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SONG 27 God Show Us Da Guys He Choose

“No Way I Goin Bag From You”!

“No Way I Goin Bag From You”!

Cuz God da One tell, “No way I eva goin leave you! No way I goin bag from you!””​—HEB 13:5b.


Dis is fo help God’s peopo on earth know fo shua dat He not going bag from dem wen He take all da anointed Christians to heaven.

1. Wen all da anointed going be in heaven?

 FO LONG time, Jehovah’s peopo like know, “Wen da las anointed Christians going get taken up to heaven?” Befoa time we wen tink some of da guys God wen pick fo go heaven was going live in Paradise on top da earth fo litto bit afta Armageddon. But in da July 15, 2013 magazine of The Watchtower, we wen learn dat all da anointed ones who still yet stay on top da earth going be in heaven befoa Armageddon start.​—Mat 24:31.

2. Wat question some guys might tink about, an wat we going talk about in dis lesson?

2 But maybe some guys wonda, Wat going happen to Christ’s faithful “odda sheeps” on top da earth during da big trouble? (John 10:16; Mat 24:21) Some of da odda sheeps might worry dat dey not going know wat fo do wen dea anointed braddahs an sistahs go heaven. We go look two tings dat wen happen in da Bible dat dey might be tinking about. Den we going talk about why we no need worry.


3-4. Wat some guys might tink, an how come?

3 Some guys might tink da odda sheeps not going worship Jehovah wen da anointed braddahs of Jesus Luna Guys not going be dea fo guide dem. Maybe some Bible stories make dem worry about dat. We go look um two exampos. Da firs, get da Main Pries Guy Jehoiada. He was one solid worka guy fo Jehovah. Him an his wife, Jehosheba, wen proteck one young boy name Joash an wen help um fo worship Jehovah an do good kine tings. Az long az Jehoiada was alive, Joash wen do good. But afta Jehoiada wen mahke, ony fas Joash wen turn bad. He wen lissen to da bad kine leadas an wen bag from Jehovah.​—2 Rec 24:2, 15-19.

4 Da nex exampo is da Christians who wen live afta da year 100. Da las living aposal, John, was good fo plenny Christians cuz he wen help dem hang in dea an keep working fo Jehovah. (3 John 4) Like da odda faithful aposals, John was fighting hard fo proteck da local huis agains da apostate kine tinking dat was spreading. (1 John 2:18; go look da study notes on 2 Tess 2:7, New World Translation.) But da apostate kine tinking wen spread like wildfire afta John wen die. In da years afta dat, da Christian hui wen come all jam up.

5. Jus cuz dose two tings wen happen in da Bible, dat mean da same ting going happen layta on?

5 Jus cuz dose two tings wen happen in da Bible, dat mean dat someting lidat going happen to Christ’s odda sheeps wen da anointed go heaven o wat? Dat time, faithful Christians going bag from wat dey wen learn, jalike Joash, o some apostates, like plenny Christians wen do afta da aposals wen mahke? Nah, no ways going be lidat! We know fo shua dat wen da anointed leave da earth, da odda sheeps going keep worshipping Jehovah da right way an He going take kea dem. How we know dat?


6. Wat three times we going look fas kine?

6 How come we can be shua dat da right way fo worship neva going get jam up, even wit da hard times dat going come? Cuz da Bible tell da time we live in is supa diffren from da time of da Israel peopo an da time afta da aposals had die. So we go look dese three times, (1) Da time of da Israel peopo befoa, (2) da time afta da aposals wen mahke, an (3) oua time, “da time . . . wen God goin make eryting come new.”​—Jesus Guys 3:21.

7. How come da faithful Israel peopo neva lose fight wen da kings an oddas neva do wat Jehovah like?

7 Da time of da Israel peopo befoa. Right befoa he wen mahke Moses wen tell da Israel peopo, “Fo shua afta I mahke, you guys goin jam up eryting real bad, an make eryting come pilau. You guys goin tell ‘Laytas’ to me an no do wat I tell you guys fo do.” (Rules 31:29) Anodda warning Moses wen give dem was if dey wen go agains Jehovah, dey would get kick out. (Rules 28:35, 36) Dose words wen come true o wat? Fo shua. Fo hundreds of years, plenny kings neva do wat Jehovah like an da peopo wen follow dem in bulai kine worship. Cuz a dis Jehovah wen punish da pilau Israel peopo an neva let kings from Israel rule ova dem no moa. (Eze 21:25-27) But wen da faithful Israel peopo wen see wat God tell come true, dat wen help dem no lose fight an keep worshipping Jehovah.​—Isa 55:10, 11.

