor. 4:7) We can also be strengthened when we read his Word and reflect on it. (Ps. 86:11) Jehovah’s message to us in the Bible “exerts power.” (Heb. 4:12) When you pray to Jehovah and read his Word, you will receive the strength you need in order to endure, to maintain your joy, or to accomplish a difficult assignment. Note how Jehovah strengthened the prophet Jonah.

5. Cén fáth a raibh neart ag teastáil ón bhfáidh Ióna?

5 The prophet Jonah needed strength. He had run away from a challenging assignment that Jehovah had given him. As a result, he almost lost his life in a violent storm and he put the lives of his shipmates in jeopardy. When he was thrown overboard, he found himself in a place he had never been before​—the dark belly of a great fish. How do you think Jonah felt? Did he expect to die there? Might he have wondered whether Jehovah had rejected him? Jonah must have felt very anxious.

Like the prophet Jonah, how can we gain strength when facing a trial? (See paragraphs 6-9)

6. Bunaithe ar Ióna 2:1, 2, 7, céard a thug neart do Ióna agus é i mbolg an éisc?

6 What did Jonah do to receive strength in that lonely, isolated place? For one, he prayed. (Read Jonah 2:1, 2, 7.) Although he had disobeyed Jehovah, Jonah was confident that Jehovah would listen to his humble and repentant prayer. Jonah also reflected on the Scriptures. Why can we say that? His prayer, recorded in Jonah chapter 2, uses many of the same words and phrases that are found in the Psalms. (For example, compare Jonah 2:2, 5 with Psalm 69:1; 86:7.) It is clear that Jonah knew those passages well. And by reflecting on them during his ordeal, he felt reassured that Jehovah would help him. Later, Jonah was returned to dry land, and he was ready to accept and fulfill his next assignment.​—Jonah 2:10–3:4.

7-8. Céard a thug neart do dheartháir i Téaváin le linn a chuid trialacha?

7 Jonah’s example can help us when we are going through various trials. For example, Zhiming, b a brother in Taiwan, suffers from serious health problems. In addition, he has to endure violent family opposition because of his faith in Jehovah. He gets strength from Jehovah through prayer and study. “Sometimes, when problems arise,” he admits, “I feel so anxious that I can’t calm down enough to do my personal study.” But he does not give up. “First, I pray to Jehovah,” he says. “Next, I put on my earphones and listen to our Kingdom songs. At times, I even sing them in a low voice until I calm down. Then I begin studying.”

8 Personal study has strengthened Zhiming in unexpected ways. For example, while he was recovering from a major operation, a nurse told him that because of his low red blood cell count, he would need a blood transfusion. The night before his operation, Zhiming read about a sister who had the same operation. Her red blood cell count had dropped even lower than his; yet, she did not accept a blood transfusion and was able to recover. That experience strengthened Zhiming to remain faithful.

9. Má tá tú lagaithe amach ag triall, céard is féidir leat a dhéanamh? (Féach na pictiúir.)

9 During a trial, do you ever feel too anxious to express yourself clearly in prayer? Or do you feel too weak to study? Remember that Jehovah understands your situation perfectly. So even when you offer a simple prayer, you can be sure that he will give you exactly what you need. (Eph. 3:20) If your physical or emotional pain makes it difficult for you to read and study, you might try listening to audio recordings of the Bible or of Bible-based publications. You may also find it helpful to listen to one of our songs or to watch a video on jw.org. By praying to Jehovah and by looking for the answer in the spiritual provisions that he makes available, you invite him to make you strong.


10. Cén chaoi a neartaíonn ár ndeartháireacha agus ár ndeirfiúracha muid?

10 Jehovah can use our Christian brothers and sisters to strengthen us. They can be “a source of great comfort” when we face a trial or struggle to fulfill a difficult assignment. (Col. 4:10, 11) We especially need friends during “times of distress.” (Prov. 17:17) When we feel weak, our fellow worshippers can help us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Consider how Mary, the mother of Jesus, received strength from others.

11. Cén fáth a raibh neart ag teastáil ó Mhuire?

11 Mary needed strength. Think how overwhelmed she must have felt after receiving a weighty assignment from the angel Gabriel. She was not married; yet, she was to become pregnant. She had no experience raising children of her own, but she was to care for the boy who would become the Messiah. And since she had never had sexual relations, how would Mary explain all of this to her fiancé, Joseph?​—Luke 1:26-33.

12. De réir Lúcás 1:39-45, cén chaoi a bhfuair Muire an neart a bhí ag teastáil uaithi?

12 How did Mary receive the strength she needed to fulfill this unusual and weighty assignment? She sought help from others. For example, she asked Gabriel to provide further information concerning the assignment. (Luke 1:34) Shortly thereafter, she traveled all the way to “the mountainous country” of Judah to visit her relative Elizabeth. That visit paid off. Elizabeth commended Mary and was inspired by Jehovah to share an encouraging prophecy about Mary’s unborn son. (Read Luke 1:39-45.) Mary said that Jehovah had “acted mightily with his arm.” (Luke 1:46-51) Through Gabriel and Elizabeth, Jehovah strengthened Mary.

