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SONG 19 The Lord’s Evening Meal

You Stay Ready Fo Da Mos Importan Day Of Da Year?

You Stay Ready Fo Da Mos Importan Day Of Da Year?

“From now, tink bout me erytime.”​—LUK 22:19.


We go look how come da Meeting Fo Rememba stay so spesho, how we can make ready fo um, an how we can help oddas fo be dea.

1. How come da Meeting Fo Rememba is da mos importan day of da year? (Luke 22:19, 20)

 DA MEETING Fo Rememba Wen Jesus Had Mahke is da mos importan day of da year fo Jehovah’s peopo. Az da ony event Jesus wen tell his followas dey gotta do. (Read um Luke 22:19, 20.) We get plenny reasons fo look forward to da Meeting Fo Rememba. We go check out some of um.

2. Wass some reasons we look forward to da Meeting Fo Rememba?

2 Da Meeting Fo Rememba help us fo tink good about how importan da ransom stay. It remind us of ways we can show we tankful fo wat Jesus wen do. (2 Cor 5:14, 15) Is good too cuz give us chance fo share “good kine words” wit oua braddahs an sistahs. (Rome 1:12) Ery year, plenny braddahs an sistahs dat no go meeting regula, come. Cuz a da love an aloha dey wen get at da Meeting Fo Rememba, some wen choose fo come back to Jehovah. Choke peopo like wat dey see an hear an dat make dem like start studying da Bible. All dis make da Meeting Fo Rememba real spesho to us!

3. How da Meeting Fo Rememba bring oua braddahs an sistahs all ova da world togedda? (Go look da picha.)

3 Anodda reason da Meeting Fo Rememba is spesho is dat it bring oua braddahs an sistahs all ova da world togedda. Witnesses Fo Jehovah hui up az da sun go down aroun da world. We all hear one talk dat show jus how importan da ransom. We sing two songs fo tell good kine tings, pass da bread an da wine, an from da heart say “amen” to four prayers. In about 24 hours, all local huis going go do da same ting. Try tink how happy Jehovah an Jesus feel fo see us all ova da world show dem respeck lidis.

Da Meeting Fo Rememba bring togedda oua hui all ova da world (Go look numba 3) f

4. Wat we going talk about in dis lesson?

4 In dis lesson, we going talk about dese questions, How we can make oua heart ready fo da Meeting Fo Rememba? How we can help oddas fo see az good fo dem? An how can we help oua braddahs an sistahs dat wen stop coming meetings? Da ansas to dese questions going help us fo be ready fo dis supa importan meeting.


5. (a) How come we gotta tink how importan da ransom stay? (Songs Fo God 49:7, 8, NWT.) (b) Wat you wen learn from da video How Come Jesus Had Mahke?

5 One of da mos importan ways we can make oua heart ready fo da Meeting Fo Rememba is by tinking about how importan da ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ stay. No moa notting we can do fo save ouaselfs from sin an death. (Read um Songs Fo God 49:7, 8, NWT; go look da video How Come Jesus Had Mahke?) a Wen Jehovah wen set um up fo Jesus give his life fo save us, dat was one big sacrifice fo Him an His boy make. (Rome 6:23) Da moa we tink hard about wat Jehovah an Jesus wen give up fo us, da moa we going be tankful fo da ransom. We go check out some of da tings dat da ransom wen cost Jehovah an Jesus. But firs, wat wen take fo pay da ransom?

6. Wat had fo happen in da ransom?

6 One ransom is one price somebody pay fo buy someting back. Da firs man, Adam, was perfeck wen God wen make him. Wen he wen sin, he wen give up da chance fo live foeva, fo him an all his keiki too. Fo buy back wat Adam wen lose, Jesus wen give up his own perfeck life az one sacrifice. Da whole time he was alive on top da earth, Jesus “neva do notting wrong. Nobody hear him bulai eva.” (1 Pet 2:22) Da time he wen mahke, Jesus’ perfeck life wen cova da cost fo da life Adam wen lose.​—1 Cor 15:45; 1 Tim 2:6.

