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GUI 38 He Will Make You Strong

Yee-La Jehova Ma Ga E Duoi Yee Maazu Ɣale

Yee-La Jehova Ma Ga E Duoi Yee Maazu Ɣale

OUR YEARTEXT FOR 2024: “Gà ɣɛna luozu, gà yee-la e ma.”PS. 56:3.


Learn how we can make our trust in Jehovah strong and stop feeling scary.

1. Faa taniga ta ga zɛɓɛ ta kɛ de luo tanisu?

 SOMETIME everybody can feel scary. We know what the Bible teach, so we not scare of people who na die, the demon them, or what will happen in the future. But we still living in the time where bad-bad thing them happening like wars, crime, and sickness. (Luke 21:11) Sometime, we can also be scare of people like, the government people that can persecute us or even our family member them who against true worship. Some people can be worry that they will not be able to bear the problem they in now-now, or problem that will come in the future.

2. Zɛɓɛi e ɣɛɛni ga Deeve tei e ɣɛni Gath.

2 Sometime, David use to be scary. For example, when King Saul was trying to find David and kill him, David run away to the Philistine city call Gath. The king of Gath, name Achish, get to know that David was the strong soldier who kill plenty Philistines. So David get scare bad way. (1 Sam. 21:​10-12) He was worrying about what Achish was coming do to him. Wetin help David to stop feeling scary?

3. Deeve duoi yee maazu ɣaleni ɣɛ le, e ɣɛ velei Psalm 56:​1-3, 11 boga la?

3 In Psalm 56, David explain how he was feeling the time he was in Gath. In this psalm, David talk about how he was scary, but he also talk about what help him to stop feeling scary. When he was feeling scary, David put his trust in Jehovah. (Read Psalm 56:​1-3, 11.) David was having good reasons to trust Jehovah. With the help of Jehovah, David do something that was really strange but it work: He act like he was crazy! Because of this, Achish wanted to drive him away instead of killing him. So David was able to runaway.—1 Sam. 21:13–22:1.

4. Zɛɓɛi ya ɓɔ de va ga de da yee-la-mai zu-ɓaa e vile Jehova va? Po-kɔ̃ɔ-ma ʋe.

4 We our self too can stop feeling scary by trusting in Jehovah. But how we can make our trust in Jehovah strong, especially when we feeling scary? Let look at this example. If you get to know that you get certain sickness, maybe from the beginning you will be scary. But your heart will lay down if you trust your doctor. He na help plenty people with this same type of sickness. When you explain what was making you scare, he really listen to you. And that one make you to feel that he care for you. So he tell you about the medicine that na help other people. That the same way, we can make our trust in Jehovah strong by thinking about what Jehovah na do, what he doing now-now, and wetin he will do for us in the future. That just what David do. When we talking about some of the thing them he say in Psalm 56, think about how you too can make your trust strong in Jehovah and stop feeling scary.


5. Zɛɓɛi Deeve ɣi-gaa-ziɛni ma ga e duoi yee maazu ɣa le? (Psalm 56:12, 13)

5 Even though David was in danger, he continue thinking about the good-good thing them Jehovah already na do. (Read Psalm 56:​12, 13.) David use to think like this throughout his life. For example, sometime he use to think about the thing them Jehovah made. This thing them remind him that Jehovah get power and he really love us. (Ps. 65:​6-9) David also use to think on what Jehovah na do for other people. (Ps. 31:19; 37:​25, 26) And he mainly use to think on what Jehovah na already do for him. Jehovah help and protect David from the time he was baby. (Ps. 22:​9, 10) We sure that thinking on this thing them help David to get strong trust in Jehovah!

David make his trust in Jehovah strong by focusing on what Jehovah do way back, what he was doing, and what he was coming do in the future (See paragraphs 5, 8, 12) d

6. Zɛɓɛi ya ɓɔ de va ga de yee-la Jehova ma ani da ɣɛna luozu?

6 When you feeling scary, think on this question, ‘Wetin Jehovah na already do?’ Think about the thing them he made. For example, pay attention to how Jehovah can take care of the birds and flower them. Jehovah not made them with the same qualities he get, and they can’t worship him. You not think Jehovah care for us more? By thinking on thing them like this, it can help us to get strong trust in Jehovah. (Matt. 6:​25-32) Also think about what Jehovah na do for his servant them. Maybe you na study about somebody in the Bible who show that they get strong faith, or you na read about the experience of somebody in our time that serving Jehovah. a And think good-good about how Jehovah na already take of you. How Jehovah help you to know the truth? (John 6:44) How he na answer your prayers? (1 John 5:14) How you benefiting every day from Jesus ransom sacrifice?—Eph. 1:7; Heb. 4:14-16.