8. Should shock us dat afta da aposals wen mahke, da way Christians wen worship had come all jam up? Try explain um.

8 Da time afta da aposals wen mahke. Should shock us o wat, dat afta da aposals wen mahke, da way Christians wen worship had come all jam up? No. Jesus wen tell befoa time dat apostate kine tinking was going spread all ova. (Mat 7:21-23, NWT; 13:24-30, 36-43) Da aposals Paul, Peter, an John all wen see dat Jesus prophecy was coming true in dea time. (2 Tess 2:3, 7; 2 Pet 2:1; 1 John 2:18) Soon afta dat, da Christian hui wen come all jam up. Apostate Christians wen come part of Babylon Da Great, dass all da bulai kine religions in da world. One moa time, wat Jesus wen tell befoa wen come true.

9. How da time we live in stay diffren from da time of da Israel peopo befoa an from da time afta da aposals wen mahke?

9 “Da time . . . wen God goin make eryting come new.” Oua time stay diffren from da time of da Israel peopo befoa an from da time afta da aposals wen mahke. Wat oua time stay called? We usually call um, “befo da world goin come pau.” (2 Tim 3:1) But da Bible show dat get one longa, moa importan time dat wen start same time, an not going end until God’s Govament make erybody perfeck an da earth into one paradise. Dis is called “da time . . . wen God goin make eryting come new.” (Jesus Guys 3:21) Wen start in 1914. Wat God wen make new again? Jesus wen come King in heaven. One moa time, Jehovah had one rula fo rep Him dat wen come from faithful King David’s bloodline. But dass not da ony ting Jehovah wen make new again. Right afta dat, Jehovah wen help his peopo worship him da right way. (Isa 2:2-4; Eze 11:17-20) Going get jam up again?

10. (a) Wat da Bible tell about da right way fo worship in oua time? (Isaiah 54:17) (b) How come dese prophecies help us fo no worry?

10 Read um Isaiah 54:17. Try tink about dat prophecy, “No matta wat kine tings peopo make fo fight you guys wit um, dey no goin win”! Dass wat stay happening today. Dese nex good kine words also stay fo oua time, “Me, Da One In Charge, I da One goin teach all yoa peopo. I goin make eryting come plenny good fo dem. You guys goin come solid cuz you stay do da right ting erytime . . . An you no need stay sked no moa. Cuz da tings dat make you sked, no even goin come nea you guys.” (Isa 54:13, 14) Even “da god fo da peopo nowdays,” Satan, no can stop da work dat Jehovah’s peopo stay doing fo teach oddas about Him. (2 Cor 4:4) Da right way fo worship stay back, an neva going get jam up again. Az hea fo stay, foeva. Notting peopo make fo fight agains us going win!


11. Why we know fo shua God’s peopo on earth going get somebody fo help dem wen da anointed go heaven?

11 Wat going happen wen da anointed go heaven? No foget, Jesus is oua Sheep Guy. He da head of da Christian hui. Jesus wen straight up tell, “You guys get ony one Leada. Dass me, God Spesho Guy.” (Mat 23:10, NWT.) Jesus, who stay ruling in heaven, going always kea fo da guys who follow him fo real kine. Cuz Christ stay showing dem wea fo go, da guys who follow him on top da earth no need be sked of notting. Wen dat time come, we donno ery litto ting about how Christ going lead his peopo. So we go check out some exampos from da Bible dat can help us no worry.

12. How Jehovah wen take kea his peopo (a) afta Moses wen mahke? (b) afta Elijah wen get one diffren kuleana? (Go look da picha.)

12 Befoa Israel wen go inside da Promised Land, Moses had mahke. Wat wen happen to God’s peopo? Jehovah wen stop helping his peopo afta dis faithful braddah had mahke o wat? No. Az long dem guys was faithful, Jehovah wen give dem wat dey wen need. Befoa Moses had die, Jehovah wen tell him fo put Joshua in charge fo lead da peopo. Moses was training Joshua fo long time awready. (Egypt 33:11; Rules 34:9) On top of dat, had choke plenny odda guys who stay in charge​—leada guys of tousands, hundreds, fifties, an even tens. (Rules 1:15) God wen take kea his peopo. Someting lidat wen happen to Elijah. Fo long time he had work hard fo help da Israel peopo worship Jehovah. But layta on bumbye, Jehovah wen give him one diffren kuleana, down south Judah side. (2 Ki 2:1; 2 Rec 21:12) So wat den, da faithful peopo in da ten ohanas of Israel had nobody fo help dem? No. Elijah was training Elisha fo years awready. Even had “guys . . . dat stay learn how fo talk fo God,” who wen get training too. (2 Ki 2:7) So had plenny faithful braddahs who was able fo help lead God’s peopo. Da tings Jehovah like fo happen neva stop, an he wen take kea da faithful peopo who worship him.

