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SONG 27 The Revealing of God’s Sons

“I Will Never Abandon You”!

“I Will Never Abandon You”!

“[God] has said: ‘I will never leave you, and I will never abandon you.’”HEB. 13:5b.


This article will encourage God servants on earth that he will not abandon them when all the anointed Christians go to heaven.

1. What time all the anointed will go to heaven?

 WAY back, Jehovah people use to be thinking, ‘What time the last anointed Christian will go to heaven?’ We use to think that maybe some of them will remain on earth after Armageddon and live in Paradise for some time. But we learn in the July 15, 2013 Watchtower that all the anointed who still on earth will go to heaven before Armageddon start.—Matt. 24:31.

2. Sometime, what question we can ask, and wetin we coming talk about in this article?

2 But maybe some of us can ask: Wetin will happen to Jesus “other sheep” who will be serving Jehovah faithfully on earth during the “great tribulation”? (John 10:16; Matt. 24:21) Maybe some of the “other sheep” will worry that they will not know what to do or who will help them and give them direction after the anointed go to heaven. Yor let look at two examples in the Bible that could make them to think like this. Then we will talk about some reasons why we not need to worry.


3-4. Sometime, wetin some of us can be thinking on, and why?

3 Sometime, some of us can be thinking that the other sheep will stop serving Jehovah if the anointed brothers on the Governing Body not on earth again to direct them. Maybe we feel like this because of certain Bible stories. Let talk about two examples. The first example about the High Priest Jehoiada. He was faithful to God. He and his wife, Jehoshabeath, protect Jehoash when he was small boy and help him to be good and faithful king. Jehoash worship Jehovah and did good-good things when the old man Jehoiada was still living. But after Jehoiada die, Jehoash started doing bad-bad things. He listen to the wicked princes and stop serving Jehovah.—2 Chron. 24:​2, 15-19.

4 The next example about the Christians who live after the apostles time. The apostle John was the last apostle to die. Throughout his life, he help plenty Christians to remain faithful to Jehovah. (3 John 4) Like Jesus other apostles, John fight hard to protect the congregation from anybody who was teaching false ideas and bad-bad things. (1 John 2:18; see study notes on 2 Thess. 2:7.) But after John die, plenty Christians in the congregation follow people who were teaching false ideas. During the plenty years that follow, the false teachers started teaching plenty false ideas and allowing bad-bad things to happen in the congregation.

5. What kind na thinking we must not get from this two Bible stories?

5 You think this two Bible stories show that the same thing will happen to Jesus other sheep if all the anointed go to heaven? At that time, you think faithful Christians on earth will leave the training they get, like Jehoash, or follow false teaching like plenty of the Christians after the apostles die? The answer that no! We sure that when all the anointed go to heaven, the other sheep will continue to worship Jehovah the right way and Jehovah will continue to take care of them. Why we can be sure?


6. What the three different times we coming talk about?

6 Why we can be sure that Jehovah people will always worship him the right way, even during the hard time that coming? That because of what we na learn from the Bible about the time we living in now-now. Our time different from the Israelite them time and the time after the apostles die. So let look at this three different times good-good: (1) The time the Israelite them were living way back, (2) the time after the apostles die, and (3) our time, “the times of restoration of all things.”—Acts 3:21.

7. Why faithful Israelites not get discourage when the kings and the people were doing bad-bad things?

7 The time the Israelite them were living way back. Right before he die, Moses tell the Israelites say: “I well know that after my death you will surely act wickedly and turn aside from the way about which I have commanded you.” (Deut. 31:29) Moses also warn the Israelites that if they disobey, Jehovah will drive them from their land to different country. (Deut. 28:​35, 36) You think what Moses say happen? Yes. For long time, most of the kings did bad-bad things that Jehovah not like, and the people follow their bad example. Because of this, Jehovah punish the wicked Israelites and he not allow Israelites kings to rule over them again. (Ezek. 21:​25-27) But when the faithful Israelites saw that the thing Jehovah say came true, it gave them the courage to continue serving Him faithfully.—Isa. 55:​10, 11.