We can make our trust in Jehovah strong by focusing on what he do way back, what he doing now-now, and what he will do in the future (See paragraphs 6, 9-10, 13-14) e

7. Dayã na po-kɔ̃ɔ-mai ɓɔni Vanessa va ɣɛ le ga e duoi yee maazu ɣale?

7 One sister in Haiti name Vanessa, b face situation that made her scary. One man in her community use to call her and sent her different-different message every day, telling her that he want her. Vanessa refuse to do it. But the man started to threaten her that he will harm her. She say, “I was scary.” Wetin Vanessa do to stop feeling scary? She did some thing them to protect herself. One elder help her to contact the police. But she also think about how Jehovah use to protect his servant them way back. Vanessa say, “The first person I think about was the prophet Daniel. They throw Daniel in the hole among the hungry lions even though he was innocent. But, Jehovah took care of him. I ask Jehovah to solve the problem for me since I was not able to do anything else. After that, I was not scary again.”—Dan. 6:​12-22.


8. Zɛɓɛi ɓɔɔ Deeve lai e ɣɛni la? (Psalm 56:8)

8 Even though David life was in serious danger when he was in Gath, he not focus on the thing them that was making him scary. But he focus on the thing them that Jehovah was doing for him at that time. David could see that Jehovah was guiding and protecting him and that Jehovah knew how he was feeling. (Read Psalm 56:8.) David was also having friend them like Jonathan and High Priest Ahimelech, who help him and encourage him. (1 Sam. 20:​41, 42; 21:​6, 8, 9) And even though King Saul wanted to kill him, David was able to run away. He was convince that Jehovah knew all the thing them that was happening to him and how it was making him to feel.

9. Zɛɓɛi ɓɔɔ Jehova kwɛ̃ni e vile de ɣile-giledaitiɛ va?

9 When you going through any problem that making you scary, remember that Jehovah can see everything and how it making you to feel. For example, Jehovah not only use to see the bad treatment they were giving the Israelite them in Egypt but he also knew “the pains they [suffered].” (Ex. 3:7) David sing one song and say that Jehovah saw the “affliction” he was in and his “deep distress.” (Ps. 31:7) And even when God people use to suffer because of their own foolish decisions “it was distressing to him.” (Isa. 63:9) When you scary, Jehovah can understand how you feel and he can really want help you to stop feeling scary.

10. Zɛɓɛi e kɛɛ e lai la ga Jehova kwɛ̃ni nii e levesu su na ɣa ɣɛɛna tɔ vaazu ɓɔsu e va faa ɓaa ka laana e ma?

10 Sometime, when you going through problem that making you scary, it can be hard to see how Jehovah helping you. So ask him to help you to see the way he helping you. (2 Ki. 6:​15-17) Then think about this one: You na hear any talk or comment to the meeting that give you strength? Any publication, video, or original song na encourage you? Anybody na say something or read scripture that encourage you? Sometime it can be easy to forget about how the encouragement we can get from the Bible and our loving brothers and sisters can help us. But, all this thing them that gifts from Jehovah that we can’t get from anywhere else. (Isa. 65:13; Mark 10:​29, 30) They prove that he care for you. (Isa. 49:​14-16) And they also prove that he deserve your trust.

11. Zɛɓɛi e ɓɔni Aida va ga e duoi yee maazu ɣale?

11 Aida, who living in Senegal, saw how Jehovah help her when she was going through problem. Since she was the oldest child, her parents were expecting her to make plenty money to take care of all of them. But after she make her life simple so she can pioneer, money business started getting hard on Aida. Her family was vex with her and they criticize her. She say, “I was scary that I was not coming be able to help my parents, and that everybody was coming to criticize me. I even start blaming Jehovah for the bad things I was going through.” Then she listen to one talk to the meeting. She say, “The speaker remind us that Jehovah know what can make each of us scary or worry. Small-small the advice from the elders and other people help me to know that Jehovah love me. I started praying to Jehovah and I was more convince that he will help me. And when I saw how Jehovah answer my prayers, it make my heart to calm down.” After some time, Aida find job that gave her enough money that help her to continue pioneering and take care of her parents and other people. She say, “I na learn to put all my trust in Jehovah. Now, when I pray to Jehovah, I can’t be scary again.”


12. Zɛɓɛi ɓɔɔ Deeve lai e ɣɛni la, e ɣɛ velei Psalm 56:9 boga la?

12 Read Psalm 56:9. This verse show something else that help David when he was scary. When David life was still in danger, he think on what Jehovah will do for him in the future. David knew that Jehovah was going to save him the right time. And that because Jehovah say that David was going to be the next king for Israel. (1 Sam. 16:​1, 13) David was convince that anything Jehovah promise, it will happen.

