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Undastan Da Bible Moa Betta

Undastan Da Bible Moa Betta

“Undastan how . . . stay real wide an long an high an deep.”​—EFE 3:18.

MELE 95 The Light Gets Brighter


1-2. Wass da bes way fo read an study da Bible? Give one exampo.

 TRY tink if you wanted fo buy one house. Wat you like see befoa you buy um? Jus one picha of da front of da house? Pretty much garans you like go see da house, walk aroun um, go inside all da rooms, check um out real good. Maybe you like go look da plans fo see how dey wen build um. Garuntee you going spock out eryting real good befoa you buy da house.

2 We can do da same ting wen we read an study da Bible. One guy who write about da Bible wen say dat wat stay in da Bible is jalike “one huge building dass real tall an get one foundation dat stay supa deep.” (Heb 5:12) So how you can get fo know all da stuff dat stay in da Bible? If you jus read um fas, you going ony know da basics, “da easy kine stuffs bout wat God tell.” But jus like you gotta go inside one house fo check um out real good, you gotta study da Bible real good fo undastan um moa betta. One real good way fo study da Bible is fo see how all da parts stay conneck togedda. Try fo undastan not ony wat truts you believe, but how come you believe um.

3. Wat da apostal Paul wen tell his braddahs an sistahs fo do, an why? (Fo Da Efesus Peopo 3:14-19)

3 Fo undastan God’s Word an eryting about um real good, we gotta study da hard kine stuff inside da Bible. Da aposal Paul wen tell his braddahs an sistahs fo study God’s Word real good so dat dey could undastan how “wide an long an high an deep” da trut stay. Den dey would “come strong jalike da root fo one big tree, an jalike da foundation fo one house.” (Read um Fo Da Efesus Peopo 3:14-19.) We gotta do da same ting. We go see how we can study da Bible real good fo undastan da big picha of eryting dat stay inside.


4. How we can come moa tight wit Jehovah? Try tell how.

4 Az Christians, we no like ony know da basics about da Bible. We like know “all da stuff we neva know befo,” an God’s spesho spirit can help us fo do dat. (1 Cor 2:9, 10) Why you no go study fo yoaself someting dat going make you moa tight wit Jehovah? Like you can check out how Jehovah wen show his love fo his guys long time ago, an how all dat prove he love you too. You can even study how Jehovah wanted da Israel peopo fo worship him, an try match um up wit how he like us worship him. O you can try study some of da prophecies Jesus wen make come true wen he was on da earth.

5. Get someting you like study about on yoa own?

5 Some guys who study da Bible real good wen tell some of da moa deep stuff dey like learn about. Can see wat dey wen tell in da box “ Deep Tings Fo Study On Yoa Own.” You can come happy if you study dose tings an use da Watch Tower Publications Index o da Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Doing dis kine deep Bible study can make yoa faith come moa strong an going help you fo “know God.” (Smart Guys 2:4, 5) Now we going talk about some deep Bible truts dat we can check out.


6. (a) Wass da diffrence between one plan an one goal? (b) Why you can say dat Jehovah’s goal fo man an da earth going “las foeva”? (Fo Da Efesus Peopo 3:11, NWT.)

6 Try look wat da Bible tell about God’s goal. Get one big diffrence between one plan an one goal. One plan is like picking one road dat going take you to wea you like go. Dat plan can get all jam up if someting stay block da road an you no can get dea. On da odda hand, one goal is moa about da place you going. We know exackly wea we like go, but get diffren ways fo get ova dea. If one road get block, you can change um, you can go anodda way. So good ting Jehovah litto by litto wen show us inside da Bible “Da goal dat las foeva.” (Efe 3:11, NWT.) One way o anodda, Jehovah can choose diffren ways fo reach his goal cuz “eryting dat Da One In Charge make, he know fo shua how come he make um.” (Smart Guys 16:4) An so wateva Jehovah make happen going las foeva. Wass Jehovah’s goal, an wat kine changes he wen do fo make um happen?