8. You think it must surprise us that the Christian them stop serving Jehovah the right way after the apostles die? Explain.

8 The time after the apostles die. You think it must surprise us that Christians stop serving Jehovah the right way after the apostles die? No, we must not be surprise. Jesus prophesy that false teachings and ideas were coming spread. (Matt. 7:​21-23; 13:​24-30, 36-43) The apostles Paul, Peter, and John say that Jesus prophecy was already happening in their time. (2 Thess. 2:​3, 7; 2 Pet. 2:​1-3, 17-19; 1 John 2:18) After the apostles die, the Christian them stop serving Jehovah the right way. This false Christians became part of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. What Jesus prophesy was happening.

9. How the time period we living in different from the Israelites time and the time after the apostles die?

9 “The times of restoration of all things.” Our time different from the Israelites time. And it also different from the time after the apostles die, when false teachings got plenty in the congregations. How we can call the time period we living in? We can call it “the last days” of this wicked world. (2 Tim. 3:1) But the Bible talk about another time period that more important and long pass the last days. This time period started the same time the last days started. This time period will continue until Jesus Government make human being perfect again and change the whole earth to paradise. We call this time period “the times of restoration of all things.” (Acts 3:21) This time started in 1914. Wetin Jehovah do? Jehovah made Jesus King in heaven. So Jehovah was having ruler to represent Him again, somebody from faithful King David family line. But that kingship was not all that Jehovah bring back. Right after that, Jehovah help his people to start worshipping him the right way again! (Isa. 2:​2-4; Ezek. 11:​17-20) You think Jehovah people will stop worshiping Him the right way again?

10. (a) Wetin the Bible say about worshipping Jehovah the right way in our time? (Isaiah 54:17) (b) Why this prophecies can encourage us?

10 Read Isaiah 54:17. Think about this prophecy: “No weapon formed against you will have any success”! This scripture happening today. The next encouraging words also talking about our time: “All your sons will be taught by Jehovah, and the peace of your sons will be abundant. You will be firmly established in righteousness. . . . You will fear nothing and have no cause for terror, for it will not come near you.” (Isa. 54:​13, 14) Even “the god of this system of things,” Satan himself not get power to stop the preaching and teaching work. (2 Cor. 4:4) Jehovah people worshipping him the right way again, and nothing will ever stop them from worshipping him the right way. They will continue worshipping him the right way forever and ever. No weapon that against us will succeed!


11. Wetin convince us that Jesus will still take care of the great crowd when all the anointed go to heaven?

11 Wetin will happen when all the anointed go to heaven? Remember, Jesus that our Shepherd. He the head for the Christian congregation. Jesus make it clear when he say: “Your Leader is one, the Christ.” (Matt. 23:10) Our King Jesus will never stop doing his work to take care of us. Jesus followers on earth will not be scare of anything because that Jesus leading us. That true, we not know every thing about how Jesus will lead his people during that time. So let talk about some Bible examples that can encourage us.

12. How Jehovah take care of his people (a) after Moses die? (b) after Elijah assignment change? (Also see the picture.)

12 Moses die before the Israelites enter the Promise Land. Wetin happen to God people? You think Jehovah stop taking care of his people after this faithful man die? No. Jehovah use to always take care of them so long they were faithful. Before Moses die, Jehovah tell him to assign Joshua to lead the people. Moses spent long time training Joshua. (Ex. 33:11; Deut. 34:9) Also, they were having plenty capable men taking the lead, like the chiefs of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and even tens. (Deut. 1:15) This men them really take care of God people. That the same thing happen in Elijah case. For plenty years, he work hard to help the Israelites to worship Jehovah. But time came, Jehovah assign him to serve in the south part of Judah. (2 Ki. 2:1; 2 Chron. 21:12) You think Jehovah stop taking care of his people in the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel? No. Elijah been training Elisha for long time. Also, they were having “the sons of the prophets,” who receive training. (2 Ki. 2:7) So there were plenty faithful men to take care of God people. Jehovah continue to fulfill his purpose, and he took care of his faithful worshippers.