13. Zɛɓɛi Jehova vaazu kɛɛzu ga maa nɛɛ de laa la?

13 Wetin Jehovah na promise to do for you? We not expect Jehovah to protect us from all our problem them. c But any problem we going through in this world, Jehovah will solve everything in the new world. (Isa. 25:​7-9) Our Creator strong enough to bring people back to life, to make sick people better, and to destroy people who against us.—1 John 4:4.

14. Faa taniga ta ga zɛɓɛ maa nɛɛ de ɣi-gaa-ziɛ ma?

14 When you feel scary, think on what Jehovah will do in the future. Think on how you will feel when Satan not there again, when Jehovah destroy the wicked people and only good people there, and when we start getting perfect small-small every day. One demonstration on the 2014 regional convention program show how we can think about our hope. One father talk with his family on how maybe we can change 2 Timothy 3:​1-5 around if this scripture them was talking about how life will be in Paradise: “In the new world people will really be happy. Men will love other people, love spiritual things, be modest, humble, be praising God, children will obey their parents, people will be thankful, loyal, get strong love for their families, willing to agree, always talking good about other people, having self-control, mild, love to do good, trustworthy, reasonable, lowly in mind, love God business instead of enjoyment, always doing things that God like; and that people them like this you must be close to.” You can talk with your family or brothers and sisters about how life will be like in the new world?

15. Zɛɓɛi e ɓɔni Tanja va ga e duoi yee maazu ɣale, velei ɓalaa e ɣɛni luozu la?

15 One sister in North Macedonia name Tanja, stop feeling too scary by thinking about the future blessings. Her parents really go against her when she start studying the Bible. She say: “Some of the thing them that I was scare of, happen to me. My ma use to beat me after every meeting. My parents say they will kill me if I become Jehovah Witness.” Finally, Tanja parents put her out of the house. Wetin she do? She say: “I focus on how I will be happy forever if I stay faithful to Jehovah. I also think on how Jehovah will bless me in the new world for anything I lost in this world and how all the bad thing them will be gone forever.” Tanja remain faithful. And with Jehovah help, she was able to find place to live. Today, Tanja marry to one faithful brother and they happy serving in full-time service together.


16. Faitiɛ Luki 21:26-​28 yɛpɛi e vile ba ta ɣɛna ɣɛɛzu, zɛɓɛi ya ɓɔ de va ga de mɛ lɛ luo?

16 During the great tribulation, plenty people will “faint out of fear.” But God people will be brave and remain faithful. (Read Luke 21:​26-28.) Why we will be brave? Because we already na learn to put our trust in Jehovah. Tanja who we talk about before say, the thing them that happen to her before, helping her to go through other serious problems. She say: “I na learn that Jehovah can help us to go through any situation and he can bless us. Sometime it can be looking like other people controlling things, but to talk the truth, Jehovah get power pass them. And even though the trial can be hard, it will end.”

17. Kwenagi 2024 ma yɛpɛ wũgi ɣa vaazu ɓɔsu de va ɣɛ le? (Wɛlɛ footei va kɔlɔi nii wulu vɛ.)

17 Today, to feel scary that normal thing. But like David, we can do our best to not allow fear to control us. Our 2024 yeartext coming from David prayer to Jehovah: “When I scary, that you I can trust.” (Ps. 56:3) One report on the Bible talk about this verse. It say, “David was not thinking about the things that make him scary or his problem them but he depend on Jehovah to save him.” Think about our yeartext in the month them that coming, especially when you going through situation them that make you scary. Take time to think on the thing them Jehovah do way back, the thing them he doing now-now, and the thing them he will do in the future. Then, like David, you can say: “In God I put my trust; I am not afraid”—Ps. 56:4.

The sister thinking on the yeartext after one disaster happen (See paragraph 17)


  • fai niitiɛ ma Jehova kɛɛ?

  • niitiɛ ma Jehova kɛɛzu siɛgi nii ma?

  • fai niitiɛ ma e vaazu ɛɛzu?

GUI 33 Throw Your Burden on Jehovah

a You can find information on jw.org that can make your faith strong by typing “imitate their faith” or “experiences” in the search area. In the JW Library® app, look under the article series “Imitate Their Faith” or “Life Stories of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

b We change some name them.

d WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING: David think on how Jehovah help him to kill the bear, how Jehovah was using Ahimelech to help him, and how Jehovah will make him king in the future.

e WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING: The brother who in jail because of his faith thinking on how Jehovah help him to stop smoking, how Jehovah using the letters from brother and sister them to help him, and how Jehovah will give him everlasting life in Paradise.