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We Can Be Happy Wen We Hang In Dea An Wait Fo Jehovah

We Can Be Happy Wen We Hang In Dea An Wait Fo Jehovah

NO CAN wait no, fo da time wen Jehovah hemo all da bad kine tings an make eryting new? (Jesus Show 21:1-5) Fo shua you feel lidat! But not easy fo hang in dea an wait fo Jehovah, speshly wen we getting hard time. Wen you wait fo someting long time, can lose fight.​—Smart Guys 13:12.

Jehovah expeck us fo hang in dea an wait fo his time fo do tings. How come he like us do dat? How us can wait an be happy same time?


Da Bible tell dat Jehovah “stay wait, cuz he stay ready fo do good tings fo you guys. He goin stan up fo show you guys pity an love. Cuz Da One In Charge, he da kine god dat judge da right way erytime. And all da peopo dat stay wait fo him, dey can stay good inside.” (Isa 30:18) Wen Isaiah wen write dis, he was talking to da Jews who was hard head. (Isa 30:1) Fo da Jew guys dat was faithful, dis wen help dem see dat tings was going come out ok bumbye. If we get faith, can be da same fo us too.

So we gotta hang in dea an wait cuz Jehovah stay waiting too. He awready wen pick da time fo wen dis world going come pau an he stay wait fo dat time fo come. (Mat 24:36) Dat time, we going know fo shua dat eryting da Devil tell agains Jehovah an da guys dat worship Him, is all bulais. He going hemo Satan an anybody who back him up, but He going “show [us] pity an love.”

Fo now, Jehovah not going hemo all oua pilikia, but he promise us we still can be happy wen we stay waiting. Isaiah had tell, we can stay good inside wen we wait fo someting good happen. (Isa 30:18) So how us can come lidat? Get four tings dat going help us.


Tink about da good tings dat stay happening in yoa life. King David wen see plenny pilau kine stuff happen. (Songs 37:35) But still yet he wen write, “ No tell notting, jus wait in front Da One In Charge. Hang in dea, an wait fo Da One In Charge take kea you. No come huhu . . . an no let um bodda you wen da peopo make one no good plan an do um.” (Songs 37:7) Dass wat David wen do wen he had tink about how Jehovah wen promise fo help him. An he was supa tankful fo all da good tings Jehovah wen do fo him. (Songs 40:5) If we do da same ting, goin be moa easy fo us wait fo Jehovah.

Talk good about Jehovah ery chance you get. David was probly da one dat wen write Songs Fo God 71, an wen he was waiting fo Jehovah he had tell, “foeva I stay shua you goin do good tings fo me. I goin tell peopo mo an moa dat you da greates.” (Songs 71:14) How he wen talk good about Jehovah? He would tell oddas about Jehovah an sing about him. (Songs 71:16, 23) Jalike David, we can be happy wen we wait fo Jehovah. We tell good tings about him wen we preach, wen we talk story an wen we sing oua songs. Da next time you sing one of oua songs, tink good about da words an how dey make you happy inside

Let yoa braddahs an sistahs help you fo keep going. Wen David wen go thru hard time, “da peopo dat stay tight with [God]” wen help him trus Jehovah moa. (Songs 52:9) Same ting wit us, oua braddahs an sistahs can help us fo keep going, not ony at da meetings o in field service, but even wen we jus hanging out.​—Rome 1:11, 12.

Make oua hope moa strong. Songs Fo God 62:5 tell, “Inside, I stay quiet, wait ony fo God. God da ony one I stay wait fo, cuz I know he goin do someting.” Is importan fo make oua hope strong, speshly if da end neva come wen we had tink was going come. We gotta be shua dat eryting Jehovah promise going happen, no matta how long take. We can make oua hope moa strong wen we study da Bible​—da promises in dea dat wen come true, how eryting inside line up wit each odda, an all da tings Jehovah tell us about himself. (Songs 1:2, 3) An we gotta “pray wit da powa da Good An Spesho Spirit give” so dat we stay tight wit Jehovah wen we waiting fo His promise of da real kine life come true.​—Jude 20, 21.

Jalike King David, we can be shua dat Jehovah watch da guys dat get respeck fo Him an stay tight wit Him. (Songs 33:18, 22) So hang in dea an wait fo Jehovah by tinking bout da good tings happening in yoa life, talking good about Jehovah, letting yoa braddahs an sistahs help you fo keep going, an making yoa hope strong.