Moses (in the left picture) and Elijah (in the right picture), each of them train somebody who was able to lead God people after them (See paragraph 12)

13. What Jehovah promise us in Hebrews 13:5b? (Also see the picture.)

13 From this example them, what you think will happen when all the anointed go to heaven? We not need to worry. The Bible say something that encouraging: Jehovah will never abandon his people on earth. (Read Hebrews 13:5b.) Just like Moses and Elijah, the small group of anointed Christians who taking the lead today, understand that it important to train other people. For long time now, the Governing Body been training some men them from the other sheep to take the lead. For example, they na organize plenty schools to train elders, traveling overseers, Branch Committee members, overseers in Bethel, missionaries and other brothers. The Governing Body their self been training people to help on the different-different committees of the Governing Body. Now-now, this helper them faithfully taking care of plenty responsibilities in the organization. They really-really prepare to continue taking care of Jesus sheep when all the anointed go to heaven.

The Governing Body na work hard to train people to help them. And they also organize schools for training elders, traveling overseers, Branch Committee members, overseers in Bethel, and missionaries all over the world See paragraph 13)

14. From what we been talking about, what the main point?

14 All the thing we been talking, that the main point here: When all the anointed go to heaven near the end of the great tribulation, true worship will continue on earth. We grateful because Jesus will be leading us, so Jehovah people on earth will continue to worship Him faithfully. That true, the group of nations the Bible call Gog of Magog will attack God people. (Ezek. 38:​18-20) But that short attack will fail, it will not stop Jehovah people from worshipping Him. He will surely save them! In one vision, the apostle John saw the “great crowd” of Jesus other sheep. John hear in the vision that the “great crowd” will come “out of the great tribulation.” (Rev. 7:​9, 14) So we convince that Jehovah will save them!

15-16. From Revelation 17:​14, wetin Jesus anointed will do during the battle of Armageddon, and why it encouraging?

15 Still, maybe some people will be thinking: ‘How about the anointed? Wetin they will do when all of them go to heaven?’ The Bible gave the straight answer to this question. It say that the governments in this world will “battle with the Lamb.” But they will lose. The Bible say: “The Lamb will conquer them.” But who will help him? The verse answer. The people who the Bible “called,” “chosen,” and “faithful.” (Read Revelation 17:14.) That who them? That the anointed who will be in heaven! So when all the anointed go to heaven near the end of the great tribulation, one of their first assignments will be to fight. That wonderful assignment! Some of the anointed Christians use to be fighters before they became Jehovah Witness. Some of them even use to be in the army. But later on they became true Christians and learn to be peaceful people. (Gal. 5:22; 2 Thess. 3:16) Then they stop supporting war. But after they go to heaven, they will join Jesus and his holy angels to fight the final war against God enemies.

16 Think about it! When they were on earth, some anointed Christians were old and weak. But when they go to heaven, they will be immortal spirit and powerful. They will join Jesus their Warrior-King to fight. After they finish fighting the war of Armageddon, they will work with Jesus to help people to be perfect. So it clear that they will be able to help their brother and sister them more from heaven than the time they were imperfect on earth!

17. How we know that all God servants will be safe during the war of Armageddon?

17 You part of the other sheep? Then what you will need to do when that very important war of Armageddon start? Do this simple thing: Trust in Jehovah, and follow his direction. What you think it will mean? The Bible say something that can encourage us. It say: “Enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for a brief moment until the wrath has passed by.” (Isa. 26:20) All God faithful servants that in heaven and on earth, will be safe during that time. We convince like the apostle Paul that, neither “governments nor things now here nor things to come . . . will be able to separate us from God’s love.” (Rom. 8:​38, 39) Always remember that Jehovah love you, and he will never abandon you!


  • wetin will not happen to the other sheep?

  • why we can be sure that we will continue to worship Jehovah the right way?

  • why we convince that Jehovah will take care of his people?

SONG 8 Jehovah Is Our Refuge