7. Afta da firs couple wen go agains Jehovah, how he wen change da way he reach his goal? (Matthew 25:34)

7 God wen tell da firs couple wat his goal was fo dem. Dey had fo “born plenny bebes, an fill up da world wit um an take ova” an dey was “in charge a . . . all da animals” on da earth. (Start 1:28) Wen Adam an Eve wen go agains God, we all wen get sin, but dat no could stop Jehovah from reaching his goal. He wen change da way he was going do um. Right den, he wen decide fo set up one Govament, o Kingdom, in heaven dat was going reach his goal an make wat he like happen fo peopo an da earth. (Read um Matthew 25:34.) Wen he was ready, Jehovah wen send his boy to da earth fo teach peopo about da Kingdom, fo mahke fo all us, an save us from sin an death. Den Jehovah wen bring Jesus back to life in heaven fo rule as King of God’s Kingdom. But get even moa fo learn about God’s goal.

Tink about wen erybody in heaven an earth going all serve Jehovah togedda! (Go look numba 8)

8. (a) Wass da main ting da Bible is about? (b) Wat Fo Da Efesus Peopo 1:8-11 tell Jehovah’s end goal is? (Go look da cova picha.)

8 Da main ting da Bible talk about is how, thru his Kingdom wit Jesus az rula, Jehovah going clear his name an reach his goal fo da earth. Jehovah’s goal no can change. He wen garuntee eryting he wen promise. (Isa 46:10, 11, Heb 6:17, 18) Pretty soon da earth going come one paradise wea da guys dat come from Adam an Eve who do da right ting, going be perfeck an going “get life an stay good inside, foeva!” (Songs 22:26) But dis not da ony ting Jehovah going do. His end goal is fo bring togedda all da ones dat serve him in heaven an on earth. Den erybody going follow Jehovah az dea Rula. (Read um Fo Da Efesus Peopo 1:8-11.) Unreal aah how Jehovah going make his goal happen?


9. How far into da future can see wen we read da Bible?

9 Try look da prophecy Jehovah wen tell inside da Eden garden at Da Start 3:15. b Wen tell about tings dat would help God reach his goal, but wasn’t going happen til tousands of years layta. Like God wen tell Abraham dat one of his ohana way down in his bloodline was going come da Christ. (Start 22:15-18, NWT.) Den in 33 C.E., Jesus wen get bite in da heel, like da Bible wen tell. (Jesus Guys 3:13-15) Da las ting dat going happen in da prophecy is Satan going get wack in da head, dat going happen moa den 1,000 years in da future. (Jesus Show 20:7-10) Da Bible tell plenny moa about wat going happen az da fighting between Satan’s world an Jehovah’s hui come pau.

10. (a) Wat going happen pretty soon? (b) How you can get yoa mind an heart ready? (Go look da extra info.)

10 Try tink about all da mayjah kine tings da Bible tell going happen. Firs, da nations going tell, “we get peace an erytin stay safe!” (1 Tess 5:2, 3, NWT.) “Den right den an dea,” da big trouble going start wen da nations attack all da fake kine religions. (Jesus Show 17:16) Afta dat, maybe in one unreal way Jesus “goin come on top da clouds inside da sky . . . wit powa an . . . goin be awesome!” (Mat 24:30) Jesus going judge da peopo an put da sheeps on one side an da goats on da odda side. (Mat 25:31-33, 46) All dis time Satan going keep going agains Jehovah. He going make one bunch of nations da Bible call Gog from da Magog land go attack Jehovah’s peopo. (Eze 38:2, 10, 11) Some time during all dis, da anointed still on top da earth going go heaven. Togedda wit Jesus an da odda angels, dey going fight da war of Armageddon, an dass da end of da big trouble. c (Mat 24:31; Jesus Show 16:14, 16) Den Christ’s Tousand Year Reign ova da earth going start.​—Jesus Show 20:6.