Moses (left picha) an Elijah (right picha) both wen train somebody dat could lead God’s peopo afta dem (Go look numba 12)

13. Wat Jehovah promise us in Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 13:5b? (Go look da picha.)

13 So wen you tink about dose tings, wat you tink going happen wen da las guys who stay anointed go heaven? We no need wonda. Da Bible show us one simpo trut fo help us no worry, No way Jehovah going eva bag from his peopo on top da earth. (Read um Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 13:5b.) Like Moses an Elijah, da small group of anointed Christians who take da lead today undastan how importan it is fo train oddas. Fo long time awready da braddahs who part of Jesus Luna Guys been training braddahs from da odda sheeps fo take da lead. Like, dey wen put togedda plenny schools fo train eldas, traveling braddahs, Guys Dat Kea Fo Da Branch, Bethel ovaseahs, an oddas. Da braddahs who part of Jesus Luna Guys been training helpas fo kokua dem wit da diffren tings dey take kea of. Right now dese helpas stay doing plenny fo carry da heavy load fo Jehovah’s hui. Dey stay moa den ready fo keep on taking kea of Christ’s sheep.

Jesus Luna Guys wen work hard fo train helpas an fo put togedda schools fo train eldas, traveling braddahs, Guys Dat Kea Fo Da Branch, Bethel ovaseahs, an missionaries all ova da world (Go look numba 13)

14. Wat da main ting we learn from dis lesson?

14 Dis da main ting we learn from dis lesson, Wen da las of da anointed go heaven right befoa da big trouble pau, Jehovah’s peopo on earth not going stop worshipping him. Wen dat time come, one hui of nations da Bible call Gog from Magog going attack God’s peopo. (Eze 38:18-20) But dat not going stop Jehovah’s peopo from worshipping him. Garans he going save dem! Da aposal John wen see someting inside his head of da “uku plenny peopo” of Christ’s odda sheeps. John wen hear dat da “uku plenny peopo . . . come out from da big trouble.” (Jesus Show 7:9, 14) We know fo shua Jehovah going save dem!

15-16. From wat Jesus Show 17:14 tell, wat Christ anointed going do during Armageddon, an how dat help us no worry?

15 Still yet some guys might tink, “Wat about da anointed? Wat dey going do afta dey go heaven?” Da Bible ansa um strait up. It show dat da govaments of dis world going “fight wit God Bebe Sheep Guy.” Dey going lose cuz da Bible tell, “[God Bebe Sheep Guy] going win ova dem.” An who going help him? Da guys who he wen “pick”, “tell dem fo come be his guys”, an “stay tight wit him.” (Read um Jesus Show 17:14.) Who dese guys? Da anointed ones who wen go heaven. Wen da las of da anointed go heaven right befoa da big trouble pau, one of da firs tings dey going have fo do is fight. Ho mean aah, wat dey going have fo do! Some anointed Christians used to scrap wit oddas befoa dey wen come Witnesses Fo Jehovah. Some even used to be army guys. But layta dey wen come fo real kine Christians an wen learn fo live wit aloha. (Gal 5:22, NWT; 2 Tess 3:16) Dey no fight peopo anymoa. But afta dey go heaven, dey going fight wit Christ an his spesho angels, in da las war agains God’s enemies.

16 Try tink! On top da earth, some anointed Christians stay makule an not az strong az dey was befoa. But afta dey come back alive in heaven, dey going be spirit creatures wit choke powa who neva going mahke, fighting side by side wit dea Warrior-King Jesus Christ. Afta da war of Armageddon stay pau fight, dey going work wit Jesus fo help humans come perfeck. Fo shua, dey going help dea braddahs an sistahs on top earth way moa from heaven den dey eva could az humans who no stay perfeck!

17. How we know dat all da guys dat work fo God going be safe during da war of Armageddon?

17 You stay part of da odda sheep? Den wat you gotta do wen da supa importan war of Armageddon start? Jus do dis, Trus in Jehovah an follow wat he tell. Wat you might have fo do? Da Bible tell, “My peopo, go inside yoa room an shut da door. Hide inside dea fo litto bit till Da One In Charge pau come huhu. (Isa 26:20) All of God’s faithful peopo who work fo him, in heaven an on top da earth going be safe during dat time. Like da aposal Paul, we stay shua dat no matta if get “leada guys . . . go agains us, no matta wateva stay happen now o goin happen bumbye . . . No mo notting dat can cut us guys off from da way God love us guys!” (Rome 8:38, 39) No eva foget, Jehovah love you, an he neva going bag from you!


  • wat not going happen?

  • how we know fo shua dat da right way fo worship neva going get jam up?

  • how come we can be shua dat Jehovah going take kea his peopo?

SONG 8 Jehovah Stay Oua Safe Place