13. Cén chaoi a bhfuair deirfiúr sa Bholaiv luach saothar as ucht dul i gcabhair ar a comhadhraitheoirí?

13 Like Mary, you too can gain strength from fellow worshippers. Dasuri, a sister in Bolivia, needed such strength. When her father was diagnosed with a terminal illness and hospitalized, Dasuri willingly took on the responsibility of caring for him. (1 Tim. 5:4) That was not always easy. She admits, “Many times I felt as if I could not continue.” Did she ask for help? Not at first. “I did not want to bother the brothers,” she explains. “I reasoned, ‘It is Jehovah who will give me the help I need.’ But then I realized that by isolating myself from others, I was trying to tackle my problems alone.” (Prov. 18:1) Dasuri decided to write to a few of her friends and explain her situation. “Words cannot describe how much I was strengthened by my dear fellow Christians,” she says. “They brought food to the hospital and shared comforting Bible verses with me. What a wonderful feeling it is to know that we are not alone. We belong to Jehovah’s large family​—a family that is willing to give you a hand, cry with you, and fight together with you.”

14. Cén fáth ar chóir dúinn glacadh le cabhair óna seanóirí??

14 One way that Jehovah supplies power to us is through the elders. They are gifts that he uses to strengthen and refresh us. (Isa. 32:1, 2) So when you feel anxious, share your concerns with the elders. When they offer you help, accept it gratefully. By means of them, Jehovah can make you strong.


15. Cén dóchas atá luachmhar do gach Críostaí?

15 Our Bible-based hope can fill us with power. (Rom. 4:3, 18-20) As Christians, we have the priceless prospect of living forever​—either in a restored earthly paradise or in the heavenly Kingdom. Our hope strengthens us to endure trials, preach the good news, and carry out various assignments in the congregation. (1 Thess. 1:3) That same hope strengthened the apostle Paul.

16. Cén fáth a raibh neart ag teastáil ón aspal Pól?

16 Paul needed strength. In his letter to the Corinthians, he compared himself to a fragile earthen vessel. He was “hard-pressed,” “perplexed,” “persecuted,” and “knocked down.” His life was even in danger. (2 Cor. 4:8-10) Paul wrote those words during his third missionary tour. He may not have known it at the time, but his troubles were not over. He would face mob violence, arrest, shipwreck, and imprisonment.

17. De réir 2 Corantaigh 4:16-18, céard a thug neart do Phól cur suas le trialacha?

17 Paul gained the strength to endure by focusing on his hope. (Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.) He told the Corinthians that even if his physical body was “wasting away,” he would not let that discourage him. Paul focused on his future. His hope of eternal life in heaven was “of more and more surpassing greatness,” worth any tribulation he had experienced. Paul meditated on that hope, and as a result, he felt “renewed from day to day.”

18. Cén chaoi ar neartaigh an dóchas a bhí ag Tihomir é féin agus a theaghlach?

18 Tihomir, a brother in Bulgaria, finds strength in his hope. A few years ago, his younger brother, Zdravko, died in an accident. For some time thereafter, Tihomir struggled with intense grief. To cope, he and his family have imagined what the resurrection will be like. He explains: “For instance, we discuss where we will meet Zdravko, what food we will make for him, who will be invited to the first party when he returns, and what we will tell him about the last days.” Tihomir says that focusing on their hope strengthens his family to keep enduring and to keep waiting for Jehovah’s time to resurrect his brother.

How do you imagine your life in the new world? (See paragraph 19) c

19. Cén chaoi ar féidir leat do dhóchas a neartú? (Féach an pictiúr.)

19 How can you strengthen your hope? If, for example, you have the hope to live forever on earth, read about the Bible’s description of the Paradise and meditate on it. (Isa. 25:8; 32:16-18) Reflect on what life will be like in the new world. Imagine yourself there. Whom do you see? What sounds do you hear? How do you feel? To spark your imagination, look at artwork in our publications that depicts Paradise or watch a music video, such as The New World to Come, Just Around the Corner, or Imagine the Time. If we keep the hope of the new world firmly in mind, our problems will be “momentary and light.” (2 Cor. 4:17) Through the hope Jehovah has given you, he will make you strong.

20. Fiú nuair atá muid ag mothú lag, cén chaoi ar féidir linn neart a fháil?

20 Even when we feel weak, “by God we will gain power.” (Ps. 108:13) Jehovah has already provided what you need to receive strength from him. So when you need help to fulfill an assignment, to endure a trial, or to maintain your joy, approach Jehovah in earnest prayer and seek his guidance through personal study. Accept encouragement from your Christian brothers and sisters. Keep your hope clear and bright. Then you will be “strengthened with all power according to [God’s] glorious might so that you may endure fully with patience and joy.”​—Col. 1:11.

AMHRÁN 33 Caith Do Chúram Ar Iehova

a This article will help those who may feel overwhelmed by a trial or by an assignment that they feel is beyond their ability. We will learn how Jehovah can strengthen us and what we can do to receive his help.

b Some names have been changed.

c PICTURE DESCRIPTION: A sister who is deaf reflects on the Bible’s promises and plays a music video to spark her imagination about what her life will be like in the new world.