7. Wat kine tests Jesus wen face wen he was on top da earth?

7 Wen he was on top da earth, Jesus wen lissen and do eryting Jehovah tell um, even wen was hard fo do um. Jesus was one perfeck kid an his parents no was perfeck, but still yet he wen lissen dem. (Luk 2:51) Wen he was one teenaga, maybe he had fo push back any kine presha fo no lissen his parents o Jehovah. An wen Jesus was one man, he had fo stan up agains Satan da Devil, who wen tempt him fo sin an even told um straight up fo no be loyal to God. (Mat 4:1-11) Satan wen go all out fo try make Jesus sin so he no could pay da ransom.

8. Wat odda kine tests Jesus had fo hando?

8 Wen Jesus was preaching on top da earth, he had fo hando even moa tests. His enemies wen go agains him an wen even try fo kill um. (Luk 4:28, 29; 13:31) He had fo deal wit his followas wen dey wen jam up. (Mar 9:33, 34) Even wen he was on trial fo his life, peopo wen torture an make fun of him. Den dey wen make him suffa plenny an kill him jalike he was one crook. (Heb 12:1-3) He had fo hando da las part of his trial all by himself, witout Jehovah fo proteck him. b​—Mat 27:46.

9. How we feel about Jesus’ sacrifice? (1 From Peter 1:8)

9 Can see Jesus wen suffa plenny fo give da ransom. Oua love fo Jesus come moa strong wen we tink about all da tings he wen give up fo us.​—Read um 1 From Peter 1:8.

10. Wat da ransom wen cost Jehovah?

10 Wat Jehovah was willing fo give up so dat Jesus could pay da ransom? Jehovah an Jesus get da closest relationship dat one faddah an son could eva have. (Smart Guys 8:30) So den, try tink how Jehovah wen feel wen he had fo see all da tings Jesus had go thru wen he was on top da earth. Fo shua, musta hurt Jehovah plenny fo see peopo rejeck his Boy, treat him bad, an fo see him suffa.

11. Try tell one exampo dat show how Jehovah had feel wen dey wen kill Jesus?

11 Fo shua one parent whose keiki wen mahke know how soa feel inside fo lose dem. We get strong faith dat da peopo dat wen mahke going come back alive, but dat no hemo da pain we feel wen somebody we love mahke. Dis help us fo see how Jehovah probly had feel fo watch his Boy suffa an die in 33 C.E. c​—Mat 3:17.

12. Wat we can do in da weeks befoa da Meeting Fo Rememba?

12 Between now an da Meeting Fo Rememba, try learn some moa about da ransom wen you study fo yoaself o in ohana worship. Use da Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses (if you get um in yoa language) o odda Bible study tools fo dig moa deep about da ransom. d Make shua fo follow da Meeting Fo Rememba Bible reading schedule dat stay in da Live, Preach, An Teach Jalike Jesus​—Meeting Book. An on da day of da Meeting Fo Rememba, no foget watch da spesho Morning Worship program. Wen we make oua heart ready fo da Meeting Fo Rememba, we going be able fo help oddas see how az good fo dem too.​—Ezra 7:10.


13. Wass da firs ting we can do fo help oddas see da Meeting Fo Rememba is good fo dem?

13 How we can help oddas fo see how come da Meeting Fo Rememba is good fo dem? Firs, we gotta invite um. On top of da guys we talk story wit wen preaching, we can even make one list of all da peopo we know fo invite dem too. Can be oua ohana, guys we work o go school wit, an oddas we know. Even if we no moa enuff paypa invites, we can share da link to da electronic one. Who knows how much of dem going come!​—Teacha 11:6.

14. Try tell wat can happen wen you invite somebody you know.

14 You donno wat going happen wen you invite somebody you know. One day, one sistah whose husband no stay one Witness was shock wen he wen tell her he was going go wit her to da Meeting Fo Rememba. How come she was shock? Cuz choke times befoa, she wen ask him fo come, but he neva. Wat wen make um diffren dis time? He tell, “Somebody wen invite me.” One local elda he had know wen invite him. Da husband wen go dat year an fo plenny years afta dat.

15. Wat we like tink about wen we invite peopo to da Meeting Fo Rememba?

15 Try rememba dat da guys we invite might have questions, speshly if dey neva go one of oua meetings befoa. Az good fo tink wat kine questions dey get befoa time an make ready fo ansa um. (Col 4:6) Like, some might tink, “Wat going happen ova dea?” “How long going be?” “Wat we going wear?” “I gotta pay fo go, o wat?” “Dey going make me donate wen I stay dea?” Wen we invite somebody to da Meeting Fo Rememba, we can ask dem, “You get any questions?” an den ansa um. An we can show dem da videos Jesus’ Death, No Foget Um an Wat We Do At Our Meeting Place? fo help dem undastan how da meetings go. An we can share lesson 28 of da You Can Live Good Foeva! Book dat get plenny good kine tings in dea.