Afta you learn about Jehovah fo uku billions of years, how tight you going be wit him? (Go look numba 11)

11. Wat da chance of living foeva mean to you? (Go look da picha.)

11 Try tink pas da 1,000 years. Da Bible tell dat Jehovah “make dem know in dea heart dat time, no moa one end.” (Teacha 3:11) Tink about wat dat mean fo you an yoa frenship wit Jehovah. Inside da book Draw Close to Jehovah, page 319, it make us like know moa wen it say, “Afta you live fo hundreds, tousands, millions, even billions of years, we going know way moa about Jehovah den we know now, but we still going feel like get way moa we can learn . . . no can even tink how awesome going be in paradise. But coming moa close to Jehovah going always be da bes ting.” But right now wen we study da Bible, wat else we can learn some moa about?


12. How we can look high up to da heavens? Try give one exampo.

12 Da Bible tell us litto bit wat is like fo be wea Jehovah stay “high on top da mos importan place.” (Isa 33:5) Da Bible show awesome tings about Jehovah an part of his hui dat stay in heaven. (Isa 6:1-4; Dan 7:9, 10; Jesus Show 4:1-6) Like wen we read about da blow yoa mind tings Ezekiel wen see wen “da sky wen rip open, an [he] see some awesome kine stuff.”​—Eze 1:1.

13. How you feel about wat Jesus stay doing from heaven, like wat tell in Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 4:14-16?

13 Tink about wat Jesus stay doing fo us in heaven az oua King an Main Pries who get pity fo us. Thru him we can “go in front God throne” in prayer an ask fo him “give us chance” an kokua wen we need um. (Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 4:14-16.) Eryday tink about wat Jehovah an Jesus wen do an stay doing fo us from heaven. Dea love fo us should touch oua heart an make us like go all out fo serve Jehovah.​—2 Cor 5:14, 15.

Tink about how happy you going be in da new world cuz you wen help oddas come Witnesses Fo Jehovah an followas of Jesus! (Go look numba 14)

14. Wat is one of da bes tings we can do fo show how tankful we stay to Jehovah an Jesus? (Go look da pichas.)

14 One of da bes ways fo show how tankful we stay to God an his Boy is fo try help oddas fo come Witnesses Fo Jehovah an followas of Jesus. (Mat 28:19, 20) Dass wat da aposal Paul wen do fo show tanks to God an Christ. He knew dat Jehovah “like take all da peopo outa da bad kine stuff dey stay do, an he like dem come fo know da true stuff.” (1 Tim 2:3, 4) He wen work real hard fo preach to plenny peopo fo “help some peopo get outa da bad kine stuff dey stay in.”​—1 Cor 9:22, 23.


15. Wat Songs 1:2 tell dat going make us happy?

15 Da song writa who wen write Songs 1 wen tell dat somebody who happy an live good is somebody dat “stay good inside, cuz dey follow da Rules From [Jehovah],” an “day time o nite time . . . tink bout um plenny.” (Songs 1:1-3) One Bible translata, Joseph Rotherham, wen say in his book Studies in the Psalms, “one person should like God show um wat fo do so much dat dey going look fo um, study um, an spend long time tinking about um.” Anodda ting he wen say about da guy who read da Bible, “If one day pass by an he no read um, dat day poho.” You can be happy wen you study da Bible if you learn about all da awesome stuff inside um an conneck um all togedda. Some good going be wen you undastan da Bible moa betta!

16. Wat we going talk about in da nex lesson?

16 All da good tings dat Jehovah teach us from da Bible not too hard fo us undastan. In da nex lesson we go look at someting in da Bible dass moa deep dat Paul wen talk about in his letta to da Hebrew peopo, dass Jehovah’s spiritual temple. Checking um out real good going make you happy.

MELE 94 Grateful for God’s Word

a Studying da Bible can make us happy fo da res of oua life, an it can help us come moa close to oua Faddah in heaven. In dis lesson, we going see how we can study da Bible real good.

b Go look da article “An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You” in da July 2022 magazine of The Watchtower.

c Fo learn how fo make ready fo da unreal tings dass going happen in da future pretty soon, go look da book God’s Kingdom Rules! p. 230.