16. Wat odda kine questions da peopo who wen go da Meeting Fo Rememba might have?

16 Afta dey go da Meeting Fo Rememba, da new peopo who like learn some moa might have odda questions. Maybe dey like know how come nobody wen eat da bread an drink da wine, o why ony litto bit peopo wen do um. Maybe dey tinking how many times we get dis Meeting. And maybe dey like know if all meetings fo Witnesses Fo Jehovah stay lidis. Even if da Meeting Fo Rememba talk awready wen tell about dese tings, maybe we need fo help guys who come fo da firs time undastan um moa clear. Da article on top wit da title “Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Observe the Lord’s Supper Differently From the Way Other Religions Do?” can help us ansa some of dea questions. We like try wateva us can, befoa, during, an afta da Meeting Fo Rememba, fo help “da peopo wit da right kine attitude” fo see how az good fo dem.​—Jesus Guys 13:48.


17. How eldas can help da guys who wen stop going meetings? (Ezekiel 34:12, 16)

17 Aroun da time of da Meeting Fo Rememba, how eldas can help da guys who wen stop going meetings? Show dem dat you kea about dem. (Read um Ezekiel 34:12, 16.) Befoa da Meeting Fo Rememba, make shua fo try contack az many az can. Tell dem dat you kea about dem an you like help dem. Invite um fo come da Meeting Fo Rememba. If dey do come, show dem plenny aloha. Afta da Meeting Fo Rememba, keep in touch wit dese braddahs an sistahs, an give dem wateva kine help dey need fo come back to Jehovah.​—1 Pet 2:25.

18. How all us can help oua braddahs an sistahs who wen stop going meetings? (Fo Da Rome Peopo 12:10)

18 Erybody in da local hui can help da guys who wen stop going meetings, but who wen go da Meeting Fo Rememba. How? By showing love, respeck, an being nice to dem. (Read um Fo Da Rome Peopo 12:10.) Try rememba maybe was hard fo dese braddahs an sistahs we love come back meetings. Maybe dey was sked of wat peopo in da local hui might tell dem o tell about dem. e So no ask dem questions dat might make dem come shame o say someting dat might hurt dem. (1 Tess 5:11) Dese braddahs an sistahs worship Jehovah too, so we stay happy fo worship togedda wit dem again!​—Songs 119:176; Jesus Guys 20:35.

19. How az good fo us rememba wen Jesus had mahke?

19 We stay tankful dat Jesus wen tell us ery year fo rememba wen he had mahke. Wen we go da Meeting Fo Rememba, we see how is good fo ouaselfs an oddas in plenny ways. (Isa 48:17, 18) Oua love fo Jehovah an Jesus grow moa strong. We show we tankful fo wat dey wen do fo us. We come moa close to oua braddahs an sistahs. Maybe we can help oddas learn how dey can get da blessings dat come from da ransom too. So den, we go do eryting we can fo make ready fo dis year’s Meeting Fo Rememba, da mos importan day of da year!

HOW WE CAN . . .

  • make oua heart ready fo da Meeting Fo Rememba?

  • help oddas fo see az good fo dem?

  • help oua braddahs an sistahs who wen stop going meetings?

SONG 18 Mahalo Plenny Fo Jesus Life

a Fo find da articles an videos inside dis lesson, go an type da title in da search bar.

b Go look da article “Questions From Readers” in da April 2021 magazine of The Watchtower.

d Go look da box “ Tings Fo Look Up.”

e Go look da pichas an da box “ How Da Local Hui Wen Ack?” One braddah dat wen stop going meetings stay sked fo go inside da Meeting Place, but he go anyway. Da braddahs an sistahs show him plenny aloha an he stay happy fo be dea wit dem.

f WAT DA PICHAS STAY ABOUT: Wen Jehovah’s peopo have da Meeting Fo Rememba in one part of da world, dea braddahs an sistahs in odda parts of da world make ready fo dat spesho event.